ACTION REPORT 001 DESCRIPTION OF THE CAMPAIGN RESULT OF THE CAMPAIGN of donations in girls and boys aged 0 to 14 years six pallets of merchandise with a weight aproxima- In this first campaign we have divided the targets old, paying special attention to food for babies and young children, which are the most expensive to buy, like milk and jars of baby food. Children hygiene products like sanitary towels or nappies too, as well as toys and children’s clothing. The campaign was made in Galician, Castilian and English in order to work in a multilingual setting with children. Also, children took a brochure, in that was explained the campaign and at the same time it became aware the need to moderate consumption and encourage solidarity in their homes and classrooms. ORGANIZERS OF THE CAMPAIGN The campaign was organized by Colegio Miraflores Ourense, with Xabier Domínguez like responsible, who was responsible for the organization and communication at school and awareness and to support students, as well as the work of storage and packaging. Imgrafor, with Belucho like responsible, held the graphical work (posters, brochures etc.) and comunicated and caught between his customers and partners the donations and also collecting them in their homes. During thirty days that it lasted, they were collected tely of 2100kg, 50% of the mit was clothing, 20% toys and the remaining 30% were food. The estimated value of food collected was around 3500€. RECIPIENT ORGANIZATIONS The beneficiary entities were: Cruz Roja Ourense and Cáritas Diocesana de Ourense. Each of them it was given three pallets, which included clothing, toys and food. SPECIAL THANKS Students and teachers of Colegio Miraflores, for their work to raise awareness and donations for their individual capacity. Associations and private companies like Roberto Verino, Transportes Pozo, Maderas y Molduras Randín, Pica Pao Café and Imgrafor. Individuals like Mónica Rodriguez, Vicente Bañobre, Patricia Folgueira, Xurxo Baca, Gloria Geijo, Javier Alvarez, Alberto Vila, Aida Sierra, Xabier Dominguez, Rita Doallo, Mª José Pereira, Ivan de Ganade, Rosalia Blanco, Pilar Cambeiro, Vivi Koehler and a lot of individuals that collaborated in this campaign. Special Thanks, again to Transportes Pozo and Diego who were responsable for the work of logistics. Finally , thanks to the media and official translators in Galician of Xunta de Galicia. CAMPAIGN NAME Niños de Pleno Derecho ORGANISER Colegio Miraflores PARTNERS Imgrafor, S.A. BENEFICIARY ENTITIES Cruz Roja Ourense Cáritas Diocesana Ourense LANGUAGE Galician, Castilian and English DATE From 15 November 2015 to 15 december 2015 meu rei. action 001: niños de pleno derecho meu rei. action 001: niños de pleno derecho Belucho (tel.: 699 95 88 85) · Xabi Domínguez (tel.: 675 08 07 11)