IB Boston School International

Boston School International
Teacher: Katie Lamb
E-mail: katie.lamb@bostonschool.edu.pa
Level: 5th
Habit 2 — Begin with the End in Mind
I´m in charge of me. I choose my actions attitude and mood. I don’t blame others.I do the right thing without been asked even when
Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We are in Place and Time
Central Idea : Doing the right thing for others means helping those in need.
IB Learner Profile: thinkers, communicators, principled, caring, and reflective.
Music Class Activity: The Treble Clef
Line Notes FOR A GRADE
English: Reading
English: Phonics
and Spelling
Music Class Activity: The
Treble Clef Line Notes FOR A
Classwork - Project 3: Exploring Digital
Photography/ Photo Gallery- Activity 7:
Application Activity. Edit 4 pictures and
used them to create a banner in Gimp.
Trabajamos durante la semana el
vocabulario de las partes de la
escuela y la pregunta: ¿Donde
Math Test over Graphing see
Chapters 14 and 16
15-1 and 15-2 Practice
15-3 Practice
Materials to create severe weather
information display. (Can be done
digitaly, on poster board, on a
cereal box, or however else they
would like to do.) If they plan to do
it digitaly please send them with a
laptop or ipad to work on it in class.
Materials to create severe weather Present Severe Weather display for a
information display. (Can be done
digitaly, on poster board, on a cereal
box, or however else they would like
to do.) If they plan to do it digitaly
please send them with a laptop or
ipad to work on it in class.
Bring electronic device to
research on
Bring electronic device to
research on
Read for 30 minutes from an
English Book. Practice
Read for 30 minutes from an English Read for 30 minutes from an English
Book. Practice Summarizing
Book. Practice Summarizing
Read for 30 minutes from an
English Book. Practice
Book Report due
Practice vocabulary words
Practice vocabulary words
Spelling test over unit 32
Practice vocabulary words
Dear Parents: Please take into consideration that since the third trimester, all students will take all the exams
in Elementary Section. Evaluation is not only the ending part of the learning process, but also the most
important part; it allows students to know how much they know and what is necessary to reinforce. It also
offers parents the opportunity to help their child as one actor of the learning process. Estimado acudiente a
partir del tercer trimestre, todos los estudiantes realizarán todos los exámenes trimestrales. La evaluación no
es solamente la parte final del proceso de aprendizaje, sino la más importante. Ésta le permite a los
estudiantes conocer cuánto saben y qué hace falta reforzar. También la evaluación ofrece a los padres de
familia la oportunidad de ayudar a sus acudidos, como parte responsable del proceso de aprendizaje.