FY-2009-2010 SEMI-ANNUAL ACTIVITIES REPORT Reporting Period: __X__Mid Year (OCT 2009 - MAR 2010) ____End Year (check one) PUERTO RICO DEFINITION PREVIOUS TOTAL ACTION THIS REPORTING PERIOD CORRECTION TO PREVIOUS DATA CUMULATIVE TOTAL UST-1 Total Number of Petroleum UST Systems Regulated under Subtitle I (active and closed) 10209 2 0 10211 UST-2 Number of Permanently Closed Petroleum UST Systems Regulated under Subtitle I Total Number of Hazardous Substance UST Systems (active and closed) Percentage of USTFacilities in Significant Operational Compliance with UST 1998 (spill, Overfill, and corrosion) Requirements. Percentage of USTFacilities in Significant Operational Compliance with UST Release Detection Requirements. Percentage of USTFacilities in Significant Operational Compliance with UST Release Prevention (spill, overfill, and corrosion) Requirements and UST Realease Detection Requirements. 5708 11 0 5719 150 0 0 150 UST-3 UST-4 UST-5 UST-6 UST-7 Number of On-Site Inspections Conducted UST-8 57.50% 45.33% 41.07% 0 0 508 0 0 0 1042 822 0 0 1042 822 0 486 0 0 0 486 0 190 0 0 0 190 Number of USTs (or UST Facilities) Identified as Being Ineligible for Delivery, Deposit or Acceptance of Product) LUST-1 LUST-2a LUST-2b LUST-3a LUST-3b LUST-4 Number of Confirmed Releases Number of Cleanups Initiated (RP lead and/ or State lead with State money) Number of Cleanups Initiated (State lead with TF money) Number of Cleanups Completed (RP lead and/ or State lead with State funds) Number of Cleanups Completed (State lead with TF funds) Number of Emergency Responces G\Inspecciones y Cumplimiento Precisadas\Omar (División Héctor) G\Manejo Tanques Soterrados/Word/ SEMI ANNUAL ACTIVITIES REPORT FY 2009-2010 (Oct 2009-Mar 2010) Notas: Antes este informe se hacía en papel y se enviaba por correo a EPA Headquarters. Ahora (a partir de Abril 2010) el informe se prepara y envía directo por internet a través de www.epa.gov/LUST4 o www.portal.epa.gov y lo recibe Matthew Young (703) 603-7143. La División de Protección de Aguas Subterráneas (Maribel Gallardo) provee los números de los renglones UST-1 al UST-3, UST-8 y LUST-1 al LUST-4. La División de Inspección y Cumplimiento (Héctor Arroyo) provee los números de los renglones UST-4 al UST-7.