contorno corporal está aquí. UNIDAD DE MEDICINA ESTÉTICA D O C TO R A L E J A N D R O AC U Ñ A Qué es VASER® Lipo? • VASER Lipo es un procedimiento avanzado que utiliza energía ultrasónica suave para romper selectivamente parte de la grasa no deseada, preservando otros tejidos importantes. • La tecnología VASER permite una amplia gama de aplicaciones de contorno corporal, desde el tratamiento de áreas problemáticas pequeñas a grandes transformaciones. • Los médicos usuarios informan de la recuperación rápida del paciente, resultados suaves y una mejor retracción de la piel. • El tratamiento VASER Lipo se puede realizar de manera segura en el consultorio o en un centro de cirugía o ámbito hospitalario. • Miles de procedimientos realizados demuestran la eficacia clínica demostrada y seguridad. Mira quén está hablando de VASER® Lipo? Cómo funciona VASER Lipo? ® • Mientras que el tejido graso se compone principalmente de las células de grasa, también contiene otras estructuras de tejido importante. • VASER Lipo utiliza ondas sonoras para atacar selectivamente y separar la grasa no deseada, preservando los tejidos importantes como los nervios, vasos sanguíneos y el colágeno. • Después de que la grasa se licua por la energía ultrasónica, se puede quitar fácilmente a través de una succión suave o un masaje suave, resultados predecibles. Piel Matriz de tejido intacto después del tratamiento VASER Lipo Grasa Músculo Sección transversal de tejido graso Qué ocurre durante el proceso de VASER® Lipo? La capa existente de grasa se compone de células de grasa, tejido vascular y tejidos conectivos. La capa de grasa está impregnada de líquido tumescente (solución salina que contiene agentes anestésicos). La grasa licuada se elimina fácilmente del cuerpo mediante una succión suave o masaje. La vibración de alta frecuencia de ondas ultrasónicas VASER® hace que se rompa el tejido graso y emulsione en el líquido de infusión. Durante el proceso de cicatrización, su piel se retrae para darle un resultado de aspecto natural suave. Qué dicen los médicos de VASER® Lipo? • Resultados Predecibles • Contorno liso • Mínima lesión • Seguridad demostrada • Rápida recuperación • Mínimo dolor y hematoma Common misperceptions about VASER Lipo. ® “VASER Lipo will help me to lose weight.” Because fat is light (it weighs less than water), removing fat pockets should not be viewed as a weight loss alternative. The goal of VASER Lipo is to help you achieve a slimmer silhouette. Common misperceptions about VASER Lipo. ® “The fat will move to another body part.” Fat removed with VASER Lipo is gone and, assuming a healthy lifestyle of proper diet and exercise, will not return or migrate to another area. “My breasts will get bigger.” Removing fat pockets from your body will not increase your breast size. You may notice, however, that your slimmer silhouette provides your breasts a new emphasis. Common misperceptions about VASER Lipo. ® “I can eat whatever I want and never get fat in this part.” It is important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle of proper diet and exercise. Your post-operative shape is relatively permanent, so subsequent weight gain or loss will tend to be proportionately distributed over your entire body. Because some body fat is necessary for the sake of your health, fatty tissue that remains after VASER Lipo will still expand if you gain weight. Also, please remember that having a VASER Lipo procedure will not prevent body changes that are part of the normal aging process. Areas that can be treated with VASER Lipo. ® Neck/Chin Neck/Chin Breasts Chest Arms Upper Back Waist/Hips Stomach Lower Back Stomach Buttocks Thighs Knees Calves Ankles Lower Back Before & after VASER Lipo. ® BEFORE AFTER Alberto Di Guiseppe, MD Stephen Goldstein, MD Before & after VASER Lipo. ® BEFORE AFTER Paul Vanek, MD Ewaldo Bolivar de Souza Pinto, MD Before & after VASER Lipo. ® BEFORE AFTER Alberto DiGiuseppe, MD Alfredo Hoyos, MD (With fat transfer to buttocks) Before & after VASER Lipo. ® BEFORE AFTER Paul Loverme, MD Gregory Buford, MD Before & after VASER Lipo. ® BEFORE AFTER Tanya Atagi, MD George Commons, MD Candidacy considerations for VASER Lipo. ® •Ideal candidates are not morbidly obese. •Firm, elastic skin will produce best results. •Excessive smoking may compromise your results. •During your consultation, you should be very open about your medical history and existing medical conditions. List all of the medications, vitamins and herbs you are taking (even if you don’t think they’re important). •It is important to have realistic expectations about your procedure. Be honest with your physician about your goals and expectations concerning recovery time and anticipated results. Questions to ask your doctor about VASER Lipo. ® •Am I a good candidate for the VASER Lipo procedure? •Where do you perform the procedure, and what type of anesthesia will you use? •How much fat can you remove? •When will I see results, and what results are realistic in my case? •How long is the healing process? •How much will my procedure cost, and what are accepted forms of payment? What are the next steps? •Schedule a consultation. •Review any questions with your doctor. •Provide your measurements & medical history. •Schedule and undergo the VASER® Lipo procedure. •Go to scheduled post-op doctor visits. •Enjoy your new shape! It’s your body, BE SELECTIVE.