Direct From The Heart Of Europe

Direct From The Heart Of Europe
Heading towards wider
he aerospace and defence industries in Europe
currently employ one person for every thousand
European citizens and generate annual sales of €186.8
billion, yet the forecasts for future GDP growth –
according to the latest World Economic Outlook report of
the International Monetary Fund – lie in countries… outside of Europe! On the eve
of European elections this should give us some food for thought. Are we prepared
to face that growing demand? How can we enhance our role on the global scene?
The companies have not been idle – they have actually been preparing for years
and seizing the opportunity to develop new products, entering new partnerships
and markets, adapting to the needs and growing demand in emerging markets.
But in the meantime, have we been able to craft a framework to enhance our
technological leadership? Now that the world has become like a global village,
how do we look after – and further develop – what is our contribution to European
security and prosperity?
The way to address this is to speak with one coherent voice. The answer might
sound obvious but it still represents a huge challenge. To tackle this, the 2014
edition of the ASD Annual Convention that will take place in Prague in April will
gather delegates and representatives from many different horizons: Industry,
Institutions, Policy Making Bodies, Regional and Global organisations. Interesting
and sometimes provocative subjects will be discussed, either formally or
informally, during ASD’s flagship event. And I look forward to seeing you in
February 2014
Volume 5, Issue 1
Inside this issue
ASD Annual Convention & 4D
MarketPlace .................
ASD Annual Reception
Hearing in the European Parliament
on the Arms Trade Treaty
The European Council’s conclusions
on defence ..................
Successful SMI2G Meetings in
Brussels ........................
What’s up at ASD-STAN lately?
TTIP Negotiations Continue
Job Offer:
ASD Civil Aviation Director
EU News .......................
Events ..........................
Jan Pie
ASD Newsletter—February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
Register now!!
ASD Annual Convention & 4D MarketPlace
A 4D test for Policy Makers and Industry
Prague, 23-25 April 2014
What’s in it for you?
 An understanding of Aerospace through the eyes of young engineers and a feeling of what it
could look like in the future
A visit and guided thematic tour of the 4D Market Place built around Ideas – Innovation –
Strategies – Action
The possibility to actively participate in the Knowledge Cafés that will debate on The future of
European defence procurement and The 4D of Aerospace competitiveness: Energy, mobility,
research and skills
The opportunity to take part in the high level round tables on Strengthening European prosperity
and competitiveness: European industry needs versus EU policies and Calling for true reciprocity
in global cooperation
The occasion to boost your network during the Gala dinner in the prestigious Art Nouveau
Municipal House of Prague
Stay up to date by following ASD2014 on Facebook and Twitter:
Convention Sponsors:
ASD Newsletter— February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
Recently Confirmed Speakers:
Speakers & Moderators:
Rolf-Jürgen AHLERS, ASD SMEG Chairman
Claude-France ARNOULD, Chief Executive EDA
François AUQUE, Head of Space Systems, Airbus Defence
and Space
Hester BIJL, Dean, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU
Diego CANGA-FANO, Head of Cabinet Tajani
Norberto CIBIEN, Managing Director, Aerospace & Defence,
Eric DAUTRIAT, Executive Director, Clean Sky JU
Daniel FIOTT, Associate Analyst EU ISS
Valérie GUÉNON, Vice-President Technology Strategy,
Rolf HENKE, Members of the Executive Board, DLR
Jukka JUUSTI, Head of the Resource Policy Department,
Finnish MOD
George KANTERAKIS, Hellenic Ministry of National Defence
Denis KOEHL, Senior Advisor Military Affairs, SESAR JU
Axel KREIN, Senior Vice-President R&T, Airbus
Jean-Bernard LÉVY, Chairman and CEO Thales
Peter LÖFFLER, Member of the Board of EOS (Siemens)
Alessandro PANSA, CEO Finmeccanica
Henrik PETERSSON, Chairman of the ASD Export Control
Committee; Vice-President Export Compliance, SAAB AB
Burkardt SCHMITT, Public Procurement Legislation II, DG
MARKT, European Commission
Gen. Jean-Pierre SERRA, Airbus Defence & Space
Harriët SLAGER, Fokker Technologies
Dušan ŠVARC, Defence & Security Association of the Czech
Luc TYTGAT, Directoir Single Sky, Eurocontrol
Johann-Dietrich WÖRNER, Vice-Chair ACARE, Chairman of
the Executive Board, DLR
ASD Newsletter—February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
ASD Annual Reception
he Annual Reception took place on 29th January in Brussels. Mr. Jan Pie, ASD
Secretary General, would like to take this opportunity to thank all who could attend for
making our Annual Reception a successful networking event.
See all pictures from the event here
ASD Newsletter— February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
Hearing in the European Parliament on the Arms Trade
he European Parliament’s committee on International Trade (ITA) held a public hearing on the
ratification and implementation of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). ASD was invited to
provide the view of the industry in this important debate.
Representing ASD, Gloria Martini, Head of European Affairs, explained that the industry had been
involved in the process from the beginning, contributing with expertise, as well as participating in the
UN negotiations in New York. Moreover, she pointed out that the industry appreciated that it had been
recognised, throughout the negotiations and in the agreed Treaty text, as an important player to raise
awareness and, more importantly in this phase, contribute to the implementation. The close
cooperation with European governments and other stakeholders throughout the different negotiation
phases can be seen as a model for the future.
ASD fully supports the ATT initiative, process and further implementation. The European defence sector
today already operates to higher standards than those specified in the Treaty. However, the Treaty will
level the global playing field and raise the bar for the regulation of the legal trade in conventional arms
globally in many countries that today have little or no control. It is of the highest importance to prevent
diversion of conventional arms to the illicit market and the Treaty will be a key contributing factor to
this task. Furthermore, it is important to create a global level playing field and ASD believes it is key that
EU Member States continue to work hard to get as many UN Members states as possible to swiftly sign
and ratify the ATT since EU Industries operate already to a higher control standard environment.
Watch the video from the hearing here
Gloria Martini, Head of European Affairs, ASD
LATEST NEWS: On February 5 the recommendation, on Authorising Member States to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty
in the interests of the European Union, was adopted in a single vote in the European Parliament.
ASD Newsletter—February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
The European Council’s Conclusions on Defence
“A positive milestone”
BY Olympios Raptis, ASD Defence Manager
013 has been a highly significant year from a European defence industries perspective. The very
fact that Heads of States and Governments met to discuss on the Common Security and Defence Policy,
the development of military capabilities and the industrial policy necessary for the future represents
already a significant development per se.
Overall, our impression is that there are many reasons to label it a “positive milestone”. First and
foremost because the Heads of State and Government acknowledge the need to work collectively and
through the EU structures in the direction of enhancing the competitiveness of the industry and the
improvement of the overall market conditions.
In doing so, they have endorsed among many other valuable inputs the important European
Commission’s Communication issued in preparation of this Council in July last year. Among the positive
features stand out:
The recognition on the necessity for “a well-functioning defence market based on openness, equal
treatment and opportunities and transparency for all European suppliers”. In this frame Industry
welcomes the resolve expressed at the highest level for “the full and correct implementation and
application of the two defence Directives of 2009, inter alia with a view to opening up the market
for subcontractors from all over Europe, ensuring economies of scale and allowing a better
circulation of defence products”.
The emphasis on the EU investments into the future competitiveness through a full-fledged “CSDP
Research” Theme (accompanied by a Preparatory Action in the 2016-2017 timeframe). Industry
welcomes the reinforced role of the European Commission and declares its readiness to contribute
with inputs across the supply chain in the interest of crafting a Programme that will showcase the
EU’s added value in collaborative defence-related Research & Innovation.
The commitment to the delivery of key capabilities through concrete projects by Member States
and also through pooling and sharing. The European Defence Agency’s role is confirmed as the
catalyst in bringing progress in areas such as RPAS, air-to-air refueling, satellite communications and
cyber. Industry stands ready to assist in all efforts to generate the associated roadmaps charting the
way forward.
ASD Newsletter— February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
The will to identify/invite incentives and innovative approaches to promoting more collaborative
programmes, “including by investigating non market-distorting fiscal measures in accordance with
existing European law”.
The explicit mandate to the EDA, the Member States and the European Commission to deliver a
roadmap towards the mutual recognition of military certification between EU Member States. Let’s
not underestimate the importance of this. In military airworthiness, according to the EDA and the
EC, this is adding 50% to the development time and 20% to the costs of development! The civil
sector saw the pan-European application of the “mutual recognition principle” as early as in late
70’s (“Cassis de Dijon” ruling by the European Court of Justice).
Last but certainly not least, it is worth highlighting two more elements adding further to the credibility
of the decisions reached. On the one hand all efforts must aim at building synergies with what NATO has
or is developing already. Moreover, a review of progress made has been scheduled already onto the
agenda of the Heads of State and Governments: mid-2015, meaning only about 1 ½ years ahead.
In practice this means that all stakeholders, including Industry, will have to pool their best ideas and
resources available with a view to helping implement these high-level decisions. “Getting there” will
certainly not be “a walk in the park”, but we, here in the ASD community, look forward to what seems
an exciting period of innovative and incentive policy plans and actions.
Read the European Council 19/20 December Conculsions here
Mr Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the European Council; Ms. Dalia GRYBAUSKAITE, President of Lithuania; Mr José
Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission after the Press Conference following the December Council.
Press: "The Council of the European Union"
ASD Newsletter—February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
Successful SMI2G Meetings in Brussels
s previous years, the Security Mission Information & Innovation Group (SMI2G) organized a
meeting in Brussels on the 23rd and 24th January to exchange information on the first Secure Societies
calls of Horizon 2020 aiming to stimulate networking for the creation of potential ideas and consortia.
SMI2G is an initiative from ASD’s Security R&T committee and EUROTECH Security Research Group.
Holding its first meeting in 2004 the SMI2Gs has now become a yearly event gathering experts all over
Europe. This year it took place at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels (RMA), who kindly hosted and
helped to make the event a success.
Providing a unique opportunity to network, exchange ideas and find partners, the SMI2G meetings have
become the "place to be" for the security (research) sector. With interesting speakers, including
Graham Willmott from the European Commission (DG Enterprise), and an agenda, the SMI2G meetings
attracted over 300 participants from SMEs, Research & Technology Organisations, Academia and
Many participants expressed their satisfaction and commended the format as truly providing an added
value. Its success derives from the fact that is has an “Open Forum”, or “brainstorming”, approach
which makes the meetings highly interactive. The participants are thus invited to provide a short
presentation on potential R&T proposals with the goal to find other interested parties, to exchange best
practices and develop ideas in a collaborative and decentralized manner.
All the presentations made during SMI2G can now be downloaded from ASD’s website, where a
dedicated page has been set-up to meet the huge demand.
Partners and Sponsors of SMI2G:
ASD Newsletter— February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
What’s up at ASD-STAN lately?
SD-STAN is the European Industrial Standardization Organization for Aerospace & Defence,
Affiliated Association to ASD, Associated Body to CEN, Partner on standardization subjects to
EDA, producing European Industrial Standards for Aerospace & Defence for subsequent
publication as EN Standards via CEN-CENELEC, cooperating closely with European and
international organization and agencies.
ASD-STAN is proud to welcome European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as new member. The
close cooperation with EASA on technical standards issues will be further improved and
deepened with EASA now being member of ASD-STAN and participating actively in its business.
Beside the existing membership of French GIFAS, German DIN, British ADS, Italian AIAD, Spanish
TEDAE and Swedish SOFF, EASA membership is expected to bring even more Europe-wide
aspects into the scope of ASD-STAN activities.
ASD-STAN has been mandated by ASD to manage Training on ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical
English. With support from the ASD Product Support Group ASD-STAN has contracted
UNINETTUNO, Italian university located in Rome, for ASD-certified E-learning. The ASD experts
will fill the training content into the technical environment provided by UNINETTUNO who then
will perform the training and issue ASD certificates.
ASD-STAN currently negotiates with the Russian Standardization Organization NIISU on
cooperation and potential membership. Further current negotiations of ASD-STAN are with the
Belgian Standardization Organization NBN towards closer cooperation on standards
development and sales.
The ASD-STAN Board has assigned Dr. Andrea Jain of DLR German Aerospace Center to become
the new Director of ASD-STAN, succeeding Günter Lessmann who will retire end of April 2014.
The early assignment of Dr. Jain will allow for a timely transfer of tasks and duties until his
official start on 1st May 2014.
On the 12th of March Günter Lessmann , Director ASD-STAN, will talk about the European
industries’ view on the future evolution of Defence standardisation at EDA’s Materiel
Standardisation Conference in Brussels
ASD Newsletter—February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
...TTIP Negotiations Continue
fter a 1st Round that looked at the areas of convergence/divergence between the EU and US in the
anticipated 24 fields of negotiation, and the two subsequent Rounds that saw the continuation of the same as
well as some initial negotiating proposals, the architecture of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) is still not completed or even totally clear in any of the foreseen fields, and the list of those
is not closed either. Negotiations on transversal issues such as public procurement and investment are
extremely complex and closely watched by the industry. But in some individual sectors such as automotive,
chemicals, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and textiles, areas of possible regulatory cooperation
are becoming better defined.
It has become clear that an important part of the negotiations would have a positive impact on SMEs, as they
bring about trade facilitation and reduction of costs. It is now an intention to dedicate a specific chapter of the
TTIP to SMEs, which should incorporate long-term development and cooperation of the sector.
In order to better take into account the stakeholders views the European Commission very recently launched a
special advisory group of experts to give fresh input on all issues covered in the negotiations. Having already
met informally to discuss working arrangements, their first full working session will be held on 25 February.
The Commission has also responded to the widespread concerns about the investment protection and dispute
settlement mechanism foreseen in the TTIP by freezing the negotiations on the issue, while preparing a
detailed negotiating position which will be submitted to public consultation in March. ASD will contribute
comments on behalf of its industry.
The EU Commissioner for Trade De Gucht and US
Trade Representative Forman will meet in Washington
on 17-18 February to take stock of the work
accomplished so far and to establish political guidance
and a calendar for the negotiations. As already agreed,
the 4th Round will take place in Brussels on 10th –
14th March.
EU TTIP negotiating team on the civil society dialogue
meeting Picture from Twitter @EU_TTIP_Team
ASD Newsletter— February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
Job Offer
ASD Civil Aviation Director
A central intelligence hub for Aerospace, Defence and Security Industries, where in anticipation of their needs, ASD contributes
to shape EU legislation and policies as well as securing funding opportunities by advocating common positions towards
European Institutions and International organisations for the benefit of European industries and in the collective interest of its
Based in Brussels, the overall role of the Civil Aviation Director is to lead and manage ASD’s Civil Aviation Business Unit in
order to promote and protect the interests of the civil aviation industry it represents, both at European and global levels.
The Civil Aviation Business Unit will develop coherent initiatives and actions in coordination with other top level working
groups, i.e. Business Units and Commissions. The Director will be responsible for progressing and prioritising work between
meetings in order to ensure that the ASD Secretariat develops the highest possible support. He/she will ensure that decisions
taken at the Business Unit and Commissions’ level are properly implemented and percolated through to all reporting bodies.
The voice of the European civil aviation industry, the Civil Aviation Director will identify the areas of common interest and
encourage the adoption of common positions related to them.
In transverse matters such as R&T; Environment; Legal, Economic & Trade; etc. he/she will ensure contribution to ASD’s
transverse working groups in which Civil Aviation is involved by ensuring a balanced presence on their agendas.
He/she will support Civil Aviation industry views vis-à-vis the European institutions and bodies, and vis-à-vis the other
stakeholders of the European and international aeronautics community, taking advantage of the opportunities to foster
coordinated actions and reciprocal arrangements.
The Civil Aviation Director will report to the Secretary General. He/she will manage the ASD staff that supports the various
working bodies reporting to the Business Unit and Commissions in his area of responsibility, and liaises as required with the
other members of the ASD Secretariat. Mandated, in cooperation with the Secretary General of the Association and the
External Affairs Commission, he/she will represent the Association vis-à-vis third Parties in domains under his/her
A senior management position at the executive level, the Civil Aviation Director will:
Have an extensive aerospace industry experience
Be familiar with the EU world and topics related to the EU and global aviation industry. He/she must have an
understanding of the functioning of the European institutions and policy making. Previous experience in lobbying/
regulatory issues is a considerable advantage
Have excellent communication skills and must be fluent in English, both oral and written. A good working knowledge of
French is desirable. Knowledge of any another major European language is an asset
Have excellent leadership skills in order to successfully manage different teams in a multicultural business environment
Be able to work in a positive spirit in the consensus-oriented environment of a European Association and should be willing
to travel extensively.
Please send your CV and motivation letter to Herman Vandenbranden,
The full job description is available on ASD’s website
ASD Newsletter—February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
EU News
Latest EU News: nominations, regulations and other information
of interest for the ASD Community
The Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU
From the 1st January 2014 until the end of June Greece is holding the presidency of the Council of the EU.
The four main priorities for Greece during these six months are:
Growth and jobs
Further integration of the Euro-zone
Migration, border, and mobility
Maritime Policies
Boosting economic growth and jobs is the main focus for the Greek presidency and will, amongst other,
lead the interim evaluation of the “Europe 2020 Strategy”. It will pay particular attention to Industrial
Policy Coordination and ways to increase access to finance for SMEs and other concrete measures to
boost economic growth.
The latest from the European Institutions & Agencies
European Commission, Press Release, EU-ASEAN Aviation Summit proposes "open skies" agreement
European Commission, Press Release, Majority of Europeans think space sector is a source of growth and
contributor to scientific progress
European Commission, Press Release, European Satellite Navigation Galileo services will start at the end of
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), European Aviation Safety Plan 2014-2017
European Parliament, Text Adopted on Authorising Member States to ratify, in the interests of the European
Union, the Arms Trade Treaty
European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Opinion on an aviation ETS
The Council of the European Union, EU–ESA relations
European Defence Agency, MEPs Discuss EDA’s Role in Implementing European Council Conclusions
The Council of the European Union, Competitiveness Council Background note
ASD Newsletter— February 2014, Volume 5, Issue 1
ASD - AeroSpace and
Association of Europe
Security and Defence
industries in Europe.
These industries, in turn,
generate a turnover of
billion euros, employ some
encompass over 2000
companies and 80000
suppliers, many of which
are SMEs.
The essence of the
Association is to provide a
single platform for the
development of joint
positions for the industries
it represents. Adept at
regarding new policies and
development, ASD raises
awareness and promotes
the values and positions of
its members to all EU
All events of interest for the ASD Community.
3 March 2014, European Commission: Opportunities for SMEs under Horizon
2020; "Horizon 2020 is open for business", Brussels, Belgium
4th March 2014, European Commission: High Level Conference on the Future
of the European defence sector: Setting the Agenda for the European
Defence Industry, Brussels, Belgium
5 March 2014, European Commission: Stakeholders hearing on RPAS thirdparty liability and insurance requirements, Brussels, Belgium
4-6 March 2014, World ATM Congress 2014 and following SESAR Events,
Madrid, Spain
6-7 March 2014, Greek Presidency: Safety & Security in Cyber Space: Building
up trust in the EU, Athens, Greece
6 March 2014, European Policy Center: Aviation in Europe: Contributor to
growth and competitiveness?, Brussels, Belgium
10-11 March 2014, European Commission: The 2nd Innovation Convention,
Brussels, Belgium
11 March 2014, European Commission: The SME Instrument in the Transport
Challenge Information Day, Brussels, Belgium
12 March 2014, EDA: Materiel Standardisation Conference, Brussels, Belgium
12-14 March 2014, CEAS: Greener Aviation: Clean Sky breakthroughs and
worldwide status, Brussels, Belgium
27 March 2014, EDA: Annual Conference “European Defence Matters”,
Brussels, Belgium
More events on
ASD - AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe
Rue Montoyer 10
1000 Brussels
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