10 TH PHYSICS WORK TO BE DONE DURING THE OBLIGATORY RECESS This work has to be presented on Monday July 6th, and is divided as follows: DATE BOOK/WORKSHEET ACTIVITY TASK Tuesday 23/06/09 BOOK Pg # 208 quest. (1, 3, 5) Answer/Solve the questions/problems. Wednesday 24/06/09 BOOK Pg # (208-209) quest. (6, 8, 10) Answer/Solve the questions/problems. Thursday 25/06/09 BOOK Pg # 236 quest. (1, 3, 5) Answer/Solve the questions/problems. Friday 26/0609 BOOK Pg # (236-237) quest. (6, 8, 9) Answer/Solve the questions/problems. Monday 29/06/09 WORKSHEETCURRENT ELECTRICITY Problems (2, 4, 8) Solve the problems. Tuesday 30/06/09 WORKSHEETCURRENT ELECTRICITY Problems (9, 13, 16) Solve the problems. Wednesday 01/07/09 WORKSHEETProblems (1, 3, 5) ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Solve the problems. Thursday 02/07/09 WORKSHEETProblems (6, 8, 10) ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Solve the problems. Friday 03/07/09 TEST # (5-6) Questions (1-6) Answer/Solve the questions/problems. AT THE SAME TIME YOU MUST FINISH YOUR SCIENCE PROJECTS AND POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. I'M GOING TO CHECK THE PROJECTS AND MR. ASBUN WILL CHECK THE PRESENTATIONS. LETS USE THIS TIME WISELY AND ENJOY WORKING WITH THE NEW SYSTEM. ONLINE WORK!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!! NOTA PARA LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA: La mayor parte de esta tarea, ha sido realizada con anterioridad por los estudiantes. La finalidad de la misma, es la de repasar estos temas, para el examen final. Cualquier consulta pueden realizarla vía e-mail o personalmente en el colegio en horario de clases.