FERNANDO RAMÍREZ MIRELES Profesor de Tiempo Completo del Departamento Académico de Sistemas Digitales Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores: Nivel II DOMICILIO Río Hondo No. 1 Progreso Tizapán México 01080, D.F. Tel: +52 (55) 5628-4000 Ext. 3620 Fax: +52 (55) 5490-4663 Email: framirez@itam.mx CAMPOS DE INTERÉS * * * * Comunicaciones Inalámbrica Comunicaciones UWB Comunicación de banda ancha DSL Patentes, estándares e innovación. FORMACIÓN ACADÉMICA * Ingeniero en Electrónica, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México * Maestro en Ciencias (Ingeniería Eléctrica), CINVESTAV-Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México * Diplomados en Aspectos Legales de las TICs, en Propiedad Intelectual, en Finanzas y en Negocios, ITAM, México * Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Universiyt of Southern California, Estados Unidos. INVESTIGACIÓN ACTUAL Comunicaciones inalámbricas UWB Nuevas aplicaciones de telecomunicaciones Patentes, estándares e innovación EXPERIENCIA ACADÉMICA 2003-presente 1996-1998 1988-1992 1988-1992 Profesor, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) Research asistant, Communications Science Institute, University of Southern California Profesor, CINVESTAV-IPN Profesor, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana EXPERIENCIA PROFESIONAL * Senior Communications Systems Engineer, IKANOS COMMUNICATIONS, California, 02/2001-08/2003. * Communications Systems Engineer, AWARE INC., California, 01/2000-02/2001. * Member Technical Staff, Glenayre, California, 02/1998-12/1999. * Summer Internship, Torrey Science, California, summer 1997. CURSOS IMPARTIDOS * * * * * * Comunicaciones Inalámbricas, Sistemas de Comunicaciones, Procesamiento Digital de Señales, Teoría de la Información, Laboratorios de Comunicaciones Laboratorio de Procesamiento digital de señales PUBLICACIONES SELECTAS (AUTOR O CO-AUTOR) 1. 2. 3. 4. "A Stochastic Game Analysis of the Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm with Multi-Power Diversity and Transmission Cost," in Springer’s Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, May 2012, Page 129-145. "Some M-ary Sequence Designs for Pulse-Based UWB and Other Systems Based on PPM," in Springer’s Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 63, Issue 1 (2012), Page 129-145. "A Novel Multicast Collision Prevention Mechanism for IEEE 802.11," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 15 No. 11, November 2011, pp. 1190 - 1192. "UWB-FSK: Performance Tradeoffs for High and Low Complexity Receivers," in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 4, November 2010, pp. 2123-2131. 2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. "Patents and Standards in the Telecommunications Industry," in IEEE Potentials Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 6, Nov-Dec 2010, pp. 42-45. “Quantifying the Degradation of Combined MUI and Multipath Effects in Impulse-Radio UWB,” in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 8, August 2007, pp. 2831-2836. “On the Capacity of UWB over Multipath Channels," IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 9, Issue 6, June 2005, pp. 523-525. ``Effects of Bursty Crosstalk in DSL,'' IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2002, pp. 7-10. ``On the Performance of UWB Signals in AWGN and Dense Multipath,'', IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 244-249. ``Performance of Ultra-Wideband SSMA Using Time Hopping and M-ary PPM,'' IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 2001, pp. 1186-1197. PATENTES SELECTAS (CO-INVENTOR) 1. (USA) US8175140B2, ``Systems and Methods for a Multi-Carrier Transceiver with Radio Frequency Interference Reduction,'' 201205-08. 2. (Korea) KR101102188B1, ``Systems and Methods for a MultiCarrier Transceiver with Radio Frequency Interference Reduction,'' 2012-01-02. 3. (Japan) JP4754604B2, ``Systems and Methods for a Multi-Carrier Transceiver with Radio Frequency Interference Reduction,'' 201108-24. 4. (Canada) CA2411364C, ``Systèmes et Procèdes pour EmetteurRecepteur Multi-Porteuse a Réduction de Brouillage Radioélectrique,'' 2011-01-04. 5. (Hong Kong) HK1103881A1, ``Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Multicarrier Transmission,'' 2010-05-28. 6. (Europe) EP1780969B1, "Atténuation d'interférences de radiofréquences dans des systémes de transmission á porteuses multiples," 2010-03-31. 7. (Australia) AU2008200295B2, ``Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Multicarrier Transmission,'' 2010-02-18. 8. (Germany) DE60126080T2, "Verringerung von Funkfreqnztörungen in Mehrträgerübertragungen," 2007-06-06. 9. (USA) US7076002B1, ``Method and Apparatus for Symbol Boundary Synchronization,'' 2006-07-11. 10. (USA) US7035326B1, ``Method and Apparatus for Initializing Modem Communications,'' 2006-04-25. 3