Authors - Papeles de Población

Francisco Alba
Professor-researcher of El Colegio de México; B.Sc. in Economy by the
Universidad de San Luis Potosí and also B.A. in Philosophy by the Gregorian
University, in Rome, Italy; He has achieved postgraduate studies in Demography
in El Colegio de México, in the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, France, and
in the University of Texas, In Austin, US. In 1985 he was the Director of the
Demographic Studies and Urban Development Centre (CEDDU) of El Colegio
de México. Currently is member of the Advisory Council of the National Institute
of Migration and of the Protection for all the Migratory Workers of United
Nations Committee. He was awarded with the National Award on Demography
in 1991 and the National Award on Economy Banamex (shared) on 1971.
Among his most recent publications are "El Tratado de Libre Comercio, la
migración y las políticas migratorias", in Enrique R. Casares y Horacio Sobarzo
(comps.), Diez años de TLCAN en México, una perspectiva analítica, FCE,
Mariachiara di Cesare
B.Sc. in Statistics, Demography and Social Sciences by the Università degli Studi
di Roma "La Sapienza" and Ph.D. in Demography by the same university.
Currently she is doing some research activities in the Dipartimento di Scienze
Demografiche on New Family and Reproductive Models among the immigrant
communities in Italy. Among her most recent publications are Casacchia O.,
Cangiano A., Conti C., Di Cesare M., Iacoucci R., Vittori P., 2006, "Population
prospects and problems of Italian regions", in Genus LVI, 2.
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Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 48
Arun Kumar Acharya
He is a candidate for a Ph. D. degree in the Anthropological Research Institute
(ILA) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He studied
the Masters Degree on Demography at the International Institute of Population
Sciences (IIPS) of Mumbai, India, and the Masters Degree in Geography at the
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India. He has participated in different international
congresses such as the IUSSP 2002 in Bangkok, PAA 2004 in the US. His most
recent publications are articles on migration and women's trading in India:
"Explotación sexual y violencia contra mujeres: un estudio de aproximación al
tráfico de mujeres en la India" in Diálogo Antropológico, número 6, and
"Population growth and changing land use pattern in Mumbai Metropolitan region
of India", in Caminhos de Geografia.
Jorge Martínez Pizarro
Researcher of the Latin American and Caribbean Demography Centre (Celade)
Population Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean (ECLAC) in Santiago de Chile. He is a geographer and since 1990
works in this organization where he obtained the Masters Degree in Population
and Development. He is also a member of the faculty of Celade. He has
participated in the elaboration of several studies on population and development
in Latin America and the Caribbean, especially in the field of migration; He is also
a University Professor. He is the author of several publications on relations
between poverty and poverty; migration and development, globalization and
integration; migration of qualified workforce; and national studies on international
migration, internal migration and spatial redistribution of the population.
Jaciel Montoya Arce
Ph. D. in Sociology by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM),
where he also studied his B.Sc and M.Sc., both on sociology as well. He has
published several books, among which stand out: El proceso de metropolización
en la ciudad de Toluca 1950-1990; Estado de México: población en movimiento.
Un análisis demográfico del periodo 1950-1980, and Encuesta sobre prácticas de
los sujetos sociales de la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de Toluca. His interest
area is the vulnerable groups. Currently he is the coordinator if the Research and
Advanced Studies Centre of Population of the Autonomous University of the
State of Mexico.
Jorge Andrés Rodríguez Vignoli
Sociologist by the University of Chile (1985-1989). He did postgraduate studies
on population and development policies at the Latin American and Caribbean
Demography Centre (Celade). He is currently studying the doctorate in American
Studies on Economic and Social History at the University of Santiago de Chile.
Since 1994 is research assistant in the Population and Development Area of
Celade-ECLAC Population Division. His recent research subjects are: social
and demographic vulnerability, internal migration, fecundity and nuptiality,
residential segregation and proceedings for the generation of relevant sectorial
indicators (dwelling, health, urban planning) using census micro data. He has
recently published: "Segregación residencial en la ciudad latinoamericana", 2004,
en EURE Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales, vol. XXX,
núm. 89, co-authoring with Camilo Arraigada; "La fecundidad alta en el istmo
centroamericano: un riesgo en transición", in Población y Salud en Mesoámerica,
vol. 2, núm. 1, July, 2004.
Olga Lorena Rojas Martínez
B.Sc. in Sociology by the Autonomous Metropolitan University, campus
Xochimilco. M.SC. in Demography and Ph. D. in Population Studies by El
Colegio de Mexico. Currently she is professor-researcher of the Demographic,
Urban and Environmental Centre of El Colegio de Mexico and Researcher Level
I. Her areas of interest are: family, gender and reproductive health. Some of her
recent publications are "Las uniones conyugales en América Latina:
transformaciones en un marco de desigualdad social y de género", in Notas de
Población, Año XXXI, No. 78, Santiago de Chile, Economic Commission for
Latin America (ECLA) and Latin American and Caribbean Demography
Centre (CELADE) 2005, (co-authoring with Brígida García), and "Reflexiones
April/June 2006
Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 48
en torno a las valoraciones masculinas sobre los hijos y la paternidad", in Juan
Guillermo Figueroa, Lucero Jiménez y Olivia Tena (publishers).
María Fernanda Stang
B.Sc is Social Communication by the National University of Entre Ríos,
Argentina. Since November 2004 she has done some sporadic consulting for
Celade-Ecla Population Division. From 2005 is a scholarship holder in research
of LASSC (Latin American Social Sciencies Council).
Adriana Salas Stevanato
M.Sc. in Geography Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCT-UNESP) in Sao
Paulo, Brazil. Research assistant in the Institute of Social Research of UNAM,
Alejandra Salguero Velásquez
Ph. D. in Sociology by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the National
Autonomous University of Mexico (2002), she did a Masters degree on
Behaviour Modification (1993) and B.Sc. in Psychology (1983) at the Faculty of
Professional Studies Iztacala, UNAM. She has been research stayings by
invitation at the University Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain. She has been a titular
professor of the Psychology Degree of the Faculty of Professional Studies
Iztacala since 1981. She is a member of the SNI (National Researcher Level I)
since January 2005. Her research lines are: Male identities and paternity
exercise in men and Paternity as a sociocultural process. Among her recent
publications is "Análisis comparativo del significado de la paternidad en varones
solteros sin hijos y casados con hijos", in Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología,
vol. 9, num. 1, enero-junio (2004).
Rodolfo Tuirán
Economist, demographer and sociolgist. He obtained his Ph. D. in Sociology from
the University of Texas, in Austin. He has been assistant secretary of the Social
Development Secretary (from April 2002 to January 2006) and General
Secretary of the National Population Council (from June 1997 to March 2002).
He was also the president of the Mexican Demography Society (1996 and 1998)
and professor-researcher of El Colegio de Mexico (1982-1996). He is author,
editor or coordinator of 24 books and has published more than 160 articles on
several subjects of sociodemographic nature in specialized journals and books.
He received the National Demography Award in 1994 and he is a Researcher
of the National Research System since 1991.
Esperanza Tuñón Pablos
She holds a Ph. D. in Sociology by the National Autonomous University of
Mexico. She is specialized in gender studies and has published four books and
more than 25 articles on this subject. Currently she is the Coordinator of the
Population and Health Division of El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. She participates
as a researcher level 2 in the National Research System and she is also member
of the Mexican Academy of Sciences in the Social Sciences Area.
Susana Vargas Evaristo
She is a M.Sc. in Regional development with the speciality on Public Policies by
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and B.Sc. in Social Anthropology by the National
School of Anthropology and History. She works as Technical Academic in the
Cultural Studies Department of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Currently she
is a scholarship holder-researcher of the Interdisciplinary Group on Women,
Work and Poverty. Her research interest lines are related to the analysis of the
family contexts of migrant under aged people who join the agricultural work
April/June 2006
Papeles de POBLACIÓN No. 48
Gustavo Verduzco Igartúa
He holds a Ph. D. in Sociology with speciality in Demography by the University
of Texas in Austin. He graduated as B.Sc. in Sociology from the Faculty of Social
and Political Sciences of UNAM. He was director of the Sociological Studies
Centre of El Colegio de Mexico between 2000 and 2003. His research lines are:
relations countryside-city and regional analysis; migrations and labour markets;
social organizations and third sector. Currently he is member of the National
Research System, Level SII. Among his most recent publications are:
Organizaciones no lucrativas: visión de su trayectoria en México, El Colegio de
México y Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía, México, 2003, and "The
Development of Regions Experiencing High Levels of Out-migration in Mexico:
Analysis and considerations for maximizing the benefits of migration for sending
regions" , in collaboration with Kurt Unger (CIDE), in Working Papers of the
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., February,