Forward Acotado en la Ganancia Mayo 2009 PRODUCT NOTE • PRODUCTOS ESTRUCTURADOS <3 Estructura de tipo de cambio en la que el cliente compra un forward con ganancia limitada sobre el USDPEN. Es una estructura costo cero para aquellos que tienen que comprar dólares y quieren estar cubiertos pero a un mejor nivel que con el forward tradicional a cambio de limitar su ganancia. CRD México !: (52) 55 56 21 91 52 Términos y Condiciones Madrid !: (34) 91 537 96 43 Moneda USDPEN Monto (USD) 100,000.00 Fecha de Inicio A ser determinada Plazo 90 días Fecha de Vencimiento Fecha de Inicio + 90 dias Spot de Referencia (S) 3.0392 Strike Forward (K) 3.0286 Strike Cap 3.15 Forward Referencial 3.0557 Prima 0% Pag 1 “The information contained in this document is set out for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute any form of offer from BBVA to trade on such terms or constitute an indication that it is possible to trade on those precise terms. It is also understood that the information contained in this document shall not be considered investment advice nor a recommendation to enter into a transaction and shall not form the basis of a decision of any kind. BBVA and its clients shall not be bound until they have both agreed to enter into a transaction and have agreed to its material terms. Actual prices will depend on market conditions at the time the transaction is concluded. No representations or warranties are given or implied as to the information contained herein. All terms, information and pricing herein is indicative and subject to change without notice. You acknowledge that the products to which this document refers may not be appropriate for you due to your specific investment goals, financial positions or risk profiles, as these have not been taken into account to prepare this document. Therefore, before entering into a transaction, you should independently evaluate the financial, market, legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting risks and consequences involved and should not rely on BBVA for this. Financial transactions involve high risks and are not appropriate for every investor. Indeed, in some cases, the potential losses may exceed the amount of initial investment. You should also be aware that secondary markets for the said products may be limited or even not exist. BBVA S.A. shall not assume any liability nor responsibility of any kind for any cost or direct or indirect losses arising from the use of this document or its contents. The information contained herein is provided to you by BBVA on a strictly confidential basis. No part of this document may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated by any other form or means (ii) redistributed or (iii) quoted, without the prior written consent of BBVA.” Forward Acotado en la Ganancia Mayo 2009 PRODUCT NOTE • PRODUCTOS ESTRUCTURADOS <3 Descripción de la estructura: I. CRD México !: (52) 55 56 21 91 52 Madrid !: (34) 91 537 96 43 Si a vencimiento el tipo de cambio es menor al cap de 3.15: El cliente compra los dólares a 3.0286 1. Si el tipo de cambio a vencimiento es menor al strike de 3.0286: El cliente generará una pérdida en dólares de: Monto * (K - TC vto) / TC vto 2. Si el tipo de cambio a vencimiento es mayor al strike de 3.0286: El cliente generará una ganancia en dólares de: Monto * (TC vto - K) / TC vto II. Si a vencimiento el tipo de cambio es mayor al cap de 3.15: El cliente compra los dólares a mercado y recibe una bonificación en dólares de: Monto * (Cap – K) / TC vto Gráfica Forward Acotado en la Ganancia: 6% 2% Fo rward A co tado 3.30 3.26 3.22 3.18 3.14 3.10 3.06 3.02 2.98 -2% 2.94 0% 2.90 P&L (PEN) 4% Fo rward -4% -6% Tipo de Cambio Pag 2 “The information contained in this document is set out for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute any form of offer from BBVA to trade on such terms or constitute an indication that it is possible to trade on those precise terms. It is also understood that the information contained in this document shall not be considered investment advice nor a recommendation to enter into a transaction and shall not form the basis of a decision of any kind. BBVA and its clients shall not be bound until they have both agreed to enter into a transaction and have agreed to its material terms. Actual prices will depend on market conditions at the time the transaction is concluded. No representations or warranties are given or implied as to the information contained herein. All terms, information and pricing herein is indicative and subject to change without notice. You acknowledge that the products to which this document refers may not be appropriate for you due to your specific investment goals, financial positions or risk profiles, as these have not been taken into account to prepare this document. Therefore, before entering into a transaction, you should independently evaluate the financial, market, legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting risks and consequences involved and should not rely on BBVA for this. Financial transactions involve high risks and are not appropriate for every investor. Indeed, in some cases, the potential losses may exceed the amount of initial investment. You should also be aware that secondary markets for the said products may be limited or even not exist. BBVA S.A. shall not assume any liability nor responsibility of any kind for any cost or direct or indirect losses arising from the use of this document or its contents. The information contained herein is provided to you by BBVA on a strictly confidential basis. No part of this document may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated by any other form or means (ii) redistributed or (iii) quoted, without the prior written consent of BBVA.” Forward Acotado en la Ganancia Mayo 2009 PRODUCTOS DE COBERTURA Contactos Distribución Corporativa Renato Reyes (511) 211 2374 María Pía Ganoza (511) 211 2366 Sandra Hidalgo (511) 211 2369 Enrique Torres Llosa (511) 211 2378 Distribución Institucional e Inversionistas Sandra Bianco (511) 211 2370 Fabio Ghezzi (511) 211 2620 Estructuración y Desarrollo de Productos Derivados Juan Carlos Barreda (511) 211 2362 Nicolás Fierro (511) 211 2340 Alex Bermúdez (511) 211 1253 Horacio Ruibal (511) 211 2035 Germán Araujo (511) 414 2783 Rossana De La Quintana (511) 414 2801 Ragi Aboudayeh (511) 414 2784 Bianca Navarro (511) 414 2818 Claudia Achuy (511) 414 2855 Ernesto León (511) 211 2866 Miguel Chi (511) 211 1314 Risk Empresa Pag 3 “La información contenida en este documento es presentada sólo con propósitos ilustrativos y no constituye ningún tipo de oferta por parte del BBVA Banco Continental para negociar en estos términos. Se entiende que la información contenida en este documento no deberá considerarse como una recomendación para realizar alguna transacción o para tomar decisiones de algún tipo. BBVA Banco Continental y sus clientes no entrarán en ningún vínculo contractual ni comercial hasta que ambas partes no hayan negociado y cerrado los términos de la operación. Los precios dependerán de las condiciones de mercado al momento del cierre de la operación. Los productos a los que se refiere este documento puede que no sean apropiados para todos los clientes. Esto dependerá de sus metas de inversión, posiciones financieras o perfiles de riesgo particulares, los cuales no han sido considerados para elaborar este documento. Por este motivo, antes de entrar a negociar estos productos, los clientes deberán evaluar independientemente los riesgos financieros, legales, regulatorios, fiscales y contables relacionados a la operación, por lo cuales BBVA Banco Continental no se hará responsable. Las transacciones financieras involucran altos riesgos y no son apropiados para todos los clientes. BBVA Banco Continental no asumirá ninguna responsabilidad por algún costo o pérdida directa o indirecta que surja del uso de este documento o su contenido. La información contenida en este documento ha sido elaborada por el BBVA Banco Continental. Ningún fragmento de este documento podrá ser (i) copiado, fotocopiado o duplicado de alguna manera o (ii) ser distribuido o (iii) usado como referencia sin el previo consentimiento escrito del BBVA Banco Continental.”