2014 MARBELLA ECONOMIC SITUATION BIANNUAL NEWSLETTER Nº S1 STUDY OF ECONOMIC SITUATION INDEX 1. ECONOMY SEGMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1. Monthly evolution of electricity consumption. Years 2013-2014..........................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2. Monthly evolution of building permits requested. Years 2009-2014 ....................................................................................................................................................................4 1.3. Monthly evolution of opening licences resolved. Years 2010-2013 ......................................................................................................................................................................5 1.4. Monthly evolution of the total population of Marbella and by administrative districts. Years 2010-2013...........................................................................................................6 2. INSTITUTIONAL SEGMENT ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 2.1. Biannual evolution of municipal indebtedness (private, with public administrations and total for the Marbella Town Council. Years 2012-2014 .............................................8 2.2. Average period of payment to Marbella Town Council suppliers. September 2014 ............................................................................................................................................8 2.3. Monthly evolution of urban waste. Years 2012-2014 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................9 3. LABOUR MARKET SEGMENT ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 3.1. Evolution of monthly recorded unemployment by gender. Months 2012-2014 .................................................................................................................................................10 3.2. Monthly evolution of registered contracts by gender and contract type. Years 2005-2013 ...............................................................................................................................11 4. HOUSING SEGMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 4.1. Quarterly evolution of the price for free market housing and nº of valuations. Quarters 2012-2014 ................................................................................................................12 4.2. Quarterly evolution of real estate transactions per type of housing. Quarters 2012-2014 ................................................................................................................................12 4.3. National ranking of absolute real estate transactions and for every 1.000 inhabitants. Comparison of the first eight Spanish towns. First semester of 2014 ........................13 5. TOURISM SEGMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................14 5.1. Monthly evolution of overnight stays. Years 2013-2014 ....................................................................................................................................................................................14 5.2. Monthly evolution of travellers. Years 2013-2014 .............................................................................................................................................................................................15 5.3. Monthly evolution of average stay, degree of occupancy and personnel employed. Years 2013-2014 .............................................................................................................16 Ayuntamiento de Marbella | ECONOMY. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº1 2014 1. ECONOMY SEGMENT Monthly evolution of electricity consumption. Years 2013-2014 90.000 Evolution of monthly electricity consumption (MWH). Years 20132014 Monthly electricity consumpti on (MWH) 80.000 70.000 60.000 50.000 40.000 Lineal (Monthly electricity consumpti on (MWH)) 30.000 20.000 Sep-14 Jul-14 May-14 Mar-14 Jan-14 Nov-13 Sep-13 Jul-13 - May-13 10.000 Mar-13 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Monthly electricity consumption (MWH) 62.433 64.436 55.605 62.770 60.722 63.982 63.176 83.957 78.087 74.969 61.879 61.887 62.727 66.878 57.466 62.773 58.821 65.548 65.407 81.482 80.445 Jan-13 2013 Month 2014 1.1. Prepared in house. Fuente: Endesa Ayuntamiento de Marbella | ECONOMY. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº1 Monthly evolution of building permits requested. Years 2009-2014 2014 Monthly evolution of building licences. Years 2012-2014 300 Licences minor work 250 Actions communicated 200 Licences major work 150 1st Occupancy licences 100 Compliance statements 50 Lineal (Licences minor work) Jul-14 May-14 Jan-14 Mar-14 Sep-13 Nov-13 Jul-13 May-13 - Jan-13 5 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 5 5 2 6 7 3 11 3 7 2 Mar-13 2 5 10 8 9 3 11 4 5 6 6 0 12 7 10 10 8 7 10 8 7 3 9 7 7 9 11 6 8 10 11 13 Sep-12 16 8 11 16 16 8 33 7 13 21 10 18 16 14 18 27 21 18 24 12 25 18 24 21 28 22 18 21 20 17 37 21 Nov-12 192 200 255 203 221 159 142 147 177 200 200 107 216 200 183 274 267 171 184 129 231 270 242 168 196 252 244 232 266 250 217 146 1st Occupancy Compliance licences statements Jul-12 106 84 83 73 112 98 87 73 79 112 78 75 100 120 95 105 98 87 120 97 86 120 112 80 99 123 153 112 120 123 123 69 Licences major work May-12 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Licences Actions minor work communicated Jan-12 2013 2012 Month Mar-12 1.2. 2014 Lineal (Actions communicated ) Prepared in house. Data Sources: Delegación de Urbanismo Ayuntamiento de Marbella | ECONOMY. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº1 1.3. 2014 Monthly evolution of opening licences resolved. Years 2010-2013 Opening licences granted Monthly evolution of opening licences granted by zone. Years 20132014 160 Marbella 140 Las Chapas 120 Nueva Andalucía 100 San Pedro Totals 80 Lineal (Marbella) 60 Lineal (Las Chapas) 40 Lineal (Nueva Andalucía) Lineal (San Pedro) 20 Lineal (Totals) Sep-14 Jul-14 May-14 Mar-14 Jan-14 38 56 61 113 76 54 116 71 54 75 93 74 70 52 103 73 98 43 83 138 63 Nov-13 15 18 12 24 26 23 33 9 8 15 31 20 20 16 21 21 20 17 21 9 10 Sep-13 4 7 5 29 3 8 11 13 17 27 8 6 11 12 23 22 11 8 11 77 14 Jul-13 1 4 8 10 9 9 5 3 3 3 7 6 4 6 11 5 11 6 2 6 - May-13 18 27 36 50 38 14 67 46 26 30 47 42 35 18 48 25 56 12 49 46 39 Nueva San Totals Andalucía Pedro Mar-13 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Marbella Las Chapas Jan-13 2014 2013 Month Prepared in house. Data Sources: Delegación de Industria Ayuntamiento de Marbella | ECONOMY. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº1 1.4. 2014 Monthly evolution of the total population of Marbella and by administrative districts. Years 2010-20131 Month District 1 District 2 District 3 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 16.828 16.836 17.028 17.040 17.065 17.086 17.121 17.141 17.229 17.167 18.252 18.125 18.184 18.058 17.848 17.850 18.137 18.176 17.935 18.006 18.430 18.490 18.502 18.388 19.437 18.011 18.159 18.203 18.268 18.345 18.406 18.396 18.499 19.249 19.149 19.090 19.120 19.140 19.118 19.134 19.165 19.228 19.149 18.146 18.039 18.033 17.902 17.734 17.864 18.068 18.079 17.815 17.851 18.122 18.124 18.131 18.020 19.084 17.873 17.919 17.959 17.952 17.953 17.958 17.962 18.013 16.658 16.666 17.028 16.941 17.053 17.110 17.180 17.263 17.395 17.354 17.421 17.415 17.529 17.469 17.249 17.426 17.684 17.729 17.485 17.622 17.990 18.089 18.102 17.955 18.009 17.357 17.428 17.512 17.570 17.621 17.719 17.831 17.881 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 15.686 15.857 15.879 15.890 15.912 15.941 15.982 16.029 16.127 16.105 16.119 16.045 16.086 15.928 15.779 15.846 15.901 15.938 15.829 15.892 16.062 16.078 16.046 15.939 15.994 15.227 15.315 15.339 15.342 15.364 15.405 15.487 15.560 16.424 16.409 16.438 16.423 16.444 16.425 16.451 16.426 16.416 16.452 16.445 16.342 16.362 16.352 16.223 16.257 16.377 16.367 16.265 16.293 16.419 16.489 16.481 16.417 16.439 16.266 16.348 16.373 16.380 16.372 16.360 16.397 16.385 19.644 19.575 19.513 19.511 19.526 19.518 19.493 19.464 19.492 19.482 19.452 19.291 19.299 19.494 18.903 18.954 19.138 19.124 18.973 19.023 19.195 19.204 19.131 18.955 19.001 18.643 18.665 18.699 18.745 18.723 18.720 18.679 18.738 14.265 14.205 14.219 14.217 14.231 14.217 14.206 14.188 14.217 14.224 14.230 14.110 14.127 14.052 13.931 13.969 14.061 14.026 13.850 13.853 13.995 14.002 13.997 13.863 13.879 13.767 13.815 13.808 13.857 13.851 13.887 13.891 13.894 12.732 12.722 12.744 12.772 12.808 12.793 12.801 12.862 12.876 12.832 14.488 14.394 14.431 14.406 14.288 14.345 14.453 14.452 14.349 14.392 14.544 14.578 14.601 14.555 14.540 14.390 14.438 14.473 14.478 14.503 14.519 14.524 14.582 14.111 14.175 14.257 14.300 14.365 14.414 14.464 14.494 14.564 14.557 12.935 12.887 12.928 12.814 12.545 12.599 12.845 12.892 12.628 12.679 13.048 13.140 13.137 13.094 13.139 12.200 12.242 12.272 12.318 12.354 12.395 12.470 12.404 Total 145.597 145.594 146.196 146.214 146.544 146.622 146.832 147.032 147.544 147.322 147.488 146.648 146.979 146.475 144.500 145.110 146.664 146.783 145.129 145.611 147.805 148.194 148.128 147.186 149.522 143.734 144.329 144.638 144.910 145.086 145.369 145.637 145.956 Prepared in house. Data Sources: Padrón municipal 1 The population spikes respond to the lack of administrative renewal for both EU and non-EU citizens. Ayuntamiento de Marbella | ECONOMY. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº1 2014 Monthly evolution of the population 2012-2014 Monthly evolution of the population by districts. Year 2012-2014 20.600 19.800 District 1 19.000 District 2 18.200 District 3 17.400 16.600 District 4 15.800 District 5 15.000 District 6 14.200 District 7 13.400 District 8 12.600 District 9 11.800 11.000 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 150.000 149.000 148.000 147.000 146.000 145.000 144.000 143.000 142.000 141.000 140.000 Total Population Jan-12 Jun-12 Nov-12 Apr-13 Sep-13 Feb-14 Jul-14 May-14 Sep-14 Annual evolution of the population of Marbella. Years 2000-2013 Districts Name 150.000 District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8 District 9 San Pedro Sur San Pedro Norte Nueva Andalucía Centro Marbella Marbella Norte Marbella Centro Marbella Centro Este Marbella Este Las Chapas 140.000 130.000 120.000 Population 110.000 100.000 90.000 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Ayuntamiento de Marbella | INSTITUTIONAL. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 2014 2. INSTITUTIONAL SEGMENT 2.1. 2.2. Biannual evolution of municipal indebtedness (private, with public administrations and total for the Town Council of Marbella). Years 2012-2014 Semester Private financial Indebtedness with Total indebtedness indebtedness public administrations Average period of payment to suppliers of the Town Council of Marbella. September 2014 AVERAGE PERIOD OF PAYMENT TO SUPPLIERS OF THE MARBELLA TOWN COUNCIL (in accordance with methodology R.D. 635/2014) Average period of payment September 2014 34,17 days Variation 2012 2S 57.329.541,30 363.074.379,68 420.403.920,98 - 2013 1S 55.869.764,75 358.076.736,25 413.946.501,00 - 6.457.419,98 2013 2S 53.150.548,74 355.467.411,19 408.617.959,93 - 5.328.541,07 2014 1S 51.615.852,38 349.709.830,85 401.325.683,23 - 7.292.276,70 Prepared in house. Data Sources:Área de Hacienda y Administración Pública Prepared in house. Data Sources: Área de Hacienda y Administración Pública Semestral evolution of municipal indebtedness. Years 2012-2014 450.000.000,00 400.000.000,00 350.000.000,00 Private financial indebtedness 300.000.000,00 250.000.000,00 200.000.000,00 Indebtedness with public administrations 150.000.000,00 100.000.000,00 Total indebtedness 50.000.000,00 2012 2S 2013 1S 2013 2S 2014 1S Ayuntamiento de Marbella | INSTITUTIONAL. Monthly evolution of urban waste. Years 2012-2014 Monthly evolution of solid waste (Tonnes). Years 2012-2014 14.000 12.000 Monthly tonnes of solid waste 10.000 8.000 Monthly tonnes of recicling 6.000 4.000 Lineal (Monthly tonnes of solid waste) Jul-14 Sep-14 May-14 Jan-14 Mar-14 Nov-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 May-13 Jan-13 Mar-13 Nov-12 Jul-12 Sep-12 - Mar-12 2.000 May-12 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Monthly Monthly tonnes tonnes of solid of recicling waste 6.429 526 6.305 492 7.064 525 7.641 577 8.184 680 8.675 670 10.090 769 11.161 897 7.838 626 7.410 631 7.036 590 6.289 539 6.359 564 5.734 442 6.943 583 7.453 596 7.990 664 7.855 570 10.231 732 11.157 716 8.090 623 7.771 576 6.313 489 6.221 497 6.580 540 5.746 487 6.738 526 7.734 590 8.066 624 8.435 683 10.234 716 11.443 761 10.234 679 Jan-12 2013 2012 Month 2014 2.3. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 2014 Prepared in house. Data Sources:Delegación de Limpieza (RSU) Ayuntamiento de Marbella | LABOUR. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 2014 3. LABOUR MARKET SEGMENT Evolution of monthly recorded unemployment by gender. Months 2012-2014 Registered Registered Registered unemployment unemployment unemployment men women total 15.048 Jul-12 6.991 7.457 14.448 Aug-12 7.027 7.425 14.452 Sep-12 7.292 7.760 15.052 Oct-12 7.692 8.113 15.805 Nov-12 8.130 8.643 16.773 Dec-12 8.203 8.701 16.904 Jan-13 8.241 8.235 16.476 Feb-13 8.990 8.990 17.980 Mar-13 7.911 8.826 16.737 Apr-13 7.860 8.762 16.622 May-13 7.469 8.444 15.913 Jun-13 6.888 7.947 14.835 Jul-13 6.497 7.511 14.008 Aug-13 6.380 7.205 13.585 Sep-13 6.688 7.445 14.133 Oct-13 7.132 7.869 15.001 Nov-13 7.480 8.161 15.641 Dec-13 7.562 8.101 15.663 Jan-14 7.645 8.262 15.907 Feb-14 7.929 8.525 16.454 Mar-14 7.656 8.497 16.153 Apr-14 7.127 7.958 15.085 May-14 6.694 7.655 14.349 Jun-14 6.222 7.313 13.535 Jul-14 5.932 7.015 12.947 Aug-14 5.879 6.815 12.694 Sep-14 6.339 7.134 13.473 Monthly evolution of unemployment by gender 2012-2014 10.000 Registered unemployment men 9.000 Registered unemployment women 8.000 7.000 Lineal (Registered unemployment men) 6.000 5.000 Jul-14 7.718 Sep-14 7.330 May-14 16.060 Jun-12 Jan-14 8.206 Mar-14 7.854 Nov-13 16.538 May-12 Jul-13 8.433 Sep-13 8.105 Mar-13 17.058 Apr-12 May-13 8.624 Jan-13 8.434 Sep-12 17.215 Mar-12 Nov-12 16.930 8.613 Jul-12 8.410 8.602 Mar-12 8.520 May-12 Jan-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 2013 2012 Month 2014 3.1. Lineal (Registered unemployment women) Prepared in house. Data Sources: Observatorio Argos Ayuntamiento de Marbella | LABOUR. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 2014 Monthly evolution of registered contracts by gender and by contract type. Years 2005-2013 2014 Temporary registered contracts total 398 2.016 1.645 3.661 abr-12 210 193 403 2.424 1.846 4.270 may-12 223 228 451 2.621 2.020 4.641 jun-12 202 194 396 3.015 2.543 5.558 jul-12 222 183 405 2.976 2.908 5.884 ago-12 138 151 289 2.186 1.927 4.113 sep-12 163 147 310 1.954 1.991 3.945 oct-12 215 280 495 2.260 1.993 4.253 nov-12 223 257 480 1.571 1.433 3.004 dic-12 131 178 309 1.337 1.450 2.787 ene-13 192 188 380 1.603 1.416 3.019 feb-13 205 198 403 1.409 1.160 2.569 mar-13 235 222 457 1.885 1.622 3.507 abr-13 254 224 478 2.483 1.996 4.479 may-13 258 231 489 2.935 2.270 5.205 jun-13 159 186 345 2.949 2.546 5.495 jul-13 202 258 460 3.467 3.204 6.671 ago-13 157 154 311 2.322 2.061 4.383 sep-13 205 214 419 2.188 2.173 4.361 oct-13 236 244 480 2.510 2.318 4.828 nov-13 187 193 380 1.986 1.625 3.611 dic-13 176 133 309 1.607 1.664 3.271 ene-14 184 192 376 1.760 1.805 3.565 feb-14 202 200 402 1.616 1.507 3.123 mar-14 346 288 634 2.030 1.775 3.805 abr-14 418 285 703 2.729 2.522 5.251 may-14 308 245 553 3.197 2.529 5.726 jun-14 301 245 546 3.201 2.941 6.142 jul-14 292 284 576 3.903 3.510 7.413 ago-14 177 218 395 2.687 2.269 4.956 sep-14 233 245 478 2.412 2.483 4.895 Monthly registered contracts by gender and type of contract 2012-2014 4.500 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 - jul-14 189 sep-14 209 may-14 2.810 mar-12 ene-14 2.684 1.297 mar-14 1.317 1.513 nov-13 1.367 286 jul-13 293 123 sep-13 153 163 may-13 140 feb-12 ene-13 ene-12 mar-13 Temporary registered contracts women sep-12 Temporary registered contracts men nov-12 Indefinite registered contracts total jul-12 Indefinite registered contracts women mar-12 Indefinite registered contracts men may-12 2013 2012 Month ene-12 3.2. Indefinite registered contracts men Indefinite registered contracts men Temporary registered contracts men Temporary registered contracts women Lineal (Temporary registered contracts men) Lineal (Temporary registered contracts women) Prepared in house. Data Sources: Observatorio Argos Ayuntamiento de Marbella | HOUSING. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 2014 4. HOUSING SEGMENT 4.1. Quarterly evolution of the price of free market housing and nº of valuations. Quarters 2012-2014 Price of free market housing (m2) Nº of valuations T12-1 2.090,10 343 T12-2 1.932,60 364 T12-3 2.036,20 359 T12-4 1.990,00 378 T13-1 1.992,00 437 T13-2 1.976,00 619 T13-3 1.899,80 343 T13-4 1.999,00 585 T14-1 1.911,50 443 T14-2 1.930,40 526 Quarter 4.2. Quarterly evolution of real estate transactions by housing type. Quarters 2012-2014 Real estate transactions free market housing 475 638 544 825 502 861 738 989 858 1.161 Quarter 1T-12 2T-12 3T-12 4T-12 1T-13 2T-13 3T-13 4T-13 1T-14 2T-14 Quarterly evolution of the price of free market housing (m2) and nº of valuations Years 2012-2014 2.000,00 1.500,00 Price of free market housing (m2) Nº of valuations 2.000 1.500 1.000 1.000,00 500,00 - Real estate transactions resales Real estate transactions new housing 413 589 495 733 481 812 696 930 797 1.029 69 54 55 111 22 51 47 67 66 136 Prepared in house. Data Sources: Ministerio de Fomento Prepared in house. Data Sources: Ministerio de Fomento 2.500,00 Real estate transactions subsidized housing 7 5 6 19 1 2 5 8 5 4 Lineal (Price of free market housing (m2)) 500 - Quarterly evolution of real estate transactions by type of housing 2012-2014 Real estate transactions free market housing Real estate transactions subsidized housing Real estate transactions resales Real estate transactions new housing Lineal (Real estate transactions free market housing) Ayuntamiento de Marbella | HOUSING. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 National ranking of absolute real estate transactions and for every 1.000 inhabitants. Comparison of the eight first Spanish towns. First semester of 2014 Real estate transactions 2nd semester 2014. Comparison with principal Spanish towns 16.000 Municipality Real estate transactions first semester 2014 Nº of transactions per 1.000 inhabitants 14.000 Torrevieja 12.000 Marbella 10.000 Madrid 8.000 Barcelona 6.000 6.298 3,91 Valencia 2.975 3,75 Sevilla 2.610 3,73 Zaragoza 2.505 3,67 Malaga Barcelona Zaragoza 4,31 Sevilla 13.814 Zaragoza Valencia - Madrid Sevilla 2.000 Barcelona 14,28 Valencia 4.000 Madrid 2.028 19,99 Marbella Marbella 2.103 Torrevieja Torrevieja Malaga Nº of real estate transactions for every 1.000 inhabitants. 2nd semester of 2014 25,00 Torrevieja 20,00 3,23 Marbella 15,00 Madrid Barcelona 10,00 Valencia Sevilla 5,00 Malaga Zaragoza Sevilla Valencia Barcelona Zaragoza 0,00 Madrid 1.837 Prepared in house. Data Sources: Ministerio de Fomento Marbella Malaga Torrevieja 4.3. 2014 Malaga Ayuntamiento de Marbella | TOURISM. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 2014 5. TOURISM SEGMENT 5.1. Monthly evolution of overnight stays. Years 2013-2014 Overnight stays 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Residents in Spain 11.948 12.428 47.300 41.038 41.679 59.341 96.325 137.723 64.585 30.703 14.982 18.068 15.775 16.132 22.775 57.681 52.771 63.286 101.451 138.406 Residents abroad Total overnight stays 45.118 51.363 93.408 139.281 231.304 246.942 241.414 272.113 241.846 214.875 63.328 46.345 53.761 56.744 78.754 169.719 219.655 220.623 257.797 292.375 57.066 63.791 140.708 180.319 272.983 306.283 337.739 409.836 306.431 245.578 78.310 64.413 69.536 72.876 101.529 227.400 272.426 283.909 359.248 430.781 Monthly evolution of overnight stays 2013-2014 350.000 300.000 Nº de Pernoctaciones Month Residents in Spain 250.000 Residents abroad 200.000 150.000 Lineal (Residents in Spain) Lineal (Residents abroad) 100.000 50.000 - Prepared in house. Data Sources: INE Ayuntamiento de Marbella | TOURISM. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 5.2. 2014 Monthly evolution of travellers. Years 2013-2014 Travellers 2 0 1 4 Residents in Spain Residents abroad Total Travellers Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 5.005 6.494 15.987 13.431 16.245 20.230 23.791 28.928 19.857 11.900 6.135 7.670 6.113 8.441 10.588 17.892 17.195 21.276 26.789 32.585 11.081 13.103 24.166 34.285 51.280 51.265 43.015 49.933 47.622 41.674 16.289 12.138 13.564 14.917 19.938 41.635 48.119 45.095 46.850 49.294 16.086 19.597 40.153 47.716 67.525 71.495 66.806 78.861 67.479 53.574 22.424 19.808 19.677 23.358 30.526 59.527 65.314 66.371 73.639 81.879 Monthly evolution of travellers 2013-2014 60.000 Residents in Spain 50.000 Nº de viajeros 2 0 1 3 Month 40.000 Residents abroad 30.000 Lineal (Residents in Spain) Lineal (Residents abroad) 20.000 10.000 - Prepared in house. Data Sources:INE Ayuntamiento de Marbella | TOURISM. Bi-annual newsletter of Economic Situation of Marbella nº 1 Monthly evolution of average stay, degree of occupancy and personnel employed. Years 2013-2014 2 0 1 4 Average stay Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 3,55 3,26 3,50 3,78 4,04 4,28 5,06 5,20 4,54 4,58 3,49 3,25 3,53 3,12 3,33 3,82 4,17 4,28 4,87 5,26 Degree of occupancy by beds 25 26 37 39 56 62 67 80 64 53 27 24 28 29 31 49 63 67 68 80 Personnel employed 1.388 1.547 2.102 2.480 2.750 3.184 3.301 3.602 3.125 2.636 1.718 1.542 1.487 1.603 1.755 2.624 3.048 3.188 3.656 3.761 Grado de ocupación y estancia media 2 0 1 3 Month Monthly evolution of degree of occupancy and average stay 20132014 90,00 80,00 70,00 60,00 50,00 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 - Average stay Degree of occupancy by beds Lineal (Degree of occupancy by beds) Monthly evolution of nº of personnel employed 2013-2014 4.000 3.500 Nª de Empleados 5.3. 2014 3.000 2.500 Personnel employed 2.000 1.500 1.000 500 Lineal (Personnel employed) - Prepared in house. Data Sources: INE Ayuntamiento de Marbella |