ARTISTS WRITING ABOUT ART | A COLLABORATIVE WORKSHOP! Richard Noyce Masterclass. Thursday December 5th, 4 to 6 pm Fundación´ace | Conesa 667 | Colegiales | 45513218| This workshop is intended to provide another way of considering the ways in which artists can communicate clearly in English to an international audience, and to make the ideas behind the work clear and informative. At the end of the workshop you should have a clearer idea about communicating what Art is about, in English, and with confidence. It will be conducted in English, and is intended for artists who are able to speak and write in English at a fair to good level. The ability to communicate in English is important for any artist wishing to work in the international visual art environment. In addition, for an artist to be able to participate in this art world, it is becoming vital for artists to be able to communicate their ideas in the form of an Artist’s Statement, or a catalogue essay. Such statements are an important means for telling art lovers, collectors, gallery directors and curators about your work. These statements also form an important part of an Artist’s website, now a very important tool for communication – often the first way in which others find out about your work. But, anyone who has looked at other Artists’ Statements, or has read reviews and articles in the art press, will know that the English used in such publications is sometimes very difficult to understand, and very difficult to ‘decode’. Just what it really means can sometimes be anybody’s guess! ‘Artspeak’ as it is sometimes known, seems to have become a way of using words to confuse other people, rather than to enlighten them. The workshop will begin with a general introduction, and some examples of good and bad art communication. The participants will then be expected to engage in a dialogue about art writing, as a group and in individual one-­‐to-­‐one discussions. What to bring to the Workshop: 1.
A Statement, written in English (no more than 300 words in lengh), about your work – what it is about, what you are trying to say in your work, how you make your work. 2.
Any examples of writing in English about Art, reviews, excerpts from books, etc., that you think is particularly good, or bad!! 3.