NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF DESIGNATED AGENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS § § TO THE RESIDENTS OF BRIDGESTONE MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT AND ALL OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: The Board of Directors of Bridgestone Municipal Utility District (the "District") has designated its Attorney, Johnson Radcliffe Petrov & Bobbitt PLLC, 1001 McKinney, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77002-6424, 713.237.1221, as the District's agent for the May 10, 2014 Directors Election to perform the duties set forth in Sections 31.122 and 31.123 of the Texas Election Code, as amended. The office hours of the agent are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. Friday, except, on Friday, February 28, 2014, the office hours of the agent shall be 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. The period during which the agent's office will be open for election duties will be from Thursday, March 20,2014, through Friday, June 20, 2014. All inquiries concerning the May 10, 2014 Directors Election should be directed to the District's agent. lsi Jim Marks President, Board of Directors (XIlSI..!?1 AVISO DE NOMBRAMIENTO DE AGENTE DESIGNADO EL ESTADO DE TEXAS CONDADO DE HARRIS § § A LOS RESIDENTES DEL DISTRITO MUNICIPAL DE PRESTACION DE SERVICIOS PlJBLICOS DE BRIDGESTONE Y DEMAs PERSONAS INTERESADAS: La Junta Directiva del Distrito de Prestaci6n de Servicios Pliblicos de Bridgestone (el "Distrito") ha designado a su abogado, Johnson Radcliffe Petrov & Bobbitt PLLC, 1001 McKinney, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77002-6424, 713.237.1221, como agente del Distrito para la elecci6n para directores del lOde mayo 2014 para desempefiar las funciones establecidas en las secciones 31.122 y 3 1.123 del C6digo Electoral de Texas enmendado El horario de oficina del agente es de 8:00 a.m. a 5:30 p.m. de lunes a jueves y de 8:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. los viernes, con la excepci6n, del viernes 28 de febrero de 2014, dia en que el horario e oficina del agente sera de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. El periodo durante el cualla oficina del agente estara abierta para funciones electorales sera desde el jueves 20 de marzo de 2014 hasta el viernes 20 de junio de 2014. Todas las consultas sobre la elecci6n para directores del 10 de mayo 2014 deben ser dirigidas al agente del Distrito. jfirmal Jim Marks Presidente de la Junta Directiva 001$1..\71 THONG BAo BO NHI:E:M B~I DI:E:N CHi BJNH TIEU BANG TEXAS QUAN HARRIS § § Gtn cAc clf DAN TRONG VUNG THUOC KHU vUc T1$N fCH DO THANH BRIDGESTONE V A cAc co QUAN KHAc co THAM GIA: Ban Giam 86c Di~u H:?mh cua Khu Vt!c Ti~n Ich D6 Thanh Qu~n Bridgestone (Co Quan) d1l chi dinh Lu~t su cua co quan, Johnson Radcliffe Petrov & Bobbitt PLLC, 1001 McKinney, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77002-6424, 713.237.1221, lam d~i di~n cua Co Quan cho CUQc B~u Cu Giam D6c Di~u Hanh ngay 10 thang Nam, 2014 d€ thvc hi~n cac nhi~m V\l d1l ghi trong cac M\lc 31.122 va 31.123 cua BQ Lu~t B~u CU Texas, d1l tu chinh. Gia lam vi~c cua phi a d~i di~n tu 8:00 sang d~n 5:30 chi~u, thu Hai tai thu Nam, va tu 8:00 sang d~n 1:00 chi~u thu Sau, ngo~i tru vao Thu Sau ngay 28 Thang Hai Naem, 2014, gia lam vi~c cua d~i di~n se tu 8:00 gia sang d~n 5:00 gia chi~u. Thai gian van phong phai d~i di~n rna cua lam vi~c cho cac nhi~m V\l trong cUQc b:1u cu la tu ngay thu Naem, 20 thang Ba, 2014, d~n ngay thu Sau, 20 thang Sau, 2014. TAt ca cac cfm hoi v€ CUQc B~u CU Giam 86c 8i~u Hanh ngay 10 thang Nam, 2014 nen lien M trvc ti~p vai d~i di~n cua Co Quan. lsi Jim Marks Chu Tich, Ban Giam D6c Di~u Hanh 00151471 q~ R: 1li M1'1'1 pglfM!tJT HARRIS § § ~v~ BRIDGESTONE~ (Jlt "~" ) 8:t~ 5E J1:t ~ ftJ 1t gfji Johnson Radcliffe Petrov & Bobbitt PLLC, 1001 McKinney, Suite 1000, Houston, Texas 77002-6424, 713.237.1221, ~*~{-1(IJlU1HT 2014 i=F 5 Jj 10 ElZJI-$~~, ¥Jt1T1~1+I~tHt;J¥~ 31.122 JJz 31.123 11~§H~19u~5[5EftJJfuXJL {-1(11~0~rs'~~-~~II!Lt+ 8:00 ~r+ 5:30, ~ ELer- 8:00 ~rq-- 1:00, ~~J£~1i' 201442,F3 28 B:9~' 1{,1J.¥JJ¥08~Fs'~~.LLf 8:00 ~rq: 5:00 a 1£J1:tJiArs'{~II¥}jf0~JmI3 2014i=F 3 Jj 20 El)n.WjImJEg~ 2014i=F 6Jj 20 El)11. JVJ II:JlJmt}fjJJ)!::i1HT~~I ff- a ?JT1f1f~m 2014 i=F 5 Jj 10 ElII-$~~z ~~1D:l$]l!3tEl3±m'~ {~ llfl.a /s/ Jim Marks ll-$~, ll-$~ 0015147!