Are You Getting All Your Benefits? You may be eligible for benefits

Are You Getting All Your
You may be eligible for benefits that help to pay for food and rent!
SNAP (Nutrition Assistance) is
available to anyone living on a low
or fixed income. If you are over
age 60 and your income was less
than $1,962 (1 person) or $2,655
(2 people) in the past month, you
may be eligible.
SCRIE (Senior Rent Freeze
Program) is available to anyone
over age 62 or disabled, living in a
rent regulated apartment, with an
income less than $50,000 last
year, and paying at least 1/3 of
their income towards rent.
For more information call
LiveOn NY (347) 815-5930
or email:
Park Slope Center for Successful Aging
463A 7th Street, Park Slope NY 11215
Thursdays: April 7, May 5, June 2
Time: 10am to 3pm
To assist with determination of eligibility and your application, please bring copies of
documents that verify the following:
1. Identity 2. Address 3. Total Household Income (Social Security award letter, Income
Tax Returns) 4. Housing Expenses (Rent/Mortgage) 5. Utilities 6. Medical Expenses
LiveON NY is an equal opportunity provider and employer. This publication has been produced by LiveOn NY with financial assistance, in part through grants from
the NYS Office for the Aging, the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, and the United States Department of Agriculture the Federal SNAP agency.
Tal vez usted es elegible para beneficios que le pueden ayudar a pagar
su comida y su renta!
SNAP (Asistencia Nutricional)
está disponible para aquellos que
tienen un ingreso bajo o fijo. Si
usted es mayor de 60 y su ingreso
es menos de $1,962 (1 persona) o
$2,655 (2 personas) en el mes
pasado, puede que sea elegible.
SCRIE (Programa de Congelamiento
de Alquiler) está disponible a cualquier
persona mayor de 62 o discapacitada,
viviendo en un apartamento de renta
controlada o regulada, con un ingreso
menos de $50,000 el año anterior.
Para más información llame
LiveOn NY: (347) 815-5930
O email:
Park Slope Center for Successful Aging
463A 7th Street, Park Slope NY 11215
jueves: 7 de abril, 5 de mayo, 2 de junio
Horas: 10am to 3pm
Para asistirle a determinar su elegibilidad y con su aplicación, favor de traer consigo
copias de documentos que verifiquen lo siguiente:
1. Identidad 2. Direccion3. Ingreso Total del Hogar (Carta del Seguro Social, Planillas de
Impuestos) 4.Gastos de Vivienda (Renta/Hipoteca) 5. Utilidades 6. Gastos Medicos
LiveON NY es un empleador e proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades. LiveOn NY ha producido esta publicación con asistencia financiera, en todo o en parte atreves de
donaciones de NYS Oficina del Envejecimiento, NYC Oficina Asistencia temporal y discapacidad, y el Departamento de Agricultura USA, y la Agencia Federal SNAP.