Dear Algonquin Lakes Elementary Family, We had a surprise

Dear Algonquin Lakes Elementary Family,
We had a surprise celebration on Tuesday morning to acknowledge the student’s excellent behavior for the
past month as it has been our lowest yet as far as behavior incidents, way to go Lions!! Our surprise was an
impromptu “Chicken Dance” in the hallways at the start of school. Thank you Mrs. Masching for capturing
some of the fun!
Student Testing
Next Month, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grader students will participate in the new PARCC assessments for Illinois in
English Language Arts and Math. We will be spacing the testing out in order to retain instruction in our day.
Teachers have been preparing students and we are excited to show what we know for the March assessments!
The testing sessions will begin the week of March 9th.
From the Nurse’s Office
A friendly reminder that school code now requires Dental exams to be turned in to the health office for all
Kindergarteners and 2nd Graders. The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services have arranged
for dental services for eligible children at our school. We will be having our Miles of Smiles All Kids School
Based Dental Program coming up in April as we do every year for any students that are eligible. Please read
and complete the ALL KIDS School-Based Dental Program Consent Form that is being sent home in February
to all families if your child is eligible and you would like them seen by Dr. Nelson our Miles of Smiles Dentist
at school.
Illinois 5Essentials School Survey
We need to hear from you! We are only at about 5% of the required 20% for a report to generate!
We highly encourage our stakeholders to participate in the parent survey of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey.
Your participation in the parent survey will help us understand the conditions at ALES and guide
improvement. The reports will present aggregated information of how parents and teachers responded as a
whole and survey responses will be confidential and never be connected to the identity of you or your child or
a staff member. When the report is available I am looking forward to the additional information made
available to myself and district leadership to enable us to make considerations based on your responses.
Please visit to take the parent survey.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact our office or the 5Essentials Customer Support at
1-866-440-1874 or
Chris Columbaro
Now is not too early to begin scheduling important physical and immunization
appointments! All students must be up-to-date with physical examination and
immunization requirements and all forms must be turned into the School Health
Office prior to August 1st to ensure students can begin school on the first day of
attendance. Students will not be able to attend school until all required health
information is on file.
Important Health Requirements for 2015-2016
All students entering Early Childhood, Kindergarten, Sixth and Ninth grades are required to have a
current physical examination completed on the approved Illinois Department of Public Heath Form. A
sport physical does not meet the requirement. A current physical is one that was completed within one
year of August 2015. The parent portion on the upper back side of the form must be completed and
signed. All students must be up-to-date with the State of Illinois immunization requirements including
the following:
Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year all students entering sixth grade must show proof of
receiving one dose of meningococcal vaccine (meningitis).
Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year all students entering twelfth grade must show proof of
receiving two doses of meningococcal vaccine (meningitis) unless the first dose was given after
the age of 16, then only one dose is required.
All students entering grades six through twelve must show proof of receiving one dose of Tdap.
All students entering kindergarten, first, sixth, seventh, ninth and tenth grades must show proof
of receiving two doses of varicella (chickenpox).
Immunization dates can be viewed through the Parent Infinite Campus Portal.
D300 together with Greater Elgin Family Care Center offer physical and immunization clinics onsite at
D300 schools throughout the year. Please visit the D300 Health Services website or contact any D300
School Health Office for dates and locations.
¡No es muy temprano para hacer sus citas para los exámenes físicos y vacunas o
inmunizaciones! Todos los estudiantes deben estar al día con los requisitos de los
exámenes físicos y vacunas, todas las formas deben estar en la oficina de la
enfermera antes del 1o de agosto para asegurar que los estudiantes pueden
comenzar clases el primer día. Los estudiantes no podrán asistir a clases hasta
que no hayan cumplido con todos los requisitos de salud en su expediente.
Importantes Requisitos de Salud para el 2015-2016
Es un requisito que todos los estudiantes entrando al Prescolar, Kínder, Sexto y Noveno grado tengan
un examen físico actualizado y usando la Forma aprobada por el Departamento de Salud de Illinois. Un
examen físico para deportes no llena los requisitos. Un examen físico actual es uno que fue realizado
dentro de un año hasta agosto del 2015. Al reverso en la parte superior de la forma encontrarán la
porción que debe ser llenada y firmada por los padres. La ley del estado de Illinois requiere que todos
los estudiantes cumplan con los requisitos de tener sus inmunizaciones o vacunas al día, incluyendo las
Iniciando el año escolar 2014-2015 todos los estudiantes ingresando al sexto grado, deben mostrar
prueba de haber obtenido una dosis de la vacuna meningocócica (meningitis).
Todos los estudiantes ingresando al doceavo grado deben mostrar prueba de haber recibido dos
dosis de la vacuna meningocócica (meningitis), a menos que hayan recibido la primera dosis
después de los 16 años de edad, si es así, sólo se requiere una dosis.
Todos los estudiantes iniciando, de sexto a doceavo grado deben mostrar prueba de haber
recibido una dosis de la vacuna Tdap.
Todos los estudiante iniciando en kínder, primero, séptimo, noveno y décimo grado, deben
mostrar prueba de haber recibido dos dosis de varicela (viruela).
Las fechas de las inmunizaciones o vacunas pueden ser vistas en el Portal para Padres.
Durante el año el D300 en conjunto con el Centro de Cuidado de Familias Greater Elgin (Greater Elgin
Family Care Center) ofrece clínicas de exámenes físicos e inmunizaciones en las escuelas del D300. Por
favor, visite el sito web de Servicios de Salud del D300 o comuníquense con la Oficina de Salud de
cualquier escuela para informarse de las fechas y lugares donde se llevarán a cabo.
Thursday, Feb. 12
6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Bring your device. Lower Level. Drop in.
Grades 4 and up.
Dundee Library • 555 Barrington Avenue • East Dundee, IL 60118
Randall Oaks Library • 500 North Randall Road • West Dundee, IL 60118 • 847.590.8706
Children and Teen Programs
February 6-February 20
African Fables and Folktales
Family Program
 Sat., Feb. 7, 10 to 10:45 a.m.
Experience several African cultures with these energetic, interactive tales.
Valentine’s Day Craft
 Feb. 9-14
Come to the Dundee Library this week to make a Valentine’s Day craft.
Minecraft Meetup
Grades 4 and up
 Thurs., Feb. 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Bring your device and make new Minecrafting friends. No Creepers allowed!
Valentine’s Day with a Dear One (R)
Grades Pre-K -3
 Sat., Feb. 14, 10:30 a.m. to noon
Share a snack, a craft, and make a memory with Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, or favorite adult.
Presidents Day Craft
 Mon., Feb. 16, All Day
Celebrate President’s Day and a day off of school with a craft at the Dundee Library.
Paper Art (R)
Grades 4-6
 Mon., Feb. 16 1 to 1:45 p.m.
Be creative and design your own wall hanging to decorate your room.
Sharpie Mugs (R)
Grades 6 and up
 Mon., Feb. 16, 2-3:30 p.m.
Use Sharpie markers to personalize plain ceramic mugs.
Teen Gaming Club
Grades 6 and up
 Wed., Feb. 18, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Come hang out with your friends and have fun playing Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 games. Bring your DS and battle each other. Play YuGi-Oh. Snacks provided.
Dundee Library • 555 Barrington Avenue • East Dundee, IL 60118
Randall Oaks Library • 500 North Randall Road • West Dundee, IL 60118 • 847.590.8706
BYOB Storytime (0-11 months)
Wednesdays @ Dundee 10-10:30 a.m.
Tuesdays @ Randall Oaks 10-10:30 a.m.
Wonderful Ones (12-23 months)
Mondays @ Dundee 10-10:20 a.m.
Wednesdays @ Randall Oaks 10-10:20 a.m.
Tremendous Twos (24– 35 months)
Tuesdays @ Dundee 10-10:30 a.m.
Fridays @ Randall Oaks 10-10:30 a.m.
Preschool Fables and Fun (36 months-Pre-K) (R)
Tuesdays @ Dundee 10-10:45 a.m.
Wednesdays @ Dundee 3-3:45 p.m.
Storytime @ the Branch (All Ages)
Mondays @ Randall Oaks 10:30-11 a.m.
Saturday, January 17 @ Randall Oaks 10:30-11 a.m.
Bilingual Storytime (All Ages)
Tuesdays @ Dundee 6:30-7 p.m.
Family Pajama Storytime (All Ages)
Thursdays @ Dundee 6:30-7 p.m.
(R)= Please register in person, online at or call 847-428-3661
Xbox 360 / Wii / PS3 / Yu-Gi-Oh / Nintendo DS
Grades 6-12.
Meeting Room, Lower Level
Please register at Info Services Desk or online at
Dundee Library
555 Barrington Ave. (Rt. 68) East Dundee
Valentine’s Date
With A Dear One