ASIGNATURA Value Based Management Máster Universitario en Management y Gestión del Cambio Universidad de Alcalá Curso Académico 2016/17 GUÍA DOCENTE Nombre de la asignatura: Código: Titulación en la que se imparte: Value Based Management 201746 Master Universitario en Management y Gestión del Cambio Departamento y Área de Conocimiento: Economía y Dirección de Empresa Carácter: Créditos ECTS: Elective 6 Curso y cuatrimestre: Profesorado: Dr. Robert Fieten, Director Management Research Team, Cologne (Germany) 2nd year Horario de Tutoría: To be arranged students Idioma en el que se imparte: English Coord. Teresa del Val between professor and English 1. PRESENTACIÓN The governing objective of the modern company is to maximize value for the stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customers and the community). In order to achieve this objective and sustain it into the future modern companies must develop an integrated management framework that aligns strategy, people and systems. In this context value based management (VBM) is the overarching comprehensive framework that can be used to foster focus on value maximisation of all parts of the company with economic profit ((EVA) as a key financial metric. 2. COMPETENCIAS General Skills: 1. Analysis and synthesis capacity 2 2. Ability to apply the knowledge acquired and capacity to solve problems in new or little known environments in broader contexts (multidisciplinary) within one’s field of study. 3. Ability to analyze and seek information from diverse sources. 4. Capacity to take decisions 5. Capacity to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences. 6. Ability to manage with accuracy concepts and business information to identify and diagnose management problems, model them and propose solutions in a reasoned way. Specific Skills. 1. Understanding the philosophy and objectives of value based management esp. in the manufacturing industries 2. Knowledge of the value drivers: Growth, margins, operational excellence, risk management, capital expenditures 3. Knowledge of practical applications of value based management in wellknown industrial groups 4. Understanding the impact of value based management on goal setting, decision making, controlling and performance measurement 5. Understanding the impact of value based management on operational excellence and incentive systems 3. CONTENIDOS Total de clases, créditos u horas Bloques de contenido (se pueden especificar los temas si se considera necesario) Definition/anatomy of value based management 0,5 Defining the system of value drivers and elaborating how to actively manage them 1 Value based management: framework for strategic and operational management: Cases Closing the loop between VBM and operational excellence 4 Roadmap for the VBM journey: Change management within the organization. How to change the mindset and how employees can become entrepreneurs 1,5 4. METODOLOGÍAS DE ENSEÑANZA-APRENDIZAJE.-ACTIVIDADES FORMATIVAS 3 4.1. Distribución de créditos (especificar en horas) Número de horas presenciales: 36 Número de horas del trabajo propio del estudiante: 114 Total horas 150 4.2. Estrategias metodológicas, materiales y recursos didácticos On-site classes Lectures Cases Videos Presentation Tutorial Evaluation Lecture of textbooks and internal papers Internet research Autonomous – Individual and team work Easy 5. EVALUACIÓN: Procedimientos, criterios de evaluación y de calificación a. b. c. Assistance and active participation10% Cases, Presentation, innovative ideas. 50% Written exam o a case exam: 30% In case you do not pass in the regular session then you have the opportunity to retake the final exam in July or September (written exam or case). . 6. BIBLIOGRAFÍA Copeland, T.; Koller, T.; Murrin, J.: Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Valuen of Companies. 3rd Ed., New York 2000 Knight, J. A.: Value Based Management. Developing a Systematic Approach to Create Shareholder Value. New York 1997 Rappaport, A.: Creating Shareholder Value. The New Standard for Business Performance. New York 1986 4 Stewart, B.; Stern, J.: The Quest for Value. The EVA Management Guide. New York 1991 5