Here is one of the definitive studies by the conservative, GRADE NGO. (Ver Castellano abajo) As the following chart indicates, all rural areas, where most of the poor reside, would lose income (Total between 99.6 to 158.2 million USD). The rural, Sierra highlanders where most of the extreme poverty is located would lose some 100.2 million USD. The biggest winners would be the urban areas, especially metropolitan Lima where most of the wealthy Peruvians are located. Lima would gain from 186.7 to 351.3 million in gross income. TLC Impacto en bienestar por región // FTA Impact on Peru by Regions (US$ millones) Región Cota inferior a/ (partial Tariff eliminated) Rural Cota superior b/ (full Tariff elimination) -99.6 -158.2 -8.4 -13.0 -100.2 Costa Coast Sierra Highlands -63.4 Selva Amazon -27.9 -45.0 314.9 575.1 Costa 63.9 112.2 Sierra 45.7 Selva 18.6 31.1 Lima Metropolitana 186.7 351.3 Nacional 215.3 416.9 Urbano 80.5 a/ Escenario: Reducción de tarifas al primer año de implementación del TLC, de acuerdo con el segundo calendario de desgravación presentado en la negociación. Tarif reduction during the first year. b/ Escenario: Eliminación de todas las tarifas de importación de productos de EE. UU. Tariff reduction when fully implemented. GRADE can be located at : .