UNIVERSIDAD DEL PACÍFICO - ECUADOR MERIT-BASED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION SELECTION PROCESS OF FULL-TIME RESEARCH PROFESSORS THROUGH MERIT-BASED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION Applications from May 25 – June 25 2015 Universidad Del Pacífico invites research professors with PhD/ or Master’s Degree to participate in the merit-based competitive examination, in accordance with the Reglamento de Carrera y Escalafón del Professor e Investigador del Sistema de Educación Superior issued by the Consejo de Educación Superior (CES), articles 37 to 45 of the teaching career by merit-based competitive examination. The call is published in the newspaper El Expreso of Guayaquil and La Hora of Quito on Monday May 25; on the institutional website and by emails to the universities of UPACIFICO academic network. Applications are open until June 25. Notwithstanding the above, the evaluation process will continue in parallel in accordance with the applications entry order. REQUIREMENTS 1. Resume or CV with supporting documentation stating: 2. Application form addressed to the President of the university by mentioning the area for which you are competing, attached documents, and pointing out address, telephone and email. 3. Original or authenticated photocopy of documentary evidence of the university degree required by the competition requirements. Qualifications (Official Degrees only) o Participants must hold a PhD degree or equivalent, or at least a Master’s degree as it is requested in the Call. o Duly authenticated copies of notarized degrees and, original available to be displayed if required by the Committee. Work Experience Scholarly Works EVALUATION COMMITTEE OF THE MERIT-BASED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION The Evaluation Committee of merit-based competitive examination is made up of two delegates of peer universities and 3 delegates of UNIVERSIDAD DEL PACÍFICO. Applicants shall make their presentations to the plenary of the evaluation committee by a maximum of 1 hour and 30 minutes. The presentation of the applicants with PhD degree should refer to one their research; the candidate with Master's degree will make a teaching practice at the Master Degree program. Documents will be reviewed by the Internal Evaluation Committee, which shall define the corresponding score to merit evaluation on the evidences presented by the applicant. The evaluation committee of the merit-based competitive examination will set the final score of the competition that is made up of the sum of the two stages, which will be established in the respective minutes. The total score of the merit-based competitive examination determines the salary scale that corresponds to the applicant for their admission to Universidad Del Pacífico as researcher. DUE TO THE ABOVE, these requirements are adopted by the Board of Directors of Universidad Del Pacífico, Minutes No. 02-2015 dated March 26 2015. Universidad Del Pacífico Sonia Roca, Magister Chancellor- President of the University (in charge)