Sunday Bulletin - St. Andrew Catholic Church

Mass Times
You can find us on:
Vigil and Sunday Mass Schedule
Saturday Evening Mass:
9950 NW 29th Street Coral Springs, Florida 33065
Parish Office: (954) 752-3950 Fax (954) 752-3986
(English) 5:30 p.m. & (Spanish) 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Masses:
(English) 7:30, 9:30 (Children‟s Mass),
11:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.,
and 1:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday 7 a.m., 9 a.m.
Monday - Friday (Spanish) 7 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m.
Parish Information
Saturday (English & Spanish)
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Sunday (Before Mass) 9am, 11am & 1pm
Weekday by appointment only
(please call the office)
Perpetual Adoration in Adoration Chapel
Please contact the Office at least
6 month prior to wedding
Please contact the office in advance.
Baptismal Classes are offered in English
& Spanish.
Faith Direct
Code: FL619
Website: E-mail:
Parish Office Hours
Monday 2pm -5pm; Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am - 5pm;
Saturday 9am - 5pm & Sunday 9am - 3pm
Sign up for Adoration,
Jesus is waiting for you.
Come and visit
Our Lord.
HE is in
Please call:
 Bettina Favata 954-654-5614
 Mary Alice
 Marie Campos 954-341-5350
Don’t Forget!
Confessions are being heard in
the Daily Mass
Chapel every second
Thursday of each
month from 3pm to
5pm. Please make a
note of these new
dates. Thank You.
¡No olviden!
Se oyen confesiones todos los
segundos jueves de
cada mes en la Capilla de Misa Diaria de
3pm a 5pm. Por favor
tomen nota de estas
nuevas fechas.
Parish Staff
Clergy of Saint Andrew
Miss Becky Suchocki
Coordinator of Pre-School
Mrs. Mosi Del Aguila
Stewardship Coordinator
Rev. Bryan Garcia - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Pedro Freitez - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Normando Feliz - (Retired)
Ms. Belinda M. Castañeda
Youth4Christ Minister
Mrs. Shelly Nicoll
Parish Secretary
Permanent Deacons
Rev. Mr. Denis Mieyal
Rev. Mr. Steve Rynkiewicz
Mrs. Kristen Hughes
School Principal
Mr. Yonhatan Londoño - Seminarian
Mrs. Maria Elena Kaplove
Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Souckar
Pastoral Staff
Mrs. Beatriz Castro
Coordinator of Religious Education
Miss Mary Forney
Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Mary Lou Taff
Music Director
Mrs. Susy Herran
Outreach Department
Sunday, November 13th, 2016
7:30am Msgr. Souckar Msgr. Jim Suchocki by Clergy & Staff of Saint
9:30am Fr. Garcia
Michael J. Consavage Jr. by The Magor Family
11:30am Msgr. Souckar In Thanksgiving for Michael & Cathy’s First
Wedding Anniversary by Marlene & Joseph
1:30pm Fr. Garcia
Rogelio y Ana Medina por Ricky y Annie
5:30pm Fr. Garcia
Carol Ann Salazar by Men’s Club
Monday, November 14th, 2016
7:00AM Fr. Garcia
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
9:00AM Msgr. Souckar
Shirley Buehler by Cecile McAlpine
7:00PM Fr. Feliz
Daniel Hernández Jr. por Lucía Hernández
Tuesday, November 15th, 2016
7:00AM Fr. Garcia
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
9:00AM Msgr. Souckar
Carmine Lagnese by Angie Giuliani
7:00pm Msgr. Souckar
Eduardo Ortíz por El Men’s Club
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016
7:00AM Msgr. Souckar
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
9:00AM Msgr. Souckar
Giovanna Castagna by Ed & Eileen Carragee
7:00PM Fr. Feliz
Albino y Trinidad Pedraza por La Familia
Thursday, November 17th, 2016
7:00AM Fr. Fenger
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
9:00AM Msgr. Souckar Shirley Buehler by Jerry & Gail McLellan
7:00PM Fr. Feliz
Elva Visuete por Sus 3 Hijos
Friday, November 18th, 2016
7:00AM Fr. Fenger
Souls in Purgatory by Maria Penagos
9:00AM Fr. Garcia
Theresa y Salvatore Locurto by Daughter in
7:00PM Fr. Garcia
Rafael Américo Alonzo por Su Familia
Saturday, November 19th, 2016
9:00AM Fr. Garcia
Community Mass
5:30PM Fr. Garcia
Mary Guadagnino by Flo Bartoszek & Family
7:00PM Fr. Feliz
Lucila Merchant por Su Hija
Sunday, November 20th, 2016
7:30am Msgr. Souckar Brandon Anthony Scibilia by His Family
9:30am Fr. Garcia
Saint Andrew Parishioners
11:30am Msgr. Souckar Mercedes Rake by Juan & Eliza Díaz
1:30pm Fr. Garcia
Rolando Reyes por Su Madre, Isabel Reyes
5:30pm Msgr. Souckar Javier Gustavo Vasquez Torres by Adriana
Vasquez & Family
Monday, November 14th, 2016
Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel)
Altar Server (6pm - CR # 203)
Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia)
Parish Leaders Meeting (6:30pm - Social
Charismatic Prayer Group (7pm - MPR)
Saint Vincent de Paul (CR # 220)
Why Catholic Group (7pm - CR # 204)
Why Catholic Meeting (7:30pm - CR #
Pastoral Council (7:30pm - Library)
Grupo ¿Porqué ser Católico? (CR # 221)
Youth4Christ Music Rehearsal (7:30pm Church)
Tuesday, November 15th, 2016
Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel)
Children’s Choir Practice (3:15pm Church)
Religious Education (4pm - School)
Religious Education (6pm - School)
Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia)
Grupo Semilla (7pm - MPR)
Men’s Club Board (7pm - Social Hall)
Ensayo del Coro Sabatino (8pm - Church)
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016
Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel)
Hand Bell Rehearsal (3:15pm - Church)
MS Bible Study (6pm - Youth Center)
Cub Scouts (6pm - Social Hall)
Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia)
Legión de María (7pm - CR # 128)
Talleres de Oración y Vida (7pm - CR #
Escuela Biblíca Católica Yeshu’a (7:30pm
- CR # 220)
Reunión Hombres de Emaús (7:30pm CR # 121)
Women’s Council Meeting (CR # 221)
HS Bible (8pm - Youth Center)
Ensayo del Coro del Domingo (8pmChurch)
Thursday, November 17th, 2016
Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel)
Religious Education (4pm - School)
Religious Education (6pm - School)
Knights of Columbus (6pm - MPR)
Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia)
English Choir Practice (7:45pm - Church)
Friday, November 18th, 2016
Rosary Group (8:15am - Chapel)
Santo Rosario (6:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia)
Saturday, November 19th, 201
Rosary Group (8:20am - Chapel)
Religious Education (9am - School)
Marists Gathering (10am - Parish Office)
Rezo de la Coronilla (8:15pm - Capilla/
Sunday, November 20th, 2016
Eucharistic Procession
RCIA (10:30am - CR # 135 & 221)
RICA (11:30am - CR # 121)
Santo Rosario (2:30pm - Capilla/Iglesia)
St Andrew: Sent to Share the Mercy of God
With the kind permission of Archbishop Wenski, we have transferred the feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle
from November 30th to today. This is a special opportunity for us as to reflect on the example of Saint
Andrew who led others to Christ, beginning with his own brother, Simon.
Saint Andrew was one of the twelve Apostles. The Gospel of Saint John tells us that Andrew was a disciple
of John the Baptist and was present when he pointed out Jesus as “the Lamb of God”. Andrew followed
Jesus and “the first thing he did was seek out his brother Simon and tell him, „We have found the
Messiah!‟” (John 1, 36-40). It is Simon who Jesus re-names as Peter and to whom he will entrust the keys of
the Kingdom of Heaven. During the public ministry of the Lord, on one occasion when “a vast crowd kept
following” Jesus and there was a concern as to how to feed them, it was Andrew who presented to the Lord
“a lad who had five barley loves and a couple of dried fish”. Jesus multiplies these simple gifts and feeds the
hungry crowd (John 6, 1-14). When some Greeks (that is non-Jews) approached Andrew and “put the
request to him: „Sir, we would like to see Jesus‟”, he brought them to the Lord (John 12, 20-22). Tradition
holds that Saint Andrew preached the Gospel as far as Romania, Ukraine, Cyprus and Georgia (the country,
not the state!). Because of this, he is highly regarded by the Eastern Orthodox Churches of those areas.
Andrew encountered Christ and led others to Christ.
During this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, we have reflected on the infinite mercy of God and of our
obligation to be “merciful like the Father”. I think it would be fair to say that Saint Andrew lived out the
message of this Jubilee Year. He encountered in Jesus the mercy of God and he dedicated his life to inviting
others to experience the transforming effect of this same mercy. His zeal to share the Gospel should inspire
us to do the same. We don‟t have to travel to faraway places to live out our apostolic calling. Every day
gives us opportunities to be “merciful like the Father” and in so doing we are giving authentic witness to the
Gospel. Our homes, places of work, schools and our community in general can be greatly blessed and
enriched if we were just a little more like Saint Andrew. I invite you to be open to these opportunities during
the week ahead. May the life and prayerful intercession of Saint Andrew, help each of us to bring many to
salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May the Lord bless you and your families with His love!
Monsignor Michael A. Souckar
St. Andrew: Enviado para Compartir la Misericordia de Dios
Con el amable permiso del Arzobispo Wenski, hemos transferido la fiesta de San Andrés Apóstol del 30 de
noviembre a hoy. Esta es una oportunidad especial para nosotros para reflexionar sobre el ejemplo de San Andrés
que llevó a otros a Cristo, comenzando con su propio hermano, Simón.
San Andrés fue uno de los doce apóstoles. El Evangelio de San Juan nos dice que Andrés fue discípulo de Juan el
Bautista y estuvo presente cuando señaló a Jesús como "el Cordero de Dios". Andrés siguió a Jesús y "lo primero
que hizo fue buscar a su hermano Simón y decirle: '¡Hemos encontrado al Mesías!'" (Juan 1: 36-40). Es Simón
quien Jesús lo llama Pedro y a quien confía las llaves del Reino de los Cielos. Durante el ministerio público del
Señor, en una ocasión en que "una vasta muchedumbre siguió" a Jesús y hubo una preocupación acerca de cómo
alimentarlos, fue Andrés quien presentó al Señor "un muchacho que tenía cinco panes de cebada y un Par de
pescados secos". Jesús multiplica estos simples dones y alimenta a la multitud hambrienta (Juan 6, 1-14). Cuando
algunos griegos (que son no judíos) se acercaron a Andrés y "le pidieron: 'Señor, nos gustaría ver a Jesús'", los
trajo al Señor (Juan 12, 20-22). La tradición sostiene que San Andrés predicó el Evangelio hasta Rumania,
Ucrania, Chipre y Georgia (¡el país, no el estado!). Debido a esto, es muy apreciado por las Iglesias Ortodoxas
Orientales de esas áreas. Andrés encontró a Cristo y llevó a otros a Cristo.
Durante este Año Extraordinario Jubilar de la Misericordia, hemos reflexionado sobre la infinita misericordia de
Dios y de nuestra obligación de ser "misericordiosos como el Padre". Creo que sería justo decir que San Andrés
vivió el mensaje de este Año Jubilar. Él encontró en Jesús la misericordia de Dios y dedicó su vida a invitar a
otros a experimentar el efecto transformador de esta misma misericordia. Su celo por compartir el Evangelio debe
inspirarnos a hacer lo mismo. No tenemos que viajar a lugares lejanos para vivir nuestra vocación apostólica.
Cada día nos da la oportunidad de ser "misericordiosos como el Padre" y, al hacerlo, damos auténtico testimonio
del Evangelio. Nuestras casas, lugares de trabajo, escuelas y nuestra comunidad en general pueden ser grandemente bendecidos y enriquecidos si fuéramos un poco más como San Andrés. Les invito a estar abiertos a estas
oportunidades durante la próxima semana. Que la vida y la oración de intercesión de San Andrés, ayuden a cada
uno a llevar a muchos a la salvación en Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor.
¡ Qué el Señor lo siga bendiciendo a usted y a su familia con Su amor!
Monseñor Michael A. Souckar
Eucharistic Procession
Sacramentum pietatis. Signum unitatis. Vinculum caritatis.
Your are cordially invited to participate in the annual Eucharistic Procession at
Saint Andrew Church on Sunday, November 20th, the Solemnity of Christ the King,
after the 1:30pm Mass.
Let us join with our Holy Father Pope Francis and Catholics around the world to mark
the conclusion of the Year of Mercy by giving public witness to our Catholic identity and
our devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
Procesión Eucarística
Sacramentum pietatis. Signum unitatis. Vinculum caritatis.
Usted está cordialmente invitado a participar en la Procesión Eucarística Anual en la Iglesia
de Saint Andrew, el domingo 20 de noviembre, Solemnidad de Cristo Rey, después de la misa
de la 1:30pm.
Unámonos a nuestro Santo Padre Francisco y a todos los católicos alrededor del mundo para
concluir el Año de la Misericordia dando una muestra pública de nuestra identidad católica y
nuestra devoción al Santísimo.
Families for Christ
pondering our vocation to Family Life, prayer, fellowship and service. We will gather the 2nd Sunday of
every month and begin our gatherings with the 9:30
AM Liturgy, followed by discussions and activities on
a specific topic in the multi-purpose room.
Our first topic will be:
Families for Christ is a ministry for the entire family,
inclusive of all ages. The gatherings will consist of
For more information, please contact
Millie Lopez 954-825-7283
Parish Mission Statement
Saint Andrew Catholic community draws its identity and strength from the Eucharist as it grows in the faith
through sacred worship, living the joy of the Gospel, and lifelong catechesis. The parish family, guided by the
Holy Spirit and within the communion of the Catholic Church, serves as the light of Christ by practicing compassion, serving the poor and needy, and continuing the tradition of Catholic education in its parochial school. Saint
Andrew Parish shares God’s love and mercy across intergenerational and multicultural lines, celebrates the diversity and gifts of its members, and always seeks first the Kingdom of God.
Misión de la Parroquia
La comunidad católica de Saint Andrew obtiene su identidad y su fortaleza de la Eucaristía,
creciendo en la fe mediante la adoración sagrada, el vivir la alegría del evangelio, y la catequesis permanente.
La familia parroquial, guiada por el Espíritu Santo y en comunión con la Iglesia Católica, lleva la luz de Cristo,
actuando con compasión, sirviendo a los pobres y necesitados, y continuando la tradición de la educación católica en su escuela parroquial. La parroquia de Saint Andrew comparte el amor y la misericordia de Dios a través
de todas culturas y generaciones, celebra la diversidad y los dones de sus miembros, siempre buscando primero
el Reino de Dios.
Common Place
Young adult fellowship
Sponsored by:
St. Andrew Catholic Church & Youth4Christ
Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Please use your envelopes. They are the
principal source of Parish Support
Please Keep Our Service
Men & Women
in Your Prayers
Brian Feehley
Tommy Simmons
Jennifer Carns
Laura Lee Flannery
Jonathan Hall
Michael Mannarino
William Antczak
Matthew Imm
Joseph Andersen
Please call the office
954.753.3950 if you have a friend
or loved one in the military that
you’d like to add to the prayer list.
Help Your School
Save The Environment
Donate Your Used Cell Phone &
Print Cartridges.
Our School is conducting an electronic waste recycling fundraiser.
Please help support our school protecting the environment by Donating
items such as: empty cartridges, used
cell phones,
and small electronic devices.
We greatly appreciate your support!
Youth4ChristWeekly Events
Every Wednesday:
Mass Schedule
6 pm – Middle School Bible Study
8 pm – High School Bible Study @ Youth Center “the CAVE”
in School
7 pm – Time with Our Lord in Adoration @ Eucharistic
Adoration Chapel
Every Sunday:
5:30 – Family Mass
6:45 – YNight!
Common Place Coffee House - YOUNG ADULT
Fellowship Sat Nov 19 7:30 pm @ Social Hall
9:00 am…..………….....Fr. Garcia
10:30 am………....Msgr. Souckar
No Misa a las 7:00 pm
Cathedral of
Saint Mary
Holy Door of Mercy
A group of pilgrims from Saint Andrew Parish
visited the Cathedral of Saint Mary in Miami and
entered the Holy Door of Mercy
Un grupo de peregrinos de la Iglesia de Saint
Andrew visitaron La Catedral de Santa Maria en
Miami y pasaron la Puerta Santa
de la Misericordia.
SACCW Collection for Frontline Faith Project
A project of Mary‟s Touch and supported by the Knights of
 MP3 players pre-loaded with the Mass, message of Bishop
Fulton Sheen speaking at West Point graduation, the rosary, prayers
from children and families given to active duty men and women.
 Taking the message of God to our military, as there is a shortage
of chaplains – many do not see a priest or celebrate Mass for
 Cost - $24 will place a Frontline Faith player in the hands of a
U.S. military man or woman, however any amount is welcome!
 Your donations allow us to continue to send “care packages for
the military person‟s soul.”
Some of the feedback received:
“Thank you for sending the players. We‟ve been without a priest on base, and I have found this very helpful.
Thanks again.” S. Wozniak – Soldier
“Please keep us in your prayers as we minister to our soldiers and their families. We in turn, will keep you in our
prayers as you seek innovative ways to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth.” Father Issac Opara – Catholic Community Chaplain
For more information, go to or
“Evangelization is the mission of the church, not just of a few, but my, your, our mission.”
~ Pope Francis
Preschool Substitute Teachers Needed!
Saint Andrew Preschool is looking for adults for our preschool substitute list. You must be
Safe Environment compliant through the Archdiocese of Miami, and to have or be working toward
your 45 hour training through the Department of Children and Families.
For more information, please contact: Becky Suchocki at or
at (954)905-6374.
4 oz. plastic soufflé cups
Large Chafing Dishes
Large coolers
Large capacity plastic buckets
Wish List
In preparation of our eighth Annual
Carnival, we are in need of the following
items. If you can donate any of these items,
please email or drop
off at the Church Office or School Office.
You may also drop off at the carnival table
in front of the church after all the masses
the weekend of January 21-22 or in the
school office the week of the carnival.
Thanks for your generosity in helping to
make this event a huge success.
Food Prep/Service Items
Ziploc bags (gallon and sandwich size)
Paper food trays (3 lbs & 5 lbs.)
Plastic forks, knives and spoons
9” Paper Plates (no foam plates)
18” heavy duty aluminum foil
18” Plastic Wrap
Paper Towels
16 oz. cups
To close out the celebration of the
Holy Year of Mercy, on
November 19, 2016, Pope Francis will
elevate seventeen bishops to the rank
of cardinal, including three American
 His Eminence,
Cardinal Blase J. Cupich
Archbishop of Chicago
 His Eminence,
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin
Archbishop of Indianapolis
 His Eminence,
Cardinal Kevin J. Farrell
Bishop Emeritus of Dallas
Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity,
Family and Life
Vegetable oil
BBQ Sauce
#10 cans sauerkraut
#10 cans Cheese Sauce
#10 cans of relish
Bottle water
Canned soda (coke products)
6” Hot dog buns
4” Hamburger buns
Individual bags of chips – snack size
Saint Andrew
Outreach Department
Thanksgiving Drive
10-23-16 to 11-18-16
Thanksgiving Baskets will
be distributed ONLY on
Saturday, November
from 9am to 11am in the
Social Hall
Clean Up Items
55/60 gallon heavy duty garbage bags
New bags of rags
Latex rubber gloves (large and medium)
Dish Soap
Gallons of bleach
God’s blessings to each
and all.
Around the Diocese
St. Joseph’s Retirement Residence
A caring Assisted Living facility, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Miami, offering newly furnished apartments or suites,
24/7 nurse on duty and emergency pull
cord systems. We provide three delicious
meals served daily in our dining room,
weekly housekeeping and laundry, plus a
full-time Activities Director. We also offer
assistance in bathing, dressing, and monitoring medications.
The Residence has a beautiful chapel offering scheduled and private worship for all
faiths. All this for a reasonable monthly
Call for more information: 954-739-1483
Archdiocese of Miami Development
Corporation Planned Giving
Do you have an appreciated asset that
you would like to turn into income
today, but you don‟t want to pay the
capital gains taxes? You have options. Contact the Office of Planned
Giving at (305) 762-1110 or visit us
on the web at
¿Tiene usted un activo apreciado que le gustaría
convertir hoy en ingresos, pero sin tener que pagar
los impuestos sobre las ganancias de capital? Usted
tiene opciones. Póngase en contacto con la Oficina
de Donaciones Planificadas llamando al (305) 7621110 o visítenos en la web en
Chaminade-Madonna College
Preparatory Entrance Exam
Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 7:45am
500 East Chaminade Dr, Hollywood, FL 33021.
To register for our Entrance Exam , please visit our
website at, or for
more information, please call our Admissions Director, Ms. Tainah Georges at (954) 989-5150 ext.
Saint Andrew Parish Prays for The Sick ...
The Sick
Adam Dietsch
Adele Gerstman
Aida Rivadeneira
Alan Flashner
Alexandra Murgado
Alfred Gertz
Alida Rivera
Alison Pinsley
Amy Anderman
Ana Castañón
Ana Milena Mera
Ana Ribeirinho
Andrew Sookoo
Angela Chandley
Angela Valentín
Angie Cruz
Anita Grande
Annie Russell
Anthony Ribeau
Arlen Erdmann
Arthur Hupert
Arthur Skinner
Austin Werths
Aurora Correa
Barbara Anderson
Barbara Matalon
Blanca Cruz
Baudelina Santamaria
Becky Tooley
Berta Martin
Beth Flashner
Bill Fisher
Bill Rugg
Brenda Monteleone
Brenda Hufstetler
Brian Thomas Green
Brianna Stribling
Brock Lerner
Bruce Haber
Carol Ann Beaudoin
Carol Ann Wakefield
Carmen Meyers (Infant)
Carmen Rivas
Carol Foster
Carol Slotwinski
Catalina Cruz
Catherine Benoit
Cathy Bowen
Cathy Carns
Cathy Transue
Cauleen Dolan
Charles Nye
Cheri Kostigen
Chris Rizzo
Clifford Lee Flannery
Dalma Piper
Daniel Delgado
Daniel Francis Ryan
Darlene Irwin
Darvy Ceron
David Scheuerman
Dawn Johnson
Debbie Erdmann
Debbie Kaminski
Denise DiCarlo
Denise P.
Denise Walsh
Desiree Perron
Diane Pinsley
Diego Blandon
Dolores Armstrong
Donald Perron
Doni Judkowitz
Donna McGlade
Donna Silvia
Dori Minnelli
Doris Vicmudo
Dorothy Mirarchi
Dorothy Savage
Drew Bevis
Dylan Perron
Edith Guardiola
Eileen Kelly
Elba R. de Llanos
Eleanor Amico
Elizabeth Rotondella
Ellen Kramer
Emilio Scaglione
Erick Bahand
Ethan Hugins (Child)
Fanny Zumbado
Francesco Donato
Francisco Seda
Fred Epstein
Gabrielle Felix
Gail Dupuis
Gail Jacobson
George Carinha
George Rafajko
Gerald Hoppe
Geri Deloughery
Gerry Oberg
Glenda Lloyd
Gloria Cohen
Gloria Nazzaro
Gloria Stickley
Greg Ougourlian
Halie S. Gerstman
Henry Pouliot
Herbert Armstrong
Hernan Cruz
Idania Chang
Iliana Serraseria
Iluminada Hernandez
Ina Gans
Irene Stuparitz
Itala Sibille
Iliana Serra
Ivan Reich
Jack Burruano
Jack Spitzer
James Crow
James R. Kuiken
James LaSorella
Janet Alberts
Jane Hinkle
Jay Gallagher
Jayne Green
Jeremy Johnson
Jessica Scott
Joan Johnston
Joanne Wentling
Joe Bartezak
Joe Pannullo
Joe Silvia
John Carns
John Carns, Jr
John Greaves
John Lepurage
John McKay
John Rhyne
John Williams
Jorge Armando Machado
Jose Jimenez
Joseph Menno
Joseph Schaeffer
Joshua Henriquez
Jorge Gallo, Jr.
Joyce Strunk
Joy Phillips
Juan D. Gomez (child)
Justin Nuzzo
Kathleen Keyte
Kathleen Wentling
Katy Derner (Child)
Keith Ravello
Kevans Goindoo
Kerry Clemmensen
Kerry Sylvester
Kim O’Connor
Krista Rowland
Laura Candelaria
Laura Ferreira
Laura Rodriguez
Laurent Verret
Laura Lee Flannery
Lawrence Castañón
Ljerka Rebrovic
Libby Aneses
Ligia Chang
Lina Canlas
Linda Alianiello
Linda Ribeau
Lorie Skinner
Louvenia Davis
Lucille Greco
Lucille Dentzer
Lucille Marino
Luisa Triana
Lynn Marion
Lynn Serafin
Lynnette Longo
Madeline Wolner
Mandi Yudman
Manuel Chang
Manuel Ryall
Marcia Taylor
Marisa Faro
Mark Silverman
Marlene Gentile
Maria Carlo
Marie Pegram
Marie Ward
Marshall Hilgendorf
Mary Capps
Mary Crow
Mary Anne Becker
Matthew James
Meghan Scott
Mel Greene
Melanie Huelett
Mery Machado
Michael Keyte
Michelle Canzio
Mike Foster
Mildred Liebovitz
Minelva Nieves
Monica Ayala
Muriel Oggier
Nadarajah Gnanakumaran
Nancy Gerner
Nancy Marsh
Nancy Schuring
Nat Chandley
Nelly Zavaleta
Nicole Seiler
Niko Lalinde
Nina Arlook
Norma Sheber
Olivia Tyler (Child)
Omar Rumbos
Pam Aubertin
Paola Diana Vizcarra
Pat Campbell
Pat Puglisi
Patricia Heiser
Patricia Hoffmann
Patricia Keith
Patricia Kim
Patricia Mostecak
Patricia Scott
Paul Henriques
Peter Vitulli
Philip Branigan, Jr.
Priscilla Drenberg
Rafael Rumbos
Ramón Cruz
Randi Van Der Sloot
Raúl Ríos
Raúl Vértiz
Regina Hammes
Richard Clewell
Richard DiBatista
Rick Cupo
Roberta Finkelstein
Roberto Muñoz
Rochelle Isaacs
Ron Gerner
Ronald Granata
Rosalind Alcana
Roseann Chapparone
Roy Kassebaum
Ruth Oxley
Ryan Kennedy
Sara Uribe
Sarah MacDougall
Scott Oberg
Shirl Scott
Sig Kalinowski
Stephen Keenan
Stephen Grieve
Stephanie Branigan
Sue Connell Brown
Susana Foster
Susan Randazzo
Susie Forbes
Teresa Bellaby
Terry Proscia
Thomas Castello
Todd Wilbanks
Trisha Forte
Veronica Del Solar
Veronica Register
Vinnie Bonvino
Virginia Stein
Viv Nye
Wanda Colopy
Wayne Oxley
Wilfredo Reyes
William Cruz
Willie García
Yolanda Alcaraz
Zephaniah Satahoo
Please let the office know if
you would like to add/
remove a name.
Respect Life Corner
Life Issues Forum: Girl On A Train By Kimberly Baker, Programs and Projects
Coordinator USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities November 4, 2016
help her out. I saw a sense of longing well up in her, and something else: a flicker
of hope in her eyes. I smiled at her and nodded reassuringly. She smiled in return,
and thanked me quietly. That brief encounter was very powerful. It was a small
A few days ago, I was in a crowded metro car during early morning rush hour. At connection, with few words exchanged; but I'll never forget the look of hope in the
one stop a rather ordinary, but nervous young woman boarded. As the train start- girl's eyes. I pray that she was able to reach the maternity home so she will not
ed moving again, she braced herself and then spoke aloud to everyone. She tried have to spend nights on the streets, alone and vulnerable.
to project her voice, with a controlled self-consciousness as she did so. She explained, haltingly, that she had recently become homeless, had nowhere to go, As it gets colder and we approach the holidays, let us especially keep in mind all
and would be grateful for any money or help offered. She hesitated, and then who are homeless and all women facing unexpected pregnancies, especially
added that she had just learned she was pregnant. When finished, she looked young unmarried pregnant women who feel they have nowhere to go, no one to
down at the floor, eyes clouded with uncertainty.
trust. If you know of any women in these circumstances, there are pregnancy help
centers and maternity homes that can offer resources and support. Some homes
I've been riding the metro for several years. This was the first time I have seen a have special programs to help mothers finish their education and get a job. Check
young woman explaining that she was both homeless and pregnant, her words with your parish or diocesan pro-life office about local resources.
faltering as she looked around at the many faces ignoring her. Her entire appearance expressed, in a striking way, someone who was both trying to contain her The more we educate ourselves about what help is available to women in crisis
fear yet summon the courage to express her urgent need. A few people came pregnancies, the more we can be a light to others in dark situations. Even for the
forward, holding out $20 bills, which she accepted with trembling hands. I felt stranger we encounter, it is always possible to offer a bit of hope, no matter how
compelled to do more, to give her something beyond the expectation that she small.
would have to live in the streets and the subway, day by day, begging for money. I
grabbed some paper and jotted down information about a local maternity home.
Respect Life (954) 977-7769
Project Rachel 1-888-456-4673
I offered her the piece of paper. She was startled, then took the paper and read.
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”
She looked back at me, curious. I gently explained how it was a place that could
(Jeremiah 1:5)
Please notify the Parish Office of any changes in your address or phone number.
Remember Saint Andrew Parish in your Estate
Thank you for your Prayer, Service and Generous Giving!!!
Readings for the Week of November 13th 2016
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19: 8, 9, 10, 11; Eph 4:1-7, 11-13;
Mt 4:18-22
Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1; Lk 18:35-43
Saint Albert The Great
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15; Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday: Saint Margaret of Scotland, Saint Gertrude
Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44
The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter
and Paul, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48 or (the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98; Mt 14:22-33
Our Lady on Saturday
Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144; Lk 20:27-40
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of The Universe
2 Sm 5:1-3; Ps 122: 1-5; Col 1:12-20; Lk 23:35-43
Lecturas de la Semana del 13 de Noviembre 2016
Trigésimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Rom 10:9-18; Sal 19 (18): 8, 9, 10, 11; Ef 4:1-7, 1113; Mt 4:18-22
Apo 1:1-4; 2:1-5a; Sal 1; Lc 18:35-43
San Alberto Magno
Apo 3:1-6, 14-22; Sal 15 (14); Lc 19:1-10
Santa Margarita de Escocia, Santa Gertrudis
Apo 4:1-11; Sal 150 (149); Lc 19:11-28
Santa Elizabeth de Hungría
Apo 5:1-10; Sal 149 (148); Lc 19:41-44
La Dedicación de las Basílicas de San Pedro y
San Pablo, Santa Rosa Filipina Duchesne
Apo 10:8-11; Sal 119 (118); Lc 19:45-48 o (la Dedica
ción) Hch 28:11-16, 30-31; Sal 98 (97); Mt 4:22-23
Santa María en Sábado
Apo 11:4-12; Sal 144 (143); Lc 20:27-40
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo
2 Sm 5:1-3; Sal 122 (121): 1-2, 4-5; Col 1:12-20;
Lc 23:35-43
St. Vincent de Paul Poor Boxes
Our “Poor Boxes” are located at the Church exits. The
St. Vincent de Paul Society uses 100% of
your MONETARY DONATIONS to help the
needy. Please help us to help them. Thank you!!
Weekly Collection report for weekend of:
Saturday 5:30 PM
Saturday 7 PM
Sunday 7:30 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:30AM
Sunday 1:30 PM
Sunday 5:30 PM
People Count
Special accounts and collections
Collection Description
Office envelopes
Children‟s envelopes
School Financial Aid
R.E. Children
Military Services
All Saints
All Souls
World Mission
Respect Life
Air Conditioning
Capital Campaign
Total special Collections:
Total of all collections: $ 36,581.20
Please park only in the designated areas
and on our lot on the north side of
the Property. Thank you
Buck of the Month Envelope
Please use your “Buck of the Month” envelope to
help support Saint Andrew School. Your generosity is appreciated and will help us to pass on the
Catholic Faith to the next generation!