Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Facultad de Comunicación, Lingüística y Literatura Escuela de Lingüística. E-MAIL: dga@puce.edu.ec Av. 12 de Octubre 1076 y Roca Apartado postal 17-01-2184 Fax: 593 – 2 – 299 16 56 Telf: 593 – 2 – 299 15 35 Quito - Ecuador 1. DATOS INFORMATIVOS: MATERIA O MÓDULO: Introduction to Teaching CÓDIGO: 15508 CARRERA: Lingüística Aplicada NIVEL: 5 No. CRÉDITOS: 4 CRÉDITOS TEORÍA: 4 CRÉDITOS PRÁCTICA: -- SEMESTRE / AÑO ACADÉMICO: Primer Semestre 2011-2012 PROFESOR: Nombre: Jesus Toapanta Grado académico o título profesional: M.A. in Linguistics Breve indicación de la línea de actividad académica: His professional and academic interests are Spanish & English language instruction, Language Testing, Second Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Phonetics & Phonology, and Syntax. Indicación de horario de atención a estudiantes: Correo electrónico: jltoapanta@puce.edu.ec Teléfono: 2548-597 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to Teaching is an introductory course in the area of applied linguistics. It provides a historical overview of the theoretical trends in language teaching and learning, including methods and approaches in EFL/ESL. In addition, the course will cover EFL/ESL topics on issues related to: teaching across proficiency and age levels, interaction in language teaching, intrinsic motivation, classroom management, technology in the classroom, principles of teaching, and strategies-based instruction. Learning Theory (behavioral and cognitive) and the Faculty of Language proposed by Chomsky will also be a component for this course. 1 Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Facultad de Comunicación, Lingüística y Literatura Escuela de Lingüística. E-MAIL: dga@puce.edu.ec Av. 12 de Octubre 1076 y Roca Apartado postal 17-01-2184 Fax: 593 – 2 – 299 16 56 Telf: 593 – 2 – 299 15 35 Quito - Ecuador 3. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To provide a broad but solid theoretical background on learning and teaching, especially in the field of applied linguistics; in addition, to practice on how to develop and implement pedagogical activities for language learning as well as to endow learners with critical thinking so that they can make their own decisions on issues concerning EFL/ESL. 4. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: By the end of the semester, students will be able 1. To know the different approaches and methods of English as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL), and all those theoretical assumptions behind them. 2. To know some of the different variables that affect language learning and teaching in the classroom. 3. To incorporate into their knowledge some language principles that will help them better understand what learning and teaching a language is. 4. To understand, conduct and report an action research paper. 5. To design and implement pedagogical activities of language learning. 6. To provide explanations on the basis of whether Language is something unique to Human Beings or it is something that any specie can learn/posses. 7. To think critically on issues related to the design, creation, planning, organization, and implementation of pedagogical language activities. 5. CONTENTS I. General Topics: Education &Learning. 1. Learning backgrounds. 2. Learning Theory Today. 3. Learning in the classroom 1: the behavioral view. 4. Learning in the classroom 2: the cognitive view. II. Specific Topics: EFL/ESL. 1. Methodological history of language teaching. 2. The present: an informed “approach” 3. Teaching by principles. 4. Intrinsic motivation in the classroom. 5. Learner Variables I: Teaching Across Age levels. 6. Learner Variables II: Teaching Across proficiency levels. 7. Techniques, textbooks, and Technology. 8. Interactive Language Teaching I: Initiating interaction. 9. Interactive Language Teaching II: Sustaining Interaction through group work. 10. Classroom management. 11. Strategies-Based instruction. 2 Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Facultad de Comunicación, Lingüística y Literatura Escuela de Lingüística. III. E-MAIL: dga@puce.edu.ec Av. 12 de Octubre 1076 y Roca Apartado postal 17-01-2184 Fax: 593 – 2 – 299 16 56 Telf: 593 – 2 – 299 15 35 Quito - Ecuador Topics related to Social Responsibility. Language Choice, Chapter 2, pp. 32-54. (Focused on the Ecuadorian Reality) -Societal multilingualism, -Domains, -Diglossia, &Language Shift and death IV. Videos Noam Chomsky and the faculty of language. Human Language, Part I. Human Language, Part II. 6. METHODOLOGY This course has been tailored around the learners; thus, student-centered and task-based instruction will be implemented. Likewise, a major component of the course is the development of critical thinking and meta-cognitive strategies as learners design, create, plan, organize, and implement different activities such as article presentations, pedagogical activities, action research reports, and critiques to topics related to applied linguistics. 7. EVALUATION Tipo de Evaluación Primer parcial Segundo parcial Tercer parcial Examen final Fecha Evaluación Puntaje Week 5, Sep 12-16 Week 11, Oct 24-28 Week 16, Nov 28-02 Week 18, Dec 12-16 10 10 10 20 Fecha de entrega de calificaciones en Secretaría Tue 20, Sep/2011 Tue 01, Nov/2011 Thu 08, Dec/2011 Tue 20, Dec/2011 - El puntaje mínimo de aprobación del curso es 30/50 y para el examen final es 8/20. El profesor tendrá el plazo máximo de siete días calendario contados a partir de la rendición de las pruebas parciales para revisar y comunicar a los estudiantes el resultado de dichas pruebas. - Solamente se tolerarán cuatro inasistencias por cada crédito semestral. - Art. 33 Podrán rendirse evaluaciones orales, u otros tipos de evaluación, de común acuerdo entre el profesor y los estudiantes y con la autorización del decano o del director de escuela. Para el caso de evaluaciones orales, prácticas u otras, se estructurará la prueba y se establecen los criterios de evaluación, que serán dados a conocer a los estudiantes durante la primera semana de clases. 8. TEXTBOOKS AND ARTICLES Course Book Brown, H. D. (2001). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy. (2nd ed.). New York: Pearson Education. 3 Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Facultad de Comunicación, Lingüística y Literatura Escuela de Lingüística. E-MAIL: dga@puce.edu.ec Av. 12 de Octubre 1076 y Roca Apartado postal 17-01-2184 Fax: 593 – 2 – 299 16 56 Telf: 593 – 2 – 299 15 35 Quito - Ecuador Reference Books Brown, J. & Rodgers, T. (2002). Doing Second Language Research. Oxford University Press. Hacker, D. (2003). A writer’s Reference. (5th ed.). Boston & New York: Bedford/St. Martins. Lee, J. & VanPatten, B. (2003). Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen. (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. Romaine, S. (2000). Language in Society: an introduction to sociolinguistics. (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. Sprinthall, R., Springthall, N., & Oja, S. (1998). Educational Psychology: A Developmental Approach. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. Professional Articles Celce-Murcia, M. (1991). Grammar pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459-480. Ellis, R. (2006). Current issues in the teaching of Grammar: An SLA perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 83-107. Toapanta, J. (2010). Written feedback on rhetorical organization: an alternative for distance education. OhioTesol. 2(2), 20-23. Aprobado: Por el Consejo de Escuela ____________________________ f) Director de Escuela fecha: ______________________ Por el Consejo de Facultad __________________________ f) Decano fecha: ______________________ 4 Asignatura: Introduction to Teaching Organización Docente Semanal SEMANA (1 - 17) 15 al 19 de agosto 22 al 26 de agosto 29 de agosto al 2 de septiembre 5 al 9 de septiembre 12 al 16 de septiembre ACTIVIDADES DE INTERACCIÓN DOCENTE - ESTUDIANTES (HORAS PRESENCIALES) N° de horas de clases teóricas N° de horas N° de de clases horas de prácticas, tutorías laboratorios, especiali talleres zadas TRABAJO AUTÓNOMO DEL ESTUDIANTE (HORAS NO PRESENCIALES) ACTIVIDADES (Descripción) N° de horas EVALU TEMAS A TRATAR (N° del tema, unidad, ACION o capítulo descritos en Contenidos) ES 4 DSLR-Ch 4. Classroom research: interaction analysis. (pp. 79-112). *Toapanta, J. (2010). Written feedback on rhetorical organization: an alternative for distance education. OhioTesol. 2(2), 20-23. 4 4 Action Research, Part I. 4 TBP-Ch 2. Methodological history of language teaching. (pp. 13-38) 4 Action Research, Part II. 4 TBP-Ch 3. The present: an informed “approach” (pp. 39-53) 4 Action Research, presentation-WP. 4 TBP-Ch 4. Teaching by principles. (pp. 54-71) 4 Assessment I 4 Overview of the course, plagiarism, APA, Action Research Paper “What does language learning and teaching really mean”, & a brief overview of second language research. Primera Evaluación 19 al 23 de septiembre 4 Article Discussion I, Ed-Ps, Ch 8. Learning backgrounds. (pp. 227-246) 4 TBP-Ch 5. Intrinsic motivation in the classroom. (pp. 72-85) 26 al 30 de septiembre 4 Article Discussion II, Ed-Ps, Ch 9. Learning Theory Today. (247-270) 4 TBP-Ch 6. Learner Variables I: Teaching Across Age levels. (pp. 86-95) 3 al 7 de octubre 4 Article Discussion III, Ed-Ps, Ch 10. Learning in the classroom 1: the behavioral view. (273-302) 4 TBP-Ch 7. Learner Variables II: Teaching Across proficiency levels. (pp. 96-114) 10 al 14 de octubre 4 Article Discussion IV, Ed-Ps, Ch 11. Learning in the classroom 2: the cognitive view. (303-338) 4 TBP-Ch 9. Techniques, textbooks, and Technology. (pp. 128-148) 5 17 al 21 de octubre 24 al 28 de octubre 31 al 4 de Nov., 2 y 3 vacación. 7 al 11 de noviembre 14 al 18 de noviembre 21 al 25 de noviembre 28 de nov. al 2 de dic. 5 al 9 de diciembre, 6 vacación. 12 al 16 de diciembre 4 Article Discussion V, LIS-Ch 2. Language Choice: Societal multilingualism, Domains, Diglossia, Language Shift and death. (pp. 32-54). Ecuadorian reality. 4 4 Assessment II 4 2 Pedagogical Activity for Language Learning 1 2 4 Pedagogical Activity for Language Learning 2 4 Pedagogical Activity for Language Learning 3 4 Pedagogical Activity for Language Learning 4 4 4 4 4 2 Assessment III Video Report, Critique. 4 2 TBP-Ch 11. Interactive Language Teaching I: Initiating interaction. (pp. 164-175) Segunda Evaluación TBP-Ch 12. Interactive Language Teaching II: Sustaining Interaction through group work. (pp. 176-191) TBP-Ch 13 Classroom management. (pp. 192206) TBP-Ch 14. Strategies-Based instruction. (pp. 207-231). Video: Noam Chomsky and the faculty of language. *Celce-Murcia, M. (1991). Grammar pedagogy in Second and Foreign Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459-480. Tercera Evaluación Video: Human Language I & II. *Ellis, R. (2006). Current issues in the teaching of Grammar: An SLA perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 83-107. EXÁMENES FINALES 6