The following literature has been published by users of MAXQDA

The following literature has been published by users of MAXQDA
The following is an alphabetical list of publications that MAXQDA users have submitted. It gives you an
idea of the wide range of disciplines the software is used in and the many methodological approaches
that it can support.
Many of the authors have given permission for us to include contact information for them in case other
users want to communicate with them about their research and how they used MAXQDA. Feel free to
be in touch with them.
If you‘ve published your MAXQDA-supported work and would like to be included in the list, please
contact us at We‘ll be happy to share your work with the MAXQDA community.
Angermeyer, M.C. / Schulze, B. / Dietrich, S.: Courtesy Stigma – A Focus Group Study of Relatives of
Schizophrenia Patients. In: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 38 (pp.593-602), 2003. Baker,
L. / Lavender, T. / Tincello, D.: Factors that influence women’s decisions about whether to participate in
research: An exploratory study. In: Birth 32 (1) (pp.60-66), 2005.
Baker, M.C. / McFarland, D.A. / Gonzales, M. et al.: The impact of integrating the elimination programme
for lymphatic filariasis into primary health care in the Dominican Republic. In: International Journal of
Health planning and Management 22 (4), 2007.
Beniston, M. / Stoffel, M., Hill, M.: Impacts of climatic change on water and natural hazards in the Alps:
Can current water governance cope with future challenges? Examples from the European “ACQWA”
project. In: Environmental Science and Policy. In Press, 2010.
Beune, E.J. / Haafkens, J.A. / Meeuwesen, L.: “Hee broedoe” (hoog bloed): Opvattingen over hypertensie
van Creools-Surinaamse patiënten in de huisartsenpraktijk. In: Huisarts en Wetenschap, 47 (13),(pp.620624), 2004.
Beune, E.J. / Haafkens, J.A. / Schuster, J.S. et al.: “Under pressure”: How Ghanaian, African-Surinamese
and Dutch patients explain hypertension. In: Journal of Human Hypertension 20 (12) (pp. 946-55),
Available online:
Boers, K. / Nelles, U. / Nippert. A.: Limited knowledge, unmarked spaces and increased opportunities
after the reunification. Economic crime in Germany. In: Pounsaers, P. / Ruggiero, V. (eds.): La criminalite
economique et financiere en Europe. Economic and financial crime in Europe. L’Harmattan, Paris, (p.99121), 2002.
Cent J. / Kobierska H. / Grodziska-Jurczak, M. / Bell S.: Who is responsible for Natura 2000 in Poland?
– A potential role of NGOs in establishing the programme. In: International Journal of Environment and
Sustainable Development 6 (4) (pp. 422-435), 2007.
Corbin, J.: Basics of Qualitative Research. Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory.
3rd Edition, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, 2007.
De Koster, K. / Loots, G.: Samen op weg naar een betere hulpverlening: kwalitatieve analyse van
de beleving van het implementatieproces van Integrale Jeugdhulpverlening in de pilootregio GentMeetjesland, Brussel, V.U.B., Faculteit Psychologie en Educatiewetenschappen, 2004.
De Souza, C.R.B.: On the Relationship between Software Dependencies and Coordination: Field Studies
and Tool Support. Ph.D. dissertation, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences,
University of California, 2005.
Available online:
Del Cairo, C. / Delgado, M. / Bedoya, L.M. et al.: Practicas hogareñas del cuidado del recién nacido y la
embarazada en la región pacífica caucana. Colombia, Antípoda, Bogotá, 2006.
Dolan, E.M. / Braun, B. / Katras, M.J. et al.: Rural TANF recipients: How they fare over time. Presented at
the Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference, Crystal City, Virginia, June 5, 2006.
Dolan, E.M. / Seiling, S. / Glesner, T.J.: Making it work: Rural low-income women in service jobs. In:
Cude, B.J. (ed.): Proceedings of the 33rd Conference for the Eastern Family Economics and Resource
Management Association, Knoxville, TN., (pp. 38-46), 2006.
Eraso, J. / Bravo, Y. / Delgado, M.: Creencias, actitudes y prácticas sobre crianza en madres cabeza de
familia en Popayán: un estudio cualitativo. In: Revista de Pediatria, 41, (3), (pp. 23-40), 2006.
Gask L. / Lever-Green G. / Hayes, R. : Dissemination and implementation of suicide prevention training
in one Scottish region, BMC Health Services Research (pp.8-246),2008.
Glesner, T. J.: Grief and separation: Rural low income mothers’ experiences with foster care. Unpublished
Master’s Thesis, University of New Hampshire, 2006.
Godau, R.I.: Qualitative Data Analysis Software: NVivo. In: Qualitative Research Journal 4 (2), 2004.
Hess-Wiktor, K.: What does it mean to be a hospice volunteer in Poland? In: European Journal of
Palliative Care 16(5) (pp. 249-251), 2009.
Humble, A. M. / Zvonkovic, A. M. / Walker, A. J.: “The royal we”: Gender ideology, display, and asessment
in wedding work. In: Journal of Family Issues 29 (1) (pp. 3-25), 2008.
Humble, A. M.: Technique triangulation for validation in directed content analysis. In: International
Journal of Qualitative Methods 8(3) (pp. 34-51), 2009.
Available online:
Humble, A. M.: The second time ’round: Remarried couples’ gender construction in wedding planning.
In: Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 50(4) (pp.260-281), 2009.
Available online:
Kent, R.: Marketing Research : Approaches, Methods and Applications in Europe. Thomson Learning,
London, 2007.
Kuckartz, A. / Kuckartz, U.: Qualitative Text Analysis with MAXqda. In: Fundación de Estudios Andaluces
(centrA): Documenta de Trabajo, Serie Sociología S2001, (06), 2001.
Kuckartz, A.: Reply to Software Review of MAXqda and MAXdictio. In Qualitative Research Journal 4
(2), 2004.
Kuckartz, A. / Sharp, M.J.: Responsibility: A Key Category for Understanding the Discourse on the
Financial Crisis—Analyzing the KWALON Data Set with MAXQDA 10 [27paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative
Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 12(1) Art.22, 2011.
Kyburz-Graber, R. / Hofer, K. / Wolfensberger, B.: Studies on a socio-ecological approach to environmental
education: a contribution to a critical position in the education for sustainable development discourse.
In: Environmental Education Research, 12 (1) (pp.101-114), 2006.
Kyburz-Graber, R. / Wolfensberger, B. / Hofer, K.: Developing critical thinking in environmental
education. A video study of classroom discussions on socio-ecological issues in secondary schools. Paper
presented at ESERA conference “Research and the Quality of Science Education”. Nordwijkerhout, The
Netherlands, 2003.
Lavender, T. / McFadden, C. / Baker, L.: Breastfeeding and Family Life. In: International Journal of
Maternal and Child Nutrition (2), (pp.145-155), 2006.
Lewins, A. / Silver, C.: Using Software in Qualitative Research, A Step-by-Step Guide. Sage Publications,
London, 2007.
Macfarlane, J.: The Relationship between Cultural Beliefs and Treatment-seeking Behaviour in Papua
New Guinea: Implications for the Incorporation of Traditional Medicine into the Health System. Thesis
for the Degree of Doctor of International Health of Curtin University of Technology, 2005.
Machielse, A. / Hortulanus, R.: Sociaal isolement bij ouderen. Op weg naar een Rotterdamse aanpak.
SWP Publishers, Amsterdam, 2011.
Mewald, C.: A comparison of oral foreign language performance of learners in CLIL and mainstream
classes at lower secondary level. In: Dalton-Puffer, C. / Smit , U. (eds.): Empirical Perspectives on CLIL
Classroom Discourse. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 2007.
Mitchell, M. B. / Kuczynski, L.: Does anyone know what is going on? Examining children s lived experience
of the transition into foster care. In: Children and Youth Services Review 32 (pp. 437-444), 2010.
Nehring, D.: Modernidad con límites: La construcción narrativa de las relaciones íntimas, la sexualidad y
el cambio social en la novela de autoayuda Juventud en Éxtasis de Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez. Papeles
de Población, 2006.
Peace, R. / Hoven, B.: Computers, Qualitative Data and Geographic Research. In: Hay, I. (ed): Qualitative
Research Methods in Human Geography. 3rd fully revised edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, (pp.
295-313), 2010.
Sarosa, S. / Lestari, J.: The Level and Impact of Web-based E-Government Adoption: The Case of
Jogjakarta’s Local Governments. In Reddick, C. (ed): Strategies for Local E-Government Adoption and
Implementation. Comparative Studies, IGI Global Publishing, 2009.
Sarosa, S.: Failure in Accounting Information Systems Development and Adoption within Indonesian
SMEs through Actor Network Theory Lens. In: The Proceedings of The 2nd Parahyangan International
Accounting Business Conference, 2010.
Sato, Ikuya: Teisei Data Bunseki Nyomon (Introduction of qualitative data analysis). Tokyo, 2006.
Schönfelder, W.: CAQDAS and Qualitative Syllogism Logic—NVivo 8 and MAXQDA 10 Compared. In:
Forum: Qualitative Social Research 12 (1) Art. 21, 2011.
Schulze, B. / Angermeyer, M.C.: Subjective Experiences of Stigma. A focus group study of schizophrenic
patients, their relatives and mental health professionals. In: Social Science and Medicine 56 (2) (p.299
– 312), 2003.
Smit, A.A.H. / Driessen, P.P.J. / Glasbergen, P.: Constraints on the conversion to sustainable production:
the case of the Dutch potato chain. Business Strategy and the Environment. Published Online in Wiley
InterScience, 2006.
Available online:
Smit, A.A.H. / Driessen, P.P.J. / Glasbergen, P.: Conversion to Organic Dairy Production in the Netherlands:
Opportunities and Constraints . In: Rural Sociology 74 (3) (pp. 383-411), 2009.
Strohbuecker, B. / Eisenmann, Y. / Galushko, M. et al.: Palliative care needs of chronically ill nursing
home residents in Germany: focusing on living, not dying. In: International Journal of Palliative Nursing
17 (1) (pp.27-34), PubMed, 2011.
Tabares, E. / Alvarado, B.: El niño en el Pacífico Colombiano. Perspectivas interdisciplinarias de la
investigación en salud. Popayán, Universidad del Cauca, 2005.
Tamasiunas, J.M.D.: Luces y sombras del desarrollo en una comunidad de desplazados por la Guerra.
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2004.
Available online:
Tateo, L.: Struttura delle relazioni e contenuto argomentativo dei messaggi nella comunicazione mediata
da computer. FORM@RE – NEWSLETTER PER LA FORMAZIONE IN RETE, Erickson (27), 2004.
Available online:
Tateo, L.: The Italian Extreme Right on-line network. An exploratory study using Social network analysis
and content analysis integrated approach in the study of CMC and political groups. In: Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication 10 (5), Gennaio 2005.
Van den Branden, S. / Broeckaert, B.: Medication and God at Interplay: End of Life Decision Making in
Male Moroccan Migrants Living in Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium. In: Brockopp, J. / Eich, T. (eds.): Muslim
Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice (pp. 194-208). South Carolina, University of South Carolina
Press, 2008.
Vogel, D.: What does Europe mean to Third Country students in the European Union? An explorative
essay analysis. University of Oldenburg, POLITIS Working paper No.4/200, 2006.
Available online:
Walter, U. / Edvardsson, B. / Öström, Å.: Drivers of customers’ service experiences, a study in the
restaurant industry. In: Managing Service Quality 20 (pp. 236-258), 2010.