Mother pig / la mama
three / tres
Little pigs / cerditos
House of straw / la casa de
House/ la casa
wolf / el lobo
first / primero
pig / el cerdo
Straw / paja
Yes / Okay
happy / contento
to build / construir
strong/ stronger
Fuerte / mas fuerte
road / la calle
no / no
farmer / el granjero
eg 6 o´clock / a las 6
turnips / los nabos
red apples / las manzanas
chimney / la chimenea
fire / el fuego
second / segundo
sticks / los palos
door / la puerta
field / el campo
five / cinco
basket / el cesto
frightened / asustado
pot / la cazuela
roof / el tejado
Third / tercero
bricks / los ladrillos
down / abajo
six / seis
four / cuatro
apple tree / el manzano
one / uno
water / el agua
splash / chapoteo
angry / enfadado
Activity 1 - basic
Cut the strips and recreate the story in Spanish. If the child cannot read then ask the child to recall
the sequence of the story.
Activity 2 - advanced
Cut the strips. Match the Spanish sentences with the English sentences.
Mamá cerda le dice a los tres cerditos
que se vayan y construyan sus propias
Mother pig tells her three little pigs to go
and build their own houses.
Les previene de que tengan mucho
cuidado con el Lobo.
She warns them to watch out for the wolf.
El primer cerdito construye su casa con
paja. La ha terminado rápido para
poder ir a jugar.
The first little pig builds his house of
straw. He finishes quickly so he can play.
El segundo cerdito construye su casa
con palos y después se va a jugar.
The second little pig builds his house of
sticks and then he goes to play.
El tercer cerdito construye su casa con
ladrillos. Ha trabajado muy duro.
The third pig builds his house of bricks. He
works very hard.
El lobo ve la casa de paja. Llama a la
The wolf sees the house of straw. He
knocks on the door.
El lobo dice: “Cerdito, cerdito, dejame
The wolf says, “Little pig, little pig, let me
come in."
El cerdito responde: “ No, nunca jamás
te abriré la puerta”
The little pig replies, "Not by the hair of
my chinny chin chin. I will not let you come
El lobo dice: “Soplaré y soplaré y la
casa derribaré”
So the wolf says "Then I'll huff and I'll
puff and I'll blow your house down."
El lobo sopla y sopla. La casa de paja
se derriba y el lobo se come al
The wolf huffs and he puffs. The house of
straw falls down and the wolf eats the pig.
El lobo ve la casa de palo. Llama a la
The wolf sees the house of sticks. He
knocks on the door.
El lobo dice: “Cerdito, cerdito, dejame
The wolf says, “Little pig, little pig, let me
come in."
El cerdito responde: “ No, nunca jamás
te abriré la puerta”
The pig replies, "Not by the hair of my
chinny chin chin. I will not let you come in."
El lobo dice: “Soplaré y soplaré y la
casa derribaré”
So the wolf says "Then I'll huff and I'll
puff and I'll blow your house down."
El lobo sopla y sopla. La casa de palo
se derriba y el lobo se come al
The wolf huffs and he puffs. The house of
sticks falls down and the wolf eats the pig.
El lobo ve la casa de ladrillo. Llama a
la puerta.
The wolf sees the house of bricks. He
knocks on the door.
El lobo dice: “Cerdito, cerdito, dejame
The wolf says, “Little pig, little pig, let me
come in."
El cerdito responde: “ No, nunca jamás
te abriré la puerta”
The pig replies, "Not by the hair of my
chinny chin chin. I will not let you come in."
El lobo dice: “Soplaré y soplaré y la
casa derribaré”
So the wolf says "Then I'll huff and I'll
puff and I'll blow your house down."
El lobo sopla y sopla. Pero la casa de
ladrillo no se derriba.
The wolf huffs and he puffs. But the house
of bricks doesn´t fall down.
El lobo está enfadado, pero trata de
hacerse amigo del tercer cerdito.
The wolf is angry, but tries to be friendly
to the third pig.
El lobo le pide al tercer cerdito que se
encuentren en el campo del granjero
Smith, para recoger nabos.
The wolf asks the third pig to meet him at
Farmer Smith´s field to pick turnips.
El cerdito llega temprano, llena la
cesta de nabos y vuelve antes de que
el lobo llegue.
The pig arrives early, fills his basket with
turnips and returns before the wolf arrives.
El lobo está enfadado por que el
cerdito le ha engañado. Pero vuelve a
ser agradable con el cerdito.
The wolf is angry that the pig has tricked
him. But he is nice to the little pig.
El lobo le pide al cerdito que se
encuentren en el manzano del granjero
Brown para recoger manzanas.
The wolf asks the pig to meet him at
Farmer Brown´s apple tree to pick apples.
El cerdito va al manzano del granjero
Brown a recoger manzanas sin el lobo.
The pig goes to Farmer Brown´s apple tree
to pick apples without the wolf.
El lobo está enfadado y dice: “Te voy
a comer. Voy a bajar por tu chimenea
para cogerte”.
The wolf is angry and says “I´m going to
eat you, I am going to climb down your
chimney to get you”
El cerdito está asustado. El tercer
cerdito pone una gran cazuela de agua
en el fuego para hervir.
The pig is frightened. The third pig puts a
big pot of water on the fire to boil.
El lobo se sube al tejado y baja por la
The wolf climbs on the roof and climbs down
the chimney.
El lobo cae dentro de la cazuela
The wolf falls into the cooking pot.
Ese fue el fin del Lobo malvado. El
tercer cerdito era demasiado listo para
That was the end of the bad wolf. The
third pig was too clever for him.
Activity 3 - intermediate
Identify the names
A red tiled roof
Grey clouds
Red tractor
A small farm