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FOMLA-Entry-Template-Guidelines-Final 2022

FOMLA Awards Entry
Open for Entries:
Thursday 12 May
Early Discount Deadline:
Thursday 9 June ($330)
Standard Entry Deadline:
Thursday 7 July ($415)
Entry Guidelines
Extended Deadline:
Thursday 28 July ($465)
Shortlist Announcement:
Thursday 22 September
Award Ceremony:
Thursday 3 November
This template is designed to
ensure you have all the
relevant information to
prepare your entries.
You must register and create
your submissions on the entry
To qualify for entry, a significant amount of the campaign must have run between 1
June 2021 and 31 July 2022 and should have been implemented locally, regionally
within the LatAm region.
You will be asked to enter a written entry and have the option to include 2 images.
Only if you are shortlisted, you will be asked to provide a 2-minute case film that
will be used during the final round of judging and an optional 30-second video,
which will be used at the award ceremony if you win a Gold trophy.
If you are concerned that you will be unable to provide a case study video, please
contact the team to discuss possible alternative solutions for shortlisted entries.
Please note: no agency names are to be included in the written entry copy.
Campaigns may be entered in more than one category, but it is advised to adjust
your written entry to the category criteria as judges will be looking for different
information in each category.
All campaigns must be entered in English.
Information in the entry form and its creative will remain confidential until the end
of the first judging round. C Squared Networks Ltd. reserves the right to reproduce
submitted material and summaries of entries for its other events and publications
unless we receive prior notification.
What Other Information Can I Find In This Pack?
Written entry template
How to upload supporting images and in what format?
Uploading videos – if shortlisted
© C Squared Networks Ltd. Address: Festival of Media, 1st Floor, Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH
Company Number: 8391925 I VAT REG NO: GB 158 9727 52 I Registered in England & Wales
Entry Details
Entry Title
This is the name given to the entry for a certain campaign that was
launched or aired. In the case of the entry being shortlisted this is
the title used in publication. The entry title should be the same
over different categories for the same campaign.
Entering Category
The category you would like to enter your work into. Once one
entry is completed, you will be able to clone the same entry in
different categories.
Type of company
e.g. advertiser, media agency, media owner, etc.
Entering country
The entering country is based on the location of the entrant
company. In case of the entry being shortlisted, this is the country
being named on the shortlist.
e.g Dove
Brand Owner
e.g Unilever
Industry Sector
e.g FMCG
Secondary Contact (email address)
Note: We will be contacting this person if we are unable to make
contact with the person who originally submitted the entry
Implementation and End Date
To be eligible, a significant amount of the campaign must have run
between 1 June 2021 and 31 July 2022.
There is one exception to the rule: The Effectiveness Award has a
longer eligibility period and allow welcomes campaigns that ran
between 1 June 2020 and 31 July 2022 eligible for entry.
© C Squared Networks Ltd. Address: Festival of Media, 1st Floor, Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH
Company Number: 8391925 I VAT REG NO: GB 158 9727 52 I Registered in England & Wales
Regions / Countries where the campaign ran
e.g Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia
Client Details
Client Name
Note: You must get permission from your client to enter the
FOMLA Awards. We will only contact them if there are
discrepencies with your entry.
Client Job Title
Client Email Address
Lead Media Agency (Optional)
The agency who has been the media lead for the campaign (this
agency will be awarded grand prix points for Agency Network of
the Year). They’ll be listed under “Other Credits” on the shortlist if
different from entrant company.
Note: Just list the agency, no individual credits
Media Owner (optional)
Please list the media owner if you worked with a dedicated
partner on this campaign.
Other Credits (optional)
Please list any other companies that have been involved in the
campaign. They’ll be listed under “Other Credits” on the shortlist if
different from entrant company.
© C Squared Networks Ltd. Address: Festival of Media, 1st Floor, Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH
Company Number: 8391925 I VAT REG NO: GB 158 9727 52 I Registered in England & Wales
Written Submission
Please share the details of your campaign activity as indicated
below. Please note: do not mention your agency or credited
agency names
Objectives (max 50 words)
Please state your objectives for the campaign. This section is not
scored by the judges.
Insights (max 250 words)
The marketing challenge, brand insight and consumer insight.
Strategy (max 300 words)
The idea and the strategy that you formulated.
Execution (max 250 words)
The communication and activation / delivery of the campaign.
Results (max 250 words)
The achievements of your campaign and the results it had for the
client. (The Effectiveness Award allows for 350 words max)
What was the media budget for this campaign?
State the budget in $ USD
© C Squared Networks Ltd. Address: Festival of Media, 1st Floor, Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH
Company Number: 8391925 I VAT REG NO: GB 158 9727 52 I Registered in England & Wales
Uploading Your Supporting Materials
You can upload 2 images of the campaign
in action to support your entry.
• Upload JPEG, png or jpg files. Maximum file size is 10MB per image.
• The images may be a screen shot from a video or web activity, copy of a
press/outdoor advertisement, image of an event in progress, image of an
ambient advertisement, etc.
• Note: the images do not need to be a mood board but should support the
• All creative submissions should not include entering company names or any
contributing creative companies.
• Please upload a high-res version of your company logo in the third option.
This will be used for the awards show graphics in case of being shortlisted.
Case Study Film
This is only for entrants who are
We understand that due to the recovery from COVID-19 many entrants are
experiencing budget cuts and if they are shortlisted, might be unable to
provide a case study video. If you cannot supply a video, please contact the
team to discuss possible alternative solutions for shortlisted entries.
Otherwise, you will be required to submit a case study film (2 minutes max)
to be shown during the final round of judging, plus an optional 30-45 second
film (to be used at award ceremony if you win) by Friday 14 October 2022.
The shortlist announcement will be on the
Thursday 22 September. All entrants will
be contacted and updated on the status of
their entries.
Case study films will need to be provided
by Friday 14 October.
Case Study Film (2 minutes max)
• This is important because it will be the main element used in the final
round of judging. Entries for which no reel is provided will not be disqualified
but may be at a disadvantage in the final judging.
•The 2-minute film should be a summary of the campaign, including some
key images/video and explanation of the insight, strategy, execution and
•Please note the film must work as a stand-alone piece as the jury may not
refer back to the written submission.
30 – 45 Second film (optional)
• This will be used at the awards ceremony should your shortlisted entry win
a trophy.
Video Specifications
•HD (720p or 1080p), mp4, file size no larger than 250MB. Maximum length:
2 minutes. For second optional film, the length should be: 30-45 Seconds.
• Your videos must be in English or with English subtitles.
•Please ensure high quality files are submitted or you will be asked to resubmit material.
•Please name the file and the subject with the title of your entry and indicate
the category/categories.
•Deadline: Friday 14 October 2022
•Entries without a case video may be at a disadvantage.
© C Squared Networks Ltd. Address: Festival of Media, 1st Floor, Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, London, N1 0QH
Company Number: 8391925 I VAT REG NO: GB 158 9727 52 I Registered in England & Wales