Human Resource Assistant

Human Resource Assistant
Internship Profile Sector
Seville, Spain
Career Paths
Human Resource Management • Psychology • Communications •
Job Description
• Prepare job descriptions for the company
• Participate in the resume selection and interview process
• Participate in the organization and deliverance of training programs
• Apply your academic background to areas within the company
• Assist the department in understanding presentations, documents and
correspondence that are in English
Eligibility Requirements
We are looking for an enthusiastic individual with good communication skills
interested in learning about all aspects of HR management and that view this
opportunity as a both a professional and cultural exchange.
• Student does not need to have any Spanish for this position
• Relation to major or some prior work experience is preferred
• Current university student or recent graduate
• 2.5 GPA
About the Company
This large Seville-based telecommunications corporation is one of Spain’s major
providers of outsourcing services, customer relations management (CRM) and
telemarketing. With 6,500 dedicated staff members and $156 million USD annual
profit, we strive to provide quality service for all of our clients. This company’s
clients are both public organizations and companies, and private businesses.
Reference Code
Program Options
Hola! Soy José Manuel el Director del departamento de
recursos humanos. Llevo varios años trabajando en este
sector. Tengo mucho interés en compartir mis conocimientos
de este trabajo y practicar el inglés contigo.
How to Apply
To apply to a GlobalEd program, download and send us a completed
application form (, specify
the program option and term of interest and include your resume/CV. You may
also visit our website to view the program options that best match your needs
or contact a GlobalEd Representative for a personal consultation.
Global Education and Career Development Abroad • +1 888.329.9888 •