A NEW PLACE FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE SOUTH BAY FAMILY YMCA Summer Academy An academic program for students attending schools with ASES contracts Week 1: June 20-24 Week 3: July 5– 8 *Prorated for a three day week. Week 2: June 27-July 1 Week 4: July 11-15 SUMMER THEME: STEAM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, ART, MATH) Ages 5-12 8AM-4PM $60.00 8AM-6PM $80.00 (Per Child/ Per Week) Central Elementary 933 E. Avenue National City, CA. 91950 *SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Three Registration Opportunities: South Bay Family YMCA 1201 Paseo Magda, Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.southbay.ymca.org Programs/Youth Development/Education & Leadership/Academic Enrichment At Central Elementary Each Monday Morning @ 8:00 For more information please contact: Courtney Baltiyskyy, Youth Development Program Director cbaltiyskyy@ymca.org 619 421 YMCA ext 14239 Or speak to your school’s REACH Supervisor The National School District neither sponsors nor endorses this information, activity, The Chula Vista Elementary School District neither sponsors nor endorses this information, activity, or organization. Disor organization. Distribution of this provided the District as aorcommunity service. tribution of this material is provided by material the District is as a communityby service. Any questions comments should be Any questions should be directed to the sponsoring organization. directed to or thecomments sponsoring organization. UN NUEVO LUGAR PARA UN FUTURO BRILLANTE Academia de Verano de SOUTH BAY FAMILY YMCA Un programa academico para estudiantes que asisten a escuelas con contrato ASES Semana 1: Junio 20-24 Semana 3: Julio 5– 8*prorrateado de 3 dias la semana Semana 2: Junio 27-Julio 1 Semana 4: Julio 11-15 TEMA de VERANO: STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnologia, Ingenieria, Arte, Matematicas) Edades 5-12 Central Elementary 933 E. Avenue National City, CA. 91950 8AM-4PM $60.00 8AM-6PM $80.00 (Por Niño(a)/ Por Semana) Tres Ubicaciones para Registrarse: *SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 1. South Bay Family YMCA 1201 Paseo Magda, Chula Vista, CA 91910 2. www.southbay.ymca.org Programs/Youth Development/Education & Leadership/Academic Enrichment 3. En la Escuela Primaria “Central” cada Lunes a partir de las 8:00am Para mas informacion, por favor llame a: South Bay Family YMCA al 619 421 9622 O hablar con el Supervisor de REACH de su escuela El Distrito Escolar Nacional no patrocina ni respalda esta información, la actividad, o la organización. The Chula Vista Elementary School District neither sponsors nor endorses this information, activity, or organization. DisLa distribución de este material es proporcionado por el Distrito como un servicio a la comunidad. tribution of this material is provided by the District as a community service. Any questions or comments should be Cualquier pregunta o comentario deben dirigirse a la organización patrocinadora. directed to the sponsoring organization.