MYP Language English Acquisition A concept-based approach Phase 3 Kevin Morley and Alexei Gafan We are grateful particular Great Clarendon Street, ‘Blind Oxford, OX2 6DP, United University University’s worldwide. certain Press objective Oxford other is is of a a department excellence registered in of the University research, trade mark of Oxford. scholarship, of men Oxford and It furthers education University Press in by George and Oxford maslow.html. the the UK and Evans, rights published rights of in elephant’ ‘Maslow’s from writing of doesn’t spell Press the authors No part transmitted, Oxford agreed of in have this any University with reproduction Oxford been Press, asserted H. 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Introduction The structure of each unit provides teachers Teachers and This textbook has been written specically students plenty and students of the IB MYP Acquisition Phase 3 course as a six stand-alone MYP sure the chapter inquiry, and a focuses based global on a key support the of Statement factual, Each of the Language formative the four We on are of voncepts written they a to explore series of course and includes that cover criteria. our writing which To provide opportunity in the different and about the reading oral, purposes real visual writing the them in and and function written. that teaching is a of types, of the text for the text have types of also their textbook. learn written assessments tasks in the parts of as and to that you all and are able to assess the all their students with the we grading have more of designed the including text, criteria four in a units least that learning comprehension comprehension communicating written at and/or spoken the number out that in visual “3” to of to a three of the is MYP criteria Phase We purely is expected action each your the the tasks planning help your structure summative on the formative students as well to of as the provide and produce contextualized personal, authentic and to the research questions. by as the inclusion that student interest will service. chapter and to lead a We we action latest action to iteration and written that teenagers. you service and or service. in want further issues provide and of them have to the engagement topic include concern chapter in to by take taking and designed will be At the of end students activities, as of with suggestions that you may of spoken, wish to visual and well as written explore. or unit, visual visual using form. unit, development exciting and year, spoken and with will The build An to in and this, learning and to with understanding authentic to exploring per text, the well worksheets useful and allow the topics strands spoken written own action, of written relate cover plan tasks. and authentic objectives response and/or they of are complete which book in and include responses It the twice you students challenging texts of this chapter covered further objectives to oral texts. teacher, requirements cover how concepts each ensure These support language a and sections and in assist downloadable download scaffolding suggested help and contexts rst provided authentic you, by curriculum. To and learn texts: students types own particular on teachers place for Students examples We their decision depending of enable conventions and taking summative text audiences. engaging producing grammar make, and activities learn The form and further you to opportunities different is concepts provided demonstrate formative of have students objectives assessments we and questions. specic Acquisition focused the the summative grading have tasks and as through debatable on statement telated chapters students and focuses different voncept, Inquiry conceptual chapter a The systematically students units. on context. help learning inquiry, understood. Each to that series that of assessment English make Language formative for opportunities teachers of text, and/or language have to added point 3. i i i Introduction When writing this book, we have chosen texts Students from As a student of IB MYP English that Acquisition Phase 3, we have provided you range of issues, topics and texts that will you to further develop your understanding of English, while giving you the engage with real issues and issues this book is to give you the debates. skills you The your own answers and to responses questions The to in activities in in reading, skills before each and the necessary develop conceptual chapters Key your questions and chapter. writing, chapter. nal help (nal) opportunities plan responses the covered and in topic and issue or others, of each service are to just you forms, ideas – them of these the paper or can the this to with teachers to add and book, the your and download the will own and topics by about at a an to the help end action course, improve and these them meaningful. out for Instead you speaking you your for and ll you issues, can ask tables you of as writing print out questions answers thoughts classmates. or on and Visit on your answers the these: i v study that and of you will have other will about and this book you to be studying. and visual included texts. have what listen have nd to. a We texts number However, your you The been and choosing. suggestions, what to. you That’s own would nal designed student – engage Feel and would the to with free talk like great your important! the and activities and answer for skills Of provided write share in. and end tasks inspired section personal been and your a the that more suggestions tasks computer website is issues are engage can and choose to ideas own practise about express learn to the writing the you providing aim worksheets. in you written we are suggestions like to read, your listening at think you questions have answers If to with you worksheets get and communication more answer will by to on included you downloadable your like your many to book. chapter that Our necessary have on to Concepts prepare to practice opinions this use make Since and would we activities purposes. skills thoughts ensure outlook assessments in debateable help through you many have You Working will will assessment with different and Related speaking summative for to to encourage chapter. the each your of the each understand covered to topics certain suggestions watch own world, aim and create and chosen aware of the international opportunity of to of an and for use parts given enable have you are with the a different Language to to to use your ideas teacher watch about ideas of our your read, thing views, texts and being and as about an listen MYP suggestions are Approaches to Most you help textbooks you develop These a of teach learn variety ATLs English deal to practical English There this are and This broad Communication • Social • Research • Self-management Beyond to learning” writing in you need this practice means to book or by achieve you English. will other use for the subjects of ATL skills skills also will you for can to short. in a great listening, ATLs skills are also you learn the MYP . within will also you success receive Moreover, easily book helping “ATL”, opportunities can in student learner learn to use in the in The MYP , the authors have the • gather • recognize • draw • revise These way, skills you and you will thinking here? you allow help need you you for to to prepare or the IB to develop college, Career the work participate fully and in In is ATL an activities at various stages example: skills order to to answer formulate the an question you must: argument bias conclusions understanding help practice can will specic Here information activities enable Programme, communities. unit. unstated reasonable can ATLs that They global facts summative Diploma signposted relevant ATL IB Ultimately, inquiry-based are ATL the century. and Communication What in learning 21st skills these Certicate. national each skills skills success transferable local, skills skills further Related the and This better you In categories Thinking of skills learn. a (ATLs) book: • life to Acquisition • for the Acquisition. Language ve what become “Approaches advice reading cross-curricular. in of to encompass Language speaking, how learning based you and and on to at information improve improve assessments generalizations new the these end of how you and evidence. learn. skills in each chapter. In this preparation for v Introduction Below, you also allows you are nd you using checklist A. will in to at a of identify, any order list to identify Communication Interpret and use the ATLs articulate particular illustrated and moment. new skills reect You you eectively on can may skills COMMUNICATING THROUGH • all in the the use to B. INTERACTION modes of specic this wish book. The list ATLs inventory as develop. Social skill COLLABORATIVE non-verbal a • Practise • Listen • Encourage • Delegate SKILLS empathy communication • Use a variety of communicate • Use speaking with appropriate a techniques variety forms of of actively to other perspectives and ideas to others to contribute audiences writing for and share responsibility for decision- dierent making purposes • Use of • a and variety audiences of media to communicate with a • Help others • Take responsibility to succeed • Manage range for one’s own actions audiences Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and resolve conict, and work and collaboratively in teams teachers • Par ticipate in, and contribute to, digital social • Build consensus • Make fair • Negotiate • Exercise media and equitable decisions networks • Collaborate digital with peers environments and and exper ts using a variety of media within • Share of ideas digital with multiple environments audiences and using a LANGUAGE ACTIVITIES • Preview • Read critically and skim and • Read a of variety texts for to build understanding comprehension sources for information and for pleasure v i • Make inferences • Paraphrase • Take • Make eective • Use a variety • Use and and symbols and accurately eective notes in and of dierent range • Write • Organize and • Structure information concisely notes organizers a conclusions class summar y interpret for draw for of for studying academic writing discipline -specic tasks terms purposes depict information into logically summaries and leadership and take on a variety groups variety media COMMUNICATING THROUGH eectively repor ts • Give and receive • Advocate for meaningful one’s own feedback rights and needs of roles C. Self-management ORGANIZATION • Manage • Plan time shor t- skills D. SKILLS and and Research INFORMATION tasks eectively long-term assignments; meet • Find, • Collect, • Access • Make skills LITERACY interpret record SKILLS and judge information and verify data to informed deadlines • Create plans to (examinations prepare and for summative information be and inform others assessments connections between various sources of per formances) information • Keep • Set • and goals Plan use a that weekly are strategies challenging and and academic Use appropriate planner take for and action to assignments • Create • Present achieve personal information information in a variety of formats and platforms goals • • new realistic strategies for organizing complex Collect make and analyse informed data to identify solutions and decisions information • Understand (learning and use sensor y learning • Process • Use data and repor t results preferences critical-literacy skills to analyse and interpret styles) media MEDIA • communications LITERACY Interact with SKILLS media to use and create ideas and information • Locate, organize, ethically and • use analyse, information evaluate, from a synthesize variety of and sources media Make informed choices about personal viewing experiences • Understand and • modes Seek a varied • the of range impact of media representations presentation of perspectives from multiple and sources Communicate multiple information audiences using a and ideas variety of eectively media to and formats v i i Introduction E. Thinking skills CRITICAL THINKING • Analyse • Gather and and formulate SKILLS evaluate organize an issues and relevant ideas information to argument • Interpret data • Evaluate evidence • Draw • Test • Revise reasonable and arguments conclusions generalizations and understanding and generalizations conclusions based on new information and evidence • Consider • Develop contrar y • Propose and • Identify • Use • ideas from or and systems and Identify trends Generate • Use and and • Consider • Create • Make Make Apply and to explore complex possibilities SKILLS and and consider visual new diagrams perspectives to generate alternatives solutions guesses, or to authentic unusual problems connections between ideas ask “what if ” questions and generate hypotheses existing Create solutions inquiries multiple and/or products • of challenges forecast ideas unexpected testable • and novel objects • novel ideas arguments variety issues brainstorming new a simulations CREATIVE THINKING • perspectives opposing evaluate obstacles models multiple or original ideas • Practise • Generate knowledge in works new visible generate new ideas, and metaphors SKILLS • Use and • Make ideas; use existing works ways thinking TRANSFER skills to processes strategies and knowledge connections and techniques analogies in between multiple subject contexts groups and disciplines • Apply skills classroom v i i i and knowledge in situations beyond the Contents 1 Friendship What happens start How Key at do a and What it and when and “Making in a new school? make How Key does 15 students the theme Text D How of we help does the dreams come it to achieve our ambitions? make messages a 135 difference 139 audio-visual theme Summative 32 Going of Text personal D communicate development? activities beyond the 148 chapter 153 Emoticons, emoji and email 40 etiquette much What Key can and do you recycle individuals related do at to concepts: home? recycle 156 41 waste? What are emoticons? 157 What are emoji? How can emoticons both appropriately 46 we use emoji Communication and and structure and 51 creatively? How do you set up a school’s programme? and related audio-visual Text D recycling? do we activities beyond the chapter does the Resolving conict What are facts, Formative oral 78 and what are opinions? skills and interactive skills and What our theme does debate Going – 175 of we happens need to resolve our 6 concepts when how on life on E and add email? 180 to the Mars? 217 activities beyond the 186 chapter 191 Quests 194 we What is Can a story use force to a quest? Key and have 195 more audio-visual Text about the resolution? themes related are the quest 199 concepts: chapter and function 206 important elements of story? 214 108 are how does audio-visual Text D 113 communicate the meaning? of What activities beyond one D a and than solve What Going emoji Text 100 does communicate Summative communicate 98 problems? conict D 91 related and Text emoticons, audio-visual Communication What when 86 do differences? Key 167 etiquette emails? audio-visual Summative 79 speeches What and 76 How 3 rules 70 How Going convention need 64 sending Summative and communicate Why about concepts: 59 Creativity does 162 recycling Key What 144 38 Recycling How 128 concepts: and others? 28 chapter is related can and 5 2 and activities the Oher’s 120 121 friends”? beyond oppor tunities Michael difcult How 22 audio-visual about made Connections sometimes friends? and true? 9 concepts: to how Summative 3 friends Abilities What school? international hard 4 you meaning communicate Going you make related can nd to new you Culture Why 2 about the theme 118 of the quest? Summative Going 220 activities beyond the chapter 225 230 i x Friendship 1 In context Global In this will context: chapter require identity health; – in who used Key what products, a new range ways of of others a allow us develop to is meaning” , It may of shared culture and lead new to is from us and your to mental, of to own, step In related students by beliefs, of turn or this topics social the as spiritual Acquisition with one our such and Language interact outside values, behaviour dynamic empathy, new another that you comfor t and and to to organic. ultimately are zones. attitudes, human the diversity, in to friendships awareness. We become interact meaningful intercultural and to by Learning embrace par ticipate competences and interests, created friendships. These global are able to citizens. Meaning intention referred denotation, or to by implication, as “message” . connotation, using any Meaning inference, range of human includes “layers of subtext. Statement of inquiry Language an essential to is understand, reect on tool that and develop personal, social and local global contexts. and Inquiry What happens to you you Why can international and how of “Making what make How us close friendships in extent new friends does you in a students the star t new at a new school? school? sometimes audio-visual text nd it hard to communicate make about friends? the theme friends”? should students should anew make when can To cultural helps questions How What 2 friendship. learning oppor tunities intercultural sometimes nuance, to your All involves patterns provides concept: is human. requires and and sensitivity communicated, expression. values; dierent international-mindedness Related What be related relationships Culture learned concept which be friendships knowing develop to and relationships and language may community with interactions, of a questions human beliefs means learning communities. The language it about your customs Making is explore are; concept: Culture with will think you that whose to. to shor t, understand culture you you Identities you school? it be the responsibility of teachers and students welcome? act, and what should you say, to make new friends at to What at a happens new to you when you school? Fac tual C r i te r i o n Before What do chapter, nding “Good you you as Now about class ways always girl you would read a Text friendship? possible ...” 3Ci A Before brainstorming as question “Good to you session. nish friends these never begin You this could start by sentences: ...” activity the do advice many friends at What know conduct Focusing Look read start in the imagine you Text picture. she give is her It is her thinking? to make a rst day What success is in a she of new school. feeling? her rst What day? A. 3 Friendship Diary entries: Natasha is from international She her an is going rather to shy be a and Text A She Thursday going country me And I’m really And probably all hate it talking be Sunday I keep telling I one no Everyone their She still of has come learning her new entries about to that old a who the But everyone school I’m I my am English. school about day shy want b ecause have I’m really and I’m know friends very really will hoping doesn’t of I rst friends... new All friends... friends... friends... one natural to that feeling I’ve stepped to to is some me myself talks by for are I’m eat lunch take not and this. their going around back people I to my don’t old know. school in So kind it’s a to. I won’t have anyone to friends from school... sit and with at at lunch lunch they or will nervous... all they are alone won’t and have don’t too know many anyone classes and with everyone their friends else so I anyone... deep nervous about great out new a bit anxious nervous one afraid of is b ecause perfectly those surprised I ab out teen am starting they are a new school. starting new New jobs in places are a country. new scary; I understandable. movies. having bad You know, dreams the about ones where getting lost I’m in the the geeky halls or with. a schools feel feeling into to. guring breath and starting and new where to a relax. new friends t in. I First, school. are I part know I’ll it’s important have of the to all can visit rememb er rememb er journey! miss to my I really that can good life make is the friends I’m not lled alone. with new adventure less but I am sure I’ll people. 14th diary, found me, is diary week. no dad one Tuesday 4 go stressful like new their new I’ve have worried adventures; Dear of next and like need meet I’ll nervous I only mum feel having she thought series grade make with all it’s my no the a and school. diary even girl at your 12th realise I I’m when the Dear to sit to 9th and for won’t Europe writes into anything. is in at 9th hard I student school diary, dierent of new frightened surroundings. I’m new school new Dear A who letting other people say, the are address moving people to know apparently. of an a new how Internet school insecure forum in I a I new feel. country. Still, to The nothing see what trouble ventured, advice is I feel they can very nervous nothing gained, oer as kids ab out British Text handling assessment – of Factual Text C r i te r i o n 3Bi A You the 1 Multiple -choice 1. Natasha is questions moving same to a in the B. in a C. that is D. in new country. worries Natasha new school: • town different way listen to in you of the same international work pairs. on In can: actively perspectives part to other and ideas country • an wish answers this A. may school in her encourage others to country contribute a • 2. What most share responsibility for is: decision-making 3. 4. A. not having friends B. learning C. having D. being She also A. hungry C. bullied B. nervous D. lonely. In paragraph new new in a • subjects worries about three succeed of the being: her only diary hopes will be she will enjoy C. the students will be in different D. the students will be in the her new she she Grade to country. B. in others teachers new A. as help new student classes in in that: Grade Grade classes same 9 9 to Grade 8 classes 8. th 5. On the 12 is of A. it B. even not C. her D. nobody the month normal adults parents Natasha writes to worry about worry about starting are never nervous should worry too that: starting a about much something new new job changes about changes. C r i te r i o n 6. She says she is having bad dreams because she is afraid Analysing A. getting lost B. having no She ends A. she C. being too to talk to D. being in a and evaluating popular issues one 3Bi of: and ideas movie. 1 Natasha starts each th 7. the diary entry on the 12 by realizing: diary will have B. she will C. she needs t in to a new entry words, “Dear she needs to a Who she is learn really journey how to take deep to and why is breaths. she 2 the diary”. easily take writing D. with adventure writing? Short-answer questions 2 Do you think it is th 8. On 9. 10. the 14 where does Natasha say she can nd help? helpful for Explain the meaning of the phrase: “Nothing ventured, nothing to a gained”. reasons for answer using Overall, do uncertain Justify you about your think Natasha entering answer with her is optimistic, new evidence pessimistic school? from the or keep from the Natasha diary? Give your evidence text. text. 5 Friendship Formative oral interactive and skills: C r i te r i a Role-play 3Ci, 3Cii – Before use Natasha’s In a for role-play a put short that small time. yourself ideas a in rst The group idea another may be day of is to act out “become” an your different imaginary situation. from your start prior the role-play is taking place, This way scene you creativity to this question: what judge decide offer also the who, if another make action. You anyone, is viewpoint, helpful can look where can you already role plays? right and or rest on the who suggest comments an the do you know about express own. the at answer characters of the class can characters’ is wrong. alternative participants’ actions You can ending. use of your answers observe and and knowledge and Brainstorm While reading, school students person’s different at you create a list. and maybe You can language. haveseen. Role-plays your to uency use also have to to great English in new However, sure before you language you language on a imagine like Natasha will be into a and trying to it a make practising have a chance situations. You the English you ideas quickly and work best when start. use. the You like your be ideas may the would at about school, use your card start nervous new to of and prepared to what to you role-plays have cue as you want way ways improvise: prepare Now a communicate naturally. Make also in English know you are and want the one below. like for school. a The student student coming new new culture friends. Ten things a new student wants to know 6. Planning Work each in and scaolding groups group of three or there should team will 1. four. be In two 7. 2. teams. One questions to ask a new about the work student out what would school. This want group 8. 3. could make the one the things a here. cue On you card the that cue would looks card want to list like all know 9. about as a new student. 4. 10 5. 6 about their new school Planning The and second already at “Student should scaolding team your should be B” and “Student think students school: “Student of ten A” , C” . This things team Natasha Ten really This needs group to know could about make a the cue school. card impo rtan t thin gs Nat asha need s that 1. looks like to know ab ou t the scho ol this: 6. Conduct the role -play in pairs. Ensure that: 2. A. the all B. new ten new things the you to success for all A, B think a have of the new been Planning make are make notes work out student ’s 5. 10 scaolding talk or to the C r i te r i a role -play, each decide how the new student and 3Ciii the 3Civ other other: or impolitely or impersonally. 3. 9. whether friendly 2. 4. the concerns politely informally adverb probably Natasha 8. and about C. 1. ten impor tant B. one 3. sure the formally would 7. conversation; conduct will C A. Choose to answered. and you students answers knows conclusion example, the Before and student obser vers come gets questions students the C. student will from speak to probably and ________. The other and ________. students The other and ________. students each pair each other. speak to to describe the other how the students will probably speak to Natasha will probably speak to each dierent students informally, ________ ________ , ________ other ________ ________ 7 Friendship Formative written activity: Controlled writing in to Text arrives her day. write 3Di response A Natasha rst C r i te r i o n at your Write between 200 school. Natasha’s and 250 She diary meets entry words. Give you for and that your your day. work friends You a on should title. C r i te r i a Before before the you you write write. examples in You Text can A use the above. Structure Beginning/opening: Content Middle: what Ending: your Think Language and audience was How did You How Conclusion to What to happens rst writing about will feeling in formally personally write or on your rst day her rst day? go? impressions rst that to of you in the have nished yourself? impersonally question you start your answer at a new school? Having examined question? 8 this section, what is and your friends? person: “I” . informally or factual when rst the events you b. you about meeting Natasha’s a. the happened thoughts Natasha the were are Write diar y, about: How What Dear to the factual simple past. How do new you make friends in school? Fac tual C r i te r i a Discussion When Natasha advice a from and went 3Ciii debate to different 3Cii, the Internet forum she received plenty How of is people. groups, rate each piece of advice from 1 to 5, where 1 is not do good skills In question you decide advice? to Use complete what these the task very opposite. good list and of new 5 ideas is excellent. for student”. “How student’s you offer can to When another a Next survive you list. have Make student come a new up the with rst week nished, list to of the you your at own our compare best ve additional school your pieces list of as • a Interpret with advice • school. Make sources Y our class ask someone for help with your various. of information rating • In judge connections between Advice and information. Create new work. information. Answer If as many someone of looks the at teacher ’s you, smile questions at him or as you can. • her. Present a Join lots of Find one after-school person in clubs your or class spor ts who new information in format. teams. seems nice and • Identify solutions friendly. and Make Say friends to with any someone, “I'm other new new and students don' t know in Grade 9. I Talk Tell go to to classes people ever yone Never wait with before about for you for the decisions. the end of own countr y. to talk to each In the text different Ten you below piece headings seven pieces personal reasons you. • Be a • Don’t try • Smile a • Be listed Show good are seven it below. to to paragraphs, hard lot yourself give a Which to a do new partner. you Make the • Develop think student? Decide whose • Do team • Relax • Be giving a are Make list is the best your own better. Give • Include rst sports nice your • each answers. listener too 3Bi B advice. advice your Text there of are of list. for read results. period/class. C r i te r i o n Before Report day?” your people informed anyone. • Can make new friends in life move friendships 9 Friendship Text B How to make friends easily saying A. is listener. It’s all – you about are too you hard won’t good to look make reasons feels to like be a good you’re to them, company your new friend will enjoy more. know you’ve heard it why would you, important E. like lot think of of times, but no to one meet It’s person cool, many a someone new teen or I of this a condence nervous your try you're interesting. If listening if if the good points you really person really that shy and wait talk to you for people you. you It in won’t for seems fake and don’t one Don’t say things mean. Be help anything. around that to no knows. pretend be a have. B. Don’t likes Look someone F. interesting, You to may talk someone now but soon they’ll t forget name already, ask how they are and just you. talk Take time to tothem. say “Hi” new C. people every It is very helpful if to and nd the trying out what person to you befriend day. Ask serious. cheerful. expect you Don’t Be How are look not do to them, you doing, doing. say things you do Sarah?”, like, “Hey “What's up, When you Alex!”, If that every day, they’ll be happy you them. too G. and you like “What Miranda?” in you if friendly? you, You go to guys together. social and show paying Nod, nd 1 0 are are have friendly them they you remembered common. how you greet try to can mall have Build circle or fun your from there. you're attention. agree, what the show they’re Make -Friends-Easily-if-Y ou're -a-Teen you that Text handling meaning 1 Matching Match of par ts the than 1. Be good 2. Don’t try 3. Smile a 4. Be a Factual Text of a C r i te r i o n B 1–10 to the paragraphs A–G. listener too hard yourself 7. Do team 8. Relax 9. Be 2 6. Develop the rst Choose 1. the 10. Include in new friends questions answer from A, B, C, 5. paragraph order to look paragraph meet C. be the make thing writer friends is says the think paragraph 6. A. be B. say C. pretend D. be of your positive B writer the thing say your B. say something C. wait D. talk is for In qualities. says that what you to paragraph to to: name that mean like someone paragraph youshould C try are B. know C. ask them D. are a to talk to friendly C. serious D. caring. In paragraph talking writer if says people you: happy their names questions new friend. In paragraph G the writer says you you make new friends by: people. the to writer says that be: meeting them at clubs B. inviting them home C. inviting them to hang out hang out outsideschool helpful B. the you interesting people new F A. A. when says to: mean. canalso 4. is do false willremember best A. writer to to: people In In the most 7. 3. E thing that condent D. the A worst cool B. A. In the A. in life move correct important 2. sports D. In more friendships Multiple -choice or are nice your Make There paragraphs. lot 5. 3Bi text headings headings – D. inviting them to insideschool. D the to writer says someone new that youshould: A. enjoy the the person’s B. look C. pay attention person D. nod and in company the eye agree. 1 1 Friendship Formative oral and interactive skills: Role-play Planning Your and English students. to class Imagine completely below scaolding new create organizes a “getting you new are identity this new a for to student yourself. Fill identity. You know from in will the use you” session for all new another countr y. student information this as a cue card Invent a sheet later. Student Information Sheet Personal Last facts name Preferred First name Middle name name/nickname Birthday Parents’ names Parents’ jobs Siblings (names Home country Home city Previous and ages) school My likes and dislikes I love (list three) . I hate (list three) . The farthest My favourite The person The best I have place ever in admire movie I’ve kind of My favourite sport is My extra-curricular I’m world years home is . . because seen music was because is activities and hobbies are . about from from is about curious Five the ever favourite worry travelled is My I 1 2 I now . I hope to be . Planning Work both in and pairs. new Imagine students countries. Ask questions to as other person. your you and get much student scaolding know about Use a answers and as the copy information formulate are other answer to can you from C r i te r i a of sheet to help questions for the for you your par tner. Before you decide how the other each conduct the the new students role -play, student will talk and to other: A. formally or informally B. politely or impolitely C. friendly or impersonally. C r i te r i o n activity: A couple received would of days 200 crazy. walking or I for that there like you, who So are term advice? on in her the Write is days lost. Everyone next going don’t of advice rst looking their don’t this start of new school, Natasha Internet forum. How Natasha’s diary entry. Write words. the Everyone around looking to 250 think the pieces react and you there. before threemore “Honestly, are Diary Natasha between 3Di for have worry.” their classes. to of be any I school be will make introduce yourself and maybe say am friends telling students their you’re your friends you’ll want to you. and have learn do both good and bad about who you are in Expect some life. to really people who you’ll have you a Expect nd people some immature feel great at to really kids. comfortable year times. and It’s very with school.” look and not It’s of to Don’t as as it should like to friends ask advice. bad all you would your OK you make go to whether be nervous, seems.” Fabio when you different generous Just you none any it’s what be and school. has seriously “You’ll new because new anyone Youji to usually friends, more of will “Teachers people for I think Stella 1 3 Friendship Planning Use the and table scaolding below and C r i te r i a use it to Advice plan your Y our reaction reaction, to e.g. excellent /good/ sensible/ bad, each piece Y our of 3Dii, 3Diii advice. reasons and reactions etc. Y ouji Fabio Stella Before in you write the diary A. Formally B. Politely C. Friendly or decide how you will talk to yourself or informally impolitely or impersonally Conclusion How do Having what is factual 1 4 entry, it. you the make examined your to this answer question? section, to the factual question Key and Culture Before What and you does the Brainstorm related read word your meaning Text A “culture” ideas concepts: and mean draw a to you? mind map to represent your ndings. All communities within of a knowing dynamic When with is and and we are with our own so learning other In in a this of shared beliefs, can and and own. it we see culture. global like One that view friendship to essential a aspect can which to of go interact with culture beyond allows in are time. interact language interactions, ways groups, over friendships People and opportunities learn Learning interests. of change us can and points and gives We empathy. chapter meaningful just grow language, our values attitudes, Cultures, they than boundaries participate range behaving. sensitivity friendship. a hold organic cultures others share community turn us to develops international-mindedness. What does When communicate, we information meaning audio in and “meaning” contained all forms video, as of send the a message message as • Text the • Context is the situation in • Subtext is the meaning underneath the of all page, meaning THE Next, is there of DOG” we is we context the are have We now very create for text. images text. a the know in in The the one. If which four We are we of The We writing, nd visuals, them. of the message the meaning is of no the add a sent. of written thetext. down communicate the message further of the picture on thesurface ”BEWARE OF information. situation “Beware is surface words These have now someone. speech, layers the words This words, to meaning. message. picture. context. The different the These a warning. communicated. until have information the the combination is First We any Meaning is is communication: well complex. we in mean? in dog” of a which have dog, the no we message context create a text. that the dog referred to in the warning is very big and dangerous! 1 5 Friendship Text, context and subtext: BEWARE A A funny postman “BEWARE story walks OF down THE the DOG”. street The and sees postman the asks sign, himself, “Whatdog?” So when But we, the the is the dog the meaning waiting message a What the is The man B. The dog C. The man a fable sign This is never B. You must C. Think groups think but in Text, in B. tale, by the text, a context changes The context gives the do a of the moral meaning by trouble of isin. of or the the you man, a lesson. story. subtext? are in. dogs. something. culture ideas very and below. and friend something he It may subtext. says or meaning help Invent does one a you role- thing different. context and meaning communication and visuals can have more than one too. How many What are What is written the texts are there in the picture? texts? the context? the subtext? picture? C. What What is is the deeper photographer 1 6 the context? trouble story careful context false the created be about what have what you subtext, meaning danger. that meaning deeper always which visual no see This question. know can know discuss Photographs A. dog the about means not fairy before to sees We read. message You play a the A. In he danger. postman. created deeper or Thinking dog?” is hungry. a the “What there meaning. does and is the man’s cannot subtext What for the says, know meaning is Subtext: the of second A. Like postman readers, meaning wanted to of the picture communicate? that the C r i te r i o n 3Ai OF THE DOG Formative skills: Here is a oral Layers very practical and of interactive C r i te r i o n 3Ciii meaning way to think about the concepts of meaning skills and culture. between always true say another?” false In small groups, friends what How and they do false mean, you discuss tell how friends. or the do you Ask they the yourself, say difference tell one “Do thing between difference and true Work friends “Layers mean friends and a in Do false • Can friends always say what they this say one thing and mean something Does a good friend say one thing but How do you know your friends do mean something found in a is the literal meaning of a what they word or phrase that might subtext that most be “I refers phrases like your friend to the positive naturally carry or negative with them. So when a true useful hair today” they are really giving a Listening the other skills a are you during may think something very chart below. Think of the (denotation). What does a to this other perspectives and ideas. Encouraging everyone compliment. contribute. different. things friends might say Helping true friend mean all members of to the each as Here friend • Complete below activity. develop to Afalse in exercise. • says, questions Fill say? • or the dictionary. Connotation words to with your else? can Denotation meaning” Discuss section. chart some • section else? group • the mean? the they of partner. answers friends? • through group to express an (positive opinion. connotation)? What does a false friend really mean (negative connotation)? Denotation Postive ( True Ex. “I like your hair today. ” They connotation Negative friend) really want (False to compliment you. connotation friend) They are think that making your fun of you. They hairstyle is terrible. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 Friendship Oral and and we is short While and the the At outside on the have are a speaking shoes a time or to other practise best a play to C. A D. Other you card. into” the the you Even role at by you a put character for class acting your can out class observe imaginary can assess a feedback. the texts English you in read. lifelike In role- situations role-play before are going more you to they about might start. use. advanced thinking information the role-play, couple has and relationship problem problems problem and at school problem scaolding picture. happening? What of with what n 1 8 on using the for in offer prepare language le is of your the Make You levels the may you or sure want may character have their could argument? be partner cause Problem Money cause rest useful classroom when and based 1 B. the where “become” experiences. the cue start this A What activity you students and are “get A. the and the are chance on you Problem in C r i te r i a you opinions hold. problems Planning the decisions, everyday to place situations work might Before taking Role-plays end, prepared going they 1. the language need is else's successful Role-plays you the have your is action. actions book you Tips role-play somebody role-play character‘s this Role-play time. judge play seen, into situations. In types: role-play? have yourself a text diaries What As written decide ofeach what two might 2 A. A relationship B. Money C. A D. Other problem problems problem at school problem be. 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii, 3Civ 2. Now each create your a person cue card should for make their notes character. on Do the not following show points your cue to card to partner. Attitude towards the other person When • Helpful • or Friendly or towards • dislike? or point • Your • No here some thinking skills the other person you of view: problem can Consider ideas different perspectives. Both from Develop contrary or fault? opposing • that practice: 1 • The are fault? one’s • planning role-play, • Y our are your unfriendly? Feelings Like you aggressive? other person’s fault? • people’s arguments. Identify obstacles and fault? challenges. Y our answer Y our point to problem 1 • of view: problem Evaluate evidence and 2 arguments. • Your • No • The • Both fault? • one’s Propose and variety other person’s a people’s of solutions. fault? • Draw reasonable fault? conclusions Y our evaluate fault? answer to problem and 2 generalizations. Language 3. A. Formal B. Polite Once your 4. or informal? impolite? you have role-play. Make play. or sure For that each You the instance, characters behave. completed should aim observers they can Who do your to solve have judge they cue a card, both clear how sympathize can begin problems. task well, you or during how with? the role- badly, And the why? 1 9 Friendship Formative Diary We write personal to record events, memories, problems, or issues of interest. a diary happened express skills: writing diaries Typically, (what writing an entry on opinion may that contain particular about what a mixture day) and of narrative comment (to happened). Content s what you likely to did, also saw, contain Language diaries Some are or diary one day. comments A good about diary these entry is events. audience in writers on your and written felt the like rst to person: write as if “I did they X. I were went to writing Y. to I a saw Z.” best Discussion friend. They write to themselves as “you”. This is Have address. “Dear diary, you will never guess what is also worth noting the tenses the day for diaries. If you are writing need that to took write in place the simple before, past. “I that came, I is, “yesterday”, saw, I then conquered.” you may also write about events that have However, groups day, that is, “today”. In this case, taken you they writing place earlier in others may need to per fect tenses to describe events whose be really felt. all, has been wonderful. I’ve consequences nally can you be are discovered what X is style informal writing and to personal yourself! with You your can also use of use some language slang – after and emoticons. You may and emotions. want especially to use You descriptive can adjectives, do this adverbs, language through verbs to your and show your choice of mood vocabulary, nouns. Structure In terms of diary relate events is, You could also you could start You could nish with statement about the “What 2 0 you structure, that will the start with with happen an a a entries in phrase opinion: nal events next?” are the like “I the in “What have thought. in often order a never This diary written which day entry, this been might or so be a as narratives they a do? for the reasons diaries. Are themselves read? How or can a diar y took has – place. been!” angry Or before.” concluding question to help read you? old Is it diaries? can you make you and diar y? who use like.” Tone You “Today a the As still keep to interesting present kept people discuss people writing same ever know why for you you you about In events debate happened…” Do It and called direct such as a to brainstorm visual record ideas, diagram your to new help ideas. C r i te r i o n Diary Using the entry in or a for your own A • • advice out ideas • writing which day out day out a note on event simple (it about an present been Make Name • Age of • I have We Five activity also work best new are a some choose title. friend friend from a you went) that If took tense writing yesterday, and raining). to are place past you (we have the continuous are place about use writing today, seen; use we have music). scaolding the C r i te r i a following points to help you to plan what to write. 3Dii, 3Diii Try at to keep least by known met X when for /since more /because adjectives … to (context) describe your and express and or feelings One • The thing you don’t like about thing X always says to What • The do they really mean? you thing X always two list of What do they • What do you Before you really think write, about think • Will you write in • Will you write about • How will you • formally or • personally the write rst to the make things have learned from (text) a diary. person? these issues: person, “I” , your of (subtext) the about to end (subtext) does mean? clearly the weeks, all keeping • At (text) you one to thoughts X a • one X the one for writing trying your yourself. • diary weeks. documenting event … a two Practise Background • could diary friend • • (we event on an Here your if took perfect notes • tenses: was and a a friend listening Planning you with that past tenses describe your false create friend. Give with school Meeting a but topics. First an you with new A above, writing day 3Di friend or the second person, “you”? using the past present or tenses? yourself : informally or impersonally? 2 1 Friendship Why can international sometimes nd it hard students to make friends? Before you Discussion In your friends read school from do your cultures? What are the look the at a poster of a American about you C and for which more culture or this? exercise survey. their have own reasons following results T ext you will contains The survey international the asked students friendships. C r i te r i o n While you Reading Look at With a pie read visual the and Text 3Bi C information poster, partner charts “What check that diagrams As makes you by a friendship?” understand asking each the other on the next meaning questions of page. the about contained in the you work partner can on with this practise your task, these you skills: the • statistics questi o n points other In Con ceptual Find, interpret and text. judge • Response information. Collect, record and Percentage verify data. (approximate) • not at Access to What percentage international 40% of students American students be informed inform and others. relate about to information all? the same as other • Make connections … Americans? between 20% sources • Response Percentage (approximate) 10% less than other American What percentage of students American students international relate students … to about the American same as other students? 15% 2 2 Create various of information. new information. Text C What We asked you makes American relate to the and other a friendship? international than to Americans international well do Not at relate How group? INTERNATIONALS I students: as well as or all better Better students than A little, but not as international students well as international students 50% About as well international as students Not AMERICANS I relate as or to at international better than students as well Better all than Americans Americans A little, as 60% About as well American But when other we group AT asked: How many friends do well but as not Americans as students you have from the ... LEAST MORE THAN INTERNATIONALS AMERICANS VOA Student n=54 Union American, 56 sur vey international 2 3 Friendship Text C: Text handling C r i te r i o n 3Bi True/false Read the table false. Tick [ below. ] the The sentences correct it contains are either true or response. True 1. About 80% 2. All 3. Half 4. Only 5. According 6. Similarly, of Americans international of all students American 20% of have have students international to the only a pie least at have most minority one least at students char t, small at international one least have American two at of two relate international friend. international least Americans friend. friends. American well to students friends. international do not relate students. to American students. 7. A large 8. The the majority of percentage of American and is about same. other group international the students relate international well to American students that students. have a lot C r i te r i o n 1. Look • at these Overall, Overall, had From Give 60% 2. In A. of American with 50% of friendships your 3Biii own students related international students. international students with American experience, are well related to and well to had and students. you surprised by these results? reasons. your school New which students nd statement it easier is to most make usually friends true? with existing students. B. Existing students nd it easier to make friends with new students. C. New students nd students. Explain 2 4 your common ndings. friendships • in answer. it easier to make friends with other new with False Comprehending and Study in visual the terms least. In making of If table. effectiveness, the effective? opinion, message Give C r i te r i o n you were going with similar to Rank with which clear reasons poster to for the 10 design being two the your techniques the reader? at school community, you do or in what similarly Which techniques 1 are the the in least a colours Visuals your Statistics what Dierent do two and effective answers. would you most poster friendships and would the effective are Which in information international your used most techniques Dierent about 3Bii text following your written fonts differently? Numerals would Graphs you use in the design of your Percentages poster? below, Complete giving the reasons table for Questions your and answers answers. Dierent colours Visuals Statistics Dierent fonts Numerals Graphs Percentages Questions Be and answers creative. When make you a have sketch made of your brainstorming your • Use • Consider • Create • Make unexpected or • Make guesses, “what • Apply existing • Create multiple novel and original about the techniques you would use, visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries. alternatives. solutions ask choices poster. to authentic unusual if” knowledge works and problems. connections questions to generate ideas; use between and new generate ideas, existing objects testable products works and/or and ideas. hypotheses. or ideas processes. in new ways. 2 5 Friendship Formative oral interactive Your class has international nglish. You skills: been asked students must and to to 3Cii, 3Ciii Role-play nd the decide C r i te r i a some school. what to activities The to students welcome are still new learning do. Collaboration In this task you demonstrate you can others can that work with effectively and productively. • Work a Here are some • Organize a • Organize an possible sports activities day evening for all dance that the students for all school in your students has suggested. year. in your year. collaboratively • Build • Negotiate effectively. Make and • in team. consensus. fair equitable decisions. • Each class organizes a “pot luck” meal where everyone brings a dish. • Do you like these suggestions or can you think of better Give and receive activities? meaningful Using take these the suggestions role of options while another idea. single the In answer Planning Study and this the teacher other the you can table day luck class meal Alternative suggestion 1 Alternative suggestion 2 Alternative suggestion 2 6 of your suggesting people agree should discuss the own, person advantages play your one students ideas of and use 3 prefer come up with to to a on. C r i te r i o n it feedback. should these who and scaolding Dance Pot some role-play How Spor ts and help you organize to think of ideas for the How this 3Dii role -play. will help new international students Formative Diary a writing writing new – activity: writing C r i te r i o n 3Di about student Your school have been may one receive yourself students and from know other what it is countries. You may like. In A new student has come from abroad. The student is nding it this that to make new friends. You have been asked to look after the a short diary entry about the new student. In it you you the student and suggest ways the new student can friends words. Give Planning Before Use your your and you this at school. work a You should write between 200 and skills to Manage • C r i te r i a your time and 3Dii, effectively. 250 title. scaolding the make tasks other have independently. should • describe show student. work Write assignment hard Plan your assignment; meet deadlines. • Plans your • Organize 3Diii writing. write table to organize your ideas for your diar y entr y. Do not star t complex writing information. until you have of responded new to • Name • Age • Background • Think • List three things you like • List three things the new each bullet point. arrival • Set goals that challenging of ve are and realistic. or more adjectives to describe the new arrival • about the new person with Take action personal arrival might have to achieve explanations problems and academic with goals. • Make three suggestions Before you write, • will you • How • formally • personally Will you or think write for about to making these friends at school issues. yourself : informally or impersonally? address yourself Conclusion in to the rst the person, “I” , or the second conceptual person, “you”? question friends? answer to the question? 2 7 Friendship What Text and D In this class, of do chapter make a “Making we you list know have of the in your investigations. At this are Make How stage, a list of many your looked most there audio-visual any so into the friends”? Con ceptual questi o n far? the important points about you topic ideas don’t of making you have friends. learned As a so far of your understand? questions. answers Suggested A. does communicate theme What how can you nd texts in for this audio-visual this section? section 8ueCG9ZgNFw How new B. to survive high school: How to make friends! watch?v=tPfB6GIjM9Q International Culture C. experience Part 1: Making Note: of Before while could abroad use an audio-visual stimulus friends. watch: the listen and you studying T ext D activity through and times making you Focusing Read friends Alternatively, theme look student shock exercises for. discuss You below may possible need to make sure to watch the answers in class you know materials after each what to several viewing and listening. C r i te r i o n While you Respond manner 2 8 to on watch the a tasks Text and separate answer sheet of 3Ai D the paper. questions in the appropriate own choosing related to the 1 1. This audio-visual these 2. MYP A. Identities B. Orientation C. Personal D. Scientic E. Globalization F. Fairness Copy the this stimulus global and and table stimulus. space and cultural and to be related to which of relationships in and seems contexts? technical and time expression innovation sustainability development and You use may it to wish summarize to add the extra main points supporting of points, if necessary. Main idea Examples and/or explanations and/or details Media In Subject Literacy this section develop 21st Thesis you can matter – main these century valuable learning point skills. • Suppor ting point Interacting to use and Suppor ting point and Making about personal 3 • point ideas informed viewing Suppor ting create information. choices point media 2 • Suppor ting with 1 experiences. Understanding the 4 impact of media representations. Conclusions • Seeking a range perspectives 2 Multiple -choice Answer the questions following with varied justications • questions: sources. Communicating information 3. The approach to the subject matter of the of from and ideas audio-visual effectively. stimulus 4. is mainly: A. entertaining B. factual C. persuasive D. other (please specify). What is justication/reason? How would your you describe A. Very B. Interesting C. Fairly D. Uninteresting the content of the stimulus? important What interesting is your justication/reason? 2 9 Friendship 3 Multiple -choice Answer 5. 6. 7. What 9. 10. following was the format of the audio-visual Speech B. Conversation/discussion C. Debate D. Documentary E. Other The purpose A. narrate B. describe C. explain a D. argue point E. give F. other How (please of a a specify) the audio-visual stimulus was to: story a situation problem of view instructions/guidelines (please many points specify). of view did the audio-visual B. Two C. Three D. More The opinions A. very B. quite C. biased D. very than stimulus show? in the audio-visual stimulus are: balanced balanced one-sided. much did A. A B. More than C. Once or D. Never Which three the audio-visual stimulus use graphics? lot of twice twice these techniques are used in the stimulus? 3 0 stimulus? One How 3Aii questions: A. A. 8. the C r i te r i o n questions A. Voiceover B. Special C. Music and D. Other special E. None of F. All the G. Some of lighting of techniques sound the effects effects above above the above (please specify) audio-visual 4 discussion the The is purpose to nd video • with the audio-visual out was One of maker of stimulus this why role-play and how the made. person volunteers presenter (the to of teacher?) be the the director/ audio-visual stimulus. • One person plays the role of interviewer. • The the rest of class part of an should invited play studio audience. • The “interviewer” one or two audience” 5 Formative Write up contents starts questions to ask writing your you by and their reactions then own activity: have asking to “director/ invites presenter” “members of the questions. Diary the watched the in entry C r i te r i o n audio-video the form of stimulus a and 3Aiii its Planning • Before diary. • and the discuss could Planning and Use could role -play, the questions you ask. the answers to scaolding questions You scaolding 30 mention: as the 1–10 basis on for page creating questions. • the reason for watching • the theme, mains • the most • the extent to • the extent to the points impor tant audio-visual and conclusion conventions and techniques which the interested which you used management skills Use The your best answers answers between 200 and from will agree above also 250 stimulus to give with help ideas you examples you represented plan and your in diar y the stimulus. entr y. justications. You should write words. Have you to the all asked this If Conclusion to the conceptual question and how communicate does about audio-visual the theme of Text questions the you beginning where, you nd are What answers of section? not, do at found think the and you how, could information you seeking? D “Making friends”? Having examined this section, what is your answer to the question? 3 1 Friendship Summative In this your summative in this two assessment understanding assessed on your chapter. tasks related assessment task of use To activities the of the the the you Statement Language Debatable To what extent responsibility make For the based a new video task the and opportunity skills you inquiry a for You you will this will to show also have be developed undertake chapter. debatable Each question. inquiry essential close tool personal, that helps social and us to understand, cultural be will To the and How students read two answer diary entry oral to say, question should to texts the and second based on undertake question the a role-play you will have unit. In show B: had this your opportunities summative watch content. assessment: understanding Comprehending 3Bi Show 3Bii written the and of visual Understand basic conventions Engage with on and personal purpose the for written attitudes throughout have a nal learning this chance to objectives: text main including ideas aspects and of supporting format and style, writing and and experiences will information, conclusions author’s role-play you following draw opinions 3 2 practise and and 3Biii of understanding details, to assessment visual by and text making opinions a by identifying response to ideas, the text you make Role-play You in on local contexts. Debatable it reect friendships welcome? you Summative an friends”. 1 teachers a of answer an global content. write is and students rst on of develop should of to and question have assessment statement requires will “Making communication complete to you topic based act, new 2 and friends what at a should new you school? C: Communicating visual in response 3Ci Respond appropriately 3Cii Interact in rehearsed 3Ciii Express ideas familiar 3Civ D: and and 3Di language spoken Speak and using a and a and/or range of and/or unrehearsed and sense spoken conventions; spoken unfamiliar with in to feelings, some Communicate Using to written and/or text of and/or visual text exchanges communicate information in situations audience and/or and written vocabulary, when written speaking, purpose form grammatical use clear structures pronunciation and intonation 3Dii Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii Use Debatable of language question teachers and Assessment Read the going gives Based on texts. Text school. teachers and the perform a new should it be students in the with Consider debatable the other the responsibility welcome? of is a how them read a to feel in of the E two should what students or three they You To He students, below, show make characters for can new you should new The form what extent to prepare student). difculties how question. and F another teachers. question: students teacher. with and and teachers a welcome. and show new by connect between and to post Texts teacher some texts advice blog students debatable responsibility gives role-play student, relationships about should new on you demonstrate presented the a F make information and E Text other instance, the extent make ones, cards think what to to (for students context new cue role-play To the task middle advice especially 1: suit students following into to it be students welcome? The role-play, recorded, in which should could allow be each acted in front person to speak of the for class about or 3–4 minutes total. 3 3 Friendship Text E -school.html Moving to middle school Is it good to be in the middle? Sometimes it ’s not, like seat on it like is, great a when ride. you’re school called in you’re car movie. What Middle It’s when long the is middle middle a of little school possibly is middle sometimes the your school the middle happen school Elementar y and in will in But bit of a next? like that. because school it’s years. behind you. college still High await you. For a kid, going to middle school often is a big change: Visit • First, it usually means moving to a new building, more than once. Most middle schools have an which orientation day for students who will be attending in the fall. takes some time to adjust to. Orientation is a day when you tour the school and get a little • Second, it may mean dierent students. taking a dierent bus, with information about what it will be like to go there. On • Third, friends from elementar y school may end up going to dierent middle need the your big day, energy eat and breakfast brain-power and to be brave. You navigate your new school. schools. On your way out the door, take everything you need and Other things that probably will be dierent are the try teachers and the work. Have you heard rumors that to remember that this is a big adventure. You might get middle lost in the halls. Oh, well, it’s your rst day! Try to be brave and school teachers are really mean and the homework is really, say “Hi” to really hard? Oh, dear. We’ve heard those, too, but they’re locker usually true. Yes, you’ll like some teachers better than other new kids. If you don’t know the kid with the not next to yours, say “Hello. ” You’ll be seeing a lot of each others, other this year! but middle schools are not special breeding grounds for In class, listen to what the teacher says and take notes mean teachers! because it’s hard to remember everything. Try to write down the important stu — like your locker combination and your Learning new stu homeroom number. Then you can look it over when you get Your likely bad homework will get thing. dierent more more You’ll stu in advanced — and the challenging, also probably middle courses but be school in work you that’s not learning — like computer do in class — necessarily some foreign new a and languages, technology, music and art, health, and life skills. On top of that, middle school will probably oer a variety of new you teams, love clubs, lacrosse, and activities ceramics, or jazz you can music. opportunities to do all three at middle school. 3 4 join. You Maybe might nd home and be prepared for Day 2. Adapted from an ar ticle by D’Arcy Lyness, PhD Text F A If teacher ’s this is your guarantee school years rst one students of their year thing: blog: of teaching, you saying lives. It ’s Students will they not I can never are all hear having surprising; it with middle the best really the the few middle people good friends all with awkward time for them. These kids are time. now It ’s rather better than blues to make tr ying to a be ever yone. is 3.Technology an the friends school makes it easy to ruin going relationships. through As a physical, result, they pressure. You’ll in their emotional are coming hear it in and social under their changes. Technology intense voices, you’ll see it faces. you your opinions of If you’re a new middle school teacher, is days can seconds. many ways you can help your probably have learned your from own you memories own use it wisely. These thoughts, your pictures how many your – times all feelings, in have a matter you on the Internet and put regretted it two students. middle later? It is all too easy to hur t someone, and or lessons you there seconds You if your and But information are great post to damage their reputation. How would you school like it if it happened to you? Think rst, post later. experiences. 4. Here are six collected on to pieces over your the own of wisdom years. Feel that free I Dare to be dierent have to pass them Too many alike, students. talk middle alike school and kids behave dress alike, walk alike. Stop trying to be like everyone else! Follow your own interests and hobbies; don’t stop doing something just because nobody else is doing it. If there’s something that really interests you or you have a pastime that fascinates you, follow it and hold on to it. You never know where it will lead. 5. Don’t better over time much going There’s plenty of where don’t get too you’re and 1. Things worry where be time you’re aimless. sure that you your ability. tr y Use in to going. Give and your if you don’t yet know life nd On out the yourself reach who other goals them talents and to you are hand, and the your make best gifts, of then, You have braces that look horrible? You have acne when your easier to path becomes clearer, you will nd it that won’t go away? You are in love with someone succeed. who doesn’t know you exist? These things may seem tragic now, but, in a few years, you’ll be able 6. Life is full of possibilities to look back at these troubles and laugh. All 2. Y ou don’t need to be friends with everyone the going what Don’t tr y and be too popular. Don’t tr y too changes to be somebody you are not. You don’t need amazing out with the most popular kids. school friends carefully. In the next few phase years probably space and change time to a lot. Give grow. You yourself don’t through things are just are knows around will not last forever. your life. Remember It the is corner. just in have to make good choices, to have fun, remember to you hang will going Choose remember your are somewhere. Who to one hang you you hard Middle to lead on to your dreams. the to please 3 5 Friendship Summative Debatable to make You question new have a nal 2: How friends had throughout written a few this chance at should new In show this your you act, Diary and what should you say, school? opportunities unit. to a task: to practise summative ability to writing assessment meet the diary you entries will following have learning objectives: A: Comprehending 3Ai Show understanding details, 3Aii 3Aiii and Interpret Engage C: with 3Ci 3Cii 3Ciii personal information, spoken attitudes experiences in and and visual by and response appropriately Interact in rehearsed Express ideas and and spoken language Write in and/or Organize and a spoken by a ideas and supporting identifying response and/or and to ideas, the text based written and/or of Use communicate audience and written range of when speaking, to visual text information in purpose form a and and/or exchanges conventions; vocabulary, use grammatical clear intonation information language written situations and/or using and/or unrehearsed sense spoken speak and to and ideas devices 3 6 text making unfamiliar with pronunciation 3Diii main opinions to feelings, some Communicate structures 3Dii text conclusions Respond Using 3Di of visual text familiar 3Civ the and Communicating visual D: draw and conventions opinions on spoken suit the context and use a range of basic cohesive Assessment Watch new the task following schools (Text have learned what to the texts contain The do you How have about Write making what examples diary Text about and video G). not to studied and a ways diary friends do. in in You this of entry making new may new describing schools. use chapter. the The friends what Explain both information best in you answers from will explanations. entry should make friends be between 200 and 250 words in length. G to school (Star ting at a new over/moving) watch?v=Y4rFCPGLx-0 3 7 Friendship Going In this that use chapter helps social skills us and of beyond you have explored you developed in have in chapter how reect friendships information the Take have understand, cultural the beyond you to the on local language and and global learned and chapter for this is an develop essential close contexts. the tool personal, Now make communication practical purposes classroom. action! Some suggestions Role-play Use the the could As role-play topic a of skills friendship share stories starting point or you have further. developed You experiences you could use and in your about this chapter classmates in to explore English friendships. these headings: • making friends • being new • losing • having • conicts a at school student friends to Dramatize change schools with friends. these stories short plays/role-plays). Note: Make sure that (turn real them names into are changed. Debate You can use the role-plays as a way of dships. Here • are How some can topics teachers you and might want students to best act help out and new then students debate. to feel welcome? • To in • • what a new How should Should schools It is a you at to should teachers help new students to feel welcome school? friends adapt • extent new their better to act, and what should you say, to make new school? adapt new have to new students or should new students school? one really good friend than to have many acquaintances. You could that have your 3 8 make come ndings to use out the of of any good your student or debate. council interesting For or ideas example, other or you forum. suggestions could present Keeping a Try your keeping each day and Service Speak to to nd your The diary diary. Write thoughts and about events that happen to you feelings. learning your out MYP your particular ideas own your coordinator school’s or action expectations for and service action and coordinator service in grade/year. below relate directly to the following service learning outcomes: • discuss, • persevere • work • evaluate in collaboratively develop a student-initiated with activities others international-mindedness Alternatively, write plan action multilingualism • and you guide to and intercultural could also being a use through your student global engagement, understanding. at communication the school from skills a to: student perspective • write a guide students • create a for existing students about how to make new welcome social event where new students can meet existing students • create a student • make Ideas This for there for or you for Holly aware done of of can post ideas for the friendship how through people a series interact of with each role-plays. number other or society students Sachar, Jerry Spinelli, If this Applegate, The of new point at and not, students during your chapter that them might arriving school school helping you the here is to are the responsible become want at year. members start such some of aclub. texts reading Fitzhugh, Lin, students topic community? Louis Sue group Goldberg Grace a some new further Louise be enjoyed Katherine the more have at club, school on where service welcoming your If a blog could schools beginning Is council students other. Many student The Harriet Sloan, Year of One the and Ivan Spy Counting the Only by 7s Dog Holes Stargirl Townsend, The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾ 3 9 Recycling 2 In context Global context: globalization and sustainability How In is this everything chapter systems the and connected? will explore communities themes and our this home of chapter and Key this chapter consumption at developed you and will school. Later recycling and concept: symbols. As sender, a message activity of how we you Structure format. can interconnectedness impact of of human-made decision-making on people and use is use dierent other in an the human of impact natural to look dierent at on the resources related recycling environmentally oral For same to or and transfer picture information helps structures will intended or of friendly environment and both ways signals, opposite, receiver. goods. in the schools have policies. facts, ideas communication Communication meaning. written In this inter views to chapter and requires involves you will communicate a the explore ideas. Structure pattern promote example, development the you organization, communication. the issues exchange and both Structure introduction, texts on concept: the include conser vation Communication see conveying can Related all the the explore Communication is the of and environment. The In you and structure the a and elements comprehension written structure conclusion, and you communicate will their as in of text, and may formal examine in any eectiveness involve essays. how an However, writers can not use message. Statement Language plays promoting wider How can do What a very recycling important role personal, local in in and questions much What inquiry communities. Inquiry How of do you recycle individuals you and set how up a does do at to home? recycle school’s waste? recycling audio-visual text programme? D communicate the theme recycling? Should Is 4 0 a “green recycling the school” do only way more for than schools just to recycle? protect the environment? of How much Before What do you you read already about Recycling? begin this class You as many ways to nish this “Recycling What by do each this the to do home B. at school? you next gives recycling such as 3Bii, 3Biii a of do: read to Text you will dispose matter bags. and Other A nd two to homeowners of recyclable garden waste, household packaging recycling and Swansea, household using rubbish broken in posters. the that glass, is and not rst Wales. waste, pink is The It including green recyclable, collected in black bags. The council you can website recycle, We do not can be taken The second says, such currently paper, note A. a in 3Bi, you they instructions food rubbish C r i te r i a know in idea page how vegetable 3Biii much you at explains 3Bii, session. are the A. poster 3Bi, question nding terms How the C r i te r i a Fac tual possible How recycling? On home? understand connected While at means...” poster? recycling A recycle sentence, you of by as Text conduct brainstorming start you Before chapter, could do to our as collect lists which items B. in a pink C. in a black D. to the 24 are items many books, from more CDs your and things batteries. home but they sites.” household from many, shoes, these recycling poster green “There clothes, the items. second On a poster separate sheet of go: bag bag bag recycling site. 4 1 Recycling Text A Recycling in Swansea Yes Yes e: pleas e: pleas ble Bub Metal p wra tic Plas s tub and s pot s can ard Cardbo tic Plas Glass , tles bot jars and s bag tic Plas tles bot and lids foil er Pap woo d hard core & timbe r & rubb pain t le scra p food tins mixe d drin k met al & glas s cans gard en bottl es & new spap ers jars was te & card boar d mag azin es book s batte ries fluor esce nt large tube s small appl iance s tvs & appl iance s fridg es mon itors plas tics & hous ehol ds & freez ers gard en chem icals gas bottl es used mixe d & text iles cloth car engi ne oil batte ries tyre s disc s 4 2 es Formative oral interactive and C r i te r i a 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii, 3Civ skills: When a Interview with a Make sure they partner questionnaire and ask each other the following practising justify or explain their On On of these skills do questionnaire a scale recycle 2. techniques. answers. Which 1. you valuable questions. research Recycling conduct questionnaire are Work you a at of 1–5, 5 being the easiest, 5 being easiest, how easy is it to you use in this page? the exercise on home? scale of 1–5, how easy is it to A. cardboard C. paper B. cans D. bottles? • Finding information. • Interpreting recycle: information. • 3. At home you and your family and recording data. A. always B. usually C. sometimes between D. rarely sources E. never. • • 4. Collecting recycle: What percentage A. plastic B. cardboard of your household waste do you think is: Making glass paper E. non-recyclable In your • opinion a new new information format. Analysing identify items? recycling information. Presenting and 5. of Creating in D. various information. • C. connections data to solutions make informed is: decisions. 6. A. very B. important C. somewhat important D. a time. waste “There how.” important are Do of things you A. Strongly B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly 7. Which 8. If you • I want with to recycle but this statement? like to I’m not sure disagree would given you more recycle information but about cannot? recycling, Planning recycle A. Strongly B. Agree more. Do you agree with this statement? you each his agree and scaolding you As would results. agree things were that agree Reporting ask your question or her par tner write answers explanations. You use C. Neither D. Disagree E. agree Strongly or this down and may information in wish a to class disagree discussion on the the end of your ndings at exercise. disagree 4 3 Recycling : Interview this section. about Interview his or Following used her the above question in the copy the your partner’s chart interview or her your in full this and gives answer use Make clear you format questionnaire, it to record sure your reasons have for his nished, interviewyou. char t scaolding to responses. You wish and When may and sentences. Planning Use below partner classmate habits. recycling answers. answers. partner another recycling to share record may and your wish collate to questions ask the and additional results as a your class 1. 2. On 4. scale is On scale a it to it of to 1–5, 1–5, cardboard cans C. paper D. bottles? home you and A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. rarely E. never. What being at 5 the easiest, how home? being easiest, how easy recycle: B. At 5 recycle of Response yourself. A. do 4 4 a easy is 3. introduce percentage you think your of family your plastic B. cardboard C. glass D. paper E. non-recyclable recycle: household is: A. may activity. Question Please par tner ’s questions. You items? waste Reason/explanation/details 5. In 6. 7. your opinion A. Ver y B. Impor tant C. Somewhat D. A waste There are aren’t sure of impor tant is recycling? to recycle impor tant time things that you want but how. A. Strongly B. Agree C. Neutral D. Disagree E. Strongly Which how impor tant agree disagree things would you like to recycle but cannot? 8. If you were recycling, given you more would Strongly B. Agree C. Neither agree or disagree D. Disagree E. Strongly you Planning for agree disagree talking and to with Now the think about these • Ver y • Formal, • Informal, a C r i te r i o n sense language of 3Diii audience you will use when writing the inter view. Choose registers. formal, as me. scaolding Communicating of about more. A. Thank one information recycle if as as if talking talking if ver y talking to politely to a politely to people a ver y impor tant you stranger don’t knowwell friend uestion How much do you recycle at home? Having examined answer to Do you think Do you recycle Justify the your this section, what is your question? you recycle too little enough? or too much? answers. 4 5 Recycling What can recycle individuals do to waste? Fac tual C r i te r i a Before Look to at the you the topic list of read of Text words in recycling? 3Bii, word are cloud. these How words many linked can to you the you The below text questions has a we and question questions How much to is can nature’s answer? is Text written responses. and the recycle? What read an Do in the There in we throw What style are the 3Ci we an are interview sections. ten with Each prompts. section Match the text. to things can of eight Here have recycle? 3Bi, B answer. answers link topic? C r i te r i a While 3Biii B the How 3Bi, question out? What eect waste What do? does have? else can we Is one person’s trash someone else’s treasure? How do with toxic we deal waste? How can we producing What waste? questions should we ourselves? 4 6 avoid ask Text B What Is Waste from is ever ything things water, gas produced 1 you and by more electricity, the and space when we often contains to handle new toxic landlls our nature landlls Nature to of the items can gas come 5 amount before we __________________ even emissions something, are lled, waste. This is being and 6 we is I save money by batteries damaged because 7 can waste even star t Can reuse I show we us reusing __________________ If you for free. Garage sales don’t a the food can also take items to a buy the product and its recyclable. useless at markets you purchase where For we an item example, can buy food packaging. __________________ high quality have a soil by Turn kitchen waste composting. Whether into you how create. We big garden or a small apar tment, ever yone can can compost. Your or repair will love plants I already need it! this? What else can good charity we do? Find and use “free stores, ” own? stu, give exchanges, place to recycling programmes, and it centres. Find the closest recycling star t. depots You you recycling. what are see if Before packaging? all for composting away ever ything, cans. without clothing 4 lookto are Almost paint Can without waste and __________________ shop 8 Can __________________ use substances. __________________ reuse from It we necessary? packaging As because create reduce away. ways really waste? transpor t. unsustainable 3 throw from __________________ need 2 you buy, this is or drop-o centres. store. Adapted from what-to-do/sustainability-at-home.pdf Found at (page 15). 4 7 Recycling Text handling: assessment 1 Finding In the words text of with ve Factual Text similar words are C r i te r i o n 3Bi B meaning underlined. Find the word from the Discussion right-hand column underlined words that could meaningfully replace one of Read, from the text on the left. Write your a sheet debate write and use answers language on and the to gather and ofpaper. communicate Example: toxic Reread things the the three information text best and choose recycling poisonous ideas 1. unsustainable proposed. Justify your possible choices. Use a search engine sell to 2. 3. reduce items look buy ideas cut In up on your Justify so your recycling Internet. opinion, recycling parcel more the why is impor tant? answer using dirty information 4. purchase the text and wrapping your pieces 5. from packaging research. ideas increase of a to your Present class in your the form poster. unworkable 2 Shor t-answer Answer the 6. What 7. According “free 8. do we questions. recycle to by composting? the text, why do the text, what you think people visit stores”? According with 3 questions following to three things can individuals do waste? Multiple -choice questions – format and C r i te r i o n style 3Biii Work 9. What is the purpose of Text B? A. To nd out opinions about B. To nd out attitudes to C. To nd out solutions eectively global warming In groups waste To nd out attitudes to conserving energy The structure of the interview A timeline from the B. A series questions you come beginning to the and In your Thesis D. A and supporting the the and how interviewers information points they denition opinion, answers use C. to? end will of conclusions is? 1. A. questions. agreed resources do 10. the disposal What D. discuss litter following to with others receive from the examples interviewees? 11. The language used by the interviewer is? 2. A. Very formal B. Very casual and In your how and opinion, polite useful are such personal questionnaires? C. Quite D. Formal casual and personal Justify 4 8 and polite your answer. Formative Work to with the a oral partner following and waste. reasons explanations. or information your from and questions each Text answer, You B your to may help 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii answers about give wish you scaolding Communicating Before • For C r i te r i a to use formulate answers. Planning use record interview household and in you the Ver y with begin, think inter view. formal, as a if C r i te r i o n sense about Choose talking of audience the language one of these you 3Civ will registers: politely to a ver y impor tant politely to people stranger. • Formal, don’t • as if know Informal, talking ver y as if talking to a friend. Question Please How you well. Answer introduce impor tant Reason/Explanation/ Details yourself. is recycling in today ’s world? What things do you recycle at home? What At methods the moment, materials Would you there say recycling what cannot give stu do do you you do use? with rec ycle? away for free or to shops? rec ycling Is you you charit y Would of be interested group at anything on the Thank you in joining a school? else you would like to subject? 4 9 Recycling Formative writing activity: C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii Interview You wish Write 250 up to publish your words Planning for and Organization and could introduction star t the Will you by question A. formal write up informal C. semi-formal D. poetic and the list A. at home B. in school C. in public. 5 0 the include the a inter viewee little to your biographical readers. information and your inter view. answer format questions and of all decide this the for the body answers the are methods available public. section, methods which effective recycling to individuals a general 3Diii in of your the inter view. inter view using: language? can most and language Make of 200 language examined the between magazine. C r i te r i o n introducing could Having class school language Conclusion In using the language B. What above in answers. conducting Use notes above scaolding This for interview interview your You reason the to the factual do to what that is question recycle your people waste? answer could to use: the question? Key and related concepts: Communication Communication As we can see messenger, diagram which any a in the below. In the and pairs an do not of structure information communication intended explain communicate you conveying diagram, message people points involves and what messages or requires a meaning. sender/ receiver/recipient. it is to saying each about other. Study the Make the way in a of list understand. Information/ Behaviour/ The message input output What What I I understand mean The channel speaking writing graphics Coding Decoding video, The messenger The At Communication such The as speech, message languages As you create ideas learn you a on as In more the sends in a and how over of topics. to you time you topics, message to or the or in common medium, for the message, multimedia. code is language. the code. First messages learn using simple narrate Different can learning give home. also want can to conict see recipient, a create more resolution, or who receives how to As you communicate instructions messenger who learn sentences. rst and as you you and will you when food such the structure, example, family, above, code channel, sentence For describe, your some recipient codes. language, difcult the code, knowledge a graphics comprehensible diagram message a least requires different yourself, However, also writing, familiar learn such is use short, develop on etc and a on your language, basic complex topics texts recycling creates waste. and interprets the sent. 5 1 Recycling As messengers, understood. We “What you We know all can have can need what what become many use want to to make make sure sure our that message “What I is mean” can we even different facial happen are when saying! more ways difcult. to expressions, a the When protect certain recipient we are However, the when meaning tone of does learning of voice, words, Sometimes “OK?” or at we Who their seems the same as or we language, speak we message. gestures we We and sometimes ideas. question “Get stop not a words such as: it?” and photograph pause. below. conversation. to you or little just the be What do What methods sure add we the Imagine phrases “Right?” Sometimes Look is our hand , repeat clearly understand”. understand this we doing think are most they the are boy of the talking? talking and girl about? using to make that: A. B. the recipient is understanding the message correctly? Think make How of the sure do you are listening Do you What After the sure same are passage about you you English. you are What correctly ways when understanding way there in in your how rst you do you you use to speak? correctly when you language? speak order to to • review • read • make • take on learning to yourself learning English. have “Learning 5 2 use and listen in your languages? this Think you understand someone? differences Read that make to speak different In way people nished reading communicate complete and skim critically for inferences effective this the in task text a communicate and new again to notes. draw language” build by you on additional of the and the ideas text, share language. in make your the a text list ideas of can you points with your relate under class. should: understanding nding conclusions an many reecting successfully, comprehension and How in the relevant information from the text to? the heading Written When we certain will repeat or message written you is can or we to understood For specic report, that it has do to our have type clear our simply ourselves. So written a clear when such interview, a sure cannot that is for message the example, text an our make We sure know of correct making a so cannot speech structure. writing We Nor in pause news middle we recipient understood. of write short it. do is way the to we message one write, how react things structure as an a essay beginning, andend. use different varieties of English depending on whether we are Discussion communicating with a close friend or with a stranger such as Think manager of a the same debate about the three written business. structures In and the way, we use different written structures depending the on essay, we have discussed: the stor y and the questionnaire. what kind of text we are writing. In For instance, would you structure these two texts in the same way groups think of represent each structure differently? diagram could A. An essay about recycling A story For which linked about text a polluted above paragraphs would using to that use to other plan as a students their waste writing. B. ways or river you want supporting to write details an and/or introduction, examples well- and a conclusion? How would you structure the How would you structure a waste your and recycling? questions. Think Which questions questions would go Which questions would come your answers to text? questionnaire about Which Explain other in the the about order would in come attitudes which you to littering, would put rst? middle? last? show that you understand the concept of structure. Planning and scaolding Communicating with Now the think these about a C r i te r i o n sense language of 3Diii audience you will use in the questionnaire. Choose one of registers: • ver y formal, • formal, • informal, as if as as if talking talking if ver y talking to politely to a politely to people a ver y impor tant you don’t stranger know well friend. 5 3 Recycling Thinking about and structure Look the at about the recipient From table text of type, the column Planning 1. and Text below. In communication column message and 1 you have messenger. In been given column 2 information choose the message. 3 choose the best structure for the text. scaolding type, message and 2. Recipient 3. How to structure A. A friend A. Beginning, B. A group B. Most C. Simple D. Main the text messenger A blog entry on pollution; the Y ou A as people with interview manager of a with impor tant to and end least impor tant interests yourself written the of same middle C. A stranger D. A community A. A friend B. A group of to complex idea, proof and examples, conclusion strangers A. Beginning, B. Most C. Simple D. Main middle and end recycling of people with impor tant to least impor tant company; the Y ou A as as story/ fable for children; C. An impor tant D. A community E. A teacher A. A friend B. A group C. newspaper an ar ticle about An of same of idea, proof and examples, conclusion strangers A. Beginning, B. Most C. Simple D. Main middle and end people with impor tant to least impor tant interests impor tant D. A community E. A teacher A. A friend as B. A group to complex stranger of idea, proof and examples, conclusion strangers A. Beginning, B. Most C. Simple D. Main middle and end essay Y ou as of people with impor tant to least impor tant journalist the on recycling; student same interests C. An impor tant D. A community E. A teacher A. A friend B. A group the C. 5 4 complex accident; Y ou An to stranger storyteller the A interests journalist shor t Y ou same An of same to complex stranger of people with idea, proof and examples, conclusion strangers A. Beginning, B. Most C. Simple D. Main middle impor tant to and end least impor tant interests impor tant D. A community E. A teacher to complex stranger of strangers idea, proof conclusion and examples, Formative writing skills: The interview What is an Consider the learning; choosing specic that allows discussion. on an or text you An important type to is an conduct interview issues. interviewer college of and interview? using One process In about interview, a interview. and can an tell us be a topic. very An interview write interview, specic can then up person’s an a is Some thoughts and talks interviews, Some skills structure Think person-to-person interviewee formal. a ATL at such interviews feelings length as are a to job in about other Do you your school use structure a writing subjects. clear when writing? much What different structures morepersonal. do Look at the picture. What kind of interview is this? What might you be Make the use? a list of the situation? different How will the interviewer and the interviewee speak to one evidence do you have for your you can another? plan What ways a clear structure for responses? your writing. Which is the better method: A to think the B to and same write time brainstorm ideas, and for organize then at them write them down? For example: picture think are is what the two talking the in the do you people about? message being communicated? is the message received? common their Interview structure Whatever situation, and as a piece question need talk to the of writing. and about. The answer decide But which you a good interview important format. As questions also need to a as structural result, you is in structured characteristic before would decide carefully like the the which is interview, to ask code? body is the How language receiver you messages? to do expressions messenger the interviewee order the How being What facial How and help the interpret the to your questions. It makes specic sense and to start personal with general questions and move to more ones. 5 5 Recycling Introduction In your introduction, “Thanks the for interviewee. recycling The Ask For on coming in our main about last begin or about future could conclude Closed can be an or or with “No”. their and In life your for and then move for some facts. allow the the as a interviewee. Or great introduce supporter of this?” to specic Then respondent do you by thanking begin “Who”. can short, use at be can with They the see specic are useful you questions. could move as to the the provide next information stage?” You interviewee. you question usually in of easy an a as answer. to They encourage fact-nding.Closed such cannot questions produce to such interview as: “Could explain/describe/tell “How” word questions answers. open questions or a beginning very open-ended large be ….”. answered encourage amount you An with people tell our open a to readers question simple talk, “Yes” explain ofinformation. style we do not interviewee’s usingsemi-formal table with magazine.” known what “Could and Tone are reason interview used “Why” Such ideas real asking “So the and require ….?” starting you your rapport XXXX questions. could “Where”, interview about is good to types participation In by plans. effectively usually Lewis, rst questions usually “When”, a talk “wrap-up” question Question to What issues difcult Conclusion Your “Ludmila school. general more establish today body example, to you in speak the responses language. in way we write. complete You could You need grammatical use some of to write sentences the ideas in but the below. Semi-formal Vocabulary Phrasal look up of politeness am They weren’t He didn’t were did You You’re Level not are Very think you are polite wrong There may looking This We 5 6 not Suggestion I Slang verbs develop/invent I They language analyse with I’m He Formal Formal verbs over come Contractions language is not so could... AVOID good. at be Improvement I think AVOID we another way this. is may possible. be able to... of Use • your Apply creative what thinking you communication • Make guesses, have in ask skills to learned this complete about this language task. and chapter. “what if” questions and generate ideas. Study the What kind What might How one will picture of Explain the interview be the another on the is each each of and oral Look opposite at the picture pairs one in conduct person the the the interviewee speak to in C r i te r i a imagine about which interviewee. 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii Interview and photograph role-plays is different and skills: student ve responses. interactive the Invent scenario? your Formative this? situation? interviewer in right. his one you person Reverse are going involvement roles is at the the to in interview recycling. interviewer end of the In and rst interview. Structuring a Think will Write Then nd what your put it Think you the Opening Possible say to interview introduce the interview. questions. questions helpful how recycling to you use will a into the best table like the conclude the possible one order (1–10). You may below. interview. remarks questions Structure of Planning interview and scaolding Put your questions in the best order • A. In pairs, make about B. 10 list of questions to 2 ask C. the student about his 3 D. 4 E. 5 F. 6 • recycling habits recycling project. Hint: You may to use some G. 7 H. 8 recycling I. 9 used J. 10 Wrap a 1 up Wrap the • up Make in sure the all of from the questionnaire for Text closed his want or questions and to and A. ask open correct both questions order. 5 7 Recycling Now you can interview your interviewee – the student C r i te r i o n involvedinthe recycling project. Decide whether 3Civ you skills will use formal, interviewer’s you get semi-formal questions reasons and and or the informal language interviewee’s explanations for the for the responses. interviewee’s Make Exchange thoughts, messages and sure replies. information Create a table like the one below to record your through Recycling interview notes and structure In remarks Answer interaction; eectively Opening Question eectively answers. this with exercise need to plan with your work others you carefully Reason/Explanation/Details partner and A. exchange ideas. do can As you B. so you develop C. and demonstrate a D. number of skills: E. F. • Showing empathy G. • Helping others to H. succeed I. • J. Wrap Working collaboratively up • Listening other Formative writing: C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii Finding areas agreement You are writing about recycling for your school magazine. to and ideas • Interview actively perspectives of and building Think consensus about the language you will use in the interview. Choose one of these • registers: Taking shared responsibility • very formal, • formal, as if talking politely to a very politely to people important for stranger decision-making as if talking very you don’t know well • • informal, Using with the the answers. 5 8 as if talking question student and above to a using format, between and receiving constructive friend. answer Giving write 200 up and your 250 interview words for your feedback How do you recycling set up a school’s programme? Con ceptual C r i te r i a Before you Focusing Look at read the picture What products • What is • Could not you does 3Bi, 3Bii, 3Biii C discussion • How Text questi o n here, are recycled discuss in these your questions: school at the moment? recycled? improve the then recycling in your school? picture communicate the idea of recycling? C r i te r i a While you Sequencing In Text C Copythe the text read the (the in and boxes 3Bi, 3Bii C text table table Text on put A–M. page 60) there sentences Three are 1–10 in sentences 10 missing the correct have been sentences. order put in in place foryou. 5 9 Recycling Text C Planning a successful recycling A. Form a recycling member has a class or club. As a school programme team, dene your goals and ensure that each role. B. C. D. E. F. Contact a disposal company to take away the recycled material. G. H. I. J. K. L. Hold publicity events at your school. Contact the local media. M. 1. 2. Discuss the details of the potential project with teachers, the principal and parents. Choose one recyclable (for example, cardboard and mixed paper) to start your new programme. 3. Choose 4. Decide 5. Empty 6. 7. 8. 6 0 Find the right where the out what school Get approval kinds could for Once your other recyclable Put trash 10. Share collection should bins of into waste containers. be your placed in school’s materials Create your larger there are clear signs. school. recycling at your containers. school. Find out which products recycle. the project programme bins your of containers collection the 9. type is from the functioning head or principal smoothly, of expand your your school. programme materials. next to successes the via recycling the bins school or they website may and be used magazine. for garbage. to include Would to the you add any recycling Make a new additional programme list of steps to or alternative steps other points you 3Biii include Here any C r i te r i o n above? would is how the recycling programme works: add. Paper & cardboard Plastic Understanding visual text First the and study in pairs recycling some C r i te r i a poster discuss process to the how works. communication 3Bi, 3Bii right the paper Here are techniques Metal used to convey ideas in publicity Glass and advertising: • Colour • Headings • Repetition • Body • Structure/composition • Symbols • Slogans Study coding the of When poster used and to list the communicate the recycling. you evaluate have how What can Make a to patterns language techniques idea and you list create of nished effective do to points your own the the list, poster improve and the share poster to is. poster? with your class. demonstrate them your suggestions. You may want Planning Oral and interactive • C r i te r i a skills: 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii, decided that they One no of C r i te r i o n person 3Dii Interview the longer scaolding (possibly 3Civ the One and schools take in part your in the neighbourhood district recycling has programme for will to teacher) be the presenter schools. can volunteer director/ of the recycling programme. The headteacher and that says that the programme is too expensive to run • the children do not benet from The class par t You interview the headteacher of the school. what open and closed questions you would the questions in a logical The play invited purpose to the order. an the studio of the role -play ask. is Put of audience. • Decide should it. nd out recycling if and how well programme works. Decide on what level of formality to use. 6 1 Recycling Structuring First write Then put your Opening Possible your a recycling interview questions. questions into the best possible order (1–10). remarks questions Structure of interview Put your questions A to J in the best order A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 F. 6 G. 7 H. 8 I. 9 J. 10 Wrap Now use up Wrap you can formal, questions and help interview semi-formal and the explanations you make Recycling Opening your or audience. informal interviewee’s for the Decide language responses. interviewee’s whether for Make replies. up the will interviewer’s sure Use you the you get table reasons below to notes. interview notes and structure remarks Question Interviewee’s answer Interviewee’s reasons/ explanations/fur ther A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Wrap up Note: You could formative writing 6 2 record the activity interview below. in order to conduct the details Formative writing activity: C r i te r i o n 3Di Interview After recycling for Improving interviewing your the programme own headteacher at personal school, blog. who you Your does decide audience not want to have to write up the is made up of your • Take effective • Organize own teenagers your of do you feel about the will Write use a up you report your the interview question and a using logical a using an and appropriate structure. interview? answer by matter? clear How in age. manner How notes. interview information your writing a introduction to the issue and then • Write to a audience format. specic for a specic purpose. Planning Put your Write your features Think into questions using of personal do scaolding questions sentences How and a a and C r i te r i a logical your semi-formal written 3Dii, 3Diii order. inter viewee’s language. inter view. You are responses Remember writing to about in complete use the recycling grammatical structure for your and own blog. you feel about the about the language matter? you will How use in will the this aect inter view. the language Choose one you of use? these registers: • Ver y • Formal, • Informal, Write formal, as if as 200–250 as if talking talking if for Conclusion How do you to ver y politely to people ver y talking words politely to good your to set impor tant you strangers. don’t know well. friends. answers. the up a conceptual school’s question recycling programme? Having section, answer examined what to the is this your question? 6 3 Recycling What Text does D audio-visual communicate about recycling? Before you What we In this make far in your At this How a list many you list of so D far? have the Text looked most into the important topic ideas of recycling. you have As are of there your any points you don’t understand? questions. answers can you nd in this audio-visual a learned investigations. stage, a examine know chapter class, Make 6 4 do Con ceptual section? so questi o n Suggested audio-visual texts for thissection A. watch?v=oW5W3xjAEaY Start Your Program B. Own School Recycling (USA) s4460241.htm Recycling C. in Australia watch?v=WfwTreAQ1yQ Recycle schools the D. Michael across city’s initiative Liverpool recycling launched (UK) to in boost rate watch?v=7LQqgIeT98M Recycling a at your school: You can make difference Note: Alternatively, audio-visual related to the theme Media Literacy In section this learning you Interacting • Making • Understanding • Seeking • Communicating a with use your own recycling. can develop an choosing these valuable 21st Century choices of use and about impact of information create and viewing information experiences representations from and Text ideas personal media perspectives watch the listen and to varied ideas sources effectively D activity through and media the range you Focusing times could of informed Before look of skills. • Read you stimulus exercises for. discuss You below may possible need to make sure to watch the answers in class after you know materials each what to several viewing and listening. 6 5 Recycling C r i te r i o n While you watch Understanding 1 Respond to manner. Write 1. This tasks your MYP B. Orientation C. Personal D. Scientic E. Globalization F. Fairness this stimulus. table You space questions separate seems and cultural and to be in sheet the of related appropriate paper. to which of and time expression technical innovation sustainability development and may the a relationships in and on contexts? and and answer stimulus global Identities Copy and answers A. 3Ai D text audio-visual these 2. the the Text use it wish to to summarize add extra the main supporting Main points points, of if the necessary. idea Examples and/or explanations Subject matter Thesis main – point Suppor ting point 1 Suppor ting point 2 Suppor ting point 3 Suppor ting point 4 Conclusions 2 Multiple -choice 3. The questions approach stimulus is to the with justications subject matter mainly: A. entertaining B. factual C. persuasive D. other: Justication/reason: Evidence 6 6 from audio-visual text: of and the evidence audio-visual and/or details 4. How would you describe A. Really B. Interesting C. Fairly D. Uninteresting the content of the stimulus? important interesting Justication/reason: Evidence 3 from Multiple -choice conventions 5. 6. 7. What 9. 10. – text: understanding format of the audio-visual Speech B. Conversation/discussion C. Debate D. Documentary E. Other The purpose A. narrate B. describe C. explain a D. argue point E. give F. other. How C r i te r i o n A3ii techniques the A. A. 8. questions and was audio-visual of a a the audio-visual stimulus stimulus? was to: story a situation problem of view instructions/guidelines many points of view did the audio-visual stimulus show? One B. Two C. Three D. More than The opinions A. very B. quite C. biased D. very How three in the audio-visual stimulus are: balanced balanced one-sided. much did A. A B. More than C. Once or D. Never the audio-visual stimulus use graphics? lot Which of twice these audio-visual techniques Voiceover B. Special C. Music D. Other E. None of F. All the G. Some lighting and used in the techniques sound special of are stimulus? A. of twice the effects effects above above the above 6 7 Recycling Formative Interview interactive with the oral: maker C r i te r i o n 3Aiii of Planning • Before the the audio-visual purpose of this the role -play, questions role-play is to nd out why and how the you discuss could ask. Use the answers to video questions was scaolding stimulus • The and made. as the 1–10 basis for above creating questions. • One person (possibly the teacher) volunteers to be the director/ Note: You presenter of the audio-visual the • The • The rest of class “audience” should play interviews the the part of an invited studio “director/presenter” their audience. questions. inter view conduct Opening Question notes and the B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Wrap 6 8 up record to and copy use it to to formative adapt writing may this record and your structure remarks Answer Interviewee’s wish char t answers. reasons/ explanations/fur ther A. to order below. You questions interview: need in activity and Director will stimulus. details Planning and scaolding Communicating these • with a C r i te r i a sense of 3Civ audience registers: ver y formal, as if talking politely to a ver y impor tant politely to people stranger • formal, know • as informal, Planning • Put Write talking as your a and a don’t friend. C r i te r i a answers semi-formal writing question director of for Planning and the your the 3Dii, 3Diii previous inter viewee’s sentences, language. writing with about answer activity: the maker C r i te r i o n 3Aiii of stimulus recycling format, audio-visual your and from grammatical audio-visual are words a and complete Interview You you logicalorder. questions in to scaolding Formative the ver y talking questions into responses using if and your activity • if well for yourschool write stimulus up your using magazine. interview between Using with 200 and the 250 answers. scaolding management skills You can your You reuse the information you gathered in the chart on page 68 as notes for interview. should also think about your audience. Who will read the school Have you to the all you use formal, semi-formal or informal language to address this If the conceptual about Having audio-visual Text D of think and you how, could question are does you beginning where, you nd What questions the section? not, do to at your readers? Conclusion answers magazine? asked Should found the information you seeking? communicate recycling? examined this section, what is your answer to the question? 6 9 Recycling Summative In this your on summative use chapter. related Each To to task interview of assessment understanding your the of the of is the the statement in the with an interview topic form be of an than question just skills of an a also to be assessed developed undertake two show in this tasks chapter. The expert in will have will this opportunity You you you for interview. published personal, have recycling. inquiry environmental to a “green of assessment Language Should will of Statement Debatable you communication complete the activities rst and youth the outcome is second a is an oral write-up magazine. inquiry plays local a very and impor tant wider role in promoting 1 Debatable school” do more Is recycle? oral interactive protect task: Interview Debatable question 1: Should a “green school” do more than just recycle? Watch Use Text the is to a of nd Prepare The The of so to 7 0 that to interview long and School to to in the answer Bali. the text either a the Show The create question. interview staff of the or a interview question. questions can an of purpose interviewee the interviewee to debatable member debatable allow minutes. the to audio-visual reporter questions review to speak to the the for a interviewee video and answers. performance give the notes answer three suitable interviewee the in Green the open advance prepare make student out minimum in and evidence between student E of the speak you may answers interview for to three to reverse the should four roles allow minutes to questions. in give interviewer each. both At the speakers a and end question recycling to Summative recycling communities. of chance the the only 2 way for schools environment? Text E Audio-visual “My Green text: School Dream” green_school_dream Summative You have oral had throughout will have following A: a opportunities this nal Show 3Aii 3Aiii spoken understanding and Engage draw the and personal Show 3Bii visual written author’s and your interviews assessment understanding of you the text visual by and and of purpose with main ideas and supporting the and written visual in a identifying response to ideas, the text based text main including ideas aspects and of supporting format and style, writing and and experiences making by opinions information, for attitudes text and response visual by text making by a identifying response to ideas, the text based opinions to spoken and/or written and/or text Respond appropriately Interact in rehearsed Express ideas familiar 3Civ attitudes and conventions Communicating 3Ciii spoken basic personal undertake conclusions Understand Engage and summative information, conclusions on 3Cii visual draw opinions 3Ci show and and 3Biii of understanding details, to and experiences Comprehending 3Bi practise combined conventions with opinions to this objectives: Understand on In opportunity learning details, C: unit. Comprehending 3Ai B: assessments and and some Communicate to and spoken unrehearsed feelings, and unfamiliar with a and/or sense of written and/or visual text exchanges communicate information in situations audience and purpose 7 1 Recycling Summative written Debatable the you interview question school have school. that has been 2: Is The already asked topic encourages Read Use Texts the student of the in an F , G recycling and reporter school’s suitable can the use structure Write the the only way text have this your written for schools to protect combined of a in Imagine teacher sustainable an the from project that your at school environment. The the up in interview which the young so that inteview the between teacher interview at advance written interview a a will be people. the so gives published Show the interviewee that interview. a details both Be sure can parties to use the interview. between 200 and 250 words. assessments to summative understanding Show create write with protect targeted in programme. notes. Record to opportunities Comprehending 3Bi to be to programme. answers. the will teacher, interviewee of had make magazine features recycling interview students texts the information and Summative and recycling the a an interview the and environmental to write fellow H in started to the your prepare You of evidence questions B: task: environment? Your In written of the and of and assessment following written understanding practise write you will learning visual interviews have a throughout nal this opportunity to unit. show objectives: text information, main ideas and supporting details, and draw conclusions 3Bii Understand purpose 3Biii Engage and C: by for 3Cii 3Ciii with D: 3Diii 7 2 a response Interact in rehearsed Express ideas and language Use to and to to visual the text text aspects of format identifying on and/or and/or unrehearsed and by based spoken spoken feelings, with in and/or Organize including and style, and author’s ideas, personal written written opinions experiences and/or and/or visual and and visual attitudes opinions text text exchanges communicate information in familiar and some situations Communicate Write and response appropriately conventions; 3Dii in written Respond Using 3Di the making unfamiliar 3Civ conventions writing Communicating 3Ci basic a sense spoken speak when to using suit a and the audience and/or use ideas context and written range speaking, information language of of form vocabulary, clear and purpose grammatical pronunciation use a range of and basic structures and intonation cohesive devices Energy conservation School Energy Heating and Checklist Cooling ❒ S et the thermostat ❒ Find ❒ Install ❒ Keep bookcases ❒ Keep airows ❒ Minimize and repair weather 1–2 degrees drafts and stripping, and heating cold bulky vents and areas caulking, other around lower. of and items in areas classroom and insulation as away heating uncluttered cooling the from and that needed school. to and stop air cooling leaks. xtures. open. are not used throughout the day. Lighting ❒ Turn the o lights when not lights in in use. Put posters near light switches reminding people to turn o lights. ❒ R educe ❒ Use use of energy-ecient areas compact with windows. uorescent light b ulbs and light-emitting diode b ulbs where appropriate. ❒ If a room ❒ Install Computers, ❒ Turn ❒ S et ❒ Turn has occupancy Monitors, o controls o all Use Energy so and to reduce when computers computer instruct switches, turn on lighting only for those rooms lights not in required use all for the task at hand. unless your network day. Appliances monitors that Star light sensors computer technicians ❒ multiple not will equipment at go in use. into the sleep end of mode the day when and not on in use. weekends otherwise. computers, monitors, printers, copiers, and appliances. -12/teach/teaching-tools/environmental- learning/sustbestpractices.pdf 7 3 Recycling Text G Energy-saving 7 4 ideas for schools Text H The The 3Rs are Combine a the waste simple 3Rs minimizing waste, Remember there means more so to simply living you rid avoiding is have rubbish get the of ; waste preferable option help each of and we still be to rst some of waste items for that and and remain same more than to a once, preferably is many times, the rather than disposing after one Reusing been use. saves product with results up and in the and in to new products bin and that used make into it have a to nally a means waste factor y remade same school help us For schools into using a Schools products help to is recycled ending Recycling none 3R apply of options then responsible disposal the of waste is irresponsible disposal of includes littering. waste there for products. saves and used also to product In made market resources place. the content ensure viable rubbish the In left. content. going were is purchasing less the to products recycled space waste. required. The paper used from landll. our compost what percentage recycled a or many then paper paper either recycle is it dierent. make of home. with When to product where example, which and deal recycle or product something of energy would work, Disposal return item at rubbish. RECYCLE products minimal reuse, means purchase packaging. will waste package the use resources look then neat to For shopping a REUSE the example, minimize have hierarchy Recycle management. when us reduce, Reuse carefully that less to composting remember will Reduce REDUCE guide with minimization that make in many recycling can landll rescues the rst cases, also save energy. 7 5 Recycling Going In this beyond chapter important role communities. and the very useful a might be survey, care and feel of would the interview friends suggestions. • Do you know • Do you recycle? • Why • Do • What • How • Where • Do • How • Do don’t you you do get and Present 7 6 do other recycling on you others want add the could of teachers conduct other Hopefully, learned in they this questions recycling. to term … recycling students, habits closed about to for right. have and ask the on You community. learned chapter classroom. survey how may should you for time is you the that Here you are list. “recycle”? recycle? recycle? recycled devoted could you materials? to recycling recycle have each day or week? more? selected into a logical order and an easily format. different in your publication. this Why? paid neighbours. differences have wider recycle? questions Interview a recycling. open of the in very and recycle? think presentable skills of you developed beyond woman meaning you you much you the you show your information a local recycle? materials do list You the you think a might some Put young Brainstorm your also and and plays personal, suggestions discover waste language in have purposes to about the the you conducting school than of Some interesting your use chapter. and use chapter how recycling skills practical which in more Make explored make action! parents people have promoting Now and Creating and in communication Take It you the groups Collate the such the as students results, in noticing other classes, similarities teachers and responses. ndings to your class or publish your results in a school Service Speak to to nd your The learning your out MYP your particular ideas coordinator school’s or action expectations for and service action and coordinator service in grade/year. below relate directly to the aware of own following service learning outcomes: • become more • undertake • discuss, • persevere • work • develop international-mindedness through global challenges evaluate in and their strengths that develop new plan student-initiated and areas for growth skills activities action collaboratively with others engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding • consider their Ideas Using how for the promote Use implications of service and at above, or such are and as to are being propose re-usage. TED, already research review products school recycling schools this idea other your resources other ethical action paper overused Use the actions. help TEDx doing plan or in terms your of to research environmental community project or what projects. other skills service-learning project. At Conduct and the research glass are recycled on how recycled at certain your waste school. products Find out such what as paper happens to materials. you enjoyed further of any experience ask yourself these questions: this chapter here are some What lessons have texts I for end always • If the learning learned from this reading chapter? • The Earthworks Group and Sophia Javna, The New 50 Simple • Things Kids Can Do to Save the What yet • Linda Booth Sweeney, Living Systems Connected Wisdom: Living Stories • Jenn Savedge, The Green the I Teen, The Eco-Friendly Teen’s about Guide topic? What questions do I still to have Saving don’t understand About this • concepts World about this topic? Planet • • Carl Hiaasen, • Gail Gauthier, Where can I nd Hoot answers Saving the Planet & Stuff to these questions? 7 7 Resolving 3 In conict context Global context: Fairness and development What In this and are lead consequences chapter its world the to to we will resolution. We see what conict explore will each and of look stor y then our the themes at series can how common a teach those of of humanity? sharing nite teaching about conicts how can and be resources, stories why from conict around arguments peaceably the can resolved. Key concept: Connections Connections are links, organisms or concept central the is ideas. relationships how language bonds to the study between can and Connections both of text, disrupt relationships exist across language creator and and and heal among time and allows people, across for audience. We the the exploration shall connections objects, cultures. This of also explore between people. Related concept: Empathy Empathy a is person, an is an attitude character, essential tool of understanding, argument in creating or an emotional situation. We relationships will and in identication examine the how process with empathy of conict resolution. Statement Stories are connect ways are skills What happens when What and does facts, do and we how and conict a of about describing resolving conict. the They universal personal and questions What Can always by means What Is 7 8 almost differences. Inquiry conict inquiry cultures and global of what need are to we opinions? resolve use our force audio-visual to dierences? solve text D our resolution? avoidable? stor y teach us how to solve a problems? communicate conict? about the themes of What are facts, and what are opinions? Fac tual C r i te r i a Before you What do begin this start An by you read know chapter, asking, important is and what A fact is a about part real of the UK” is a opinion, however, belief; states or believes to be on Earth” 1. List another 2. List ten or Conict Consider never How fact • to tell and an What What to • What blind the is solve their You you could differences?” determining what a fact capital can be proven objectively. city statement that feels the greatest city about of of about A one or as their if below six both men before sides insist opinions which blind the London choice. Text view are about your when London. portrays and an on were a arguing their facts. folk tale elephant. set They in have and animal. dierence between a opinion facts can the other learn a is elephant the touching • and someone facts picture an people language true the is read There learn is opinions city points met to ten occur the Thailand. do Before session. true. more can a resolution? opinion. you respective want an another Before is what For example, “London is how conict brainstorming fact. is it 3Biii is. that An a of class learning For example, ”London of life, opinion statement a 3Bi, A theme conduct “In an Text question they by elephant? senses about the problems men learn have can they use elephant? might when the six describing elephant? 7 9 Resolving Text A: Par t Six the for in 1 blind ong L conict ago six India. blind old Each men by They travellers about life they had elephant his get the elephant being stories they “No, second its on But traveled Would near the such a You about elephants. powerful He men had giant,” heard argued day and “An elephant said the stories rst about be said you Analysis In this Part section different below of read of and story, about answer the This am the 8 0 rst The second The third The four th The fth The sixth elephant princess the must is to be ride I have a man’s the the than a An large that magical,” heart third that an with its blind fourth people sure heard man. blind man. elephant sort of is cow. exaggerate.” an said elephant the fth is blind can “Elephants a the man. do elephants travel safely throughout kingdom.” sixth all blind these don’t man. exist “No at all,” such declared animal can things.” 3Bi A each what an questions man of the six blind men elephant is like. by it in. thought lling the elephant has Copy … a the table What his The argued 1 the opinion Text a mistaken. how C r i te r i o n While build man. “That would explain why the rajah’s night must blind said more know daughter old if pierce all something let dangerous creature? The are “I her rajah can horn,” nothing also rode in and wrong,” “An gentle wrong! “Please,” “You with they forests back.” terrible huge daughter she its be man. and elephant about elephants carry clear must blind graceful told could people to you “You’re that trees, used roads. Since world curious calls. when an village imagine what king’s kingdom. daughter to frighten the a blind. the told down trumpet in see to and village. were and that father’s learn most They loud knew an to knock born listened were weights, lived not the They their was outside elephants. could men could themselves, wonders. men It was dangerous did exist not reason did each blind man opinion? can clear forests and build roads. give for C r i te r i o n While you Analysis The the six of Part blind chart 2 men below each and feel a answer different the part questions What part did he touch? The rst The second The third The four th The fth The sixth Text A: Finally, Par t the to village blind all lead villagers for was them to village Their friend blind huge rst The trunk. elephant. lling it Copy in. What opinion did he come to? What were his reasons? The It of elephant “It blind on the on to to many man “An his walk is like a blind men boy’s friend’s … on in the the the palace to the palace, courtyard. forward their shoulder, is smooth and tail the and solid snake are similar. touch so on who greeted an the their The second until would gardener stood the of from The and grounds There they journey. boy a and palace boy shoulder. palace. reached the young magnicent from them. elephant. creature that was arguments. reached very elephant visit A behind elephant be to arguments, safely men stepped second “An the worked must men the elephants. hand rajah’s blind all guide them so blind about hand who of to blind led tired his ready the animal. declared. his men subject The put the their the truth selected were grew curious the put men When The the man man six by the 2 learn smallest of The arranged rajah 3Biii read is and smooth touched and solid the like side a of the wall!” he powerful.” man is out put very his deadly. hand It is on like a the elephant’s giant snake,” he announced. The right,” The has third he The “This the elephant’s creature blind man What we fth is blind like treetops,” The dry legs. felt is touched have as sharp the here,” pointed as a “I was spear.” elephant’s he tusks. legs. said, “is an giant ear. “See! It extremely cow.” elephant and man decided. fourth four large blind sixth tail. man a the elephant’s carpet. It that can y “I over believe an mountains hesaid. blind “Why, felt magic man this is gave a nothing tug on more the than elephant’s a piece of coarse old and rope.” 8 1 Resolving Text A: The and Par t 2 gardener rest some conict for water While the to led his long friends journey to the home,” shade he of said. a tree. “I will “Sit here bring you about the drink.” they waited, the six blind men talked elephant. “An elephant is like a wall,” said the rst blind man. “Surely we can nally “A blind agree wall? An on that.” elephant is a giant snake!” answered the second man. “It’s a “I’m spear, I certain tell it’s “Magic carpet. “Don’t you used a rope Their to you,” a giant There’s see?” trick argument insisted cow,” no the said the doubt,” pleaded the third fourth said sixth blind the man. blind fth man. blind blind man. shouts grew man. “Someone us.” continued and their louder and louder. “Wall!” “Stop Text “Snake!” “Spear!” shouting!” A: Par t called a “Cow!” very “Carpet!” angry “Rope!” voice. 3 It was the rajah, awakened from his sleep by the noisy argument. “How can each of you be so certain you are right?” asked the ruler. The six knowing nothing “The “Each parts nap the at we is must The is a touched you their the six rajah’s young to considered be a very very large the wise question. man, they And then, decided to say only will one see the animal,” part. said the Perhaps truth. Now, if let rajah you me kindly. put the nish my peace.” journey 8 2 rajah elephant man When “He men all. together, in water, the blind friend men returned rested to quietly the in the garden shade, with the thinking cool about advice. right,” put said all the the rst parts blind man. together. “To Let’s learn discuss the this truth, on the of the home.” rst boy man put a men were blind who man would hand on ready to his put his guide friend’s travel hand them on shoulder, together. the home. shoulder The and so second on until blind all six C r i te r i a After you Analysis of read Part Shor t-answer Text 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii Thinking and social skills A 3 questions This section asks us to of the chapter separate facts from opinions. 1. According 2. What to the rajah, why were the men quarrelling? What lesson did the blind men learn about story 3. What 4. By lessons reading and does the the story, story what teach us lessons about do we do we trusting learn our about senses? facts the of The Six from Blind the Men and Elephant? What is an What is a opinion? opinions? Why Discussion and debate is it story of the six fact? important distinguish opinions The learn truth? blind men and the elephant asks us to facts when to from settling an think argument? about In whether what around senses ways us? tell we are Are can our trust senses there times our senses. useful when for we What do youthink? understanding should not the believe world what our us? Which of techniques use to How does the the the six the Rajah argument men? picture. many the following does settle between Study the • legs Listens actively perspectives elephant to and other ideas. have? • What Shows is happening? • Encourages give Optical create that empathy towards others. their the others to opinions. illusions images can trick • our brains into seeing things that are “real”. The eye Gives others the responsibility for decision- making. not • gathers information and the brain processes Helps others to that understand. information. The brain interprets what it sees and tries the brain to make • sense of it. But, in the that does not case of an illusion, perceives Demands to have his own an way. image simply be tricks our match brains the into “true” seeing image. things So an which optical may or illusion may not • his real. • Look up Takes more of these illusions on the Internet and responsibility decisions. Manages yourself just how tricky it can be when your and resolves discover conict for for brain by working cannot collaboratively. accurately interpret the images you are seeing. • Builds agreement. • Makes fair and equitable decisions. • Negotiates • Shows • Gives with others. leadership. meaningful advice. 8 3 Resolving conict Formative Reasoned In the story, statements persuade For to the Retell “Stop rajah only six that he activity: C r i te r i a blind they says, one gives “reasoned men. are “The part. a all He uses evidence in a and series is if is you Discussion and reasoning to A argument reasoned which a very put large the parts animal. Each together, story from shouting!” version, wrong. Write Now copy blind men. the called moment a the the rajah between table very the angry and scaolding As your stor y, For of example, elephant is a ever ything The rajah said rst the second the third the four th the fth the sixth blind way A Sense B Strong C Logic You want is you uses knowing? perception emotions will rajah voice. wakes up. Start It the Rajah.’ was here: someone are of the blind men why complete speaks have because and to said you solid each to felt is Y ou say like … a the rajah’s words to the correct. man, the rst using blind something a reasoned man: “You smooth and Now the about say But the elephant is This is • formal, formal, • informal, as … if as as if writing writing if ver y talking to to a will ver y politely a friend. However, correct use in the stor y. Choose one of registers: ver y emotional impor tant to ones? an stranger audience you don’t knowwell 3Dii this is because are better not because audience you ways arguments the solid. C r i te r i o n language ideas wall. ” scaolding of your what argument. man sense In 3Dii man a than convince that six man with • he to words. man blind think each man blind and to 250 man blind blind might is and and rajah smooth Communicating these of man C r i te r i o n to blind Planning rajah wall. This that the 8 4 the the explains 200 below Planning part debate truth.” the your 3Diii of wrong. elephant Perhaps argument” reasoned In 3Di, argument the them example, touched see the writing not … Formative oral Now completed that you have activity the C r i te r i a reasoned argument, use 3Ci, 3Cii Planning and your Address written give text the to create rajah’s a speech. speech to the In six this blind instance use the chart above to part of your assessment for Language Acquisition, you four of a a series minutes group own. One or per in such of interactive person. pairs, Some but instance oral of tasks these sometimes is when you that will activities you may make a last you need for will to three do speak as on a speech in public can be quite a will six important techniques you can to to practise. help practise you by In to this chapter make simply speeches. recording A. Formally the B. Semi-formally C. Informally experience, so your will learn However, yourself and a in variety this listening of instance, and you sure • things I do • things I can the audience the purpose of speech Why is the blind the recording make two rajah talking to the men? well do evidence, and explanations key point. Use the for information each you better. page Conclusion to What and are examples lists: added facts, examined this the factual what section, are what is question the in 84 six the to char t speak blind above to each on of men. Have a strong What is the conclusion opinions? your answer to rajah’s conclusion? the Explain quest the understands playback. watch Having reason. it Give As to your six watching speak speech. difcult you rajah men? part Make is the blind or a Give Making 3Civ will the undertake 3Ciii, audience men. English C r i te r i a your How As scaolding what you want to on happen According should the to the six rajah blind what men do in future? 8 5 Resolving conict Formative oral interactive and skills – Speeches C r i te r i o n Oral interactive skills: Biii Self-management Speech communication As we said above, public speaking in any language can be very After stressful, even more so if you are still learning the language. some guidelines to help reading speeches, improve speech” • 1: Structure Structure your talk your with a ideas clear the beginning, middle and Start your talk with a powerful, attention-grabbing that Explain what thesis you or are “big going to talk about. Tell introduction. them an your topic Make a series of Come to a clear 2: Use for give to you develop improving and production clear points to support the skills. yourself, conclusion. signposting “What can thesis. already don’t I “What Step in idea”. I • will opportunity Ask • rajah’s gave section. exercise your your “The you previous strategies • revise end. This • section review, you. and Step this Below on are and skills language to help do?”, yet “What understand?”, shall I work on the next?” audience to understand your talk • Greet your audience Good Introduce your carefully dened topic I’d Explain the topic area and purpose I Or briey preview the organization The of the body of your talk rstly morning/afternoon like to talk to you about going main ... , to show points I that will secondly ... make Identify and • are thirdly ... . your examples to make your points clear. Use expressions such Develop new techniques as: learning. “For instance “Take “To “A … give case for example you in illustrate “To show you 8 6 3: an point “To Step ...” example is this you ...” ...” ...” what I Practise are ...”" going mean ...” what to say strengths weaknesses. strategies Give existing … … and your content. • am Consider and for effective Conict a case resolution study Tamara's mother brothers whenever happens three Tamara’s makes teacher or she four has doesn’t teacher thinks Tamara she does homework the get not baby-sit busy times her a or is not her to work. This week. complaining any her for has homework have because her is been Tamara says – working. quiet But Tamara time brothers because done. The to need do her attention all time. You are The purpose going and offer to give a speech about the problem outlined above. Discussion of the speech will be to identify the causes of a 1. a solution Thinking that works for does skills this problem show debate What are the opinions of : everybody. 2. How and conict the difference between facts A. the mother B. the teacher According to Tamara, and what are the fac ts in the opinions? situation? Analyse and evaluate issues • Recognize unstated assumptions • Evaluate • Recognize • Test are Tamara her the school comes her her and think teacher the situation speak the to teacher explain them As the from to her and propositions. conclusions. is also not not You Tamara’s that agree mother meeting. problem being think understand properly. a with counselllor, Tamara’s at mother empathize a you does discuss listen mother and the to bias. counsellor. You can her reasonable and arguments. evaluate you with situation. you to teacher. carefully ideas Scenario problems and and and generalizations Speech: You evidence and to and You both point will of of view. 8 7 Resolving What How will will Planning Use the you you and conict say? organize yousay? scaolding outline below to 1 Explain Tamara’s 2 Write the what the points mother and C r i te r i a help you problem of view the organize your main 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii, 3Civ ideas. here: of The teacher counsellor’s person’s response to the argument The counsellor’s reasons and explanations below. The mother’s point of view is … The teacher’s point of view is … 3 The What to does the mother need does the teacher need do? Conclude How can by saying you audience You conclusions do? What to counsellor’s use how understand should condent practise when this advice signposting your and you Formative help Tamara: such as connectives to help your ideas? rehearse give will language your your speech speech in writing: to make sure that you are class. skills Planning and scaolding C r i te r i o n 3Civ Explanation Communicating Reasoning is a logical, to opinion thoughtful way of thinking. It allows an and back it up with facts. In language it is important acquisition and there are useful many skill to learn. situations For when example, you need in to of language persuade think about the to do something, or to agree with your opinion on a language characters speech. someone purpose a Now really a you sense hold with will use Choose the in one the of these matter. registers: One way you argument. argument support explain can As we achieve have consists for the a point of one of reasoning your already or view. goal is by seen in this more For behind a reasoned chapter, statements example, new making your rules, • that school they directors it formal, • why and how they introduced if talking ver y impor tant talking as if politely to people ver y you don’t clear well. them. • Informal, friend. 8 8 as a Formal, know exactly to stranger. provide make Ver y politely reasoned (reasons) when classroom a as if talking to a Structure Here • • are three structures for your The “one -sided” approach: Support for point or against. Justify each and/or an explanation. should be done. The “balanced answer Or say to a that supporting • different both or sides need The “emotion based tells on you. Which sides should State but argument The stating hear t make strong is both weak both There they is have Conclude that of view, giving conclusion sides about no Give both either example what single valid by an reasons saying have right arguments. for that valid the points discussion. logic” approach: and is another support better? which (emotion) point by arguments. sides. recognize there both that have further versus logic Conclude, State criticizing and a single you undecided” approach: problem. different they but Write a argument: defeats you the one both Which side You based one on arguments idea is would brain have more argument what with clearly support and your heart examples. stated? why. (logic). 8 9 Resolving Jack tells maths answers next you test to from him. are because he maths. only he Lucy, He putting is He not of What should • What action you the was says sitting that pressure very some his on him well he is not and it was the just a marks. • Can in copied you doing also few He who tells personcheating matter • cheated yesterday. parents in conict you say should empathize to Jack? you take? with his situation? • But do you agree Formative Reasoned You decide write out what you maths The a to actions? writing Jack reasoned say Write his activity: C r i te r i a argument send would test. with an email. argument and do between if Copy based you 200 and on knew and 250 the use the chart scenario that Jack 3Di, below above had approach Jack’s to about cheated in his words. One -sided/balanced/emotion arguments Y our versus logic? response Reason Parents’ pressure Everyone was Y our 9 0 3Diii problem Y our It 3Dii, is only doing a few conclusion it answers What will you do about the situation? and explanation What our skills do we need to resolve differences? Con ceptual C r i te r i o n Before you Focusing Here is a read Text 3Bi Social B discussion list of Look different ways people solve problems and and disagreements. Appreciating skills at the the list ideas opposite you have added. differences Mediating Choose the strategies Brainstorming top that ve will help Name-calling you Bullying when you are Punishing working Cooperating Damaging with others property Respecting Refusing to other take people’s part ideas or small Choose which Dominating others Seeing things Empathizing Sharing Exchanging ideas Shouting people Speaking Excluding Getting someone Hitting something Including else’s opinion Listening contributing when before pairs the are ve the actions and most unhelpful working in groups? thinking in activities about problems Thinking quiet/not in differently ideas part Talking Insulting class Swearing Taking people in groups? negative Keeping questi o n before speaking Violence carefully Can you add other methods of problem-solving to each list: useful for solving conicts; not useful for solving conicts? 9 1 Resolving conict C r i te r i o n While Two you stories read of Text conict B1 and and 3Bi Thinking In resolution this use Stories connect cultures by describing common conicts. a section number teach us differences. the ways Here are and two means stories of that resolving teach our story tells of an argument. Read each one • resolution. and the people involved in the Analyse and and the matter they • the ways • the methods are evaluate ideas. Recognize unstated conict assumptions • critical skills: identify: • • of will personal conict issues Each you They thinking also skills B2 arguing about • Evaluate and bias. evidence and arguments. the people try to resolve their arguments • used to resolve the argument or the Recognize and evaluate problem. propositions. You will also try to identify the real problems underneath the • argument. See the previous page for a list of good and Test generalizations bad conclusions. methods of conict resolution. The two sisters fought an Once upon arguing. noticed were an rare orange hands and the orange Neither of the When the 9 2 same street that had fallen off those the had her for said She she sister onto it and the same the side in her of stories half. back should two women rst sister half of peel the to the the the the their orange. said she to said that one half Across threw lived. have home. her that orange then went peeled orange, make for Together should peel. Oranges ran where and sister the cart. both go. took carefully always they younger street they Each a both have The the the let were day moment. the away of women rst. together threw used it one would who seen their and peeled at so home, the neither They and two over Satised, sisters. the had orange reached inside, it two so and way, heard the ate for hours fallen orange. she out were and orange give cut orange, fruit days, reached mother. half road, the would would the in sister she of there argued older orange lived grabbed They over time orange in The their a They who the away marmalade. and C r i te r i o n After Now reading that Orange, you Text have read the people involved • the matter they again Identify Do story of the to the their advice in the conict are arguing about. list of of methods think solution What at the you the the The Two sisters and the identify: • Look 3Biii B1 ways used mother by resolving the and mother the two conict to on resolve sisters nd page the the 91. argument. best possible quarrel? would you have given the two sisters in the same situation? In your opinion ghting Text over what the are the real reasons father’s of given will 17 stated camels one-third. one-ninth As sisters camels, it of The the is not 17 by that while 17 his the eldest son middle youngest son wise should son get should be 3 or 9, the to three brothers and man Now, be will. given One should the half of wise 18 is man 9. So started he reading gave the the eldest father’s son 9camels camels. possible three divide 17 into half or 17 One by are B2 a half the orange? Seventeen A that sons started to ght third of 18 is 6. So he gave the middle son with 6camels each other. One A pause • Do for you thought have any son thoughts about 2 divide 17 camels among three in their father’s 18 is 2. So he gave the youngest camels. sons add this up: 9 plus 6 plus 2 is 17 and this as leaves prescribed of how Now to ninth one camel, which the wise man took will? away. • Is it possible without killing Brainstorm solutions So, The the wise about the can divide at problem, the own added father. and That in camel? class. wise it increased to What go patiently matter. his one decided listened the inheritance nd? sons whole the least problem you three man the to After man to 17 total a wise they giving brought the the as to 18 told him thought one camels to man. camel from to of the camels. 9 3 Resolving conict C r i te r i o n After you read In opinion Text 3Biii Discussion Now your what are the real reasons for the conict camels? Look again at that the list of ways of resolving conict 91. Identify the methods used by the wise man to in you this have read section, both decide on which page debate about stories the and B2 conict has a better resolve resolution. the argument. After you choice, Here are eight creative thinking techniques. Which of these wise man 1. novel Consider seem multiple and imaginative 3. Create new 4. Design improvements 5. Generate 6. Make guesses, 7. Make unexpected metaphors ask Use brainstorming Role-play at the do What could are you such in might with your think the including what might to problems. to existing and images. if” on is ghts connections generate the technologies. questions. unusual new right. and be about? arguments school? to teacher. discuss the ideas between and issue objects inquiries. resolution happening? argument your want real conict picture What resolved – to “what or ideas. You solutions, perspectives ideas. solutions and How new impossible. Create Look considering alternative 2. 8. 9 4 ideas made set the one of your reasons solution use? than Generating a does why the have give the other. is better Now read Poppy Their on. and Leila classmate, things about confronts The next Poppy what day is groups In and the has Hector role -play, Who is • How many • Identify • For the involved school. calls all have the four like has a students to nasty Nina tells her argument. time The saying what huge This ght. Hector. been believes argument. stop both Leila Poppy They second to they that Hector. tries the role -play nd is out it is with teacher come to on a Nina. duty sees meeting. in which what needs to has nd the teacher talks to each of the happened. answers to the questions below. matter? problems dierent reasons a to teacher in dierent the what and conduct and • a Poppy to but scaolding now girls, after Hector happening Planning three Leila friends, tells Poppy, Leila watches. good Nina, her, and In are are there? problems each student involved in the ght? Poppy : Leila: Nina: Discussion Imagine and you are debate the teacher. What would you do to How understand four and resolve the arguments between to analyse a conict the students? Study the conict. diagram Use it to opposite: nd How solutions to to analyse the a Reasons and conict. causes What to advice avoid would more • To Poppy? • To Leila? • To Nina? • To Hector? you give to each person in order conict? Solutions Eects to Conict conict of conict Dierent people involved Conclusions Look again Which at the strategies between the list of does conict the resolution teacher use to strategies solve the on page 91. arguments students? 9 5 Resolving conict Formative skills: When the undertake In this argument, together. and Before you to In say. card to Reasons to the interactive C r i te r i a would speak for need give a speech, exercise, to you talk say to the students, prepare your for conict talking the to you imagine to Hector, each make speech resolution have you are Nina, one in to speak the Leila for 3 teacher. and or 4 After Poppy turn? sure by you know completing speech to the exactly the what char t. you Use it want as a cue students. Conicts: students Eects What has on the school: he/she Why done a this creates problem someone for What the situation person better else Leila Poppy Nina Hector Conclusions: What you resolution looking Planning and are for? scaolding Communicating with Now the think about a C r i te r i o n sense language of How will the teacher How will the students How will the students register A. formal B. polite C. friendly 9 6 or or will talk you to talk teacher and students? the teacher? talk among themselves? use in instance: informal impolite or the to impersonal? each 3Diii audience the conversation. What 3Ci, scaolding groups deliver to practice you What Planning and Speech you minutes. oral the four students will use in the could do to make the 3Cii, 3Ciii Self-management You will need recording to practise yourself. • set • take • use • practise, realistic action to result explain of the report what Use formal can help Rehearse by to: for organizing complex information practise. incident the above, head happened with The of skills: the teacher school. and table C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii how you Using you needs a have completed to write reasoned dealt on with the an argument, the matter. previous page this. Conclusion to What we skills goals writing language. you individually. argument for has your strategies practise, Reasoned a speech Remember achieve appropriate incident your goals Formative As skills do the conceptual need to question resolve ourdifferences? Having examined question? What this are section, the best what and is your worst answer ways of to the resolving a conict? 9 7 Resolving Key conict and related Connections Connections objects, this to each of chapter conict, other the them. The It is In older an advice hernot show a you the to to trick, consider and To viewpoints saw how and a What you around of with other emotional Kill a a does her, she argues her class. people. some teach others, but to you’ll from get his along point into his skin and mean by this statement? us, 9 8 in other point maintain is a rst with That it.” Atticus connected times hand, of view good and understand intelligence. horrible tothem. Scout, in In destroy the people Mockingbird had other will tolerate climb can On to are view. change help “Sir?” walk people, people of communities. ofview—” “—until and points has in daughter things we ideas and conicts, form boy with empathy how connect Scout hopes among individuals. ignores on his he only more and novel 3 at different chapter, another get gives simple of relationships opinions how important brother that our people able Chapter cannot Atticus this being embarrasses she in and looking see between narrator Scout. Her is are can empathy ideas. arguments connections Empathy we between stories resolve or bonds through we connections can links, organisms In in are and concepts young day her at girl teacher, evening she called school. and tells her she Thinking about connections and empathy Thinking Look at and the empathy communication picture. for the In groups A. What discuss B. Why C. What advice D. Think about is it E. is girls What it in these there the is C r i te r i a a clear lack of foreground. questions. happening? happening? daughter, the In boy skills you the Scout. in the would would father’s What give to advice advice theboy? to you his young would give to background? you do if you were an observer l? Research need for Social In and and research look other social an connections groups with design at and that emphasizes the empathy. poster. How particularly backgrounds? poster skills the people, anti-bullying What can those answers empathy from can very you help us to different brainstorm Walk a mile in If I could cultures and and agree on? And you For If we one could Each If you could discuss the verse from the song. The singer of believe 1 for What empathy are poster? the How from both Identify a social issue people from you eyes your ego you’d be to see been between media items the song relate to lyrics the and idea of the Walk a mile in my shoes Walk a mile in my empathy? shoes Hey, in your society that could be blind, before different groups showed more you and abuse, accuse improved Walk if mind, see you’d criticize 2 way others. connections do me is That looking a your Surprised and be hour inside other’s Instead read shoes you nd get Through I be could just To Secondly, my connect empathy for a mile in my shoes one Joe South another. 3 What your 4 event could you create to help the present situation in society? Work in groups to publicize yourevent. 9 9 Resolving What force conict happens to solve when our we use problems? Con ceptual C r i te r i a Before What you read problems Text cause the 3Bi, 3Biii C worst Social arguments among friends? Here and are is a list of and families: 1. Blaming the top 16 reasons for arguments amongst thinking ten managing Here ways them blaming of conict. Being fair equitable or skills friends 1. someone, questi o n and when you sharing. 2. Holding different opinions/points 3. Disagreeing 4. Fighting 5. Inconsiderate/unfair 6. Jealousy of view/values 2. about how to do Encouraging person over the same thing the other something behaviour to express an opinion. (over-competitiveness) 3. Exercising 4. Giving leadership. meaningful advice. 7. Lack of empathy/understanding 8. Lack of trust 5. 9. Not having 10. Only 11. Prejudice/insults 12. Pressure 13. There aren’t 14. There isn’t one the same person from Listening actively the person. other background can win 6. Practising 7. Standing outside: friends and family 8. resources to share Wanting to do different 16. Wanting to do the Ask yourself: • Which and your needs. responsibility your own actions. Using social media to (poverty) develop 15. for (scarcity) 9. money up rights Taking for enough empathy. (win–lose) own enough to a relationship. things 10. Working collaboratively same things differently to six of these issues In groups best between nd ways conict friends? Justify • Which six reasons arguments common are in for most families? Compare and discuss your answers in groups or in class and create a list you can all agree on. 1 0 0 areas of agreement. choose of between your the ve managing a friends. answers. C r i te r i a While The you story very you unhappy order they read are Text about to marriage. read In 3Bi, it is are a fable. six It tells characters. the In story of are: baron the boatman the lover the baroness the friend the gatekeeper. you makes read, each Warning: Text a alphabetical the As 3Bii C identify one This act the in story motives the has way no of that happy the six they characters. What do? ending. C The Drawbridge “Do you not attempt attempt to do to so, cross I this have bridge, orders Baroness. from the If Baron to kill you,” he said. Fearing for her life, the Baroness returned “Our “I out Boatman his a left leave you for a Baron the castle severely visit to his outlying warned his pretty while am gone, when I I districts, wife: or I the “Do will not punish to and visit nearby. wide, despite her Lover who castle was owing the island the river. and river, the lived with land at a the the on an my she the husband thought, will and drawbridge “That Her linking point in leave return the it before servants down until to she spending several only to waving Baroness nd a long it pleasant returned blocked and by extremely is a to hours the with asked only The him to her one,” then explained take help. romantic Baroness river, to a her across he sought plight the to river in only if you can pay my fee of no money with me!” the Baroness “If growing, of his you would With a begged the desperation, killed no ride,” the the Baroness and for after enough ran again crying to explaining money to pay the not disobeyed happened,” your the husband, Friend said. “I this will money.” dawn exhausted, money, fee. have no No, Friend, had not you bad. atly. approaching Baroness attempted by the and her returned to cross to to last the the resource bridge castle, in and Gatekeeper. her drawbridge, Gatekeeper sharp but too said fear Boatman was the the him it, have situation, a Judith Lover, I the in returned. After “But countryside narrowest not do home drawbridge ordered and will the island help.” on asked decided warning, in located not is protested. give “Surely lower husband’s The fast dawn,” her and Marks.” Boatman return!” But as the hours passed, the young Baroness grew lonely, will and “I he lover boat. ve jealous her said, him, As to relationship wildly H. Katz. 1978. Anti-Racism Training. 70–72. White Awareness: Handbook for University of Oklahoma. pp. (adapted) knife. 1 0 1 Resolving After After you a rst yourself. read reading Do not opportunities Rank Who the is reasons Most conict Text of the discuss to share characters’ C text, your your copy ideas ideas most responsible? for your answers. for Who responsible ll You in the will table have by plenty of later. responsibility the and yet. is the the baroness’s least death. responsible? Character Give Reasons and justications C r i te r i a 3Bi, 3Bii 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Least Text 1 responsible handling: Factual In groups assessment discuss your answers. class activity. 1. How Text Be much A. A B. Not the did of answers prepared the C to lover Text to the following discuss really C your care questions. choices for the all C. Only D. Passionately when it suited Justications/evidence: 2. Which person put A. The baron B. The boatman C. The lover D. The friend morality Justications/evidence: 1 0 2 before a Record whole- baroness? lot at in friendship? for your answers 3. The boatman A. greedy B. afraid C. jealous D. angry. asked for money because he was: Justications/evidence: 4. The gatekeeper because he obeyed the baron’s order to kill was: A. vicious B. afraid C. unthinking D. angry. Justications/evidence: 5. The baron because gave he the terrible order to the boatman was: A. bloodthirsty B. afraid C. jealous D. a bully. Justications/evidence: 6. Who has all the political A. The baron B. The boatman C. The lover D. The friend power in the story? Justications/evidence: 7. The baron’s laws A. fair B. democratic and C. unfair D. moral. are: just and unjust Justications/evidence: 8. In the fable the baroness A. she disobeyed B. she was a her victim died because: husband of her husband’s oppression C. some people were more interested in money D. some people were more interested in morality E. some people were afraid to of above. F. the powerful. All, some or none the speak out against Justications/evidence: 1 0 3 Resolving conict Planning and After discussions, your now think is your answers. Thinking scaolding ll responsible in the char t for the baroness’s a second time death. to show Again give who Now you reasons for you Most responsible Character Reasons your and justications for answers the 1. In have the what ways changed? 3. 4. 5. 6. Least responsible Discussion Look • at the and debate poster on the How does the help us understand the to real right and think poster message of “ The Drawbridge”? • In what about • ways the ways of If conclude we baron this solving is fact view of a How feel • Do for you the prepared 1 0 4 our does point baroness? other can the with justify discussion. you characters? situation? to of characters, empathy empathize class the how understand baroness’s you that other the much speak wrong conict? bully, the it and change especially • does right Can her? your Be ideas in a about the stor y you have just read. 1–8, same and 3Biii answered characters’ ideas 2. C r i te r i o n that questions have skills do you ideas still about actions? have your perspectives Thinking What and can A. A B. An communication you young old see in the skills picture woman woman below? C. Both D. Neither • How did reread and • and the How your thought much What have view about your changed does points of change the story after of you the had baroness drawbridge? characters • point the in story ideas the teach about course us the of about motives this of the exercise? empathy and ofview? • ? Formative oral “The The interactive activity: Drawbridge” purpose classmates of is this that the a C r i te r i a 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii Speech story exercise baron that is used is for you and the other to to teach us empathy. convince characters your fellow all acted out the story. Use of necessity. Show your notes from character’s Your to may your should your Planning for previous one of the exercises characters to prepare in a speech the defending the actions. speech deliver You empathy the and nd it be speech three or four individually, minutes or in a in length. small You may scaolding helpful to wish group. Planning copy and use this table to help you big idea scaolding C r i te r i o n structure speech. Communicating sense My and is … Example: The gatekeeper is/is not for the death of the Evidence in the story audience think about the language baroness. you Point/idea/opinion* 3Civ a totally Now responsible of with Example in real life will use in the Choose one of these • ver y formal, as if speech. registers: talking Reason politely Reason to ver y impor tant strangers • formal, as if talking ver y Reason politely Reason In know conclusion believe (that) I … • to people you don’t well informal, as if talking to a friend. 1 0 5 Resolving conict Self-management Manage • • Set your goals Plan • Use time that and are strategies academic skills your tasks challenging and take eectively and action to realistic. achieve personal and goals. appropriate strategies for organizing complex information. • Select and use technology Planning and Practise, practise, As we have speaking is Practising members You can already practise seen, you video Then practise and you some activity: “reasoned to responsible did persuade her will be the points to For each stor y use to your a what there the nd of an have that a really practise where series to useful aid to before you can a mirror. improve. C r i te r i a of statements accept answer and idea, the prove the Write or use nd these thesis. or In may you your learned evidence from real in life. conclusion or is. thesis. your make a reject between question ideas. You that a question: may own. example In to idea” or 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii argument to death?” some your conclusion. you even and a answer are table ideas recommendation. 1 0 6 be learning. someone your “big suppor ting and/or Come state below copy to can scaolding what prefer is own decide wish can argument for and down say well argument” answer table public written This the successful more. First Write of Reasoned reasoned Planning to language yourself. You what Formative a secret yourgroup. about Use one want building of reasoning productively. practice. Think A and scaolding what condence effectively the use evidence particular “Is 200 the and and opinion. baroness 250 words. Planning My thesis is … The baroness is/is not responsible for her and scaolding own C r i te r i o n death. Communicating Point/idea/opinion* Evidence in the story Example in real Her husband very unhappy marriage. not let her would leave Some the their castle. The baron is a the husbands wives not tell to leave house. The a lover is a of audience reasoned piece of argument writing for teacher. Think about language you will reasoned argument. is your the use in the bully. one The 3Diii a life sense The baroness was in a with coward. • of ver y these registers: formal, politely to Choose a as if ver y talking impor tant stranger The friend real friend. was not a • formal, as politely The boatman much talking people ver y you don’t cared know too if to well about • informal, as if talking to a money. friend. The gatekeeper was a coward. The whole afraid In of I believe … Note: You the was baron. conclusion (that) of town the can change any Conclusion force to Having examined your or all of these opinions to suit your interpretation stor y. solve answer to to our this the the conceptual question problems? section, what is question? 1 0 7 Resolving What conict and how communicate and you What do we In chapter so At this a class, far in this Make How know you make your about the themes list are of many a In The so of D far? have list Text looked the into most there your the topic important of conict ideas you resolution. have learned points you don’t understand? questions. answers Mix: any can you texts Conict nd in for this audio-visual this Resolution section? section – Thinking It Through (Excerpt) B. Bullying, Middle Drama, Conict Resolution Education for School C. Playground Conict Resolution for younger students Note: Alternatively, stimulus your related own Research to you the could theme use of an audio-visual conict resolution of choosing. skills Media Literacy In this section you can develop these valuable 21st century learning skills: • Interacting • Making • Understanding • Seeking • Communicating 1 0 8 with media informed a choices the range to of use and about impact of create personal media perspectives information Text of D conict Con ceptual investigations. stage, a watch Suggested A. audio-visual resolution? Before As does and viewing information. experiences. representations. from and ideas varied ideas sources. effectively. questi o n Before you Focusing Read to look and the listen times viewing Text D activity through several watch and exercises for. and You discuss below may to make need possible to sure watch answers in you the class know what materials after each listening. C r i te r i o n : While you Respond to watch the tasks Text and 3Ai D answer the questions in the appropriate manner. 1 1. 2. This audio-visual A. Identities B. Orientation C. Personal D. Scientic E. Globalization F. Fairness Copy add this extra stimulus and in and table space and cultural and and seems Thesis main – related to which of these MYP global contexts? time innovation sustainability development and use it to summarize points, Main matter be expression technical and supporting Subject to relationships if the main points of the stimulus. You may wish to necessary. idea Examples and/or explanations and/or details point Suppor ting point 1 Suppor ting point 2 Suppor ting point 3 Suppor ting point 4 Conclusions 2 Multiple -choice 3. The with approach stimulus is to justications the subject matter of the audio-visual mainly: A. entertaining B. factual C. persuasive D. other. Justication/reason: 4. How would you describe A. Really B. Interesting C. Fairly D. Uninteresting the content of the stimulus? interesting interesting Justication/reason: 1 0 9 Resolving 3 conict Multiple -choice 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What was questions the format of the A. Speech B. Conversation/discussion C. Debate D. Documentary E. Other The purpose of narrate B. describe C. explain a D. argue point E. give F. other How a a many B. Two C. Three D. More of B. quite C. biased D. very view guidelines of view did the audio-visual stimulus show? three in the audio-visual stimulus are: balanced balanced one-sided. much did A. A B. More than C. Once or D. Never the audio-visual stimulus use graphics? lot Which of twice twice these techniques are used in stimulus? 1 1 0 to: specify) points opinions very was situation than A. stimulus problem (please One How audio-visual stimulus? story instructions/ A. The a the A. audio-visual A. Voiceover B. Special C. Music D. Other E. None of F. All the G. Some of lighting and special of techniques sound the effects effects above above the above (please specify) the audio-visual Formative Reasoned writing the main watched the form in Remember your from to Subject matter Thesis main – points of a of the audio-video reasoned question use argument C r i te r i o n 3Aiii argument Summarize information activity: argument. stimulus You may you wish have to use 2. paragraphing and linking words to communicate clearly. point Suppor ting point 1 Example/Evidence: Suppor ting point 2 Example/Evidence: Suppor ting point 3 Example/Evidence: Conclusion Speech of your You class will on deliver the a issue speech of conict either resolution. agreeing or e watched. already you collected completed chart below to Subject matter Thesis main – most your help of this information reasoned you the point of plan argument your when above. speech. video of the video Y our opinions Suppor ting point 1 Agree/disagree Suppor ting point 2 Agree/disagree Suppor ting point 3 Agree/disagree Reasons and justications Conclusions 1 1 1 Resolving conict Self-management Consider Develop Identify process new skills, strengths Consider Ask the skills your of techniques and • What can I already • What will I work can Consider this own Ask • of for personal effective learning speech-giving learning. strategies. skills I improve personal a specic skill? do? on next? learning strategies yourself: What In and strategies yourself: How • and weaknesses communication • Ask learning can I do to instance, work by become you could imitating a more efcient and effective focus on the process ideas in this chapter. the of learner? creating your yourself: What else Planning can and I do to help myself? scaolding C r i te r i o n Research 3Civ and management Communicating with Now the think audience? • ver y about How formal, • formal, as • informal, if as if if sense language serious is the talking talking as a ver y talking to of you will topic? politely use in Choose to to a ver y the one speech. Who of these impor tant people you don’t is registers: you to the all asked stranger know Have of well at this the and you use Look at Present and the notes your yourself and in the this share the and can do recording to how communicate to chapter speech. You Conclusion What material prepare on does about speech preparing this in with the a front your and of to your giving your teacher class, a themes you the conceptual the speech. or and/or audio-visual audience. D conict resolution? Having examined question? 1 1 2 this section, what is your record question Text of could class. answer to the and beginning If how, not, do nd information you scaolding adapt you could seeking? Now answers questions section? where, friend. the and found your think Planning skills audience politely a self- you are Summative In this show summative your statement activities assessment understanding of inquiry. You of will communication skills To assessment complete requires the you to you answer Statement a of you the also have will topic be have of assessed developed you will debatable an opportunity conict in resolution on this undertake your use to and of the the chapter. two tasks. Each task question. inquiry Stories are almost always about conict. They connect cultures by describing the universal ways and means of resolving personal and global dierences. Debatable Is conict question 1 Debatable avoidable? Can a question story teach us 2 how to solve a conict? For on the the two rst task content. texts and you To produce Summative Watch the to a business related answer Debatable Using the to subject the watch a video coach, of 1 video, create to the and video Is task: Jeff produce you based a speech will on have the based to read contents. Speech “Conict Muir. own and question, argument entitled your resolution” Alternatively, choosing. Make by watch notes to a video help you question: conict evidence/examples respond a second reasoned debatable question the oral following Australian on will answer from make debatable a avoidable? the words speech of question. and 3–4 You images minutes’ may wish from duration to record yourspeech. 1 1 3 Resolving You have had throughout a nal opportunities this unit. opportunity learning A: conict this show practise and summative undertake assessment your understanding and text of speeches you the will have following objectives: Comprehending 3Ai In to to spoken visual Show understanding of information, main ideas and suppor ting details, and draw conclusions 3Aii Understand conventions 3Aiii Engage with the spoken and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and opinions C: Communicating visual in response to spoken and/or written and/or text 3Ci Respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text 3Cii Interact in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges 3Ciii Express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in familiar and some unfamiliar situations 3Civ D: Communicate with a sense of audience and purpose Using 3Di language in spoken and/or written form Write and/or speak using a range of vocabular y, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation 3Dii Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii Use language to suit the context Text E “Conict This is lecture with a resolution” conict for resolution business people, cartoons. watch?v=KY5T WVz5ZDU 1 1 4 Summative written task: Reasoned argument Read the Based following on the argument to Debatable Your or Write You question devices 200–250 have had this 2 link throughout nal following B: story should and your in Texts F , write a reasoned question: teach set come out to a us how your clear to solve thesis, a conict? have conclusion. three Use ideas. this to learning practise unit. opportunity to In and this show write reasoned summative your assessment understanding of you the objectives: Comprehending 3Bi a opportunities will a read words. arguments have Can points to you F). debatable argument supporting cohesive (Text information answer reasoned four story written and visual text Show understanding of information, main ideas and suppor ting details, and draw conclusions 3Bii Understand basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and author ’s purpose for writing 3Biii Engage with the written and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and opinions C: Communicating visual in response to spoken and/or written and/or text 3Ci Respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text 3Cii Interact in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges 3Ciii Express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in familiar and some unfamiliar situations 3Civ D: Communicate with a sense of audience and purpose Using 3Di language in spoken and/or written form Write and/or speak using a range of vocabular y, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation 3Dii Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii Use language to suit the context 1 1 5 Resolving conict Once poor a time, sherman. upon Being poor was bad made him sad was but what the fact really that children. that in with their old wife had could would age. The hope for sherman blind Unfortunately, his wife mother a no care his old wife lived and blind his his parents children lived mother. and Poor their them his he there argued old and all the time. At the end long, shless found a old small and to the it. a it He there then day, and pillar a of sherman his net. the that he pulled was particularly the in but himself clean sell and to one bottle shabby thought could of out sherman the of smoke was perhaps would ash It be he able stopper, light rose and out of bottle. The pillar of smoke formed into the shape of a genie who cried “Free! I'm free that he bottle for The free at last!” had 1,000 genie that about mother come back to Excited, said my to in the pleased to the grant wish. blind what “My son, I the wish spot sherman be The mother. the same to at sherman He the rushed have asked should been thought the be. genie The same time next and told for if genie home blind about he his could agreed childless go and home told wife. and the Then ask his he wife sherman to week. his decades. mother You what must ask had the happened. genie to She give me sight.” Shortly and 1 1 6 his the him so single and explained years. offered one thought his genie imprisoned was he sherman The been what no notice for us in after his of our that, mother the poor sherman's had said. “How her. Ask the old age.” genie for a wife typically son, returned. selsh that we of may He your have told her what had mother!” cried his a child, and happened wife. someone “Take to care The of sherman both and his his mother occasions, the poor In to the wishes only old The to sherman not gave But argue know the when again. way At meet went the what took had The of the last and wife On week, mother sh and told his wife and nished, teacher wishes his do. wife his the on themselves. end to his teacher he to week between blows. did He a the incessantly came still return both how one of As the story. to think wife. listened carefully replied: must of “But blind his not his argued almost teacher. began then “You and sherman teacher mother and they desperation, see the could mother your does mother to the wife this and genie, and your help?” his wife and you must honour the sherman, his mother.” cried the together. poor “The genie will grant wish!” teacher whispered something in the sherman went poor sherman’s ear. he The next had found and offered “Genie,” and my and elders. aged to wife are mother's “My is the him duty What grandson before for does one she “I one the she the spot genie where appeared, wish O nothing for myself, respect our parents we So genie, wish wish, ask But children. her said to the wish. herself. all grant mother's enough, sherman, of son,” sure one poor you good wish. aged and nothing the that a poor genie grant asks It the the said mother “You her day, I ask on before “I will behalf she of my dies.” grant your aged for?” genie, is that she might see dies.” Adapted from: 1001nights-4/ 1 1 7 Resolving Going In this These and you have connect means Now beyond chapter tales conict of make use of communication the you beyond Take Action! Having story one a or short learned that the of have about conicts one or types of (such as • Character versus self • themselves Character • of nature an island versus Think about How be. Join you the you or one 1 1 8 enjoyed might society. snow the the the your learned in this stories All and the chapter for practical ... and in stories real life, contain write at a hero versus has to a get villain) over something condence) (where a character, a character alone or with others, is) (where storms, or has message or theme to is challenged by survive somewhere none you school! out joining is solve of story the your conict? club the a in might in or speech this debating your society and/or chapter, club school consider or starting is What reader? tasks a least conicts: character character(s) carrying there ways a force like desert) consider If a of society nature argument community, in a debating reasoned local for lack society what will be a as the to message If versus (where like way such or both conicts. following the conict. universal suggestions the character Character in more versus challenges illustrate differences. have developed Some Character • global you can describing classroom. • inside and stories by story includes more personal chapter how cultures information skills purposes Write explored different resolving the going will the Service Speak to to nd your The learning your out MYP your particular ideas coordinator school’s or action expectations for and service action and coordinator service in grade/year. below relate directly to the aware of own following service learning outcomes: • become more their strengths and areas for growth kills ed activities • persevere in action • work • develop international-mindedness through global collaboratively with others engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding actions. Ideas for service to teach nts Use the information chapter, such as the you top have 16 read reasons about for and can solve conicts. researched arguments among in this friends. Research You could base your video on the conict resolution video thinking watched in this chapter, but adapt it for a student audience in contact with local community groups, charities or skills instead. At Get and you NGOs the end of experience nd out Shoes” are no if they run campaign such something and events get you planned, similar and why to your not the “Walk school run your A Mile involved. own If In any learning to always ask My yourself these questions: • lessons there similar event? What I learned have from this chapter? If you enjoyed this chapter here are some texts • on conict resolution for further What yet • Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a John Green, The Fault in Our John Green, Looking for I understand about topic? Stars • • don’t Wallower this • concepts reading What still Alaska questions have about do I this topic? • Laurie • S.E. Halse Anderson, Speak • Hinton, The Where can answers • Harper Lee, To I nd Outsiders Kill a Mockingbird to these questions? 1 1 9 Abilities 4 In and opportunities context Global context: Personal and cultural expression What In is this the situation, use diculties our skills Key nature chapter we our and and achieve to make our of the creative ways the in most of ambitions. We make a dierence expression? which will to we can assess oppor tunities, also look at our overcome ways we can use others. concept are links, organisms or ideas. connected to the of “needs” and diculties, other In are bonds this societies think such Connections to purpose exploring abilities, talents Connections us and are as about Related concept are the we to speaker information think they people low the Language between relationships which and central In relationships Messages in how pover ty also people. and chapter live. We how will overcome people, people look social at the and objects, are idea personal self-esteem. study of language. Acquisition and between about we audience, speakers and have writer writers Language to think and connects about the reader. communicate with their audience. Statement We can our personal having use use Inquiry What inquiry language done our of to ambitions so, dene abilities to describe and abilities ways help and in realize and, which we can others. questions made Michael How dicult How can How does we is it use to Oher ’s dreams achieve our skills our to audio-visual Text help D come true? ambitions? others? communicate the theme of personal development? Can to Do the 1 2 0 ser vice help we learning help you to develop most of our your own skills and enable you others? have most of to make our the abilities? oppor tunities before we can make What made come true? Michael Oher’s Fac tual C r i te r i a : Before you dreams read Text 3Ci, 3Cii, question 3Ciii A skills Discussion: What do we What know about need for a good life? On do you themes of abilities and the page How are the two ideas you begin this use your on social this skills connected? to Before exercises opportunities? chapter, conduct a class work effectively with brainstorming others. session. You could start by asking, “Are our opportunities limited • by our abilities?” In this chapter Work a we are going to look at what people need to in life. Think about the different needs we all in team. become • successful collaboratively have. Work towards Here agreement. is a list of “things” we need or want in life. Can you add to the list? • Health: the need to be • Security: feeling safe Help others to succeed. well from Encourage others to danger contribute. Belonging: Esteem: the Learning: Fun: the need Compare need need the Discussion • the and the for need for for loving, feeling to make being sharing, important choices happy, and and and and tting being in with others respected decisions nding joy in life debate two pictures of the tell us beggar and the happy family. • What do needs • the and Describe two pictures the two pictures them “have” and “have not • achieved Create the Think a two people of the your you lists class. terms of dierent people’s will in terms not ” and of what what they the people have in achieved or life? pictures things in in caption about in achievements? for each picture to explain the message together. needs and generation. need to ambitions of young Make of things achieve a list your ambitions. you have Discuss and your 1 2 1 Abilities and opportunities C r i te r i a : Before and Predicting Text but A is the the became subject Look of at below. very true, left-hand column. you untrue or answers In the the In far text read, untrue read the the right to column general: up the 3Ci who abilities true. column, from in He poverty was the opportunities statements Note your each Michael “In born player. and the whether of was Side whether case “Proof your Eight about decide in 3Biii, A football Blind partially right-hand back The decide text, true Oher, American lm or Text text Michael successful partially in of read the statements you generally While of Hollywood eight Before you content biography a the the while the text”, answers sentence Oher. Michael’s are in the is true, Note your case”. give evidence from answers. statements about abilities and In Michael’s case: oppor tunities true/untrue/ true/untrue/ probably probably true A child have born Pover ty poor and health Unhealthy likely Poor at to a lack and and children a poor family learning of have not can lead to problems. stressed at might skills. safety social succeed children are less school. ver y poor social skills school. Children they are with nd big cared Successes in problems can learn if for. one area can help a child self-esteem. Greater self-esteem success in Poor other children successful 1 2 2 into impor tant leads areas are adults. not of to greater life. likely to become to true Proof from the text Text A The Tuohy family made room for Michael in their car. “It The Story Michael Oher Tennessee. an frequently discipline was He alcoholic of was and in Michael born one crack prison. during his on of Oher May twelve cocaine Michael 28, 1986 children. addict received in His and nothing and mother one of things school that he He was attention and childhood. Michael was lived in had placed various in to foster sleep both care at homes rst age and and was Michael during rst After attended nine years as eleven a family on dierent rst was just that began to you should their couch. and bought bed he ever help do. ” Michael. Eventually, him a bed. At Leigh He rst, they Anne later told let gave her him him this a was had. Over time, Michael became a much-loved member often the family and the Tuohys became his legal guardians schools when his says. “It second seven. of homeless. those The bedroom repeat foster Anne was father the In grades. ever ything, ” Leigh Memphis, his little was the boy was 17, and eventually adopted him. student. The By the time him was a parents for 20 hours a per tutor week. for Michael The young to man work with also took 16-year-old 10-day-long student, University. grades poor. Taking He him on Brigham Young to and replace passing his ver y the low Internet marks with A courses grades. was, of course, also playing football for his people’s junior couches from was Michael sleeping courses were allowed ver y internet-based Michael’s academic still hired he and year. His size, quickness and protective nature carried helped him to become one of the best high school football his belongings in a few players plastic bags. in footballer in his junior the year at in high Memphis, excel With with the whom applied for help he of was Tony Henderson, living admission to at an temporarily, Briarcrest school he auto began Christian He to year old agreed to accept Michael School. The because of became which a led top to junior multiple major universities. chose to play college football at the player word of with and his the the Baltimore Carolina stor y Ravens, the Panthers. about Michael’s spread, journey author from Michael homeless Lewis teen to skills. morning, businesswoman Leigh Anne Tuohy athlete. along a Memphis street with her husband, His book, The Blind Side: Evolution bestseller. Michael’s of a Game, was became driving quickly his star One from ultimately Tennessee Titans wrote spor ting oers professional As headmaster He of Tennessee, University of Mississippi. He later became a ver y successful mechanic, 16 state in football. the the a scholarship public countr y. However, a New York Times stor y with Sean, the Tuohy family was also told in the Academy Award- and their two children. She noticed Michael, who was easy winning to spot because he was already 1.96 metres tall. But 2009 and Tim children, Collins and S.J., recognised Michael, The Blind Side, starring Sandra Bullock McGraw. Sources: The lm that freezing cold day he was only wearing shor ts and a T-shir t. tainment/ who Michael-Ohers-Inspiring-Journey-The -Blind-Side; was their classmate at school. He was by far the biggest student at school and one of few African-Americans. 1 2 3 Abilities Text and handling: assessment 1 True/false Read are opportunities the true brief with text and of for C r i te r i o n : 3Bi A justication which paper. required Text carefully quotation sheet of Factual are from Both one and false. the a identify which Justify text. correct Write of the statements each answer your answers identication and a with on a a below relevant separate quotation are mark. True Example: Michael had eleven Justication “He one of 1 Michael’s parents took good care of him when he was a little child. was siblings. twelve children” Justication: 2 He was ver y poor learner in elementar y school. Justication: 3 Although Michael lacked a stable home life he stayed on at school. Justication: 4 At 16 he passed an exam to go to Briarcrest Christian School. Justication: 5 The Tuohy family gave Michael the domestic stability he had never had. Justication: 6 The Tuohys treated Michael like a son. Justication: 7 Michael always worked independently to improve his academic Justication: 8 Justication: 1 2 4 He became a professional footballer while he was still at school. scores. False 2 Multiple -choice Choose the questions correct answer from A, B, C, or D. Write the letter in You the answer box provided. rst 16 could questions 9. In the years Michael went attending B. playing C. a D. good in on the pairs. without: • A. work Preview and the to skim school text build football understanding. proper place to live health. • Read it critically for comprehension. 10. Until meeting the Tuohy family Michael did badly at school because: • A. he was a poor B. he could C. he lacked not student read or proper family 11. As 12. 3 he was well as safety and in Paraphrase stability Michael B. quick C. a sense of belonging D. a sense of independence. able to A. tutoring and hard B. his C. extra D. his the footballing What help a improve real his family school grades because of: work his school friendly personality. questions three Which to skills from and following football found: success was Answer also success academic kind accurately concisely. school. nancial Shor t-answer 14. interested A. Michael 13. not and life and D. inferences conclusions. write • a Make draw questions: qualities allowed Michael to become an excellent player? phrase tells us that Michael had offers from many universities? 15. Which phrase wanted 16. Discussion of evidence explain the a why book the about different author Michael ways in Michael Lewis Oher? which the Tuohys assisted Michael? debate becoming in the supported and conclusion, dreams explains write Summarize and In to text how a and great and why Michael footballer. drawing was Justify reasonable able your to successfully answers by follow evaluating his the conclusions. 1 2 5 Abilities and Formative opportunities oral interactive and C r i te r i a : 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii skills Discussion Could the In Michael support groups and read and the success. think are Oher a A born 2. Pover ty 3. Unhealthy 4. Poor those 5. Children 6. Successes and 9. Our on into a successful sportsman without above. in one are Give family poor problems can leads not lead can to likely are social help if child come to pover ty you a dierent impor tant to and learning social succeed at skills. problems. school. school. are nd success become to that 3Civ answers. health likely they to wish have at between statements your poor less learn a for not to connections also skills greater to the these may might can of reasons children ver y self-esteem children list. safety area about three Michael. You stressed big below choose poor of have with to the a lack and children Poor a C r i te r i a groups relevant 1. 8. question statements your to Greater the eight In most 7. become scaolding conclusion child have family? discuss Planning First of cared Use for. skills self-esteem. in other successful areas of conclusion is as works life. the discussion then come The purpose to an you should agreed thinking groups these exercises. Analyse and evaluate … • and your on issues During critical adults. • alternative your listen to everyone’s point of and Gather and relevant view to conclusion. ideas. organize information formulate an argument. group can Present of all your the agree exercise is to nd answers that everyone in the • with. ndings to the rest of the class using clear formal English. • Interpret data. Evaluate evidence and arguments. Planning and scaolding C r i te r i o n 3Civ • Draw reasonable conclusions. Communicating with Now the think speaking • ver y • formal, about with? formal, a language Choose as if sense one talking of of audience you will these use in the discussion. Who are you • Test your • Revise conclusions. registers: politely to a ver y impor tant politely to people your stranger understandings as if talking ver y you don’t know on • informal, as if talking to a new information friend. and 1 2 6 based well evidence. Formative skills Imagine – you are of sportsman. Use could blog. one of Michael 16-year-old put Write C r i te r i a : the text your Michael and the thoughts between 200 Oher’s and and classmates. his pictures into a 250 words. this to a to section friend, Things appearance His actions The and reaction of • Teachers • Classmates • The Tuohy motives • School • Spor ts you a be to people and diary you. entry, or Planning know Use the use it to and char t help scaolding opposite you ideas. Describe know about what the and gather your you young man. around him ambitions and scaolding Now the think about writing • ver y • formal, • informal, to? formal, as if as if one ver y talking What made come true? to his life? answer to of of you use in your text. Who are registers: to a politely ver y impor tant to people you don’t stranger know well friend. to abilities Having the will politely a 3Diii audience these factual Michael Michael’s changed sense talking talking C r i te r i o n language Choose as if a Conclusion your great family with it a help behaviour Communicating Was 3Diii subjects Planning you 3Dii, a background His His Write ambitions in letter Description His 3Di, Description description You writing or Oher’s his question dreams opportunities examined this that section, what is question? 1 2 7 Abilities How our and opportunities difcult is it to achieve ambitions? Con ceptual Before Children have list In to of you who read grow overcome such groups Text up a in poverty, like huge number of rank the barriers to all ve these problems problems success. Share you Being Few your cold chances to Few to opportunities succeed a scale are results the with Illness • Inadequate • No job • Hopelessness • No family below. to with the Here is opportunity your creative an Answer Make your you diagram your series boy. the 1 2 8 clearly him use a list. inventive. nished to can create convey about use so the that communicates and Ask questions Think you to skills. your effectively. of being sense of future school grades opportunities groups make questions. order ndings. diagram ideas Be have in techniques of Make own guesses. When a a the In ambition class. thinking sense wanted Poverty Homelessness boy No • • the class. Poor of about a discuss. No self-esteem picture the and • Low yourself is important • Lack to 1–5 Insecurity • the of clothing • ideas Oher, Here • Friendlessness happened success. most • • Discuss to Michael 3Ciii problems • succeed • young barriers on think Life’s • the 3Biii, problems. Choose • C r i te r i a : B imagine become what might homeless. have Share your questi o n C r i te r i o n While you read Matching parts In below the eight you text headings. ve of a text are ve Discuss the headings each the Safety • Esteem needs • Health matters • Biological • Self-actualization • Economic • The • Educational paragraphs with marked your A–E. teacher Here to are check one. headings • 3Bi B there understand Match of Text to paragraphs A–E. needs need and and the to physiological understand needs needs for love and ow H well we to unlock at and questions Abraham children hierarchy can happens good belonging needs Maslow’s do need a a learner our we need is and want these, Maslow child who talents what like in hungry of learn? in for nd dicult it learn. needs, He a of of as we need we higher needs. said one. that He that psychologist children moving reasons to why do motivates we have full so we we one have some well at children certain that dierent want to full. need, we can called the system hierarchy. insecurity basic we can learners. that full what must successful Maslow that thought which b ecome levels wondered the violence, By cause types He thought move a and on to hierarchy life them and has to and move desire Unfortunately, experiences, up the such as homelessness through down a the a to child’s poverty, may stop hierarchy, or level. A We Maslow up asking we school. to move capable negative b e? looked How is are what American Everyone What danger? nd to needs all need Maslow air, food, argued that we b efore we biological we are at school health needs sick, in then must order little be to drink, warmth must can else learn satisfy learn matters. properly and fed sleep. these anything. All If children and in good well. B Maslow realized that and we need to be We all need a roof poverty protected over is a and our major free heads problem from to fear. protect 1 2 9 Abilities and ourselves child’s child safe safety can activity, child opportunities from is harm. essential experience or even who is prevented war. b eing from to In eective domestic Even other in words, a allows learning. A can violence, peaceful victimized or criminal societies b ullied will develop develop faced a us with a overcome. be we learning. may art, C the the develop need friends give positive and us positively helpful easily. that relationships partners. friendship, recognized that aect and If kind the child a to us, more has to Maslow relationships can high likely love. future. we family, relationships and positive child’s family is These aection these with If people learn hopes do well can from for at a lets We need to Success in with a positive leads to gain a respect personal motivation higher position us we and have and within greater ambition. a group, power. how b eyond and If set sense who are 1 3 0 neglected handling: meaning to or a well needs in when challenge understand realistic we also this the well world. Children Adapted a of may not develop a to develops, elds such from Text C r i te r i o n the rst four as 1. What question 2. What answer 3. What happens 4. Why 5. What did did did Maslow he come when Maslow short we call phrase and the answer want to the following 3Bi questions: answer? to? full one system describes the need? he invented major a “hierarchy”? problems we can face? Multiple-choice questions Read the A, C, rest or of the text and choose the correct answer D. Maslow said that A. prevents B. makes hunger: learning learning difcult C. D. does not matter from personal goals and that are the ambitions and loving S uch and was people a stage Such people seek peace and creative, people playful. human and clearly. there needs goals. emotional Transcendence. for b ecome. these themselves They to can They be may race. B paragraphs want S elf-actualized spontaneous love we personal, productive. positive Factual of material and have our thought called independent, people what achieve express Short-answer questions 6. do We dance. satisfaction. b eyond with know and html B, and achieving a Maslow school. self-image us know child, condence tend to do well at school. S elf-esteem 2 to understand. to solve aesthetic us professional them go Children Read to need theatre, Success gives are D 1 to E We Text need condence problem As music, the 7. According 8. to danger, B. violence, According 9. A. help B. make us war to to and and learn friends B. understand C. deal D. tell with C, from our D, if our lessons E, can become high we can achieve our C. we will be self-satised D. we can do any job trying being D. knowing to to bad a give us good D. give us a high self-esteem at discuss 12. 13. this the How of the the make the more that List techniques Colour • least right and transcendence means: involves: world a better place everyone else. hierarchy of needs and ve us specic may to understand techniques. want to Here Repetition • Slogans • Body language your opinion, way Evaluate how useful Maslow’s you to 3Biii groups are are some consider: • in in 3Bii, Maslow’s Symbols own can: want. • help we goals Headings they future. wrong. Structure/composition Do friends earners E, than help you coding concepts group: a difculty • In to follow. graphic visual • at danger. world Maslow’s questions does and and childish ideas? and 14. chart warmth weather good C r i te r i a : Look from: and family C. without personal we paragraph C. belong self-actualization we B. violence, have between B. to D. to hunger difculties paragraph travelling we protection sleep, easily difference A. include C. need others A. According to thirst paragraph make to needs violence ambitious A. the safety paragraph us According 11. B hunger to According 10. Text A. the ideas hierarchy? understand your inlife? the graphical text by listing: • three the • things you like about graphic three improvements would you make. 1 3 1 Abilities and opportunities C r i te r i a : 3Bi, 3Bii, 3Biii Discussion Look at the farmers. of Cambodian They improving Vuth (11) have good are a their and the jobs family close lives. baby and in family The girl happy the but parents Sreylin picture they want to below. seem to their achieve They have children, their are little rice chance Thyda ambitions, (13), to families. Use your skills to critical answer thinking these questions. How of does the the example Cambodian illustrate family Maslow’s hierarchy? In what ways children’s by • their Use are the abilities limited opportunities? models simulations complex and to explore systems and issues. • Analyse the • Gather your group, to discuss: evaluate and and relevant In and issues ideas. organize information formulate an argument. • the main • the audience be ideas in for the the graphic graphic (where “in real life” might the • Interpret • Draw the found?) reasonable conclusions • the purpose of the graphic (how is the audience supposed data. graphic and to generalizations. respond?). 1 3 2 Further The All title of this children chapter have opportunities you as How do their dreams? Discuss discussion in basic the B. their safety C. their esteem can we give How can we help But health not such local health Safety 3Cii, 3Ciii Opportunities. every poor needs as Vuth and governments of child has the same Puthyda could might achieve improve: children needs and children educational the children to needs. opportunities move up Actions Basic and 3Ci, Oher. children which A. How Abilities abilities. Michael think ways is C r i te r i a : to develop through their Maslow ’s abilities to the fullest? hierarchy? Reasons needs needs Esteem and education needs Achievement of ambitions 1 3 3 Abilities and Formative Write a writing description children, Thyda, the child, and the results of opportunities of 200 Vuth his the or or her to activity 250 words Sreylin, from ambitions discussion above and to of of the exercise hopes 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii Planning one the help C r i te r i a for you. You Describe future. could Use put You may the char t gather your into a letter to a friend, a diary entry or the Home and Things you imagine background Appearance Actions Likes and and Motives The behaviour dislikes and ambitions reaction • Parents • Teachers Abilities and Planning of people him/her oppor tunities and scaolding Communicating with Now the think around about a C r i te r i o n sense language of will use in your text. Choose one registers: • ver y formal, • formal, • informal, How as if as if talking talking as if ver y talking difcult to is politely to a politely to people a ver y impor tant you don’t stranger know well friend. it to achieve our ambitions? d considered what is ambitions 1 3 4 the your example answer limited by to of the our 3Diii audience you the Cambodian question? Are opportunities? children our to below to complete to help ideas. You use all or ideas. Write of these and 250 you may only some between blog. 200 Description want your choose of thoughts scaolding Cambodian above. the and words. Key and related Connections Key concept: Connections the of society are in language. In relationships We also links, which need bonds think and live. Language to and messages Connections they between concepts: relationships This concept Acquisition speaker about and the we is have audience, ways among central to think writer messages people to the about and connect and study the reader. us when we communicate. Related A message verbal or signals, visuals A ideas humans, some create message is In be speech, consist of communication verbal (spoken expression), combine written visual text and messages. information between contain writing, Messages can (facial that the in symbols. messages their also communication Messages language. and non-verbal messages to Message communication non-verbal written), are a facts, between or is concept: a contained sender meaning, as we and can a in a receiver. see in the Visual example Visual A of text (time on and the can and Messages email contain (visual are also place) of literal metaphorical text text 1 2). in the which and concrete, meanings. dependent relationship receiver below 2 message abstract an on they between the are the context created sender and and message. Visual text 4 1 3 5 Abilities and Thinking opportunities about connections Look 2 at the four and graphics 3Bi, 3Bii messages above and answer the following A, or Write questions. Multiple choice questions Choose the 1. the answer correct box Identify 2. D. the form of the message visual texts D. Instruction E. Storybook C. Entertainment The text purpose 1 Visual of the text 2 message Visual in visual text 3 texts Visual Narrate D. Persuade B. Explain E. Describe C. Instruct text 1 Visual author/sender of text visual 2 Visual texts 1–4 text is 3 Visual An advertiser D. A business B. An instructor E. A creative C. A text 1 Visual readers/recipients general text of A An audience with C. An audience belonging text nature text 4 artist Literal B. Abstract format A. mainly B. a a Visual the specic to text message in 1–4 3 Visual text 4 Visual text 4 Visual text 4 text 4 are: 1 Visual used of 1 interest specic Visual visual age text texts range 3 1–4 metaphorical in text visual 2 texts visual text a 2 visual text Visual texts text concrete and balance and 1 and text Visual audience of A. 2 visual B. The 4 journalist A. The text probably: A. The in 1–4 A. The letter 1–4 Sign Visual 6. C, Advert Visual 5. B, B. Visual 4. from A. Visual 3. answer provided. the Visual 1 3 6 C r i te r i a : Visual text 2 Visual 1–4 text 3 is: C. mainly D. all text E. all visual Visual text 3 text Visual Formative oral and interactive skills: Criterion 3Biii Discussion Which texts What is a of on group discussion Language It could plan In a of is a Acquisition, be to answer action, small or group discussion. of No two conversation your a question, organize everyone single an has person about discussion a will solve a particular have a problem topic. practical a or three larger or conict, create a event. the best? dominate to the take part in discussion generally group doesn’t need a leader, or may nd it useful to select interactive one discuss of this the purpose agree In C r i te r i a : 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii, provokes strongest reaction? its small the emotional your lm of is to discussion nd is to meanings come to in the text. conclusions A opinion, discuss the answers you these can most you can will questions. Use your social skills you all agree What use lessons in life does the father want to communicate to his and the image of the making different father and son that graphic ones the for to son? does its criteria on. convey What which successful decision? techniques 2. appeal. communicating message? a groups What visual poster. discussion the is Research 1. other 3Civ on. negotiate to choice. one. at all reasoned, Discussion purpose second technically visual text The a is chairperson. In and you a for Formative Study do two. argument support the and visual Give logical opportunity should Which Choose skills: 134 visual In purpose. the However, page Choose Which group above discussion? prefer? A the a are visual artists message. used in use to Which the four communicate? visuals? 3. What two is the metaphorical characters’ meaning of the bright light next to the Which hands. most 4. 5. 6. Why do you think the “HAPPYNESS” is What meaning does word communicate? What messages are used word spelled this about ones effectively? incorrectly? misspelled the lm do the public? At the need 1. end of the discussion you to: come to a conclusion and make a decision 2. decide 3. share how your to present ideas with your the conclusion class. 1 3 7 Abilities and Formative opportunities written Descriptions and skills: blogs Every have One way of communicating our ideas is to describe people, the things. world and “He We ideas future.” can around touch. people, We also using can and was as big as our also a we our ve “He door”; our gets describe “She ideas. senses: describe things: Sometimes monster describe so by Sometimes sight, sound, emotions excited like one lightning”; taste experience about thing “It to was the Brainstorm. 2. Test 3. Find another: a 4. for expressing our thoughts on life is the Come and context different a agree on. conclusion a decision. how to present through your a to can make Decide ideas. ideas everyone plan.” specic that follow: 1. 5. One procedure can describe smell, we thinking comparing ran when we a should places you and discussion conclusion. blog. 6. Formative writing it inspires describing thoughts you what and think about • What is • the Do agree in a see You on the Internet blog and your may want in the the text? concepts of opportunities. or the What will What audience Planning disagree with photograph, the “Teachers be to and your ideas message do you of your want your understand? scaolding: Accuracy and organization Planning may nd it helpful to copy and complete the table title of your Your blog and scaolding below. Think The with lives”? blog? You ideas questions. about and change can message again message • these abilities you you write reactions. to Think to your theclass. dia and Share activity be about target people your audience. audience who will share your Opening interests How will you your get big your What is Main paragraphs audience’s attention? idea? write can address to are suppor t your your main main 2–4 B. idea: C. points? D. Ending You thought/conclusion blog words 1 3 8 in should length. be blog, your And between 200 and 250 to ideas. You in your do Final your you you audience can ask your A. readers What ideas. When you directly. Ideas or not respond can use be of too be to your quite chatty language informal. but How and can we help make a difference others? Con ceptual C r i te r i a Before you Focusing What this are read Text 3Bi, 3Bii, questi o n 3Biii C questions the messages contained in picture: • about the girl/mother? • about the society in which she lives? What the messages is the readers/viewers? about the concepts text giving Again, of to think abilities and opportunities. C r i te r i o n While reading Text taken Text 3Bi C skills C is difference fewer their to from a website education. opportunities maximum It than which suggests ourselves is looking ways to we to can develop make help their a people abilities Complete the the pairs. you left in • potential. First discuss read the text, complete these sentences using your Is it Make sure the sentences make grammatical a the missing verb, own adjective, words. on to word. As exercise with noun, and so sense. forth. 1. When you feed children, you make it ( …1… ) for them to go • to 2. Then decide word to Children money who as get an education are able to earn ( …2… When a • adults. girl goes to school, she can ( …3… ) herself Use and your for years to make An educated farming farmer knows how to make ( …4… ) of We leads children can their sure skills that you with partner that to nd you can methods. teaching many 6. best new both Poor social together answers 5. the gap. come. your 4. the her work family t ) to 3. on school. make a drop to low ( …5… ) to stay in school agree on. and out. difference by making a ( …6… ) of money for education. 1 3 9 Abilities Text and opportunities C Making a Education simply change – for quite for children, entire difference for creates families, for sustainable communities countries. Hunger • Hunger at • A school child’s When When breakfast children you possible • a ability to concentrate school. allows • limits feed for more money attend to learn, who lunch children, them children Children to or go as to programme school. you make it learn. they later school are earn! able to earn adults. Barriers • One year of primar y school increases to good education in impoverished wages nations by ve to fteen per cent. • • For each additional year of Poor quality motivation school, an individual’s wages can 15 to 25 per stay drop out. in leads school to low and many cent. • Educated to increase children by education secondar y women have healthy So even when children do attend school, they babies often struggle to learn in large class sizes. • A child born to a literate mother is 50 per cent • They often have untrained and poorly paid more likely to survive past the age of ve. teachers • Educated women can help to suppor t So, when learn, you you herself In sub-Saharan make make and her it it possible possible family for for for a her to years to girl to feed materials. one in three children not complete is perhaps the most strategy to tackle a country’s 40 per write, a cent of adults countr y ’s let alone even progress to school. sponsorship just two ways and to making help. a Your gift of money donations can eective children, women and entire communities pover ty the When does school, come. give and Africa, school primar y secondar y are Education star t basic Child • learning families. who • outdated their • own using are able economy to read grows. gift need to of education reach their and full the tools all people potential. Adapted from http://www. • Education allows farmers to make use of breaking-the-cycle-of-poverty-with-education new 1 4 0 farming techniques and technologies. Text 1 handling: Text True/false In this and exercise false Justify Write with C you must your answer answers identication 3Bi, 3Bii, 3Biii justication statements. each C r i te r i a and a reread The the sentences with a on separate a relevant quotation text brief sheet are carefully below are and either quotation of paper. required for from Both one identify true a true or false. the text. correct mark. True Example: Hungr y children Justication “Hunger 1 Educated limits a do well child’s adults earn at school. ability the False to same concentrate as the at school. ” uneducated. Justication: 2 An extra year of education can give an adult 25% more in wages. Justication: 3 A baby is more likely to grow up healthy if the mother has been to school. Justication: 4 An educated girl can make a big positive dierence to her family. Justication: 5 Literacy and economic growth are unconnected. Justication: 6 Children learn well in big classes. Justication: 2 Multiple -choice One A, 7. 3 of B, these C, or When question statements is false. Choose the incorrect sentence from D. there is little A. the teachers get B. the teachers can C. the teaching is D. the teaching can money little education: training earn always be for very little very very poor old-fashioned. Short-answer questions Answer the 8. The last 9. Which following paragraph phrase in questions. suggests the nal two ways paragraph we can help. describes the What are purpose they? of education? 4 Research question 10. Do you think country? Text C is Give reasons relevant for your to the education system in your answers. 1 4 1 Abilities and Formative opportunities oral and interactive skills: Look below. at the diagram It C r i te r i a : 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii Discussion describes a cycle of poverty. social Imagine and you plan your a are working poster country. about Here are for a development children some needing other agency. better points to In access pairs to education in discuss. In this have What • Who will be the main message of your exercise the create • skills discuss opportunity and be the audience for the and How will • What the will audience be the opportunities affect headline? and the information message? effectively • to communicate poster? messages will you teamwork. message? Think about through the two related concepts of • Use modes verbal abilities. of non- communication effectively. • How to will you illustrate use the the visual text below? What pictures will you use • message? Use intercultural understanding • What will be your written present • What other visual information will you use to help overall message of your ideas. communicate • the to text? Use a variety of poster? visual techniques to communicate. • Use of 1. into families not poor purpose may develop impor tant learning 5. As likely good higher skills 2. adults are to a can and to children more likely become adults poor Unhealthy and stressed children less are likely succeed school 1 4 2 lead social 3. Poor are of to at and a safety to health earnings 4. Pover ty lack less nd job for a forms specic Children born they appropriate visual poor and problems and audience. Formative activity: writing C r i te r i a skills 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii Poster Mindfulness about Create the poster you have discussed in the previous exercise. yourself it clearly who need communicates its message about supporting access to education in your country. Your contain between 200 and 250 words of written text as well this you have many to reect as on visual a In poster opportunities should in manner. children book better thinking Make positive sure is the skills you are information. developing. Planning and scaolding C r i te r i o n 3Diii Make skills Communicating with Now the a sense of decide about whom • ver y • formal, • informal, the formal, as language poster if is talking list you of the possess. you aimed will use at. Then to address choose politely to a ver y politely to people one impor tant your of audience. these these headings: First registers: Social skills stranger Communication as if talking as if ver y talking to a you don’t know Research skills Thinking skills friend. Management Reect to the conceptual can Having this of what answer practical we can others make a difference and help others? your how skills you to can help others. examined section, your we on skills question use How skills well (Self-) Conclusion different audience Use think a do to things to with is the help fewer opportunities than ourselves. Lending a helping hand 1 4 3 Abilities How In this do of we chapter opportunities. you At have this Make How know you As list are of many a looked make far in D communicate development? into a your any Text Con ceptual the questi o n far? have so your so class, there list the of topic the of most abilities and important ideas investigations. points you don’t understand? questions. answers Suggested A. audio-visual personal learned stage, a opportunities does theme What and can you texts nd in for this audio-visual this section? section podcast-on-maslow-s-hierarchy-of-needs Podcast B. on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs watch?v=QKQ2I73GBK8 Lecture class C. on and differences middle class between working opportunities watch?v=iwE1iXf_3ao The Note: Epic Alternatively, related to Before make the NFL ’s of could your watch Michael use own Text an the you exercises know what audio-visual stimulus D below to Oher choosing. activity through sure of you theme you Focusing Read Journey Media Literacy In section to this century and listen for. You may need to materials several times can develop these valuable 21st and learning skills. watch • the you look Interacting with media to use and create ideas and discuss information. possible answers viewing and in class listening. after each • Making informed choices about personal viewing experiences. • Understanding • Seeking a the range of impact of media perspectives representations. from varied sources. • 1 4 4 Communicating information and ideas effectively. C r i te r i o n While you watch Respond to manner. Write 1. This tasks your MYP Identities B. Orientation C. Personal D. Scientic E. Globalization F. Fairness the and table stimulus. space the a questions separate seems and to be in sheet the of related appropriate paper. to which of and time expression technical innovation sustainability development below You on contexts? cultural and and answer relationships in and 3Ai D stimulus global A. Use and answers audio-visual these 2. the Text may to summarize wish to add the extra main points supporting of the points, if necessary. Main Subject matter Thesis main – idea Examples and/or explanations and/or details point Suppor ting point 1 Suppor ting point 2 Suppor ting point 3 Suppor ting point 4 Conclusions 1 Multiple -choice 3. The questions approach stimulus is to the with subject justications matter of the audio-visual mainly: A. entertaining B. factual C. persuasive D. other. Justication/reason: 4. How would you describe A. Really B. Interesting C. Fairly D. Uninteresting the content of the stimulus? C r i te r i o n 3Aii interesting interesting Justication/reason: 1 4 5 Abilities 2 5. and opportunities Multiple -choice What 6. 7. 8. 9. was the questions format of the audio-visual A. Speech B. Conversation/discussion C. Debate D. Documentary E. Other The purpose of A. narrate B. describe C. explain a D. argue point E. give F. other. How a many One B. Two C. Three D. More was to: situation problem of points than A. very B. quite C. biased D. very view of view did the audio-visual stimulus three in the audio-visual stimulus are: balanced balanced one-sided. much did A. A B. More than C. Once or D. Never the audio-visual stimulus use graphics? lot 10. Which of twice twice these techniques are stimulus? 1 4 6 stimulus story a opinions How audio-visual instructions/guidelines A. The a the stimulus? A. Voiceover B. Special C. Music D. Other E. None of F. All the G. Some of lighting and special of techniques sound the effects effects above above the above used in the audio-visual show? Formative interactive oral skills: Role-play In nd pairs out what the video has to Criterion say about “abilities” 3Aiii and “opportunities”. • Together • Dene • Discuss • • each the your concept. message What examples video give? What does and • discuss the of List of the the say the two characteristics of concepts. each. video. “abilities” video of and about “opportunities” the relationship does the between “abilities” “opportunities”? Organize your ndings Formative Blog Write understanding and present writing them to your class. skills: C r i te r i o n 3Aiii entry up your you have You could reactions watched in to the the form audio-video of stimulus ablog. mention: • the reason for watching • the theme, • the extent to which the • the extent to which you main represented in points the the and audio-visual conclusion stimulus agree interested with you ideas stimulus to make Use thevideo. your answers from previous sections to help you plan your blog Planning entry. The best answers will also give examples and and scaolding justications. C r i te r i o n Communicating Conclusion to the conceptual question sense Now How does audio-visual Text D communicate the of with 3Diii a audience think language about you the will use in the blog. theme Having of personal examined this development? section, what is your answer to the question? Have you found beginning of you nd could answers this to section? the If all the not, information questions where, you are and you asked how, do at you the think seeking? 1 4 7 Abilities and opportunities Summative In this show and summative your ambitions. requires assessment understanding You communication complete activities the will skills to answer a be you can and, Debatable question will will use of on opportunity your in undertake use this two of to abilities the chapter. tasks. To Each task question. inquiry language having an opportunities, developed debatable of have topics assessed have Statement We you the also you assessment you of done so, to describe dene and ways in realize which our we 1 personal can and abilities help question Can service learning help you to develop your Do own skills and enable you to help others? oppor tunities answer service read on a the single the rst learning question, and text discuss we about You have topic had will have content. refugees to to For Europe watch the and a video second give on task your you will thoughts skills the learning this question and Assessment Watch task: unit. to Discussion practise Now use discussion those skills skills to on a answer given the question. Debatable own oral opportunities throughout following your you the Can enable service you to learning help help you to develop others? task following entitled 1: Edutopia “Service video learning: about the real-life value of service applications for learning”. applications-learning In small the groups words Make and sure make your the 10 minutes 12 debatable Alternatively, of your own discussion. in so watch a the comes person video benets of service learning from video. question. each choosing. on the discussion answers to notes images on Make to The an agreed discussion should the notes conclusion speak subject on it of and should for 3 to last 4 a about minutes. community conduct that service similar have most topic. Summative 1 4 8 our Debatable the To use ambitions of to make to others. 2 the before our abilities most we abilities? can of our make Text E Service learning: applications for real-life learning practice/service -learning-real-life - applications-learning You have unit. to In show A: had this opportunities summative your practise assessment understanding Comprehending 3Ai to spoken of the and discussions you will have following visual throughout a nal learning this opportunity objectives: text Show understanding of information, main ideas and suppor ting details, and draw conclusions 3Aii Understand conventions 3Aiii Engage with the spoken and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and opinions C: Communicating visual in response to spoken and/or written and/or text 3Ci Respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text 3Cii Interact in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges 3Ciii Express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in familiar and some unfamiliar situations 3Civ D: Communicate with a sense of audience and purpose Using 3Di language in spoken and/or written form Write and/or speak using a range of vocabular y, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation 3Dii Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii Use language to suit the context 1 4 9 Abilities and opportunities Summative Thoughts You have about the had topics a the Based most of the abilities?” Use your thoughts entry. Write 200–250 had in can practise unit. Now have to make and you debatable use story of the the writing those read your skills to thoughts answer Liz Text Murray a blog to practise our of our abilities? below, we make in abilities. F “Do can of of most notes. in we the most question, and form make make before opportunities throughout a this unit. opportunity Text You entry, have the F to may letter write to make most of a to friend the our illustrate choose to your your write or to In this show writing summative your your thoughts assessment understanding of you the on a will following objectives: Comprehending 3Bi to words. have B: we articles the the topic learning we opportunities diary nal Do opportunities about have this information ideas You 2: before about our topic opportunities question following on thoughts few a assessment: question. oppor tunities Read on throughout following Debatable written written and visual text Show understanding of information, main ideas and suppor ting details, and draw conclusions 3Bii Understand basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and author ’s purpose for writing 3Biii Engage with the written and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and opinions C: Communicating visual in response to spoken and/or written and/or text 3Ci Respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text 3Cii Interact in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges 3Ciii Express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in familiar and some unfamiliar situations 3Civ 1 5 0 Communicate with a sense of audience and purpose D: Using 3Di language in spoken and/or written form Write using a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions. 3Dii Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii Use language to suit the context Text F vard Liz a Murray: ‘My Harvard parents were desperate odds go drug addicts. I’m graduate’ Joanna Walters A woman life an stor y who into Liz Murray, 29, League university. she and are her of rose her sister toothpaste tremendous American Ivy memories of overcame an from some She parents were between has of New York ’s become spending star ving: “ We us to from “homeless to Har vard” has turned her bestseller. for an their ate ice meanest streets international welfare cubes to graduate speaker. payments because it on felt But cocaine like from some of and eating. Har vard her heroin We – earliest split when a tube dinner. ” When she became homeless at 16, as well as stealing food she would steal self-help books and study for exams in a friend’s hallway. Now Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Sur vival, and My Hailed Journey as from Homeless a “white -knuckle to Har vard, account of has burst sur vival” , it is on to to be the New published York in Times Britain bestseller in list. Januar y. Born in the Bronx, Liz watched her parents mainlining coke all day. “Both my parents were hippies. By the time the early 1980s came around and I’d been born, their disco dancing thing had become She talks a drug habit, ” she frequently about recalls. how much she loved them and how much they loved her, how they were highly intelligent but were hopeless at parenting because of their drug dependence and consequent pover ty. She remembers her mother stealing her bir thday money, selling the television, and even the Thanksgiving turkey a church had given them, to scrape together 1 5 1 Abilities Text F and opportunities (Continued) vard money smelly to score and cocaine. scruy and Liz would eventually turn up dropped to school lice -ridden and was bullied for being out. Her mother ’s mantra was “one day life is going to be better ” , then she would spend all day throwing up and being nursed by her daughter or slumped in withdrawal, arms tracked with needle She marks. When died not When Liz was At rst die just saw failed streets. I to 15 to to on rebel live revealed that donated wooden a rent a on and their place on at a she was and friend’s HIV-positive and had Aids. box. moved sofa, to but a Liz homeless slept on shelter, the city ’s benches. and a victim, saying, ‘I’ll dreams become in got park always her the sister or a mother buried pay Her as was her was trains herself nowhere that had my not a “straight x but my time then life was attended A” student she one now or school and had day. ’ It an epiphany. became maybe regularly complete her clear never, ” she for high when I saw says. years, school but at 17 education years. went to and within extra night mentored university was was and fullling herself two She it the mother, had potential the she my promised in father on without She Liz after underground “Like her Liz ’s out 24-hour long and her classes her. When instead of reach. Then feeling she and he did took a his year ’s top intimidated heard that the 10 she work each students admired to its New York Times term. A Har vard, teacher Liz architecture gave saw stood – and her outside decided scholarships. She was awarded a New York Times scholarship for needy students and was accepted into Har vard Liz days is University. now she urges the talks them to not founder and teenagers to use director about childhood of Manifest resisting hardship the as an Living and temptations excuse not a motivational of to drugs take and speaker. These gangs. She also oppor tunities. Her father died in 2006, also of Aids. His saving grace was that he encouraged her to read – and stole books from libraries to give her a love of literature. After graduating, she began taking courses at Har vard Summer School with plans to earn a doctorate in clinical psychology and become a counselor. She doesn’t want her appearance now and her Har vard degree to fool anyone: “I was one of those people on the streets you walk away from. ” Adapted from harvard 1 5 2 Going In this the chapter most of ambitions. talents can beyond to use you You have make and, abilities to learned and chapter for Take a help done (CV) As go At school, this good point at? organizational have achieved A you curriculum your skills need a you full such You CV might learning be far? or CV , vitae, and very soon. looking might you will want teacher/form curriculum is to tutor for a need talk for your a clear may holiday as to to useful a your advice which our list in guidance how to and we ambitions we your can use you in and our have this do you you to may beyond you can a want What present manner. be have. What possess? You might volunteer, to apply for programme. a In achievements. counsellor go life skills adventure and curriculum interests? which you … about what apply an skills skills that developed effective to or make our classroom. and or can information have skills job your on use learned thinking to want course list we achieve personal personal document in can write start personal You such is the the and suggestions will are a qualications opportunity cases, it and so of in you future: What practical, use beyond you which have our ways skills Some in we You realize make your ways ways dene purposes of through you at chapter difculties others. and so, Now action! are to describe practical classroom. looked communication vitae What to others. the control the also the overcome difference having Take you explored opportunities, language abilities have the about or homeroom writing a vitae. Discussion IT Lear Self ning man agem ent Tran sferab le Criti cal thin king Sk ills Com mun icatin g Info rmat ion Team wor kin Care er g Num erac y hand ling 1 5 3 Abilities When skills preparing are. people an and You may a CV might nd opportunities it is not sometimes be aware challenging, hard that such as to you know can speak do what things another your that language own other or play instrument. Look how at the many teenagers. world” You skills at. or Speak to to nd your The skills” each each represented as a in the With your poster starting point are to friends, relevant nd out discuss to what “real possess. other even neighbours these above. to nd want and to out family discussions about discuss to friends help the these who you to things you matters know write are with you your each family well. Use CV . learning your out MYP your particular ideas life discussion might of Service “real skills this help results of the you You members the of Use could good chart coordinator school’s or action expectations for and service action and coordinator service in grade/year. below relate directly to the aware of own following service learning outcomes: • become • undertake • discuss, • persevere • work Have more challenges evaluate in and another strengths that develop new plan student-initiated and areas for growth skills activities action collaboratively Montpellier your look High at with the School others. examples described of in service in Text learning at E. -learning-real-life -applications- learning Their a projects garden, What service develop, Consider B). The think has a require 1 5 4 included the learning on work you consider you group, can of own did for a school of a service group or of could to cultivating start and skills? project a in of needs requires group provide children another. you hierarchy needs skills greenhouse, programme. and Maslow’s your kind a lunch project particular use one or a interests on section what identify support food activity your investigation how developing providing based and and With and or for your (Text you to community those needs. community who Discuss ways basic to A. the B. their safety C. their esteem D. the If health needs an of the children needs and educational achievement Formulate this improve: of action their plan needs dreams similar to and the ambitions. one you created earlier in chapter. you enjoyed this chapter here are some texts thinking for further At Angela N. skills reading Blount, Once Upon a Road the end of experience Elizabeth Michael D. Gray, Oher, I I Am Beat the Enough: Odds: Journal From learning Afrmations Homelessness, to for The always yourself these • lessons ask questions: Girls Blind What have Side, I and any Trip learned from this Beyond chapter? Daniel Willey, Inuential Be Great! 365 Inspirational Quotes from the World’s Most • What concepts understand People don’t about I yet this topic? Jacqueline Woodson, Brown Girl Dreaming • What have • questions about Where to can these this I do I still topic? nd answers questions? 1 5 5 Emoticons, 5 and In email emoji etiquette context Global context: Scientic and technical innovation How In do this we understand chapter communicate we in will new the world explore and how creative in we which have we live? adapted technology to ways. Key concept Creativity from in new social faces, is the media, use par ticular this We are these chapter emoji shall young clearly, emoji texting to new chapter ideas we and the represent and shall use looking look of at symbols, existing ideas innovations such as smiley ideas. the characteristics conventions, of along a literar y with or other non-literar y features, in we of are in debate people shall texting fact look and ver y whether are accurately at creative these forgetting and some writing the forms new the of emails. of ways new We informal and will ask genre. order to achieve communication of needed to emoticons and communicating conventions formal whether expression. show express that themselves formally. Statement There are should can still Inquiry of be in our communicate in use conventions our of use social of but we we language, media. questions emoticons? What are emoji? How can we use emoji and emoticons both appropriately creatively? Why do How does emoji Can formal we creative are or and when What and inquiry social use especially we and need rules and etiquette audio-visual Text D when sending communicate the emails? theme of emoticons, email? communication take place if we do not have conventions for speaking writing? Will technological unnecessar y? 1 5 6 at recent results. conventions and and creating this concept Conventions Writers of In specically emoticons Related In process perspectives. developments soon make formal written language What are emoticons? Fac tual C r i te r i a Before you read Text 3Bi, question 3Bii A Discussion What this by is do you chapter, asking, not OK When to we An use is a it and harder online to is to emiticons class OK and emojis? brainstorming to use Before session. emoticons and You emojis you begin could and start when them?” communicate emoticon them about conduct “When expressions much know a tone with of express a set of people voice. the When right ordinary represent a face tone to we of face. write we to use facial someone, it is voice. keyboard human face, characters. They are We used can use to convey dierent emotions. Here are some early examples. Shor tcut Emoji </3 Broken <3 Purple :D Grinning face ^_^ Grinning face :-) =) hear t hear t with smiling eyes Smiling face with open mouth =D Smiling face with open mouth O:) Smiling face with halo }:) Smiling face with horns ;) Winking :| Neutral and smiling eyes Face face :\ Confused :* Kissing face ;* Face throwing :P Face with D: Frowning :X) Grinning face a kiss stuck-out tongue face open cat with face with mouth smiling eyes Look at the emoticons above. • Which of the emoticons do you use • Which of the emoticons do you never • With whom, when you or in which situations, a lot? use? do you use emoticons communicate? 1 5 7 Emoticons, emoji and email etiquette C r i te r i o n While In lines you 1–10 Choose the read which Text words missing words go in from the the gaps list ( -x- ) in the text? below. between communication statements combination express through common normally unusual Text 4Bi A A Emoticons The word words emoticon emotion They can punctuation faces in a that be combination made marks of and by letters to use emoticons especially reader might to ( insult. makes however, with its smiling face is ver y clearly not ) they their think understand the face most ( -2- ) is a smiley :) We can mouth This to put a make dash a emoticon happiness or a “ This message what the is ( joke. is ( -3- nose. -4- It not dierence Emoticons creative par t the eyes and like the used says to to convey the reader, serious. ” to have become emoticon can The never each make. easy Look at the photograph of James receiving a make in not statement likely play of their to be (A) (B), hurt or vast be our face to of met well. expressions voices face. the In of when are we Emoticons international so people they such online do cases misunderstood. online and Internet. majority actually impor tant communication. facial in par t the an online someone other to can with speak see Let’s is expression language ) so an ) :-) James second statement oended. Emoticons emoticon The rst James is and the emoticon typing an think the easily -1- when without could message we are sending. The Therefore, the playful online, the a icon text. People feelings is and not is know all too Emoticons can communication it have easier. text message from his best friend. Then look Adapted at the following two ( -5- from: http://www.wisegeek. ): com/what-are -emoticons.htm# A. Idiot or... B. Idiot For :) example, if you were joking with someone and send a text message of “Idiot!” the person think them. a you If you “happy send you you said your meaning. 1 5 8 making smiley” , understand when receiving are your a message rude the same the person were that, message would “smiling” and not may comment or to with then joking misinterpret Text handling: content 1 of Text Shor t-answer Answer 6. the Why (A) 7. C r i te r i o n 4Bi A questions following might be How factual the unclear does the questions. best to friend’s message without a smiley face James? emoticon :) make message B clearer to James? 2 Multiple -choice Choose 8. the Most A. 9. 10. correct people are have C. speak D. are met the of The the to each writer C. facial D. original The writer A. a dictionary B. a tone C. our D. good you D. emoticons are: funny expressions and also of inuential. thinks emoticons are like using: voice emotions pronunciation. oral and C r i te r i a 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii skills: presentation are In necessary this or Internet: thinks communication topic. C, other. and 3 B, language new a A, person same poor or skills end the B. Making Phase on A. interactive subject in the conclusion from friends strangers Formative In answer talking good B. In questions expected the to to speak following complete oral your for 3–4 minutes presentation nal oral on you a given will practise presentation at the unit. task You need title is to give “Using similar a presentation emoticons”. presentation message. Make sure Using program, your to a group of PowerPoint, create message is a set of young Prezi, slides children. Keynote to present The or a your clear. 1 5 9 Emoticons, Planning and Organizing Here are • how • in 12 a email etiquette presentation of of Use these order Subject and scaolding headings. many what emoji you each the char t headings would put to you the help would you decide: use chosen headings. slide Use: Order Y es?/No? Closing the Opening How presentation the presentation emoticons writer ’s tone How draw to Other of communicate emoticons examples The most The reason of famous for emoticons emoticon presenting What are emoticons? What is tone Where a does the voice of the the topic voice? word “emoticon” come from? Why use emoticons? Why writing is dierent to speaking Work in pairs or small groups Here are some useful • Building • Sharing • Listening • Encouraging • Helping Planning responsibility actively your think the your audience. about formal, • informal, 1 6 0 as can develop during if as to to and this exercise. perspectives decision-making and ideas contribute succeed scaolding Now • you planning other partner with formal, to for everyone Communicating ver y skills consensus and • social if one talking talking if sense language Choose as a C r i te r i o n ver y talking to of of audience you will these use in to a politely to people friend. the presentation. Think registers. politely a 3Civ ver y impor tant you don’t stranger know well about Formative activity: Your friend, class for would He is to Before you Do a the year. invite of He’s her his 3Di, 3Dii advice likes been Ashley. keeping They’ve his been feelings to in the same himself, but he out. sending cinema sending really C r i te r i a with her a me on message he simple text Saturday asks you, message ;-)? as with an emoticon: Michael a good friend, to ask what think. you you to thinking Come Written Michael, over like writing think think Using with Ashley ideas some symbols. this and will and react? information advice You message on should the aim emoticon Could from matter. to he this You write be are a more section can good use between idea? do creative? send Michael emoticons 200 How and 250 or an email other words. Before you concluding think you answer question, about have Consider the what learned these facts so far. three questions: • Ashley ’s What in • Conclusion to the factual are this I learn about What section? don’t I yet understand? question • What did response What questions about emoticons? this topic do I have now? Having examined this section, what is your answer to the question? 1 6 1 Emoticons, What we are use both emoji and email emoji? emoji etiquette How and can emoticons appropriately and creatively? Con ceptual C r i te r i a Before you read the Text 3Bi, questi o n 3Bii B communication skills Discussion In You may have noticed that when you're chatting online, this will simple emoticon is often automatically converted into a section you your nd an number of yellow research How questions. can answers you to nd these questions? A) Interact with use create and and smiley. These smileys and other symbols are called are the similarities and differences between to ideas information. emoji. • What media emoji Locate information from variety and a of emoticons? digital • and smileys that look like this ? You may want to think sources. Conduct an Internet about search. appearance, and use complete and the any table other differences you can think of. Copy B) below. Communicate effectively Similarities Emoticons and emoji ideas through Dierences interaction. Appearance • Present your ndings rest of with your the class. Use • Choose an appropriate to Other points your Research question one While the ourselves, there 1 6 2 technology “Is it situations is fun appropriate in which it and to is creative, use we emoticons inappropriate need and to to also emoji?” use them? ask Are medium communicate ndings. Text B Smileys TERM/S/smiley.html and emoji He Smileys had Smileys are often used in text communications then created dierent an emotion into our messages. Smileys are online of emoji dictionary such as that Moods, to Celebrations, put an categories Fun, Sports, Weather, Animals, Food, used Nations, Occupations, Planets, Zodiac, and Babies. in text messages in the same way we use the tone of In our voice in face -to-face 2000 the Loufrani’s Director y was made conversations. available for cell phone users on the internet through To create a smiley you can use letters and punctuation marks. Frequently the software you are using smiley convert the can smileys characters into a face. Alternatively graphics. The from a menu. Smileys are often online chat rooms, game rooms, instant is compiled over 1000 histor y. emoji have become an unocial universal used language in rest you Today add which can in online communication. To older messaging, generations it seems that many teenagers are born and email. knowing the meaning of each symbol. Some say emoji have helped create a new way of communicating. However, as more people and dierent cultures use emoji, so their meanings can change too depending on the culture and context in which the emoji are used. In many cases, the original emoji were based on Japanese culture. But people have since adopted entirely new uses and meanings for certain symbols. For example, here are some emoji created for Nigeria. Adapted from: TERM/S/smiley.html Emoji Shigetaka 1999 in Kurita Japan. created Kurita the took rst emoji inspiration in from 1998 or weather forecast symbols and from manga comics. He created 180 symbols to express emotions and ideas. One such symbol In with was 1997 a light Nicolas animated icons emoticons made Answer In your star ted He great idea” . experimenting wanted corresponded punctuation to to create existing marks. two following opinion meant “a faces. that of question the that Loufrani smiley colour ful Research bulb why question. have they introduced specic emoji in Nigeria? 1 6 3 Emoticons, Text emoji handling: assessment 1 True/false In this and with table Tick information Both a etiquette Factual of Text C r i te r i a 3Bi, 3Bii B you must read the text carefully and identify true statements. the false. email justication exercise false Copy or and tick below. [ ] from and a The the the sentences correct it contains response. Justify are either your true answer with poster. quotation are required for one mark. True Example: Smileys can help to Justication: Smileys are often express used in our text feelings when we communications to text. put emotions into our messages. True 1. You only need letters to create smileys. Justication: 2. Smileys are used with many dierent kinds of software. Justication: 3. Some of the rst emojis came from symbols found in Japanese comics. Justication: 4. Nicholas Loufrani wanted to make emoticons more interesting Justication: 5. Loufrani’s dictionar y was published as a book. Justication: 6. Today emojis are used by both young and old. Justication: 2 Multiple -choice Choose 7. the What question correct do these relationship the at B. All languages C. No two D. Different question the symbols material 1 6 4 between Languages Research before and in A, language use the use cultures and are same the can C, meaning symbols cultures B, D. tell us about the culture? the same in all cultures. symbols. same adapt or symbols. symbols from culture. three Nigerian might from changes A. another Look answer emoji mean? above Hint: answering. on You page may 163. wish What to use do False you other think source to look at. False Formative oral interactive Are say emoji that people’s will is a you In no the a ability new and skills: creative use longer and of to be texting use English able creative to way of of 3Cii, 3Ciii emoji language? will properly. write 3Ci, Presentation use and C r i te r i a destroy Soon formally. young students Others communicating. say this What do think? small these groups, two sort opposing arguments. depending The on • are a new • are a whole • allow • are out the traditional purpose the kind size of new statements of of the the and of into non-traditional discussion will be to group. language way below writing • let you write • make the • make you letters or the writer way look we talk stupid Here bad spelling forget about are social • can developed create by young messages people quickly make useful skills you can punctuation develop • some capital you forget to write during this group exercise. grammatically • are childish • are disrespectful • are energetic to • make • are you are ne • are friendlier are you • Building • Sharing use consensus speak necessary to make among responsibility the for • • like adults message to write planning and clearer decision-making friends • are not • send • show proper writing at all • the wrong Listening other fun your actively to message mood and perspectives and emotions ideas • are a new way of • make the • worsen reader look stupid communicating • help to nd the • right writing to meaning • Planning and Encouraging contribute Helping Because A of all members (traditional texting and view): emoji, Argument Texting B and (non-traditional emojis are a view): • group Give and to be people able to will write soon no longer creative way of using succeed receive very meaningful young of scaolding the Argument everyone ability feedback language properly 1 6 5 Emoticons, Once your this you have group Divide the nished can chapter, emoji justify create a and email categorizing your ideas. 3–4-minute presentation so that the etiquette information, Using the advice presentation everyone in to the make given give to group sure earlier your has a in class. chance to speak. Planning and scaolding Communcating Now think Think with about about • ver y • formal, • informal, your formal, as the if as if sense if talking ver y talking Formative of language audience. talking as a C r i te r i o n to audience you will Choose use one of to a politely to people ver y decided Write a set and of emojis dos and A. with B. for schoolwork C. for formal The you it in to your class. stranger don’t know well needs some students’ don’ts for for clear written using 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii, 3Civ use rules about the use of schoolwork. emoji in communications: friends, best emails answers instructions. You impor tant C r i te r i a You emoticons presentation registers: written Instructions has the friend activity: school in these politely a 3Civ may You wish Planning and to such will give should use as college examples aim the to chart applications. and write below justications between to plan 200 your of and your 250 words. ideas. scaolding Dos Texting with friends School work Formal emails Conclusion How can we examined conceptual 1 6 6 to use appropriately Having Don’ts the emoji and this question? conceptual and question emoticons creatively? section, what is your answer to the Key and related concepts: C r i te r i a 3Bi, 3Bii, 3Biii Here Creativity to and convention Creativity Creativity existing at is the ideas emoticons ideas. process from and Creativity language. opinions You in of new perspectives. emoji is are also as in new creative order to novel In creative developed being English generating this to of the applying come and chapter ways through by ideas considering we are looking ideas of and conclusions learning a expressing about a use your Work groups in or four. on the Study think of may, has of are course, the vary recognizable “What does characteristics and there are different a list of of any languages. these are text type. Every known as These form of an email We creative to a or be when also we times effectively Look at use when and the with emoji we conventions friend, or an to language, in must achieve image below. texting use a relate to for essay such or as online conventions particular How ideas conventions. writing a for a a sides of the mean?” the different poster. series about their Ask do the about the questions What can meaning. recipe you for meaning say of about the poster. a you answer your own teacher. when we gaming. in of For order write But to make guesses, ask poetry there yourself “What mean?” Be might that are inventive. communicate When you create a have nished purpose. concepts of creativity and functioning of and the left about right and question features convey conventions of the questions, can the writing When magazine, page at topic. the example poster brain the it three writing between rules, this about of the human yourself Conventions creative skills parts in oppor tunity thinking Make Conventions an bottom communicating process is diagram your the in order ndings. techniques to Think you brain? can use so that communicates clearly and the diagram your ideas effectively. 1 6 7 Emoticons, What Use do you emoji already brainstorming Next ask: “What to and know about generate don’t I email etiquette conventions in writing? information. know?” and “What don’t I yet understand?” Make Ask a of yourself: Choose Let’s list the look at questions “Where best you and place to conventions have how nd about can I conventions. nd answers to answers your to my questions?” questions. in writing. To the What right can formal you What formal How a conventions writing text? is do these email identify other writing of email. in Subject: Your conventions can you visit to (name of school) the of Dear identify? conventions I Ms would school help Felstead, like on to thank (date). I you really talking with me appreciate for your attention during Careers during Day such at a our busy event. the writer politely? to communicate How do As these a result studying conventions to help communicate clearly? What the the effect of have on the At the time to you fur ther. you will ( Your the In important conventions over of to from picture Ancient language about In ways what you 3,000 has changed in To extent what can Egypt. written these are are 1 6 8 can that change the English? text was ago. years? differences emoji hieroglyphics language emoji What with The years 3,000 hieroglyphics? texting see written these in understand time. the I could have contact inform me the time you again Sincerely, also said Please would be. reader, Thank is I become ver y interested in you and visit your oce and when and speak message MsFelstead? It conversation, writer convenient email our (subjects). and similar to between formal writing name) for your time if this is possible the most Thinking creativity The questions in C r i te r i a about and this 3Bi, 3Bii, 3Biii conventions section are designed to test You your creativity and imagination. The table below compares formal writing with the use of own Take the the text. In groups, think about the conventions different channels of different criteria: spelling, You wish add may to Formal communication surrounding vocabulary, more criteria to according grammar the writing and to in work wide on groups. opportunity you variety to these word have of already the practised two or to emojis skills in wish your use 1. may in this book. four order. Communication skills Use language gather and communicate list. to Emoji information. Spelling Social skills Work effectively Vocabulary with Grammar others. Word 2. order How will writing? we Will communicate the future be in the like year 2030? Will we still Self-management skills Manage tasks use time and this? effectively. Research Use skills sources present nd and information. Thinking Using to skills creative and critical thinking 1 6 9 Emoticons, 3. Or will future How will How effective 4. What that 1 7 0 the is emoji we use the books of the will writing new they message have a and email be etiquette unchanged? technologies? be? of this future? cartoon? Does the cartoonist think 5. How do 10–15 • Will of you think the English language may change in the next years? the conventions writing remain thesame? • Which will conventions change? Formative Oral the may asked very A. and interactive skills presentation During topic oral be you Language to have important Select Acquisition give an studied. do the appropriate oral course you presentation When you on present it a is following. material for the presentation. • B. How many Organize • In your what ideas will you ideas into a order would use? clear you structure. put your ideas? 1 7 1 Emoticons, Planning You have texting. and to and email etiquette scaolding give Here emoji a are shor t some presentation ideas for the for 3 or 4 minutes presentation. You to your may class wish to on add moreideas. Subject 1. Closing 2. Opening 3. What 4. Why 5. What 6. Why use 7. Your reason 8. Where is the of presentation the each – presentation slide Use? Y es/No How? – How? texting? do teenagers are emoji like and texting? emoticons? emoji? do for the presenting words the emoticon topic. and emoji come from? 9. 10. You Planning cannot talk about ever ything, so choose no more than ve Write headings. of Put the ve headings presentation as in easily the as best order, so that your audience can follow all Shift 3Cii, ideas out on scraps paper. Create 3Ci, your scaolding your possible. C r i te r i a and 3Ciii headings the pieces until all best possible the for of the main paper instructions ideas. around are in the ,3Civ structure. presentation In pairs or groups of three, you are going to plan an English class Main party. Make list all a list of all the things that need to happen. Then make idea1 Main How of the things that the group will have to do to make sure party is successful. presentation emoticons Before software, and you emoji star t Present your ideas such Prezi or to your as communicate presentation, to your English Powerpoint. your discuss You class may to organize and poor public use Main idea your time of speakers. interested at the the dierences soon What are Share stop the ideas if necessar y, you have presenters subject of probably listened communicate the talk. Other well to and speakers a huge make are so number into the points arrange correct in Take the and make display lessons that Step a between list and great then speakers use a visual and poor 1 2 Step diagram you your to have learned and apply them to your 1 7 2 information a 3 in really in public this clear End own Each presentation produce Step ideas. can be a very stressful -4 chapter and presentation. the skills you a presentation person should minutes. You to the speak may use class. between emojis process. and the 3 to 3 Use 2 ones? Prepare a idea you boring presentation. Making the main listening. dierences and each sequence. etc. categorize 4 between Star t you Main presenters. school Some in 3 ideas. individual In idea a class par ty? using Next, good 2 that successful the idea a have emoticons to communicate your ideas. You your presentation. may developed wish to record In order in the group to succeed planning is and working person your presentation. whose sure delivery for Each and make should that of everyone the speech. in the That group way takes everyone part in the success. speak At the presentation for 1–2 end was minutes. you the Formative writing guidelines and can most You vote on may wish whose to ideas record are best enjoyable. skills: Instructions, advice Instructions or how advice the to tell act. suggest what what photograph instructions you Guidelines student Biology class? do. opposite. might medical to the be this body The writer can be and the or is a the how to non-essential par t!” between speaker more to audience relationships the Study visiting remove and do What giving “And Tone to and personal relationship Command: Do it! Instruction: Do it Advice: It Suggestion: I Hint: You reader modies in style and between this would writer can instructions. address, the writer to it be seen depending and in Guidelines the on the and the way advice topic audience. way. be suggest and the good you might do wish do like this. it. to do it. Structure Star t Instructions, such as chronological. They beginning and nish Therefore they bya This can recipes, start at be at the Step 1 2 Step 2 3 Step 3 etc. Main idea1 End are the end. How to cook my favourite meal represented timeline. structure could also be used for other sets of “how Main How to” to be success idea 2 idea 4 a at instructions. school On the other offering hand solutions you to a can organize guidelines as if you were Main idea 3 Main problem. How to be successful at school 1 7 3 Emoticons, emoji Formative and email etiquette assessment: C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii Instructions/guidelines Write up one or more of these sets of instructions to your fellow students. 1. How to reader 2. Ten 3. How Before to use you steps to to a linear B. use a structure As a note these 250 are in writing to inuence a perfect and about presentation emojis the in SMS structure texting of the text you are going structure of all that offers your ideas each semi-formal your set solutions before to you a problem? write and submit your texts, you can use a limited of Things to and instructions you should aim to write scaolding think about • Write • Use headings? • Use bullet points? • Use emoji and • Who • Will a is when writing a set of instructions: title? the you emoticons? audience? use number of text. words. Planning 1 7 4 formal draft. emojis For the think use nal of impress you: A. Make to emoticons write, Will conventions prepare use you write. the need formal, semi-formal or informal language? between 200 and Why do when we need sending rules and etiquette emails? Con ceptual , Before you Focusing Look at Do you cartoon. about think English class Despite the use of place As we this of will in formal have all you write is its teaching? be the texting there is and still the a communications. already not will , A tomorrow? rise chapter, What English emoticons, for Text discussion the message read questi o n seen in this correspondence will be to personal e about such writing as a to school, an a institution, university or a company. How many writing do conventions you know? of formal Make a list. 1 7 5 Emoticons, While The you emoji read guidelines in and Text Text C email etiquette C were written for students at an American university. How many discussion Planning Points to of the above and think conventions are of mentioned formal in the writing in the about: Features of an email: sender, recipients, title, body • Language: • Opening • Emoji Text listed scaolding • formal and and you text? or informal? closing: emoticons: how to when star t to and use how and not to to nish use C Email etiquette Use couple • the of When okay • When You to their with may Bcc elds correctly. people who know addresses in to people put Using face. Be and Here are a guidelines: sending ( Why? smiley put other, them Cc, sending to each To, simple the many their Bcc ever yone indicate the To: addresses eld on the humor or who in means email each other, it ’s eld. don’t the you’re know Bcc: not eld. sharing list.) jokes with a sideways :-) calm. Don’t reply while you’re still angr y (this is called “aming”). Be brief. Watch out for viruses and other threats in attached les. If To be a good student and to you don’t sender follow these guidelines when What to Address sending quickly your message, messages your message you cannot What not Don’t for ward often ask carefully. Once you send an what the attachment is. to mail! messages do and take it back lowercase or make text it uppercase letters means SHOUTING. Using nd your it ver y messages mail annoying, and with name. your send or or junk for ward them These to several Nobody wants other them. what I harder to for ward emails unless you have the permission all the author. Their message may not have been intended mean? for may chain to disappear. properly. See you email of a wider audience, so it ’s always better to ask. read. polite.cfm 1 7 6 out correctly. Don’t upper Sign why you got an attachment, contact the nd electronic mail. people. People to do Write Use know protect yourself and others, Text handling: understanding 1 Shor t-answer Answer the 1. Why 2. Which we an 2 C to read describes a the message effect of before a sending message sent it? in pieces of advice does the writer give for closing email? Choose the 4. use We the a few a large each large a small A. a the few very a number large D. a small phrase of A. little B. polite C. quick D. short. or D. sending to: well who people of we people don't do who when we know well we people of number “be C, know well number quite The are people of eld people a B, know very well don’t other. Bcc: C. A, we know of number B. other we number each from when number other a use eld people know We answer To: B. D. questions correct A. C. 6. 3Biii letters? two Multiple -choice 5. 3Bii, questions. need word Which Text 3Bi, questions uppercase 3. of following do C r i te r i a Factual who sending don't people of are we people know do who each know know to: other very well each well. brief” means be: In pairs discuss concluding 1 Why to is it have these important rules conventions 3 Shor t-answer questions 7. The writer says 8. What does 9. What advice 10. Which the it is sending possible word to “aming” use a smiley. When? the writer explains why or chain in at or formal situations? give about possible other What conventions viruses? you should not forward you use when junk sending mail emails college should phrase and when mean? 2 does two questions: emails to your mail? teachers? 11. Why should you ask permission to forward somebody’s email? Find In conclusion, when sending why is it important to have emails at college in other or rules and formal conventions situations? evidence justications and for your answers. Be prepared your to answers discuss in class. 1 7 7 Emoticons, Oral and skills: You and already and email etiquette interactive C r i te r i a 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii, 3Civ Presentation your friends created presentation an for Planning and • ve Present emoji have created advertisement your a dog-walking (see dog-walking below). service to service Now go on and prepare your have a website. scaolding to ten • slides. Be ver y professional in your presentation. • Find • Write the content of each slide. • Use a title/subject formal but for each friendly I you am go do not have the Use emoji correct Anne Phone: 0123456789 of formality. to good and walk with looking SERVICES your dogs, pets, after I can especially them. Other Website: level sparingly. information Name: Email: Use • WALKER time and exercising Contact 1 7 8 DOG dependable about • language. ANYTOWN If slide. do it dogs, for and you. know how to Formative activity: Your writing Formal dog-walking service C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii email receives the following email. To: Subject: Dear I Your Anne, have a two-year-old Please email Thank you A N Write advert me with that details of needs exercising yourself and your during the week. I live on Main Avenue. service. Owner a formal Planning Things to and Features • Language: • Opening • Use • What of of but email: formal emojis or sender, and we sending or will how you to need 200 and 250 words. title, body to star t to use and use to or how not convince to to nish? use? your client that you can provide the conceptual rules and etiquette question when emails? examined a between ser vice? do question? recipients, emoticons: Conclusion Having Use informal? closing: information Why reply. about: an and asuitable friendly scaolding think • time terrier Do we this section, really restriction on need our what rules is or freedom your are to answer they to simply express the a waste of ourselves? 1 7 9 Emoticons, How emoji does and and Before you What we In do this you communication. ideas At you this Make How A. have stage, a list many a there your theme of D emoticons, Con ceptual questi o n D far? looked class, learned are of so Text have As the Text email? watch know chapter etiquette audio-visual communicate emoji email so make far any into in a the list your points topic of the of etiquette most in important investigations. you don’t understand? questions. answers can you nd in this audio-visual section? watch?v=J6-CnO0kuu4 Emoji: B. The Future Of Language? watch?v=Bd3ON8nq4v0 Emoji is the World’s Newest Language C. watch?list=PLxRhTjvLlyoJpqRIG Db7Ab8qWVLy6JN1x&v= IbHBVS2lDro Bill Nye Explains How You Dream withEmoji D. Are Emoticons Note: Alternatively, emoji and Before you Focusing Read to and you could your watch the listen times viewing of Future own of use Language? an audio-visual stimulus related choosing. Text D activity through look several 1 8 0 email the and and exercises for. You discuss listening. below may to need possible make to sure watch answers in you the class know what materials after each to the theme of emoticons, C r i te r i o n While you Respond to watch the tasks Text and 3Ai D answer the questions in the appropriate manner. 1. This audio-visual these A. MYP global Identities stimulus seems to be D. and Orientation in space E. and Copy the of Scientic and technical and sustainability Personal and F. cultural Fairness this table stimulus. and development expression 2. which Globalization time C. to innovation relationships B. related contexts? and You use may it to wish summarize to add the extra main points supporting of points, ifnecessary. Main idea Examples and/or explanations Subject matter Thesis main – and/or details point Suppor ting point 1 Suppor ting point 2 Suppor ting point 3 Suppor ting point 4 Conclusions 1 Multiple -choice 1. The questions approach audio-visual A. to the with justications subject stimulus is matter of and evidence Media Literacy In section the B. factual C. persuasive D. other: Evidence develop these century learning • How from would Really Interacting use audio-visual valuable 21st you describe Interesting C. Fairly and skills. with create media ideas to and text: the content of the Making about stimulus? informed personal choices viewing experiences. interesting B. • Understanding the impact of interesting media D. can information. • A. you entertaining Justication/reason: 2. this mainly: representations. Uninteresting • Seeking a range of Justication/reason: perspectives Evidence from audio-visual from varied text: sources. • Communicating and ideas information effectively. 1 8 1 Emoticons, 2 emoji Multiple -choice Answer 3. What A. 4. 5. the was email C r i te r i o n the questions format of the 5–10. audio-visual stimulus? Speech B. Conversation/discussion C. Debate D. Documentary E. Other The purpose A. narrate of a the describe C. explain a D. argue point E. give F. Other: How a audio-visual stimulus was a situation problem of view instructions/guidelines. many points of view did the audio-visual show? One B. Two C. Three D. More The opinions A. very than three in the audio-visual stimulus balanced B. quite C. biased balanced D. very one-sided. Justication: 7. How use 8. much did A. A B. More audio-visual stimulus lot than C. Once or D. Never of twice twice these audio-visual 1 8 2 the graphics? Which to: story B. A. etiquette questions following stimulus 6. and techniques A. Voiceover B. Special C. Music and D. Other special E. None of F. All the G. Some of lighting of are used stimulus? techniques sound the effects effects above above the above in the are: 3Aii Formative interactive oral: C r i te r i o n 3Aiii Presentation The purpose techniques have not of used seen Working in techniques Before in the groups, 8 to used. and you presentation ideas • What are • Discuss audio-visual use the summarize stimulus information construct Your an and the the to to ideas and another a in your class presentation presentation should on be answers the 3–4 who content main rene points headings you and presentation you should work in the long. C r i te r i a individual then to minutes scaolding give discuss is it. questions1to Planning this groups 3Civ, 3Di the could and C r i te r i o n Communicating video use for you your want to sense communicate? Now points. of Discuss the order of those think about you Make notes • Find • Divide on each them up that the will help you presentation to and communicate practise your your par ts ideas. Pay attention • Remember to vocabular y, use in the about individually and then put • clear grammatical pronunciation structures and and Choose one of registers: ver y formal, politely to use Think audience. these together. • the will heading. your visuals 3Civ a headings. presentation. • with audience language • scaolding to them. from Planning to a as if ver y talking impor tant stranger conventions. • intonation. formal, as politely know • if to talking people ver y you don’t well informal, as if talking to a friend. In this activity produce a clear things that • Use verbal Use a • you you can practice and effective can do. communication variety of using communication presentation. There are skills a to number of effectively. speaking techniques to note-taking. communicate with an audience. • Use appropriate forms of • Use a media platforms variety of to communicate with a range of audiences. • Negotiate ideas and knowledge with your group and your teacher. • Participate • Collaborate • Share your in, and with ideas contribute your group using a to, to group create variety of activities. a print digital and media digital product. media. 1 8 3 Emoticons, emoji Formative activity: have watched you email etiquette writing C r i te r i a 3Ai, 3Aii, 3Aiii Instructions, guidelines Having and and the learned video about advice and analysed language, the content, communication what and the lessons use of technology? Make a list stimulus of you Planning You may this char t any and want to or have all of the points mentioned to watch collect the we communicate How we create How technology Why we we audio-visual video again to gather ideas. You can copy and use ideas. How way the scaolding Lessons the in watched. we have learned from thevideo meaning is changing communicate need rules when we communicate Grammar How we we and can language be creative rules when communicate Emoticons Emoji Email Using etiquette this younger 21st and 1 8 4 information, MYP century 250 students. write The communicator”. words. a set title is You of guidelines “Some should tips aim or on to instructions being write a for successful between 200 Planning and scaolding Communicating with Now think the your audience. about • ver y formal, • formal, • informal, as if as a if ver y talking Conclusion How does theme Having of one talking talking if sense language Choose as C r i te r i o n to of of audience you will these a politely the presentation. Think about ver y impor tant to people you don’t stranger know well friend. to the emoticons, this in to conceptual audio-visual examined use registers: politely a 3Diii Text emoji section, what D communicate and is question your the email? answer to the question? Have you found beginning of you nd could answers this to section? the If all the not, information questions where, you are and you asked how, do at you the think seeking? 1 8 5 Emoticons, emoji Summative In this summative show your email etiquette. complete the statement you to assessment You of will skills inquiry a of you for this have of an on developed your in undertake chapter. opportunity emoticons, assessed will are of Each this emojis use of tasks assessment and the chapter. two to To related task to the requires inquiry social communicate especially question etiquette question. Statement Debatable will topic be have you debatable There you the also assessment answer email activities understanding communication and in and but our formal we use can of conventions still social be we creative in should our use use of when media. 1 Debatable question Can communication take place if we Will do not have conventions for speaking soon or writing? unnecessary? For the 3–4 minutes rst task you will read guidelines of you based a will on text the and 200–250 Summative watch a video content. produce words a based and create To answer set of on the written a presentation second technological make of question, instructions the content. assessment task 1: Story Mixed or Presentation Watch the following Emoticons” by Alternatively, of your Make and own notes. against TED performance watch a video You the may use of wish evidence/examples text(s), Debatable have 1 8 6 artist or and videos “A of storyteller on a Rives. closely related subject create answer and the question conventions 1: for to note arguments both in words images favour of conventions. video to entitled choosing. Using duration Talk from make the an oral and presentation from of 3–4 the minutes’ question: Can communication speaking or writing? we language, take place if we do not formal 2 developments written language You have this unit. to show had In 3Ai this your Criterion opportunities A: 3Aiii understanding and Interpret Engage with and/or 3Ci 3Cii 3Ciii visual 3Di and and experiences in rehearsed Express ideas and and some Communicate and spoken and information, spoken attitudes Interact Using Write you will following have learning visual main an throughout opportunity objectives: text ideas and supporting conclusions appropriately D: the presentations and in visual by text making by a identifying response to ideas, the text based opinions response to spoken and/or written text to and unfamiliar a speak sense in using and/or unrehearsed feelings, with and spoken and language and/or structures 3Dii of Respond Criterion of Communicating familiar 3Civ the and personal C: oral conventions opinions Criterion draw practise assessment Comprehending Show on summative understanding details, 3Aii to of written and/or visual text exchanges communicate information in situations audience spoken and purpose and/or written a range of vocabulary, conventions; when speaking, use form grammatical clear pronunciation intonation Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii Use Text language to suit the context E Video: “A story of mixed emoticons” rives_tells_a_story_of_mixed_ emoticons 1 8 7 Emoticons, emoji Summative Written You have following Read the for assessment opportunities throughout question written the information 2: Will article you read students. in of emoji B. when the use of formal to between show had In 3Bi B: 3Biii 3Ci 3Cii 3Ciii 3Di and basic author’s with C: attitudes answer the soon make (Text a set G). of Based on guidelines explain: acceptable is more appropriate. and guidelines will following have a learning visual main including and and visual by throughout nal opportunity objectives: text ideas aspects text making and supporting of format and style, by a identifying response to ideas, the text based on opinions in response to spoken and/or written text Interact in rehearsed Express ideas some and Using with a speak and and/or unrehearsed feelings, and written and/or visual text exchanges communicate information in familiar situations sense language and/or spoken and unfamiliar Communicate to in using of audience spoken and and/or purpose written a range of vocabulary, conventions; when speaking, use form grammatical clear pronunciation intonation Organize information and ideas devices 1 8 8 to writing and appropriately Use is you information, for Respond Write write should writing written of Communicating D: the written experiences visual post language practise of purpose the blog emoticons conventions personal and 3Diii skills and conclusions and structures 3Dii draw opinions Criterion those developments texts, assessment understanding Engage and 3Civ use guidelines words. to summative Understand Criterion and/or 250 Comprehending Show and and and two written understanding details, 3Bii 200 F) the and opportunities this your Criterion Now guidelines use have unit. writing technological The the unit. practise (Text when this 2: unnecessary? A. You to this language following younger Write etiquette question. Debatable formal email guidelines had instructions and language to suit the context and use a range of basic cohesive Text F Emoji: The death of the written This should increasingly communicate “ The the a Tonight's ringing on or you're of an alarm dierent feeling person meaning The be rely language? bells. smileys My or worr y hand is that we gestures to expression. sending emoji - or them to may misinterpret it, ” not know said Hotel Shank. tone message is of used someone's to converse, voice is lost resulting in when the a text recipient not always understanding the full meaning. For instance, if you are in your a new relationship potential par tner is and you tr ying to fail say, to recognize this can lead what to big problems. And you don' t need to be a psychologist to understand what Emoji and – a Japanese character" – term rst sur faced smar tphones integrated that took their The use to our emoji in translates 1998. into But their it to "picture wasn' t operating until system o. emergence personality which these new message pictures has added things we might expressions, ” linguistics Tech said from convey Tyler with our tone Schnoebelen, of who voice has or a facial PhD in and CEO of Hotel Tonight, Sam Shank, write shor ter and shor ter messages to each other, it is hard convey exact meaning. that much easier Emoji it is to ‘ver y cool’ convey were rst emoji or using used ‘really lame’? emoji, ” he in addition This is actually added. to a star ted symbol other a high now you're nding that a larger group of convey a are replacing message. words with car toon and use eectively. language we look it. the Zimmer Japan to from hands. prayer, can on of Vocabular, meaning In context and provided: the symbol O ther cultures Westerners dierent could lead emoji and the of emoji that Zimmer, this represented interpret this often people use culture. the to while two an addition According where that at emoji see giving this each ve. If just communication words these and to classes symbols going tell used back to a classes stor y need in the the age and to teach students communicate incorporate mobile/digital of the world, hieroglyphs? text. from “Emojis: The Death of the Written tech-savvy Language” by individuals folded gratitude. Language to things example belonging Adapted But or users depending in symbolize aren' t written dierent two editor ambiguous because one salutation executive emoji's changes illustrates how “For example, does saying that something is ‘interesting’ mean the confusion emojis to says: “Emoji became popular because as people on mobiles to it's Here's Stanford. enthusiast to conversations. “Emoji … are so useful for enriching text with the kinds of says next. Zimmer, understand of text happens Ben symbols Seema Mody to -death- of-the -written-language.html 1 8 9 Emoticons, Text emoji and email etiquette G No, the spell rise the of end the of emoji doesn’t language The emoji has become one of the fastest growing forms of communication in history. People worry about the death of written language. But they are wrong. Emoji can improve digital communications. You could call emoji today’s modern hieroglyphics. Are emoji English a language? has well over a million words. An adult English speaker will regularly use somewhere between 30,000 and 60,000 words and understand many more. The 800+ emoji available number The of other expressions weather today ideas to falls well shor t of the vocabular y required to express the same a “real” language. feature so a as that of we a language can declaration of express is its grammar. complex A ideas language ranging combines from a words comment emoji message. can Emoji never are For be instance, a mainly intonation speak. example, or For giving In tone They Of in to and we to can convey international relations using very emoji. So language. clarify gesture use communication, interpret also provide English, course, Adapted used can’t the meaning provide intonation of a additional to show digital message. information whether we’re to the asking In spoken words a we question answer. digital and same an you complete language, the love. Sure, emoji can be placed next to one another but they can only communicate a simple and on the a Italian emoji from “ The are emoji meaning universal or full of the a similar function, enabling the user to add text. language. The three wise monkey emoji means the Japanese. also just good fun. Conversation” -the -rise - of-the - emoji- doesnt-spell-the - end- of- language -42208 1 9 0 Going In this chapter conventions be beyond creative media. we in Now you have should our use make communication beyond Take action! Talks In chapter this out an oral audience emoji Create how a TED will on the the do media so and science as Maybe in you in our have this and but we use of formal can learned chapter still social and for the practical suggestions Why how not your rest of to carry make your ideas the on school? presentation about the we way other future. you that now You summative or how could created for … work either assessments in where a could them could students in Fun put part of design can of their a bigger (IT) and into a At the end of be interested this in Courtney section reading: Carbone version they might of srsly and Brett reading fairy even too of a or this this global You topic Suggest day/evening context could might be invite from the relevant IB for writing Juliet by by Wright. for William These you you might Shakespeare two famous plays status updates from to your might Ask library books Shakespeare, are and stories. the two William emoji books short in context. knowledge. texts, copy to areas. suggestions these tales keep in as Hamlet YOLO rewritten After own are related subject creative Carbone Shakespeare characters. theory global innovation-themed issues different students of and ideas technical discuss the study reads your and Programme Courtney be involve scientic perspective Diploma could well. you holding by or presentation project and the social chapter. This the in are communicate especially developed learned the each presentation we information have present to affect with formative this the Some Talk-style communicate we and when there classroom. have etiquette social of chapter how language, presentation. bigger and the you use you purposes TED explored of use skills the for try your write school other librarian students to if read. 1 9 1 Emoticons, Service Speak to to nd your The and email etiquette learning your out MYP your particular ideas emoji coordinator school’s or action expectations and for service action and coordinator service in grade/year. below relate directly to the aware of own following service learning outcomes: • become • undertake • discuss, • persevere • work • more challenges evaluate in collaboratively develop You An for A You write style for might students who study Your and a plan student-initiated with a a set college to write school. English in for of or rules a a guide You Language this topic. could cover the and do teachers • how to write formally to outside • a • the You If local etiquette to your useful school to and does • writing reections • writing lab that 1 9 2 such essay reports, could a students it to help for in the writing. clarify and set can to other parents other a used and by younger with who students might also be topics: organizations comment have be together (such as NGOs, etc.) writing students about unacceptable not guidelines you engagement, uses topics style of teenage of emoji. your guide slang own already, choice. create a list of as: • Then and include such on and emails teachers wish topics blog polite acceptable may government, of write guide global conventions uses this following to to activities existing Literature formally how and and that could write • skills through school to the growth understanding. new how charities, for communications. the guide is guide • • new areas others intercultural style guide wish in interested develop and service organization, standards that international-mindedness could school. strengths action multilingualism Ideas and your writing etc. approach document your would school’s be useful. administration and suggest If you for • enjoyed further Debra Fine, Beyond Communication • Denise this chapter here are some texts reading for Schipani, Texting, The Fine Art of Face-to-Face Teenagers Why Txtng Is OK for Kids • • Lauren Myracle, Michelle Express, Skeen, and Internet Girls series: Communication Connect for Skills William Shakespeare and Courtney • William Shakespeare and Brett the end of any for ttfn; l8r, Teens: g8r; How yolo to Listen, Success • At ttyl; learning Carbone, srsly Wright, YOLO experience always Hamlet Juliet ask yourself these questions: • What lessons • What concepts • What questions Where can I have nd I learned don’t do I I yet still answers from understand have to this about these chapter? about this this topic? topic? questions? 1 9 3 Quests 6 In context Global What In this is the meaning chapter journeys and context: and we will turning individuals and global The key people in time and space of “where” and “when”? explore stories points. These migrations. Through between Orientation and that stories the stories we the societies involve will in personal examine look which at histories, discoveries, the they explorations relationships live from personal, local perspectives. themes and of how the chapter these are exchanges relationships can and evolve interactions and adapt between because of new circumstances. Key concept: Communication Communication and symbols. It Communication In this most a chapter way of in Related In this for a a sender, the take we we will which description transfer the of theme forms can see of message activity impor tant stor y, or a stor y. how an conveying of “ The of signals, and receiver. is or are meaning. one examining “ The of the Quest ” as communicated both in look we can Quest ” we and Function at communicative use can narrative to language see how create in function the writers stories in ar t use of – the dierent both Stories points we speech involve and the the Through and in global is Can stor y are What and between which we they live perspectives. have the more than impor tant how does one meaning? elements of a audio-visual Text quest D stor y? communicate about quest? What stories quest? What Can turning these relationships societies local journeys, questions What the inquiry quests personal, a such writing. examine Inquiry a and realizations. individuals from By functions of about and can dierent stor ytelling. Statement 1 9 4 ideas information Quest ” which By ideas facts, intended writing. examining “ The as exchange concept: chapter purposes will and telling and the involves we common speech is requires use spoken elements dialogue should a to good improve quest a stor y quest stor y? contain? the theme of What is a quest? Fac tual C r i te r i a Before What do conduct you you a examples What is Study the know class of Text about can difference picture what quests? and you you the short see Before session think between can 3Bi, 3Biii A brainstorming quests the Describe read question and a on you the begin this subject. chapter, How many of? journey text and what and give you a quest? your opinions. imagine, using the , s • Who • is What the do or evidence. seeker? you imagine is the character’s quest? • Where • How • Where • Why? • Is • What has long is the has the anyone character he/she been character traveling problems lie come from? traveling? going? with the character? ahead? sks a younger This quest then person can perform home. Can to nd involve a task you a with think something long of the object any valuable. journey. Frequently before stories that he, or follow the she, this seeker can must return pattern? C r i te r i o n While In the you exercise correct article, to and words words from on. t you must you t the begin, As the in list you the read space gaps below. correct categorize form: the 3Bi A grammatical into go the Text Before their so would Which below sentence. according word read word the adjective, text, think into the words noun, about verb, what type of provided. ( The -x- rst ) in one the has text? been Choose done travels someone never lover the power monster journey stop on magical wrong some hero between for the you. 1 9 5 Quests he T to quest important change For object can also be There can • are be as • Frodo The • Sherlock • Bilbo The quest good is of A Lord quest of the in the the goal on the ( ) powers: -3- For ( a a a the ring, crown, ) ) band of a seeks the to travellers, ( -10- ) books, lms him them and Ex. or long love quest. sends ( person requires who to a or ).seeks -6- trickster gure, often -5- ( or way modern is frequently which a central quest a friend, meet a of a an ( a in from games that or ( ( a the teacher the object b eloved. b ook, often ), -2- uncover A hero or reaching has to achieve the ( an -1- ) ). In fantasy stone. The literature detective the story truth. mentor -8- -9- trying ) ) gure with the direction. their often guides seeker. Along The travellers goal. that example: Oz Rings Sherlock Holmes stories and novels Hobbit. also featured in many popular lms. Star Wars is a example. What other quest table below. Hint: cartoon Quest and stories fairy Seeker do tale you know? characters Object quest 1 9 6 in ab out characters will quests. of The story good in of -4- other hero Wizard Holmes ( enemies on object love has often other The The a seeker. going in in in kind the The usually situation. characters Dorothy in are ) nd many seen bad a journey also goal. frequently -7- this a therefore example, There ( is of the Copy often and go on Journey to complete the quests. from/ Friend/ companion Trickster/ enemy Formative oral and interactive skills: Basic for Look at the looking of ve at or dramatic • What • Where • What • six. is How • What • How First are is big you you the will based object have you for or at you do problems Imagine from these on the and the the been you your are point questions picture the of and and seeker view. then the and Work plan we in a are groups short questions. why? person moment? looking? face? your have 3Ciii from? for you solve 3Cii, here? looking problems What answer coming looking long below. story 3Ci, drama photograph the are are • picture the role-play Where you • skills C r i te r i a problem? you already overcome? • How will looking Planning Each you and you then get what you are scaolding par ticipant should helps, and you for? work can in add make the out an cue role -play the roles additional cards for should and play character each a character. personalities member to of for the In order to characters role -play. your Name the First be rst. ll in clear, If it this char t role -play. and Personality Role in the quest background The seeker Celebrity A Celebrity B The bodyguard Journalists Other Act out and photographers character: your role-play. 1 9 7 Quests Formative writing Basic skills Once you have ends, use short quest for activity: C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii narrative completed the drama and you know how the story Planning the ideas your group has generated to write up your and scaolding own C r i te r i o n story in 200–250 Communicating Make sure sense you: Now • give your quest story a of give your story a use past beginning, middle and about ending of your the will use. Think audience. these ver y Choose registers: formal, politely decide about you tenses • • a title. one • with audience think language • 3Civ words. whether to write a rst person, “I- focused”, story, or a to a as if ver y talking impor tant third stranger person, “he/she focused ” story. • formal, as politely know • if to talking people ver y you don’t well informal, as if talking to a friend. Planning and scaolding Who Where was was seeker coming the seeker? from and the What were looking going to? they for and why? How was long the quest? Did the have a seeker friend companions? or What problems the face? Use your creative thinking brainstorming • Use • Consider • Create • Make unexpected or • Make guesses, “what a testable multiple novel Having the 1 9 8 is to generate create new an original story. ideas. alternatives. ending. ask unusual if” connections. questions and generate hypotheses. Conclusion What to skills a factual question quest? examined question? to this section, what is your answer to did seeker Can one a story have more than meaning? Before you read Text Con ceptual B Use The title of the next quest story is “The Moth and The Star” your intercultural by understanding James Thurber. It is a modern fairy story One the moth and real-life the a a fable. hand star. to elements, idea. the and This story Can you is as Make the a a is the suggest such different other has There Therefore, animals fable In it fables is human list moral of a is a story it to you a or a point, In is a know. the fable, star, List story point at character and of a Frequently, about a on end the types. of the same Sometimes different; name story. names. to guide • Quest? storyline could be? Use these is is the setting have story often this? is the different However, underlying Why the exist cultures. sometimes characters of moral what stories All a variations different writer represent both in quest. predict stories symbolic. simple prove or characters that is symbolic. characters fables the used moral, also various of it are usually story the a words, surface meaning; However, situation. story. uses the is one to tale. interpret The questi o n the and the the same. What does prompts this tell you folk stories about fables, you. • Journey from/to? stories? the • Seeker? • Object • Friend/companion? the quest? • Trickster/enemy? a and fairy you think existence stories of Do points shared set of that these towards of human values? The 1 story Make and 2 is a a list the What fable. of the other fables moral are In of you the words, know. it is List a story both that the is name symbolic. of the fable story. common characteristics of the fables you havelisted? 3 Make a list of the about shared to think A The type B The characters C The setting D The beginning E The structure F The ending of these features elements of of the these fables. You may want stories. narrator of in the of the fable story the story 1 9 9 Quests C r i te r i a After How See reading accurate if what your did answer were get questions the that Who • What • Where • Who was the friend/companion? • Who was the trickster/enemy? was you read get right the and story, quest? seeker? the did did have again. What the What you • Text was correct. Now • was 3Biii predictions? were wrong? 3Bi, B your predictions you the Text object the of seeker the quest? journey from/to? B The Moth and the Star set his heart aren’t the “lamps get on a thing are the to lamp hang thing somewhere father. bridge to that “You don’t moth would around,” hang way,” get instead. “Stars she said; around.” “You said the anywhere 5 moth’s chasing stars.” But the either the parent. star toward would vain it boy, “You your The would mother 2 0 0 and impressionable heart on a about this certain and she star. moth He once told counselled his him to 1 moth not not on four and was right on big to caught did trying, he with father his said in to never have been badly lamps and singed now, strapping 15 months, were street the all ying 20 get moth like light but he lamps and he lamps. years, The in top the house, star, away. night dawn wing house reach when ying out on, 10 him!” reach miles, of you father’s around words dusk at terribly on his one-third never a if Come around trying just He left y A mark y trillion elm. a as street been lamps. scorched! right it have his brothers around house without would his your day me at worn burned to the start morning One looks All would home haven’t sisters yourself young every heed evening he back ying around set it to. burned A and crawl and going ve out endeavour. him, you Every came not the after He went which was or twenty- moth thought branches star, but night, of he and 25 an went when 30 he was think he a very, that went he very really around deep and great old lasting old had moth he reached saying so. pleasure, the This and began star gave he Moral: to of and him lived a to our and his when sisters they Text His parents had all were been quite sorrow his is afar here from today, the sphere and here our Time 40 a Thurber, Fables for brothers burned to death young. handling: assessment 1 and ies tomorrow. 35 James age. Who of Factual Text C r i te r i a 3Bi, 3Bii B True/false Read the text carefully below are with relevant a true identication and which brief and and a identify are false. quotation quotation which of Justify each from are Text B. required the statements answer Both for a one correct mark. True Example: The moth’s Justication “set his 1 His quest hear t mother on did was a to reach cer tain not the False star. star ” suppor t his quest. moth y to Justication: 2 She told the The father The moth young to a candle. Justication: 3 thought the star was impossible to reach. Justication: 4 didn’t listen to his parents’ advice. Justication: 5 Once a week the moth tried to y to the star. Justication: 6 Eventually, his brothers and sisters tried to y to the star too. Justication: 7 The moth nally The moth has reached the star. Justication: 8 a much longer life than his brothers and sisters. Justication: 2 0 1 Quests Referencing: In this or phrases exercise Complete word(s) of in you the the grammar have to identify precise references of key words text. following underlined table refer(s). the phrase … by indicating Write the Example: He told (line 9. 10. your to whom answers his word(s) on refer(s) “this” or a to what separate the sheet mother about his to quest … to y to the star this 7) You get way (line he somewhere it star t (line 11. ying the The father not he moth was moth wanted C. the moth should D. he an adult his the and B. next to C. in D. twenty-ve When the the said the moth had B. believed C. missed D. told In the he his a fable the was or D. moth’s hard enough burned doing the and light same as everyone else sisters. the star years was: away lamps had miles he: life and about moth’s to old his away. achieved brothers wanted they followed C. they lacked the D. only people who be the his like star. died imagination above. young everyone parents’ are ambition sisters siblings their successful. the get very they of the thought wasted B. All C, tree A. E. be trillion everyone B, working brothers street of with to one-third top he not moth four A, thought: the disliked from agree because the A. 14. did answer B. A. 13. questions A. As way ” “it ” correct ambitions 12. “that 13) Multiple -choice Choose that 9) would toward 2 0 2 context paper. In 2 in strong else because: in society advice to try something individuals can different be C r i te r i o n In groups discuss have nished, fable and the answers brainstorm present your the to the questions lessons answers to that the can below. be When learned 3Bii you from Discussion Do this of you the The quest under story the The surface Moth it also and has The a Star much has a more literal meaning but today, As our sorrow The moral the is of writer here this says, today, story A. we should always B. we should not “Who and here ies afar from the sphere of your fur ther always D. not try, run if family, tomorrow.” the truth The story is a away our the from unhappiness parents’ dream about symbolic Find the an here take countr y? you you friends hometown, Or do is our quest. think stay close and your to and family, it best home, and tr y to friends to be like advice else? impossible the question and see achievements. Each character and to. object conclusions Share rest represents is the the tomorrow ”?. your home what 2 and from sorrow ambitions your Discuss tell moral suggests: follow even Moth afar here than ever yone C. our the important symbolic Do meaning. of ies and debate with stor y, The sphere 1 agree Star: “ Who class. and of your your you ideas come with the class. idea. possible meanings of these symbolic elements of thestory: A. the moth B. the moth’s C. the street brothers and D. the moth’s E. the star F. the quest and house sisters lamps parents for the star C r i te r i o n Study the Describe Be picture the prepared some opposite. photograph to 3Ci in detail. make guesses. Who are these three people? Give the three peoples names and identities. What is Where their are What is What has this relationship? they? happening? happened before scene? What are they saying to each other? What do happen you think will next? 2 0 3 Quests Imagine the girl in the picture above year an on page 203 has just won a Planning scholarship to spend a in international school in Discuss country. This is her quest. However, her father is strongly against Her mother is trying to see both points of groups, Father create – Student a mini-drama against – in the favour with the – neither of for a year nor following characters: will • What lessons • How • What will be the the • What will be the deeper, may speaking Here You is very family an have realistic: Plan it to the will literal informal play a a script meaning? emotional prepare Decide for goal what directions for have? language as you are summative that is assessments. challenging but mini-drama script. stage story meaning? learning create drama? symbolic or idea context. given each as each character would say. Write necessary. character so that each person knows what say. Present the information as a drama script that is easily understandable. Here and is a also task an oppor tunity to show that you can manage your eectively. Give yourself Here are a some deadline useful for social completion skills you of can the task. develop during this exercise. As you plan the • listening • encouraging • helping • 2 0 4 giving role-play actively for for ve or and ve why audience? your been to a teach the your to adding Provide of oppor tunity your up, it meanings use a moral will in idea abroad abroad against What many the it to and other everyone to rehearse it perspectives work and members of the group and receiving meaningful to succeed feedback. together ideas contribute all 3Ciii is a more the year. to go Agree girl on reasons to go, idea • You be 3Cii, whether view. it good Mother C r i te r i a in groups good In scaolding the your idea. and another by: time or may idea. more not reasons be such a Formative response Writing to a different Once you have writing Text activity C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii B: narrative from Planning perspectives completed your and C r i te r i a discussions, use the ideas you • have scaolding 3Dii, 3Civ, 3Diii Give your story a beginning, middle and ending. discussed • You in this could point view of section retell view one of to “The write Moth (rst-person the people one and or the two Star” narrative), the old versions moth rst and tells of the quest from the moth’s then his from story the story. point • Use past • Give • Like your Alternatively, write up the story of the girl who person view, Write a least with (third about stories at You a wanted to study two rst and The to The other 250 words narrative third Planning and scaolding with Now the B. informal C. technical D. poetic E. a Having your each version a view end. give protagonist, storyline and and should Will you the a of quest in a moral underlying (rst- point each contain write create the and meaning of Write moral a your stor y. of the the at the end stor y. your and conict the rst a sense of 3Diii audience you will use in the stor y. Will you write using: language language story of any have to you these? to this the both Give of have examined meaning? stories of mother’s Star, show Moth language answer stories or C r i te r i o n language Conclusion a point of The language combination Can girl’s father’s title. person? Communicating formal the the contain The middle the about for will characters. beginning, A. from from of or think write then person). 200 title. clear person could narrative) a James Thurber, to. to abroad. stor y of author • tenses. the section, question? literal read so, and and explain. conceptual more examples have If than what Do one question meaning? is all symbolic from the created in this section. 2 0 5 Quests Key and related concepts: Communication and function Communication makes human bridges between Language language of this is and you. of may the As you be the this, the is we, it sender, the message, or or a the it creates essence requires a non-verbal). transfer message authors, you is and of common In the case English. exchange a globe; spoken language requires read receive the us communication written, involves It across Effective common symbols. you what will are of signals, and an sending interpret it facts, intended a message and make to sense it! All a As of communities (which course receiver. basis Acquisition. Communication ideas the the texts message you and read an and write intended for this receiver. An course also email a is need great a sender, example of In groups thisprocess. small study this diagram, which From: has come does it from seem a to computer say manual. What about: To A. the way B. how ideas are computers communicated translate information Message: from • one Discuss language and about the Think about come to to meaning another? some of the conclusion diagram. Send • learned what about you how have information is communicated. Communication and receiving book you transform are also involves information learning to information, the and act understand, facts, of conveying meanings. ideas, In this process and meanings and • Discuss could opinions. In order to we can are known use each symbol and colour mean. Translator do that we language as need to do functions. communicative • description • instructions • narrative. 2 0 6 what to think different Three of about jobs. the the ways These most jobs basic Incoming Translated message message functionsare: Thinking about C r i te r i a communication and 3Ci, 3Cii, 3Ciii function instories The function happened. of We time sequence, basis for The and structure or is to communicate narratives chronological by things putting order. that these Therefore, have events into narrative is a the storytelling. narrative specic narrative makes events. end, our sense When stories we have of past give events our greater by dividing narratives meaning. a them beginning, There is a big into middle difference between: She grew up. She married. She had children. married. She grew and She had From the narrative children. story She “The Moth sentences. You and may the nd Star” it up. write helpful down to ve complete or more the chartbelow. Character Ex: The young A did what/who/where/why moth saw a star. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Description use we description. want people, to places, Sometimes our ve smell, also we describe have describe details things sight, and We emotions people can events. through sound, touch. our be when about describe and experience Description can we senses: taste We give and can when things. communicated descriptive rectly through the choice qualities. 2 0 7 Quests Descriptive detail can help to create the tone and atmosphere in atext. Unlike the narrative, description is not dependent on a specic order of sentences. Copy and three characters. ll in the table below, Appearance Character A Character B Character C then write short Personality descriptions Behaviour of towards the others Instructions Instructions character in “The or and or can be speaker or What the is speaker examples Star”, This in the the to do or actions father the relationship the listener reader way modies to how says, moth to act. another. “Come should In For try on, a story a example, now, get something and the instructions. between in each the of the below? 1. Command Do it! 2. Instruction Do it 3. Advice It this would do it 4. Suggestion I 5. Hint You like suggest do 2 0 8 of means between seen writer and what series adventurous. relationships writer a the scorched.” dangerous suggest, suggest Moth yourself The tell, can way. be you might it. good to this. do wish it. to Instructions, suggestions or commands? Copy from and the complete story the “The Character Moth below and the with Star” A instructions might Character 1. The father said to the moth 2. The mother said to the moth 3. His brothers said to the moth the moth and sisters 4. The star seemed to 5. The moth learned the that Formative skills: A drama in which In a can is an or how of characters, to better as play characters given. B Instruction “Go out and have fun. ” lesson to and interactive to conventions The introduction • Title: The • Scene: characters. class a understand or The of: either understand and quest consists situation Acquisition understand a to better oral imaginary Language such is imaginary students learn it say have that Drama themselves • table a of name their ideas, search. a to certain we set drama a of play the script script drama is Characters: set e give some information age, occupation or that scene at we need to know relationship with another the start. about You them, could such as character. Example Mary, Liz, aged aged Richard, The • actual 15 45, play Dialogue who is page (in write a Mary’s aged is 30, a script what speaking the mother salesman consists the two characters should margin). of It be is basic say. written a good elements: The on idea name the to of the left-hand print it in character side of capitals. the Then colon. 2 0 9 Quests • Stage directions written in are brackets instructions for the actors. They should be (…). Example: The Quest for the Missing Book of Discussion and Prose ordinar y Charms is the language Scene: A we use language. We SUZANNE, writing a girl, about In 13 MARLA, an (MARLA is old SUZANNE enters for and something watches for and a talking to herself quietly. Think of while.) a What are you (surprised): Why want to I was I’m sorry. (SUZANNE sees MARLA ’s looking for my bag. (Angrily) it I didn’t mean to be nosy. bag on the ground and picks it a There Give is no something it to need really me to now! be rude. valuable You would think inside. is! Etc. C r i te r i a Earlier in groups, or two the chapter, create a scenes. you drama Use made script the up from a quest the conventions story. same from Now, material. the 3Cii, example 3Ciii, 3Civ in Write one above. Alternatively: • Retell your • Retell the • Create a scenes to own story quest version of an • argument Decide the story or which loss a of girl of dramatize. disappointment, “The who your They and Moth wants own. could and to study Choose be the a your abroad. scene moments loneliness; Star”. of 2 1 0 Who is o Where the is a couple drama could will take part in the scene seeker? seeker coming from and going to? of failure, present ght. characters the or success, willhappen. o the a the stor y conventions script. drama in How prose, is your dierent list script? a Think about of two the a drama up.) is! (Sharply): There out as prose. written prose? Here in about Make is was for of dierences. know? SUZANNE: SUZANNE: prose doing? to MARLA SUZANNE: sketch drama text, MARLA: of woman looking SUZANNE: use opposite written there form ever yday stories. groups scene MARLA for forest Characters: do debate and what the text functions types. Why script dierent to o What are they o How long will o Does the o What • Now • After Think • You a seeker out having • that may family Make a use does for of friend or seeker companions? face? characters each However, will other’s in will of as sure to to you that each work the talk language make say ideas, front characters informal the why? take? the to and present the very a the will context. set have listened how for quest what you about appropriate • the problems work version looking other. out a nal class. each are the other. speaking language in is classroom. notes on cue cards that you can use to act out thescene. When class. you are ready, Alternatively, Formative Narrative A narrative imaginary The story is (a third-person (a rst-person A quest story 1. The reason 2. Setting 3. The 4. Problems 5. The 6. A 7. An can act quest It is narrator) your script in front of your or entertains written either or skills: C r i te r i a 3Di, 3Dii, 3Diii story usually usually out yourselves. writing amuses events. storyteller you video a an its in readers actual or prose. outsider character with telling who takes the story part in the action narrator). has to a clear search plot for structure: the important object off journey along nding of the the way object ght ending at with Now look the your creativity a moral pictures to invent on the your next own page. quest Use your imagination and narrative. 2 1 1 Quests Creating picture a quest narrative from stimulus A B C 2 1 2 a C r i te r i a 3Di 3Dii Look at the more of three them as pictures the basis A, B for a and C story on page about a 212 and quest. use The one or narrative Use will contain a The storyline protagonist, a quest and at least two other your develop should contain a conict with a clear creativity to characters. beginning, ideas for your middle story. andend. • Create to Planning and scaolding C r i te r i a 3Dii, quest photos Plot may nd it helpful to copy and complete the char t will be the object of the Make will be the guesses, “what quest? and Who do the suggest? below. • What solutions problems. 3Diii What You novel authentic if” ask questions generate testable seeker(s)? hypotheses What instructions does What is What will What is the seeker receive? • the be the the climax resolution to of the the narrative? will brainstorming and visual generate be the message of the stor y? Make you write A. a rst-person B. a third-person to ideas unexpected unusual or connections between Will diagrams new conict? • What Use conict? the three from: photos. Will you A. formal write B. informal point of point view of view? • using: the technical poetic E. a Which characters picture language D. new perspectives. language C. Consider do you in of the identify with? language language Who combination of any of these? If so, are the other explain. characters in the photos? • By creating creative your thinking consider them Create a plan • Plan the • Use • Set • Plan • Use a own skills. from of story new action assignment; planner realistic to will be an able opportunity to generate to complete meet your the the use new your ideas and write or perspectives. to and and appropriate have timetable goals strategies You you Consider task on multiple alternatives. in third the Will rst you person person? time. deadlines. assignment. timescales. take action strategies for to achieve organizing your goals. information. 2 1 3 Quests What of a are the quest important elements story? Con ceptual C r i te r i o n Before reading Elements It would to all of a seem cultures important Text 3Bii and all stories, times the in such our as quests, history. storyteller and All the are stories common have Here storyteller the who rst-person Caesar). the is inside point of Alternatively, story. The the view: story “I came. narrative storyteller can can explains be what ve themes stories. Now a of stories. is the third-person point of view: a saw. told narrative. I This conquered” from a happened “He list fair y person is fair y (Julius 1. but the he went directly your Star”). right to the hand” The on trying” (James second-person reader, (Bob “You Dylan, walk “Ballad point never outside Many to other people. did reach the Thurber, into of a of the “The stories with a fair y growing on talking pencil in their tales up the Point chart below for of View a I, me, in my, You, Description mine, we, us, It ’s all about can become become ser ving girls your, she, it, yours they, You’re talking directly to list according Which The of to style, plot is the the if the books point any, do them, have view you storyline. Outside point of fair y sense of read from prefer? In be some or contest. conict. This conict makes conict is Pick one The moment order the solved famous story at the conict is recently. which end they Categorize are them between 4. written. the story to work usually the forward of the caused inciting until story – there an incident. there a by is At the Rags of and end resolution and the the wicked good are are to riches fair y tales are about ver y poor children stories The The often rich. have a Such who children magical or a 5. Intelligence helper mentor. Fair y tale need to outsmar t characters their often more power ful antagonists, older story. A. the conict B. the inciting C. the climax D. the resolution. 2 1 4 good Some rivals plot strong tell has argument a climax. Identify: this a rewarded. or Does have view. Why? for is called go tales justice. They ght become to puppets boys. etc. you of become and real punished a princes, beasts, Justice Most evil. their, Make come ours the He, to me. thereader. person are they complete order princes 3. Third and details. our, person characters Transformation become Second about home. 2. Man”). Pronouns person ve overcoming successfully princesses, First Match these are and journey quest Frogs See to Moth view involves room Thin in Quests must and found brainstorm themes. sent star, 3Diii two diculties. The This 3Dii, plot. tell I are fair y the A debate C r i te r i a Themes many elements: and C story that Discussion questi o n incident line work for all the stories you know? or enemies. The All hero or quest heroine stories who frequently For or heroine share instance, outsiders. orphans. story At they have goes on a central hero a search. They similar they are are characteristics. often Sometimes the loners they beginning often or of are the powerless or lack knowledge. Look at heroes this and situation popular quests. to use and of four the from ll in heroes Study your you or the between in these modern-day Alternatively, other young similarities character heroes examples. then visual discuss may wish heroines chart as below and answers. Personal situation Character and Background characteristics Harry Bilbo quest Everdeen Skywalker (Name) What Another other very characters. similarities common We can of two of story. element often mentor/teacher, Think the Their Baggins Other friend, the Potter Katniss Luke to story nd and the beloved, well-known Study of stories complete the can story same is the the list character companions) and you identify chart Story A in of types, many the nd? suppor ting (villain, rival stories. different elements below. Story B Storyteller Plot Characters Conict Climax Resolution Theme/message 2 1 5 Quests Before you read Text C Prediction “The guitar rivals for of are love. the What in do a think possible the ending is same the the might and the variation girl. guitar story Share nd out girl that with girl, a a in twist Use your your which the the – a story. story title, is is surprise in is T wo a the quest object ending. imagination ideas idea quest to class. closest to. the story. C played on someone her. “or “Is music music into tell you,” it,” she went the hard the “Shan’t and by my rose is guitar The thought What her passing it me?” fountain listener know. the Therefore, The A on player has happen? endings. story of modern the who However, you read is with girl, quest. actual Text love The brainstorm Now player” it so and love,” and nally love inquired continued, air in fell water away. said, “I the from The don’t the girl, player Soon happened fell and the by “but that’s not another also fell girl, last in “or stared at she passer-by love. my the ventured beautiful But answer?” replied on you and right and listened guitar “Is say, said that you What that I is to love,” The smiled “Well, instrument. just happened me guitar?” guitar, to it see second at the don’t the wasn’t passer- girl and know. right it, her inquired at It’s a answer?” and went on playing. The playing. All two night heads, passers-by long and the when was perfectly their speeches. “I you would could “And “even if “You a I care love did don’t about “Oh,” they a of my music said. the a do at perplexed. through the they you,” own me ran declared note next had the their day it prepared rst, “even if music.” swore the second, guitar.” understand,” Which they music that love not greatly returned you,” play would musician. guitar obvious not you were replied you the love, girl. if you you the “I am do not all?” “Did we give wrong answer?” “Yes,” replied “Well, what “You my and must gifts, ever all girl. the love my shall the is right me answer?” altogether; possessions, be from now just as everything I am, I’ve all been on.” “But that’s impossible!” they cried out together. “Yes,” to suit agreed the the girl and chose a sad little Sunjita 2 1 6 tune occasion. Namjoshi C r i te r i o n After 1 reading Shor t-answer the sheet paper. following questions. Write What attracted the rst 2. What question did the 3. What attracted the second passer-by 4. What question did the ask 5. What answer 6. Why did What 8. Suggest 2 girl both say girl girl ask to the to she was the rst guitar on a separate player? passer-by? to the passers-by answers the guitar second player? passer-by? give? rejecting both lovers on the day? 7. little the did passer-by your 1. second is the a girl looking possible tune to suit Multiple -choice for in meaning the a for lover? the phrase, “(she) chose 9. 10. the 13. A, B, C, or beauty C. music B. love D. money. often in deal “The with guitar some the two the lovers and the C. the lovers and society D. the lovers and nature. is the is the The conict between: lovers main is guitar theme more more in of player which the important B. Love is C. Love means knowing D. Love means accepting The storyteller important writes A. a rst-person B. a second-person C. a third-person D. a fourth-person The conict is A. the girl keeps chooses live story? than than what a they a love. music. person person for likes. what she is. from: point of view point point of of point view view of view. resolved when: B. the girl C. the lovers D. one of conict. player” B. Music 3Biii for: A. What 3Bii, D. plot A. 12. quest from A. conict 11. a answer The Stories sad questions correct is a occasion”? C r i te r i a Choose 3Bi C questions Answer of Text the her independence one resolve lovers of their the lovers conict wins. 2 1 7 Quests Working in pairs answer 1 In what ways is “The 2 In what ways is it Once you Present have your these guitar different agreed question. on conclusions to your to player” a a typical typical ideas, quest story? quest? complete the table below. class. Similarities The object of the Dierences quest The “heroes” The plot/storyline The outcome The message Other of the elements of quest the Formative quest oral interactive and skills: C r i te r i a 3Cii, 3Ciii, 3Civ Drama Planning Use in Create your own version of “The guitar the the drama • one scene script Make a for set from the story “The guitar player” and can to create a it. of notes on cue cards that you use act out thescene. • Decide which happen. • After having version • • Think You a Now that may you will how use the very context. appropriate out listened about family characters work for take part the each other’s present in characters informal However, the Formative to will what the ideas, front will language make in characters of as sure out to a what each will other. nal class. to each you that and say work the talk scene will are the other. speaking language in is classroom. writing activity: Story writing Now write could tell up A. the girl B. one of C. someone 2 1 8 your your the own story prose from a version different lovers else – an observer. of “The point of guitar view: ideas scaolding on chapter to player” plan Choose and player”. You your work. drama help earlier you Write between protagonist, a 200 quest should contain Decide whether Planning Copy the and table and a 250 and at conict to words. least with write in two a the The other clear rst narrative should characters. beginning, person or The middle the contain third storyline and will be Will it be Will your Which a scaolding below and use it to help to formulate your ideas. What will What is Where will be Planning a will the be climax the third-person or in be and to of narrative narrative the guitar player” some the narrative? other kind of plot? story? the the narrative? conict? begin? end? moral of the story? scaolding Communicating with Now the think or quest resolution the will of “The conict? be the will What rst-person the version storyteller? characters is How the story What end. person. Y our Who a about a C r i te r i o n sense language of 3Diii audience you will use in the stor y. Choose one of these registers: • ver y • formal, formal, • informal, as if as as if talking talking if ver y talking Conclusion What are the to politely to a politely to people a ver y impor tant you don’t stranger. know well friend. to the conceptual important elements question of aqueststory? Having examined this section, what is your answer to the question? 2 1 9 Quests What and how visual Text about the Before you What we In do this make far your At in this Make How a list many you list of are are quests. the quest? Con ceptual questi o n D far? have the of there your looked most into the important topic ideas of the you quest. have As a learned so some can points you texts videos Choose any you don’t understand? questions. answers Suggested Here so Text of investigations. stage, a watch audio- communicate theme know chapter class, D does one of and nd in for audio-visual this ctional then this and answer section? section real-life the questions below. A. watch?v=mx1XZoPgNIU An B. Afghan boy looks for a new life in the UK watch?v=yJzcQ607sFQ Leonard Loch C. Nimoy’s Ness documentary: In Search of the Monster watch?v=wZdpNglLbt8 The trailer Alternatively, answer the Before Read to times and and listening. 2 2 0 watch a Nemo video in watch the of a narrative appropriate Text quest of manner. your Write choosing. your the listen discuss exercises for. You D possible below may to need answers make to in sure watch class you the after know material each what several viewing Respond answers activity through look Finding questions you Focusing to and on a to the tasks separate and sheet of paper. C r i te r i o n While Choose you one Respond to watch of the the Text short tasks narrative and 3Ai D answer videos the listed questions in the appropriatemanner. 1. This audio-visual these MYP stimulus global seems to be Media Literacy In section above. related to which this these century learning Identities contexts? and B. Orientation C. Personal D. Scientic can valuable 21st skills. of • Interacting use A. you develop and with create media ideas to and relationships information. in space and time • and cultural Making about and informed choices expression technical personal viewing innovation experiences. E. Globalization and sustainability F. Fairness and development Summarize the main • Understanding media 2. points of the stimulus. complete the table You may useful to copy and below, points if necessary. answers questions You will of representations. Seeking a range of adding perspectives extrasupporting impact nd • it the need from varied the sources. to these planningand exercise scaffolding to of help the you oral complete and interactive Who Is it is is a the does and the characters What is the conict? What is the climax any, does What is quest is the the does are story you ideas information effectively. watched the The the the video in narrate? the story? narrative? resolution video narrative? begin? featured to of the conict? end? message Multiple -choice 3. third-person narrative What How of or kind if Communicating storyteller? What What, • title? rst-person Where 1 the skills below. The What the of the story? questions approach audio-visual to the with justications subject stimulus is matter of the mainly: A. entertaining C. persuasive B. factual D. other. Justication/reason: 4. How would you A. Really B. Interesting describe interesting the content of the stimulus? C. Fairly D. Uninteresting interesting Justication/reason: 2 2 1 Quests 2 Multiple -choice Answer 5. 6. 7. questions What was C r i te r i o n questions 5–10. the format of the audio-visual A. Speech B. Conversation/discussion C. Debate D. Documentary E. Other: The purpose A. narrate B. describe C. explain a D. argue point E. give F. other: How of a a the audio-visual stimulus stimulus? was to: story a situation problem of view instructions/guidelines many points of view did the audio-visual stimulus show? A. 8. 9. B. Two C. Three D. More The opinions A. very B. quite C. biased D. very How A. 10. One than in audio-visual are: one-sided did the audio-visual stimulus use graphics? lot More than C. Once or D. Never of twice twice these techniques are used stimulus? 2 2 2 stimulus balanced B. Which the balanced much A three A. Voiceover B. Special C. Music and D. Other special E. None of F. All the G. Some of lighting of techniques sound the effects effects above above the above in the audio-visual 3Aii Formative Retell The the purpose story and of interactive story this drama the elements of and scaolding as a is show to oral: C r i te r i o n 3Aiii drama storytelling an understanding shown in the of video the you have watched. Planning self-management As a the group, make following sure you have an over view of your quest stor y by This table. task is a opportunity Y our skills completing major to show quest that you can work Storyteller Plot cooperatively in to on collaborate complex set of a group a ideas and Characters create and communicate many of the ideas chapter. The task Conict in this Climax give Resolution to you an practise will also opportunity the skills Theme/message you Decide which moments The in reason Setting The A • dramatize. Choose from the following list the and interactive assessment. of structure. search for the important object journey along nding ending make Decide scene in • to to for oral of the the way object ght An Now plot need off Problems The scene(s) the will summative a with some which and basic other. You make the decisions. characters will will happen. take part Work out in the what the script. about are moral more what Think you a how may use speaking sure that the very in the characters a will informal family language talk language context. is to each as However, appropriate for classroom. The quest for love perhaps? 2 2 3 Quests • After of • having the Use script the Make chest, your a and have Use your andthe for from your at least with a basic with a The task will need drama any you in (objects of out the on setting, on act nal version characters. drama stage weapons, you a class. your used fake before work (title, sketch example, need front script to props for question of from the 2 above lm question have The other clear end a writing you words. two of present ideas, out script. by actors books, your treasure drama. to provide information and drama. plot answers drama 200–250 will other’s scaolding Formative the each directions) wands) answers background Rewrite you stage you to performance, magic Planning Use and sure during that conventions dialogue • listened you 2 narrative an will The have above, produced characters. beginning, activity to your contain inciting 3Aiii watched. write a a storyline C r i te r i o n scaffolding short protagonist, should incident, notes, narrative a quest contain middle with a of a and conict climax and resolution. will for also the give you an summative opportunity written to practise assessment at the the skills end of you this section. Planning and scaolding Communicating Decide whether with you a will C r i te r i o n sense write of 3Diii audience your narrative in the rst person or the third person. Also think about the language you will use in the stor y. Choose one of these registers: • ver y • formal, formal, • informal, as if as as if talking talking if ver y talking to Conclusion politely to a politely to people a ver y impor tant you stranger don’t know well friend. to the management conceptual question Have you to the of What and how does audio-visual Text all asked at this about the theme of the examined question? 2 2 4 this section, what is your answer answers questions the you beginning section? and If how, not, do you quest? think Having found D where, communicate skills to the the could nd information you you seeking? are Summative In this your on summative your related task assessment understanding use chapter. To to of the of the the the statement you you topic will have the quest. of communication complete requires activities to skills assessment of inquiry answer a Statement of you you for will this debatable an opportunity You will have also to be developed undertake chapter. Each two show assessed in this tasks assessment question. inquiry Stories about quests involve journeys, turning points and realizations. Through these stories we can examine the relationships between individuals and the societies in which they live from personal, local and global perspectives. Debatable Can we quest question use spoken the the rst contents. produce dialogue a task, To you Debatable Choose journey, in should the The Can the video a and question, create you a drama will read What elements story contain? based a text 2 should a good quest on and contents. task: we one is or video a use Presentation spoken dialogue more By create a Quest”). example of improve the to scenes hero’s plot. (“The good material three the the to improve a from quest. the This rough or a dialogue draft of a you quest quest video could encounters, adding a As story, the script to or one section realization stage decide not. You plotline. involving be and watch, or a or of turning directions, be acted more the out you in class recorded. script plot add to of rst be video to up elements The 1: a second on oral following the wish to improve watch the based question the whether or to question story? Watch point will answer narrative Summative may Debatable story? For quest 1 should and script the help the character should take will assessed Note: you script itself. be 3 audience of or the 4 on understand the scene’s place in hero. minutes the to act spoken out. performance, not on the 2 2 5 Quests Text The E Quest watch?v=s6cbhk2Et4I You have drama you had scripts will have following an A: Comprehending Show practise unit. to In show producing this and summative your presenting assessment understanding of the objectives: spoken and visual text understanding of information, main ideas and suppor ting details, and draw 3Aii to this opportunity learning Criterion 3Ai opportunities throughout Interpret conclusions conventions Engage with the spoken and visual text by identifying ideas, 3Aiii opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and opinions Criterion and/or 3Ci 3Cii 3Ciii C: Communicating visual in response to spoken and/or written text Respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text Interact in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges Express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in familiar and some unfamiliar situations 3Civ Communicate with a sense of audience and purpose Criterion 3Di D: Using language in spoken and/or written form Write and/or speak using a range of vocabular y, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation 3Dii Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii 2 2 6 Use language to suit the context Summative In this summative to show your demonstrate in this task Debatable assessment understanding the chapter. another written written To question to you of will the the the topic of of elements narrative another the skills assessment statement 2: What A have communication complete related task: quest. you you a You have will inquiry should opportunity for will developed undertake this good chapter. quest story contain? The text gaming. games quest kind below Imagine company. described of quest audience. of a outlines Text in the going a to Make created. answers between forms sure a new on you 250 all used in storyline one of identify language contain and quests based Use will 200 of write narrative text. have best Write are Create you The quest. you different the video for clearly appropriate the a video types important of which to the elements words. F Video gaming: Quests A quest in role -playing video games … is a task that a player-controlled character, or group of characters, may character ’s experience access to In most the winning specic may new a longer the of is is may take It they an It is not player characters. Types of to reward. skills Rewards and “hunt killing only a a set few common are for a of the for a specic quest to include treasure an increase such as in gold the coins, above… number minutes allowed may abilities, outcome” , of or to in creatures hours to require contrast or complete, characters begin. Often, the and commonly to collecting larger simply a while to the list of others have met reward, a the nish… optional a is a new combination a involve before takes gain any quest quests quests or weeks. non-linear side -quests a to learn or is games. to areas, sense, days order conditions quest side- quest provide Some several set video general in order or game. Typical cer tain A in locations items. take complete smaller section structures essential of mission to for an the a video within a other wise game to game, larger linear be is stor yline, plot. nished, As but a and can general can bring found be in used rule, the various role -playing as means to completion a of benets to the quest Quests are quests and typically escor t grouped into one of four categories: kill quests, gather quests, deliver y quests. 2 2 7 Quests Text F (continued) Kill A quests kill quest specic bring back Combo The sends proof combo quest of these are quests which case Delivery Another the type of may star ting quest sent need the through Gather quests Gather quests, items. These kill either as a specic types trophies, of or number quests body often par ts of named require (boar creatures, the tusks, or character wolf pelts, a to etc.). the to attack required immor tal would be killed cer tain number enemies of or innite or stop or combos in structures has number till been the with a reached. player is Enemies successful in in appearing. to is to to the collect an item from the item rst quest. These also known either in delivery quest … deliver a as be order collect or to quests are dangerous collection gathered collect number of location made a of being require or a for the Sometimes handed item by character quest example, to the asking while the facing to environment, items. The involves another. sometimes location items, quest. This to challenging terrain, required dierent fetch–carr y instead quests, from the or one may time a also the require a to limit. number require assemble the deliver character a collect or to of character the device. quests escor t quest involves character (NPC). moves player such player either unfamiliar can creatures character she a until usually journey Escor t to NPC. These quests character kill out or work, requires enemies being when their attacks character The of character character quests combination to the non-player to A through slay slaying typical a escor t monsters quest monster-infested multiple monsters to to maintain would area. ensure involve A the the majority safety well-being protecting of of the the the time of a NPC the non-player character quest will as he require or the NPC… Hybrids Elements from example, a weapon also A (Gather include Quest is order quest is a can be that the and and group necessar y as to then use it combined player to kill a to nd make the specic more par ts foe complex needed (Kill to quest). quests. For assemble Hybrid a specic quests may riddles. a player are from of before quests that beginning progresses encourage chain Adapted 2 2 8 quest) types require chains diculty in above could puzzles quest chain quest the quest are the through characters to completed next the journey quest chain. to a in in sequence… the Quest new chain. chains place, Completion Quests often where usually star t fur ther revealed… of each increase with small elements of in tasks the Y ou will be assessed using the following criteria. Criterion 3Bi B: Comprehending written and visual text ( Text handling) Show understanding of information, main ideas and suppor ting details, and draw conclusions 3Bii Understand basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and author ’s purpose for writing 3Biii Engage with the written and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and opinions Criterion and/or 3Ci 3Cii 3Ciii C: Communicating visual in response to spoken and/or written text Respond appropriately to spoken and/or written and/or visual text Interact in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges Express ideas and feelings, and communicate information in familiar and some unfamiliar situations 3Civ Communicate with a sense of audience and purpose. Criterion 3Di D: Using language in spoken and/or written form Write and/or speak using a range of vocabular y, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking, use clear pronunciation and intonation 3Dii Organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices 3Diii Use language to suit the context 2 2 9 Quests Going In this beyond chapter examine the in they which Now make you have live of communication from the skills you beyond Take action! Short play Use drama produce a personally key scenes Research skills short you in the have local and you have developed Some you have performance lives stories. individuals As a and global this we can societies perspectives. learned in result the and the chapter for practical classroom. admire. that the personal, chapter quest between information purposes the explored relationships use the You person’s of one suggestions developed about may the want in this chapter personal to … quest concentrate to of on write and someone two or three quest. or two r heart. to Such embark journey, people on or a often difcult undertake a have or risky difcult subject. Alternatively, a member one of of your neighbours some may form have nd your circle who of out about family, of has or friends or gone on That person quest. undertaken a difcult e as a You love could your you delve 2 3 0 and are drama. invited to story. motivations Once country deeper into actions, ready, You audience. or the the create can character context your record the in of this which dialogue, nal person the by action rehearse performance exploring takes and and their place. then show act it out to an Service Speak to to nd your The learning your out MYP your particular ideas coordinator school’s or action expectations for and service action and coordinator service in grade/year. below relate directly to the following service learning outcomes: • undertake • persevere • work • develop challenges in Drama collaboratively with for and intercultural a experience an important more direct skills through global engagement, understanding. service be capture new others international-mindedness can can develop action multilingualism Ideas that an very powerful topic audience’s than creating tool to that you attention a poster help want and or others can to be visualize publicize. more delivering a and Drama effective speech and about atopic. You could write use and your present a drama skills drama on and one of theme: • refugees • migrant • a quest for justice • a quest for equality rights, workers gender (human issues, access to education). Alternatively, you may want to choosing. You could use drama activity or to another. help Create make in a a a to a support drama You assembly or inspire specic showing difference. school a to how could as others initiative someone ask part to of to a in join your which accepted perform a your fundraising or service one group challenge drama seeks to piece awareness creationevent. 2 3 1 Quests If you enjoyed this for further reading C.S. Lewis, Lion, The the Witch Rodman Philbrick, Freak Rodman Philbrick, Max Rick “Star Riordan, Wars” The the the and the here are some Tolkien, At end Wardrobe Mighty Mighty Jackson series of The any Hobbit learning experience always ask yourself questions: • What lessons • What concepts • What questions • Where 2 3 2 texts books J.R.R. the Percy chapter can I have I learned don’t do nd Iyet Istill from understand have answers this to about these chapter? about this this topic? questions? topic? these MYP Language English Acquisition A concept-based approach Phase Fully integrated reflection, with links while This to build the fully Also comprehensive An to inquir y-based acquire and book enables approach, practise combined essential skills framework. 3 of inquir y-based develop the contexts, prepare learning MYP fluency learning language MYP key English that related learners to stepping drives reflection on clearly integrating into IB Diploma big-picture questions skills curriculum and central for by concepts and assessment statements of inquir y, to the ATL with guidance mapped latest objectives material curriculum and objectives structure available: 0 19 8397984 978 0 19 8398035 enilnO 978 learners conceptual levels assessment the wider this thought. equips confidence suppor t Connect with context, the curriculum, critical with effectively MYP MYP and high students global B facilitate as the will English global exploring text with questioning How to get in contact: web email tel +44 (0)1536 452620 fax +44 (0)1865 313472 IS B N 9 9 7 8 -0 -1 9 -8 3 9 8 0 2 -8 7 8 0 1 9 8 3 9 8 0 2 8