41 Union Square West, Suite 435 | New York, NY 10003 | 212.924.8505 AMANDA ALVAREZ DIAZ DIRECTOR/PRODUCER -1 (short film part of the Spanish serie "Numeros"), 2014 0,5 (short film part of the Spanish serie "Numeros"), directed by David Perez Marin. 2014 Ron (short film), directed by Rodrigo del Rio Herrera. In postproduction Ups & Downs (short film), directed by Yolanda Perez Centeno. In postproduction Seriex Eversion (short film), directed by Jamaal Pascall. In postproduction Wake up with me (documentary feature), directed by Momo Lee Aoi. In postproduction. Between the pillars (documentary), directed by Pedro Mesquita. In preproroduction. The Bridge (documentary), directed by Mohamed Elmouden. In preproduction El ciego y la abuela (short film), in preproduction Sin ventanas (short film), directed by Milena Cañas. In postproduction Let me go (short film), selected in Festival Internacional de Cine de Lebu (Chile), B-section Shortyweek Film Festival (Spain), Festival Mundial de Cine Extremo (Mexico) Device (short film), directed by Alice Millar, Best Screenplay in Women´s Independent Film Festival in Los Angeles, selected in International Film Festival in Cinematic Arts, Los Angeles (US). Buleria Negra (dance experimental), 2013, selected in I Encuentro Internacional Escénico (México) You only live once (short film), 2012, selected in Memphis Rock and Music Festival (US) 4 latas (short film), 2012, PA, directed by Perla Cruz, selected in Latino Film Festival van Vlaanderen (Belgium), Femcine (Chile), Festival Internacional de Cine de Derechos Humanos (Argentina) Perseguidos (music video) for the band Los Stravagantr3s, 2012 Cheat on me (music video), 2012, for the band Velta, directed by Evan Kultanwatana. Contra la pared (music video) for the band Eskolta, 2012 The Porn Ultimatum (short film), 2012, PA, directed by Steven Schuermans. The Room (short film), 2011, PA, directed by Alessandro Mini. Mortal Klownbat (short film), 2011, directed by Adrián Morales. Seed of the fight (short film), 2011, selected in La boca del lobo (Spain), selected in FESCIGU (Festival de Cine Solidario de Guadalajara, Spain), selected in Freedom Film Festival (Malaysia) Mushrooms (short film), 2011, directed by Momo Lee Aoi. Show her (short film), 2011, directed by Joshua Mills. Few autumn leaves (short film), 2011, directed by Njordy Iovanovich. It’s all about trust (short film), 2011, directed by Amit Shrivastav. Hair (musical short film), 2007, finalist Premios Bancaja 2008. Ti parlo di rispetto (short film), 2011 Found time (short film), 2010 A home, any home (short film), 2010 Sala 9 (short film), 2008, selected in Zemos 98 Film Festival Colores (short film), 2007, finalist in III Premio Europeo de Cine Universidad de Sevilla, finalist in Farben 2007 Hola mama, que onda por alli (short film), 2006, award in Maese Rodrigo de Cortometrajes 2007, finalist in Farben 2007 El niño del pijama azul (short film), 2007, directed by Fátima de los Santos. Alta Fidelidad (music video), 2008, finalist music video contest of the band Lori Meyers Un rincón en la ciudad (documentary short film), 2006 Espías del silencio (short film), 2002