Business Enterprises Package

A comprehensive solution comprising bank
products and services especially designed to increase sales
and profits.
Business Enterprises Package
(Paquete Comercio Empresarial)
What is it?
Paquete Comercio Empresarial is a comprehensive solution comprising Bancomer’s products and
services for business enterprises that want to promote and manage sales via credit and debit cards.
Why should you sign up?
So your company or business entity...
Can promote and manage sales:
• Accepting the most prestigious credit and debit cards (Visa, Master Card, Electrón), as well as
credit cards in dollars of foreign issuers
As it:
• Is engaged in the travel and entertainment business (hotels, restaurants, car rentals, airlines)
or in the following industries: furniture stores, department stores, hospitals and clinics,
universities, insurance and bonding, car dealerships, supermarkets, telecommunications, sports
clubs or cable TV
But also wants to streamline the management of its treasury with:
• The best electronic banking in the market to manage cash flows derived from operations and
• The Comercio Empresarial Bancomer checking account
Special solutions with Terminales Punto de Venta Bancomer (TPV)
to streamline the management of your treasury by using e-banking!
Specific solutions to your needs…
Bancomer implements the technological solution that best suits your needs and your business’
TPV Unicaja, Multicaja, Multimerchant/multiafiliación, Servidores (servers), V-POS,
SEBENT for businesses that sell products or render services through the Internet: Host to
Host aimed at major store chains with the necessary infrastructure to maintain a direct
connection between their central equipment and that of Bancomer.
Why choose Terminales Punto de Venta Bancomer (TPV)?
Bancomer has a 30% market share thanks to the preference of our customers: We offer them
specific solutions adapted to their lines of business and business conditions.
Banca de Empresas y Gobierno
Av. Universidad 1200, Col. Xoco 03339, México, D.F.
Stronger sales...
By having the BEST MARKET PROMOTIONS, such as interest-free monthly installments (Meses
sin Intereses), to increase your sales.
Better promotion...
By signing up for Meses sin Intereses your business will receive posters, tent cards, door acrylic
adverts, and the chance of advertising at Bancomer’s credit card portal
Reach your potential buyers...
Also at your request, discount advertising of your products in Entre Amigos magazine or direct
mail delivery to our cardholders’ database
Millions of clients are Bancomer cardholders which can become potential customers for your
Topmost availability of funds...
The proceeds of your sales are deposited to your checking account overnight if transferred
through a terminal, and 48 hours later if a branch is used
Also, you have immediate access to your funds via Bancomer’s electronic banking
Avant-garde image...
Bancomer offers you the best market technology and helps you give your business an
innovative image
On-line banking for businesses via the Internet or Cash Windows, the most prestigious system
in the market
Great benefits also for your customers...
The best payment option amounts to satisfied customers
The convenience of avoiding bank visits, staying in line, carrying cash, receiving reminders
No fee charges
Minimum requirements for companies or business entities...
Having a Bancomer checking account
Providing the agreement duly completed and signed
Filing the articles of incorporation and latest amendments to bylaws, along with notarized
power of attorney of signatory
Submitting a copy of registration with the Treasury Department and taxpayer ID card
Presenting a copy of proof of address (telephone bill, preferably)
Providing a copy of official ID in effect (bearing photo and signature) of the person signing the
membership agreement (owner or legal representative)
For foreigners, submitting the FM2 or FM3 immigration form in effect, including the
authorization for the activity to be carried out
Signing the letter for the credit bureau
Don’t wait any longer to join forces
with the best sales promoter... Paquete Comercio Empresarial Bancomer!
Banca de Empresas y Gobierno
Av. Universidad 1200, Col. Xoco 03339, México, D.F.