Staff Professor Félix Jalón was born in Logroño (La Rioja) in 1958

Professor Félix Jalón was born in Logroño (La Rioja) in 1958. He is co-leader of the group together with
Professor Blanca Manzano. He obtained his PhD degree at the University of Alcalá de Henares in the field
of niobium organometallic chemistry. He carried out postdoctoral research at the Laboratoire de Chimie de
la Coordination-CNRS de Toulouse, in the group of Professor Bruno Chaudret, in the field of non-classical
hydrides of Ru. More recently, after his incorporation at the UCLM, he has continued his work on the study
of Nb and Ru hydrides. He currently works on projects concerning homogeneous catalysis and
supramolecular chemistry.
Professor Blanca R. Manzano was born in Soria (Spain). She is co-leader of the group with Professor
Félix Jalón. She obtained her PhD degree at the University of Zaragoza in the field of the organometallic
chemistry of Au(I) and Ag(I). She subsequently carried out postdoctoral research in the Homogeneous
Catalysis group of Professor Tkatchenko at the LCC-CNRS (Toulouse) complemented with stays in the
group of Professor L. Oro at the University of Zaragoza. She has experience in the synthesis and
characterization of Pd, Cu, Ag and Ru complexes and in the applications of these complexes as catalytic
precursors. She is an expert in the study of fluxional processes of molecular systems and of non-covalent
interactions in supramolecular networks.
Mª Carmen Carrión was born in Valencia (Spain) in 1976. She obtained her BSc in 1999 and received an
Erasmus grant to spend 3 months in Vienna in the group of Professor Walter Weissensteiner to work on
the synthesis of aminoferrocenyl derivatives. She subsequently obtained her DEA (2002) working on the
synthesis, structural and dynamic behaviour of bulky bispyrazolylmethane palladium derivatives and her
PhD (2004) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, working on the hydrogenation, both in
heterogeneous and homogeneous conditions, of ketones, nitriles and aromatic compounds. From 2005 to
2007 she worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Professor David Cole-Hamilton at the University
of St. Andrews, where she studied the functionalization of phenol and other aromatic derivatives by
multifunctional catalysis using phosphinite ligands. She returned to the University of Castilla-La Mancha in
the group of Professor Félix Jalón as a ‘Juan de la Cierva’ postdoctoral researcher (2007) and since 2010
she has held an INCRECYT contract. Her current work is mainly focused on two research fields: (i) the
synthesis of MOF and supramolecular entities for gas-storage or catalytic uses and (ii) the photocatalytic
production of hydrogen from water and solar light using transition metals.
Dr. Gustavo Espino was born in Burgos in 1970. He is currently Profesor Contratado Doctor Fijo at the
University of Burgos (UBU). He has been actively participating in the development of projects in our group
since its foundation. In 2002 he obtained his PhD degree, which mainly concerned the organometallic
chemistry of Ru and Pd and the study of their catalytic applications. He has carried out postdoctoral
research at the University of Oxford with Professor Brown, where he studied the mechanisms of the
Suzuki reaction and other similar processes. He is currently studying the cytotoxic activity of Ru
complexes. His work in terms of the current interest of our group is mainly focused on the preparation of
‘Ru(arene)’ complexes with different ligands for use as cytotoxic agents and the study of their mechanism
of action and also the study of catalytic processes.
Dr. Arancha Carbayo was born in Burgos in 1971. She is currently a Contratado Doctor at the University
of Burgos (UBU). Since 1995, she has actively participated in numerous research projects focused on the
synthesis of complexes of platinum group metals and the study of their properties and reactivity. In 2001
she obtained her doctorate based on the synthesis and study of palladium amidocomplexes. She carried
out predoctoral research at the University of Rennes with Professor Pierre Dixneuf, where she studied the
functionalization of α-methylenic cyclic carbonates by the Heck reaction. She also carried out predoctoral
research at the Department of Oxide Synthesis and Structures of the Materials Science Institute of Madrid
(CSIC) with Professor Enrique Gutiérrez Puebla. This work was focused on the resolution of crystal
structures by X-ray diffraction. Currently, she participates in the research project CTQ2011-24434/BQU
and her work is mainly focused on the preparation of arene complexes of ruthenium with different ligands
intended for use as cytotoxic agents.
Dr. Ana Rodríguez was born in Valdepeñas (Ciudad Real). She obtained her PhD at the UCLM in the
field of organometallic Ru derivatives with N-donor ligands with Professor Jalón as one of the Directors.
She carried out postdoctoral research in the group of Professor Chaudret working on metallic colloids. She
also carried out postdoctoral research with Professor Martín Martínez Ripoll, during which she learned the
technique of X-ray diffraction. Her focus with respect to the areas of interest for our group mainly concerns
the determination of structures by X-ray diffraction of the new compounds and materials prepared and
Dr. Lucía Santos was born in Fuente El Fresno (Ciudad Real province). She obtained her PhD at the
Complutense University of Madrid in the field of nitroimidazoles and chemical radiosensitizers. She
proceeded to carry out postdoctoral research at the University of Pais Vasco, the University of Cambridge
and at the Laboratory of Molecular Photophysics of CNRS-Paris-Sud (Orsay-France), during which she
acquired broad experience in molecular spectroscopy. She has also carried out research at the University
of Barcelona within the group of Professor J.M. Lluch on Computational Chemistry. Dr. Santos has already
worked in our group, mainly in the field of theoretical calculations applied to proton transfer processes.