Every Person, Every Day! Childhood Exposure to Violence (CEV) Prevention & Awareness Week CALENDER OF EVENTS (April 15 - 20, 2013) National Activities and Resources All Month! CEV Week Toolkit – visit for tip sheets, briefs, articles and more… http://www.safestartcenter.org/resources/toolkit-cevprevention-awareness-week.php Twibbon Campaign – share the message https://twibbon.com/Support/cev-week CEV Prevention Week Photo Campaign – take your picture with the (attached) graphic and send it to join the national photo campaign! http://www.safestartcenter.org/pdf/logo_cev-photo-sharing.pdf Send to: (email) info@safestartcenter.org Specific Events (CST) Mon April 15 Call to Reduce Gun Violence Commissioner Choucair releases an open letter to the Senate All Day Visit: www.cityofchicago.org/health Tues April 16 Supporting Our Children: Every Person, Every Day! Information and Entertainment event at 7th District Police Station Community Room, 1438 W. 63rd St. Chicago, IL 60636 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Contact: 773-962-0366 ext. 219 or email kasheryl.thomas@family-focus.org Host: Family Focus – Englewood Wed April 17 CEV Week Twitter Chat on CEV and Poly-victimization Special guest Dr. Sherry Hamby will discuss how CEV connects children to other risks. (30 minute talk followed by 30 minute Q&A) 1:00 p.m. http://twtvite.com/CEVWeek Host: National Safe Start Center 4:00 p.m. – 7:00p.m. Contact: Jen Valles @773-847-4417 or email jvalles@heartlandalliance.org or Mary Reynolds @773-645-2417 or email mreynolds@casacentral.org Host: Heartland Human Care Services & Casa Central Wed April 17 “When I Feel Safe, I…” Children’s Art Exhibition at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square, 2649 N. Francisco. Chicago, IL 60647 7th Annual Childhood Exposure to Violence Prevention Week. Visit www.chicagosafestart.net for more information. Every Person, Every Day! Childhood Exposure to Violence (CEV) Prevention & Awareness Week CALENDER OF EVENTS (April 15 - 20, 2013) Events – Continued (CST) Thu April 18 Laying the Groundwork: Advancing Prevention in the Context of Community Trauma (Webinar) Thu April 18 Unlocking the Development of Children Exposed to Violence Webinar featuring a panel of experts who discuss the impact of CEV on childhood development. Thu April 18 ‘10 Minute Play Series’ on Trauma & Loss presented by Chicago State University. Play and post-discussion (with audience and cast) Gathering at MFS, 235 E. 103rd Street. Chicago, IL 60628; traveling to Chicago State University 5:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. Call for details. Contact: Te’Aira Malone 773-371-3632 or email contactus@metrofamily.org Host: Metropolitan Family Services Inc. Reaching Every Person, Every Day! A community dialogue on Violence Prevention Ambassadors (circle facilitators will be present) 9:00 a.m. – Noon RSVP required: Call 312-745-0381 or email pamela.greer@cityofchicago.org Host: Chicago Safe Start Collaborative 2013 Community Spirit Awards for CEV Prevention King Center, 4314 S. Cottage Grove Avenue. Chicago, IL 60653 Noon – 1:30 p.m. www.surveymonkey.com/s/cevweek2013 Award nominations end: April 12, 2013 Living Like We’re Bulletproof - Juvenile Symposium Public Health Crises of Youth Trauma and Violence University of Chicago Law School, 1111 East 60th Street. Chicago, IL 60637 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pre-registration required: Call 773-834-3114 or email gbrown@law.uchicago.edu Host: Illinois Judicial Council and Juvenile Criminal Justice Clinic, U of Chicago Law School Fri April 19 Sat April 20 1:00pm2:30pm 1:30 p.m. https://calcasa.ilinc.com/register/mcjtfvw Contact: (510) 444-PREV Host: UNITY (email) info@safestartcenter.org Host: National Safe Start Center 7th Annual Childhood Exposure to Violence Prevention Week. Visit www.chicagosafestart.net for more information. Childhood Exposure to Violence (CEV) Prevention & Awareness Week 2013 Reaching Every Person, Every Day! A Community Dialogue on Violence Prevention Ambassadors 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 (noon) Community members and local organizations are invited to help build a citywide Violence Prevention Ambassador effort that shares prevention strategies and coordinates outreach across Chicago communities. Join the conversation and help spread the word that prevention works! Expert facilitators will be on hand to ensure that all voices are heard. Community Spirit Awards 2013 12:00 (noon) – 1:30 p.m. Program honoring local individuals and organizations throughout Chicago for outstanding efforts on behalf of CEV prevention. Menu features light snacks and beverages. Nominations close on April 12, 2013: www.surveymonkey.com/s/cevweek2013 Friday, April 19, 2013 King Community Service Center, 4314 South Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago, IL 60653 *Pre-registration required - Call (312) 745-0381 ________________________________________________________ On the street and limited lot parking is available. Supporting Our Children: Every Person, Every Day DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2013 TIME: 11:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. Make a difference in a child’s life and join Family Focus Englewood / Chicago Safe Start for Preventing Children’s Exposure to Violence Week! The event will bring focus and awareness to the effects on children that have been exposed to violence and what we as a community can do to prevent or possibly reverse the damage. Please contact Kate or Kasheryl with any questions at 773-962-0366 ext. 219. Supporting Our Children: Every Person, Every Day PLACE: 7TH DISTRICT POLICE STATION COMMUNITY ROOM; 1438 W. 63RD ST, CHICAGO, IL 60636 PRESENTERS, HANDOUTS & INFORMATION LUNCH WILL BE SERVED MASTER OF CEREMONY & ENTERTAINMENT PROVIDED BY COMEDIAN FRANK TOWNSEND AS SEEN ON COMIC VIEW, BARBERSHOP, THE IMPROV AND JOKES & NOTES Join Casa Central & Heartland Human Care Services in Recognizing Childhood Exposure to Violence Prevention Week 2013! 2012 Contest Winners The 3rd Week of April is CHILDHOOD EXPOSURE TO VIOLENCE PREVENTION WEEK! Help Casa Central & Heartland Human Care Services celebrate the week by participating in our second annual art contest! The theme is “When I feel safe, I...” Is there a special person or place in your community that helps you feel protected? What do you do differently when you feel safe? What does “safe” mean to you? This contest is open to all young people between birth and 18 years of age. Special recognition will be given at each age level for each artistic genre in which entries have been received. Entries will be judged by age level on originality, creativity and how well the entry illustrates the theme. Age Levels: -Birth to 4 years old -5-7 years old -8-10 years old -11-13 years old -14-18 years old Artistic Genre Categories: -Rendering (posters, paintings, drawings, etching, prints, collages) -3-Dimensional (sculptures, crafts) -Photographs -Poetry/Writing CONTEST RULES Artists must be between the ages of birth and 18. Entries must be original. Entries must relate to the theme, “When I Feel Safe, I...” All entries must be accompanied by a completed entry form. The deadline for contest submissions is April 5, 2013. Contest winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on April 17, 2013, 4-7pm, at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square (2649 North Francisco Avenue, Chicago, 60647) Contact Silvia Sancen (773-645-2376, ssancen@casacentral.org) or Yvette Camacho (312-718-7663, ycamacho@heartlandalliance.org) to arrange a time to drop off entries, or mail entries to: Casa Central, attn. Silvia Sancen 1343 North California, Chicago, IL 60622 or Heartland Alliance, attn. Yvette Camacho th 2106 W. 35 Street, Chicago, IL 60609 Childhood Exposure to Violence Prevention Week April 14-20, 2013 Art Contest Consent Form All entries must have this Consent Form completed and submitted for each contributing artist. Please type or print legibly. Name of Participant: Age: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Name of Parent or Legal Guardian: Phone: E-mail Address: Category (mark only one): _____Rendering (poster, painting, drawing, etching, print, collage) _____Photograph _____3-Dimensional (sculpture, craft) _____Poetry/Writing As a parent or legal guardian of I give him/her permission to enter the 2013 Childhood Exposure to Violence Prevention Week Art Contest sponsored by Casa Central & Heartland Human Care Services. I understand that each participant or group involved will be asked to submit an original work of art which may be selected to be reproduced by Casa Central, Heartland Human Care Services, and/or the Chicago Department of Public Health. Winners and their parents/legal guardians grant the right to use and publish the winners’ names, ages and winning entries. Every effort will be made to ensure the safety and security of all artwork. Casa Central and Heartland Human Care Services will not be held responsible for any damages. Artwork will become the property of Casa Central and Heartland Human Care Services unless arrangements are made for artists to pick up the artwork or have it returned to them. No compensation is promised or will be given for the use of submitted works of art. All participating artists are invited to attend the opening event, where awards will be distributed. The event is being hosted at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square (2649 North Francisco Avenue, Chicago, 60647), from 4-7pm, on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. I have read and understand the above statements. As the parent/legal guardian of this minor child, I relinquish all future claims to my child’s artwork or creative writing piece. Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date Únase a Casa Central & Heartland Human Care Services en la Celebración de la ¡Semana para la Prevención de la Exposición Infantil a la Violencia 2013! Ganadores del Concurso del 2012 La 3ra Semana de Abril es la ¡SEMANA PARA LA PREVENCIÓN DE LA EXPOSICIÓN INFANTIL A LA VIOLENCIA! ¡Ayude a Casa Central & Heartland Human Care Services a celebrar la semana participando en nuestro concurso anual de arte! El tema es “Cuando me siento seguro, yo…” ¿Hay alguna persona o lugar en tu comunidad que te ayuda a sentirte protegido? ¿Qué haces de manera diferente cuando te sientes seguro? ¿Qué significa seguro para tí? Este concurso está abierto para todos los jóvenes entre el nacimiento y los 18 años de edad. Se dará un reconocimiento especial a cada nivel de edad para cada género artístico en los que se reciban las obras. Las obras serán juzgadas por nivel de edad y originalidad, creatividad y qué tan bien la muestra ilustra el tema. Niveles de Edad: -Del nacimiento a 4 años -De 5-7 años -De 8-10 años -De 11-13 años -De 14-18 años Categorías de Géneros Artísticos: -Representación (carteles, pinturas, dibujos, grabados, impresos, collages) -3-Dimensional (esculturas, manualidades) -Fotografías -Poesía/Escritura REGLAS DEL CONCURSO La edad de los artistas debe de ser entre el nacimiento hasta 18 años. Las obras deben ser originales y deben relacionarse al tema, “Cuando me siento seguro, Yo…” todas las obras deben estar acompañadas por el formulario de obras lleno. La Fecha límite para traer las obras a concursar es el 5 de abril del 2013. Los ganadores del concurso serán anunciados en una ceremonia de premiación el 17 de abril del 2013, 4-7pm, en St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square (2649 North Francisco Avenue, Chicago, 60647) Contacte a Silvia Sancen (773-645-2376, ssancen@casacentral.org) o Yvette Camacho (312-718-7663, ycamacho@heartlandalliance.org) para coordinar la entrega de obras o envíela por correo a: Casa Central, attn. Silvia Sancen 1343 North California, Chicago, IL 60622 o Heartland Alliance, attn. Yvette Camacho th 2106 W. 35 Street, Chicago, IL 60609 Semana para la Prevención de la Exposición Infantil a la Violencia 14-20 de abril del 2013 Formulario de Consentimiento para Concurso de Arte Todas las obras deben tener este formulario de Consentimiento lleno y sometido por cada artista participante. Por favor llénelo a máquina o escriba claramente en letra de molde. Nombre del Participante: Edad: Dirección Postal: Ciudad: Teléfono: Estado Código Postal: Correo Electrónico: Categoría (Escoja Solo Una): _____ Representación (carteles, pinturas, dibujos, grabados, impresos, collages) _____Fotografía _____3-Dimensional (escultura-manualidad) _____Poesía/Escritura Como padre o tutor legal de le doy permiso para entrar en el Concurso de Arte para la Semana para la Prevención de la Exposición Infantil a la Violencia 2013 de Casa Central & Heartland Human Care Services. Yo entiendo que a cada participante o grupo involucrado se le pedirá que someta una obra de arte original que podrá ser seleccionada y reproducida por Casa Central, Heartland Human Care Services, y/o el Chicago Department of Public Health. Los ganadores y sus padres/tutores legales conceden el derecho de usar y publicar los nombres de los ganadores, edades y obras ganadoras. Se hará todo esfuerzo para asegurar la protección y seguridad de toda obra de arte. Casa Central and Heartland Human Care Services no se harán responsables por cualquier daño. La obra de arte vendrá a ser propiedad de Casa Central y Heartland Human Care Services a menos que se hagan arreglos para que los artistas recojan su obra de arte o se les devuelvan. No se promote ni se dará ningún pago por el uso de obras de arte sometidas. Todos los artistas participantes están invitados a asistir a la inauguración donde serán entregados los premios, en St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square, 4-7pm el miércoles, 17 de abril (2649 North Francisco Avenue, Chicago, 60647) ¡Por favor escriba bien legible su correo electrónico en este formulario! He leído y entendido las declaraciones anteriores. Como padre/tutor legal de este menor de edad, yo renuncio a todo reclamo futuro de la obra de arte o escrito de mi hijo/a. Firma del Padre o Tutor legal Fecha Children Exposed to Violence & Safe Start presents... “10 Minute Play Festival” on Trauma & Loss Presented by Chicago State University Thursday April 18, 2013 In honor of the city of Chicago Children Exposed to Violence 5:30p—7:45p and loss on our community, especially our children. Calumet office 235 E. 103rd Street Chicago, Illinois 60628 Week, join us as we have a discussion on the effects of trauma 5:30—6:15p: Food and activity at Calumet office (235 E. 103rd St., Chicago, Illinois). Working Together to Help Start S a fe C h ic a g o C h ild re n E xp o se d to V io le n c e 7:00—7:30p: Play at Chicago State University Becky Theatre Transportation provided to/from Chicago State University! Please RSVP to Te’Aira Malone @ 773.371.3632 Metropolitan Family Services 235 E. 103rd St Chicago, Illinois 60628 Phone: 773-371-3600 Fax: 773-371-3699 www.metrofamily.org “This project was supported by Grant No. 2011-WX-AX-K012 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, US Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.” RegistrationForm The IllinoisJudicialCouncil Name:________________________________ Organization:__________________________ Address:______________________________ City:____________State:______Zip:_______ TheCriminal&Juvenile JusticeClinic Telephone:____________________________ Email:________________________________ TheUniversityofChicago LawSchool Present Please Note: Registration is free, however, to ensure that we have enough food, it is imperative that you RSVP. Thank you for your cooperation. And AJuvenileSymposium Workshop Selection Please select the workshops that you would like to attend. (One per time slot.) #1 Education 10:30 a.m. - Noon 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. #2 Public Health 10:30 a.m. - Noon 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. #3 Juvenile Justice 10:30 a.m. - Noon 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. #4 Faith/Community Based 10:30 a.m. – Noon 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Registration Form should be returned to: gbrown@law.uchicago.edu 773 834-3114 773 834-8858 Please RSVP by April 10 LivingLikeWe’reBulletproof: ThePublicHealthCrisesof YouthTrauma&Violence Saturday,April20,2013 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. JuvenileSymposiumCo‐Chairs Hon. Marilyn F. Johnson & Hon. Sybil C. Thomas University of Chicago Law School 1111 East 60th Street Chicago, Illinois Our Objective As African-American jurists, we have become overwhelmingly concerned with the increased incidents of youth trauma and violence. Though we often discuss our concerns and potential solutions within the judiciary, we believe that this issue is of such importance that it necessitates the involvement of all segments of our community. Therefore, we are sponsoring this symposium to initiate a conversation with clinicians, educators, parents, youth and the faith-based community, in a collective effort, to develop both alliances and strategies to combat the negative effects of violence. Panelists and Invited Guests Kathy Bankhead, Community Justice Center, Cook County States Attorney Office Hon. Michael Brown, Criminal Div., Circuit Court of Cook County Hon. Donna Cooper, Juvenile Court, Circuit Court of Cook County Cure Violence (formerly known as CeaseFire) M. Michelle Day, Esq., M. Div. President & CEO of In Order Enterprises, L.L.C Hon. Timothy C. Evans, Chief Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County Franklin Cosey Gay, Researcher, Chapin Hall Cheryl Graves, Director, Community Justice for Youth Hon. Nathaniel Howse Fifth Division Illinois Appellate Court First District Hon. Marianne Jackson, Juvenile Court, Circuit Court of Cook County Mariame Kaba, Executive Director, Project Nia Hon. Stuart Katz, Juvenile Court Circuit Court of Cook County Karen Lewis, President, Chicago Teachers Union Hon. Leonard Murray, 1st Municipal Dist., Circuit Court of Cook County Rev. Dr. Marcenia Richards The Nehemia Project Randolph N. Stone, Director, Criminal & Juvenile Justice Project, University of Chicago Law School Hon. Michael P. Toomin, Presiding Judge, Juvenile Justice Division, Circuit Court of Cook County Hon. Carl A. Walker, Juvenile Justice Div., Circuit Court of Cook County Hon. Thaddeus L. Wilson, Criminal Div., Circuit Court of Cook County Symposium Agenda 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Registration Noon – 1:15 p.m. LUNCH Key Note Speaker Dr. Terry Mason 8:30 a.m. Welcome Hon. Carol M. Howard Chief Medical Officer Cook County Health and Hospitals System Illinois Judicial Council Chair 1:15 pm – 2:30 p.m. Plenary II: Options and Solutions Moderator: Herschella G. Conyers 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Plenary I: Cause and Effect Moderator: Hon. Marilyn F. Johnson Symposium Co-Chair Clinical Professor University of Chicago Law School Speakers Speakers Robert Spicer Marlita White Dean of Culture & Climate Fenger High School Director, Office of Violence Prevention Chicago Safe Start Mark Davis Dr. Dominica McBride Chief of Police, Calumet Park, IL CEO, Become Inc. Phillip Jackson Reverend Dr. Walter A. McCray Exec. Director, Black Star Project Black Light Fellowship Elena Quintana Professor Randolph N. Stone Director, Criminal & Juvenile Justice Clinic University of Chicago Law School 10:30 a.m. – Noon Workshops #1 #2 #3 #4 Education Public Health Juvenile Justice Faith/Community Based Exec. Director Institute on Public Safety & Social Justice Adler School of Professional Psychology 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Workshops #1 Education #2 Public Health #3 Juvenile Justice #4 Faith/Community Based 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wrap-up & Evaluations