Thursday Morning Fall Session Newcomers Class: The Amazing

Thursday Morning Fall Session
Women Bible studies begin September 8th, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Loft & Legacy Classrooms.
Invite your friends and neighbors and join us in the upstairs Legacy building Loft as we kick off our fall
Bible study sessions. We will meet for a light breakfast and hear from Abi Morton, founder & director of
Clothed by Faith Ministry. Following our time in the loft we will meet in our classrooms, receive our
workbooks and begin our studies.
Childcare for Thursday morning studies is available for a cost of $20/family. Pre-registration is required 24 hours in
advance. Space is limited so please register early. For questions regarding childcare please contact Jan Work at
Newcomers Class:
After the Boxes are unpacked: by Susan Miller
Have you moved recently? Or do you know someone who has? Moving can be emotionally difficult in even the best
of circumstances. We feel uprooted, giving up our sense of community and of being connected. If you are new to
Katy or feel stuck and haven’t been able to feel at home in your new surroundings this class is for you. After the
Boxes are unpacked will help you unpack and process the strong emotions that accompany such a major life
transition. You will find that the challenges you face because of a move will be used in your life and in the life of your
family for personal and spiritual growth.
Leaders: Jody Mayfield and Amy Richardson. Cost: $10. (September 8 – December 1 )
Video description:
The Amazing Collection Bible Studies:
The Amazing Collection Bible Studies: The Amazing Collection is written to teach all 66 books of the
Bible sequentially in order to better understand the purpose of each book of God’s Word, and to clearly reveal the
incredible story of redemption. Each study goes directly to the Word, allowing students to see for themselves
the big picture of each book and how it relates to their lives This series brings the main characters and theme of
each book of the bible alive with dynamic teaching, and personal testimonies. We encourage you to jump in to any
section of the Amazing Collection. You will be blessed as you spend time reading God’s Word no matter
where you start in the study. Target Audience – all ages Homework:3-4hoursweekly.Leader Pam Whitcomb
Video preview:
Post Exile Books -5 weeks: I Chronicles - Esther
God proves He is a Promise Keeper as He brings His people back to the land after 70 years in exile.
Cost $10. (September 8 – October 13th)
The Poetical Books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon The Poetical Books
reveal the heart of the nation of Israel and are considered some of the finest literature ever written.
Cost: $10 (Oct. 13th-November 17th)
Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin
Most of us have only encountered the Sermon on the Mount in fragments, considering its subdivisions as complete
teachings in their own right - a study on blessedness, a reflection on the Lord's Prayer, a meditation on lilies of the
field. But what if we navigated these three chapters as they were originally heard: as one cohesive, well-ordered
message, intended to challenge us to think differently about repentance, salvation, and sanctification? This 9-week
Bible study does just that. Seat yourself on a mountainside to learn at the feet of Jesus. Ask for ears to hear and a
heart to respond to the teaching of our King.
Leaders: Felicity Ammons, Vianey Sanchez, Kelly Sobieski. Cost: $13. September 8 - November 10 .
Video preview:
The Patriarchs Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by Beth Moore.
In this ten week in-depth women's Bible study of Genesis 12-50 we will discover God's pursuit of a relationship with
man, and marvel as His plan to bless all people unfolds. Full of twists and turns, ruin and redemption, revelation and
mystery this Bible study keeps participants captivated. Explore concepts such as blessing, covenant, and promise,
and the bearing each has on a New Testament believer's life today. Plunge into the heart of Genesis, to God's
remarkable pursuit of relationship and to the unfolding of His earthly plan: that through one nation—and ultimately,
one man—all people on earth will be blessed.
Leaders: Joy English, Heather Cook and Mary Lou Craig. Cost $16. (September 8 – November 17)
Video preview:
The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions In The Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa Terkeurst
Do you find yourself spending a lot of time figuring out when to say yes and when to say no, thinking about how to
manage your time, reduce stress, do what is best for your family and still find a little time for yourself? In this seven
week session we will learn the power of “the best yes”, the scripture based choices that shapes all of our other
Leaders: Lisa Welch and Sandy Westervelt. Cost $12. (September 8 –October 20th)
Video preview:
New this semester: Spanish Study
Discerning the Voice of God - How to Recognize When God Speaks by Priscilla Shirer
Nuevo este semestre: Estudio bíblico en español
¿Es esa la voz de Dios? Como reconocer cuando Dios te habla por Pricilla Shirer
Estudiar la Palabra de Dios perfecciona nuestra sensibilidad espiritual para oír la sutil voz de Dios y nos ayuda a
reconocer la orientación del Espíritu Santo. En ¿Es esa la voz de Dios?, desde los profetas del Antiguo Testamento
hasta los creyentes de nuestros días, la reconocida escritora y conferencista Priscilla Shirer conduce al lector por
pasajes bíblicos que captan el método y el tono de la comunicación de Dios, y enseña al lector a reconocer ciertas
voces falsas, para aprender cómo puede diferir la voz de Dios en cada encuentro, aunque su naturaleza no cambia.
Líder: Vania Lopez. Costo: $10 (Septiembre 8 – Octubre 20)
Video preview:
Bible Art Journaling: October 28th – November 17th, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Bible art journaling is a devotional process that encourages memorization and meditation on God’s Word. The
concept of this class is to encourage ladies to engage more freely with the Word of God in new ways and to record
personally inspiring scriptures in creative and artistic ways.
Leaders: Cara Apple & Vania Lopez. No cost however we need all participants to register online.
Video preview: