Introductory Program to Spanish Law for Foreign Students Dra. Immaculada Barral Coordinator Class of 2014-2015 Each year, University of Barcelona’s School of Law receives a large number of foreign exchange students in its International Program who are usually accompanied by an interest to learn Spanish law. This desire to learn Spanish law, however, is sometimes complicated because many of the classes offered by the University rely on previous training, which the foreign students, by definition, do not have. Therefore, with the intention to offer to foreign students a curriculum of study both formative and useful, that permits a basic but structured understanding of Spanish law to these students with law experience, but without an understanding of Spanish law materials, the School of Law will offer the 11th edition of its Introduction to Spanish Law course for the next academic year 2014-2015, which will issue an official certification from the School of Law. 1. Structure: The program consists of two parts: ►Part I: required (21 credits) This first part consists of 21 credits; it offers students four introductory classes to Spanish law: • • • • Introduction to Spanish private law (6 cr. ECTS) Introduction to Spanish public law (6 cr. ECTS) Introduction to procedural law (6 cr. ECTS) Contemporary political, social and economic history of Spain (3 ECTS) Completion of Part I allows students to obtain the Introduction to Spanish Law Diploma. ►Part II (optional): Nine credits of elective subjects This part contains no required classes. The student can choose between a group of classes offered within the program. In the second part, the maximum number of credits one can take is nine because 30 credits is the maximum that a student can take in one semester. Suggested classes: • European Union: political institutions (6 cr. ECTS) (For students from universities outside the EU) • Comparative private law (3 cr. ECTS) • Comparative European constitutional law (3 cr. ECTS) • Environmental law (6 cr.) • State and Confessions (3 cr.) Completion of Part II (nine credits) allows the student to obtain the Advanced Introduction to Spanish Law Diploma (only if Part I has also been completed). 2. Language of the classes The classes will be taught in Spanish. It is recommended that students have a good understanding of the language. 3. How does one apply to the program? A student who desires to apply to this Program should send the completed application to the following e-mails address: 4. For more information: Alicia Martín International Relations Coordinator Dra. Immaculada Barral Program’s Coordinator School of Law Av. Diagonal 684 08034 Barcelona T: +34 93 402 43 51 F: +34 93 402 43 54 OFICINA DE RELACIONS INTERNACIONALS PROGRAMA DE INTRODUCCIÓN AL DERECHO ESPAÑOL FORMULARIO DE INSCRIPCIÓN CURSO ACADÉMICO 2014-2015 NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS: ___________________________________________ UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIGEN: ________________________________________ TELÉFONO: ______________ EMAIL: _______________________________ ESTUDIOS QUE REALIZAS EN TU UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIGEN: DERECHO CIENCIAS POLÍTICAS RELACIONES LABORALES GESTIÓN Y ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA CRIMINOLOGÍA OTROS (indicar cuál) _____________________________ ASIGNATURAS QUE DESEAS CURSAR: ° MÓDULO I: OBLIGATORIO (21 créditos ECTS) INTRODUCCIÓN AL DERECHO PRIVADO ESPAÑOL (6 ECTS) INTRODUCCIÓN AL DERECHO PÚBLICO ESPAÑOL (6 ECTS) INTRODUCCIÓN AL DERECHO PROCESAL ESPAÑOL (6 ECTS) HISTORIA POLÍTICA, SOCIAL Y ECONÓMICA CONTEMPORÁNEA DE ESPAÑA (3 ECTS) OFICINA DE RELACIONS INTERNACIONALS ° MÓDULO II: ASIGNATURAS OPTATIVAS (9 créditos ECTS como máximo) UNIÓN EUROPEA: INSTITUCIONES POLÍTICAS (6 ECTS) DERECHO PRIVADO COMPARADO (3 ECTS) DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL COMPARADO EUROPEO (3 ECTS) DERECHO MEDIOAMBIENTAL (6 ECTS) ESTADO Y CONFESIONES (3 ECTS) ¿POR QUÉ HAS DECIDIDO MATRICULARTE EN ESTE PROGRAMA? Por la información de compañeros de mi universidad Por sugerencia de un profesor de mi universidad Por la página web de la UB Por sugerencia de la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Derecho de la UB Otro medio (indicar cuál) ______________________________________________ Fecha: _____________________ Firma: Este formulario, debidamente cumplimentado, debe ser remitido a la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales de la Facultad de Derecho: Av. Diagonal, 684 Edificio Tomás y Valiente, 08034 – Barcelona Tel.: + 34 93 403 48 71; Fax: + 34 93 403 98 04 E-mail: