17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
137 Moll drive • santa rosa beach, fl 32459 • ph 850.267.2558 • fax 850.267.3711
Pastoral Team
Pastor: Fr. Kevin Johnson
Deacon: Deacon Dave Casey
Pastoral Assistant: Joe Colello
Secretary: Karla Garcia
Director of Religious Education:
Monique Murray
Pre-School Director: Lisa Brooks
Director of Music: Adele Armitage
Bookkeeper: Laurie Elliott
Maintenance Director: Mike Downey
Pastoral Council President: Andy Bukaty
Finance Chairman: Ray Meyer, III
Sacramental Schedule
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil 5:30 PM
Sunday 8 AM,10 AM, 5 PM
Christ the King 12 Noon
Hispanic Mass, 2nd & 4th Saturday 7 PM
Weekday Masses 8:30 AM
1st Saturday Mass 8:30 AM
Holy Days- as announced in bulletin
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saint Rita: Saturday 4-5 PM
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions for the Week
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Altar Linen
July 26th
August 2nd
August 9th
August 16th
Patsy Mall
Anna Fowler
Cathy Tullos
Paula Michalak
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
Caring & Sharing of South Walton
- Please take your donations to the
Mary Star of the Sea Room.
July 27
James E. Norton By Leslie Patton
James H. Stevens Jr. By Stevens Family
July 28
Mary Jane Labaron By Leslie Patton
July 30
July 31
5:30 PM
August 1
8:30 AM
Saint Rita
$ 11,892
Building Fund
Upon This Rock
Thank you!
† Silvia Delgadillo By Karla Garcia
8:30 AM
Marilyn Aber
Chuck Allen
Olga Alvarez
Bill Atkinson
Kacee Bercegeay
Sharon Bologna
Joshua Boudreaux
Fernando Calle
July 25
† Ruby Marhsall By Will and Jamie Conley
† Silvia Delgadillo By Carlos Delgadillo
July 26 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
† Margaret Hambrough
Olga Alvarez By Garcia Family
Mass for the People of the Parish
Wednesday July 29
Caring & Sharing
Prayer Requests
July 26, 2015
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
† Holly Vandiver By Reuben Perdomo
Ella Mirsh By Leslie Patton
† Micheal DiPinto By Barbara DiPinto
August 2 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
† Silvia Delgadillo By Carlos Delgadillo
CTK Mass for the People of the Parish
Mass Intentions are available by calling the church office at (850) 267-2558.
Daniel Carlton
Fred Casey
James T. Cinnamond
Michelle Clancy
Tracy Cobia
Mae Conaster
Baby Sophia Cooper
Darya &Danika Darley
Josh Doherty
Juan Carlos
Jan Ebbecke
Collette Edwards
Anne Ferguson
Ann Floreck
Jeanne Forte
Susan Fortson
Joe Gagliano
Rob Gibson
Karla Yzanel Gomez
Maria Gouin
Hayden Green
Rosemary Greenkorn
Richard Hackle
Cheri Harris
Ann Henderson
Lori Herring
Jeff Hill
Thomas Jahanian
Brandy Kirkland
Ulrika Laurence
John LeBleu
Joseph LeBleu
Paul LeBleu
Concetta Loduca
Dee Logue
Monica Lopez
Jim Mahan
Patrick Malambrie
Betty Miller
Patrick Miller
Monique Murray
Pat Neal
Berenice Newell
Carolynn Opar
Boone Pendergast
Steve Peterson
Christopher Pierce
Judy Pritchett
Samantha Reed
Joel Rivera
Deborah Pendergast
Mary Katherine Rookis
Roselyne Rose
Melissa Savoie
Joyce Schilly
Susie Segar
Charles Shromer
Chris Simerly
Liz Skalicky
Bonnie Slice
Nick Sorel
Chuck Thompson
Jennifer Trousdale
Keith Tullos
John Vambro
Herb Weinand
Cliff Wesson
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
From the GOD SQUAD:
This Week at St. Rita
Sat. July 25 & Sun. July 26 Diocesan Day of Prayer
for Vocations to the Priesthood and Annual Burse
Club Membership Sunday
“The Miracle We Need” “Give Us This Day” July 5, 2015: p. 60-61
Monday, July 27
7:00pm Prayer Group - Church
6:00pm Boy Scouts MSSR
You and I aren’t like the people of Nazareth at all, are we?
We think to ourselves,”hey, I got faith. I believe. I come to
Mass on Sunday, so send me my miracles!”
Tuesday, July 28
6:00pm Hispanic Choir Practice Church
Knights of Columbus Installation Dinner
at The Bric-a-Brac 6:00pm
You and I want God to hurl miracles at us! You and I want God
to force Himself on us, don’t we!
Wednesday, July 29
No Sewing Group
4:30pm Youth Choir - Church
6:00-8:00pm Hispanic Bible Study
What if the miracle that God wants to perform isn’t the miracle
we want God to perform? What if God wants to perform a
holiness miracle – you know – somehow getting us to stop
sinning, to stop gossiping, to be more generous, more patient,
more loving?
Rosary & Chaplet after daily 8:30am Mass
Major Events in August
Religious Ed Registration the entire Month of August
August 1 1st Saturday Mass at 8:30
August 7 1st Friday—Adoration
August 10 Preschool Orientation 5:30 PM
August 11
Preschool Starts
August 18 Knights of Columbus Meeting
at Corpus Christi Parish
Well,…maybe not.
What if God wants to stir us into holy action – not so that our
lives will be better but so that the live of others will be better?
Maybe we really want God to be God, but not if it means we
have to give one-tenth of our gross income to the poor –
having to go hungry ourselves so that those who are starving
might have food, or shelter, or clothing.
“Maybe I have to let God be ‘who God is’ in
order to let me be who I’m supposed to be.”
By popular demand,
beginning SEPTEMBER 9th,
4pm Confirmation Class; 5:15pm Dinner
6:00 Classes for adults, teenagers and children
Saint Rita is re-inaugurating a Family Religious Education Night
Religious Education
Saint Rita Church is seeking Catechists!
Have you considered becoming a catechist? As a catechist in our Family
Religious Education classes, you would
•Nourish the faith of adults, teenagers and children and
• Grow in your understanding of the teachings of the church. • Be a positive role model
• Be part of the 2000 year tradition of catechesis • Share your gifts of time and talent
• Become more involved in our parish community, and • Live Jesus’ command to “Go and teach all nations.”
Saint Rita Family Religious Education program is in need of adult volunteers who have an appreciation for
and commitment to teaching the good news of Jesus Christ. Classes will begin September 9th.
No experience necessary. Contact Monique Murray at the office (850)267-2558 if you are interested.
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
At Saint Rita, our RCIA classes are open to all parishioners.
Classes begin on Monday September 14th, 6:30PM, Conference Room at the Office.
“Growing up, many of us received our faith by memorizing the Baltimore Catechism, but our
faith is much richer than we realize! We thought we knew our faith, then we started teaching
RCIA classes and found out we only knew a fraction of what there is to know! Every day, we learn
something new about our faith. All who wish to deepen their faith are invited to join us.”
Contact the church office for more information at (850) 267-2558.
– Will Conley and Jenna Conley are our leaders of the Saint Rita RCIA
Saint RitaWomen’s Club
Lunch Bunch
Join us for our next lunch
Tues., August 11th at noon
Sunset Bay Cafe
(in the Sandestin Resort)
9300 U. S. Hwy 98 West
Miramar Beach, FL 32550
RSVP by August 9th
Alice Ann Sanchez
Society of
SINCE 1833
DO YOU NEED HELP? Call the St. Vincent de Paul hotline
at 888-229-6582 ¿Necesita ayuda? Llame a la Sociedad
de San Vicente de Paul al
850-424-3740 y pregunte por Tony.
Grow spiritually, make new friends
and live as Christ taught us, “…I was
hungry and you gave me food.”
We want you… as a member…
to share your time, treasure and
talents… to assist those in need.
For more info call Stephen Starkey
at 678-362-0284
The Saint Rita Family Religious Education
program is in need of adult volunteers who have
an appreciation for and commitment to
teaching the good news of Jesus Christ!
Classes will begin September 9th.
Contact Monique Murray at the office (850)267-2558 if you are interested.
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 26, 2015
Misa en Español
Segundo y Cuarto Sábado – 7 PM
Celebrante – Padre Álvaro González
Información: Felita Asteinza (850) 278-6166
Boletín: María Cecilia Mouriz (850) 424-3740
Adoración de la Eucaristía: Primer Viernes del Mes 9 am - 9 pm
Clases Bautismal: Segundo y Cuarto Jueves del Mes 6 pm – 8 pm
contactar a Claudia Dávila (850) 225-5773
Grupo Estudio Bíblico Miércoles 6 pm – 8 pm saloncito de la cafetería
Recuerden en sus oraciones...
Pidan al Señor por los enfermos, los difuntos de nuestra parroquia, y por nuestras intenciones. Oremos
por Mike Darley, hermano de Felita, por Clara Corral, tía de Cecilia, y por Olga Alvarez que se
enfrentan a situaciones delicadas de salud. También por Lucía Lobato y sus niños: Jasmin, Alejandra y
Joseph Medina que sufrieron un accidente automovilistico y fueron lesionados. Le pedimos a Dios que
tengan una recuperación rápida. Todos necesitamos de la ayuda de El Señor.
“Queridos hermanos enfermos, no pierdan la esperanza, ni siquiera en
los momentos de mayor dificultad. Cristo está a su lado.”
25 de julio de 2015
Se recaudó $860.00 en la comida para beneficio de la familia Medina-Lobato. Muchas gracias a todos los
voluntarios y a los que participaron.
El miércoles 5 de agosto de 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, el Padre Alvaro tendrá una reunión en la Iglesia para dar
información a todos que desean participar como ministro en Santa Rita.
Se necesita persona para cuidar a una persona enferma. 2½ días a la semana, martes o miércoles y viernes de
7:00 am – 5:00 pm y los sábados de 7:00 am -1:00 pm. Necesita hablar inglés. Si está interesada comuniquese
con Felita (850) 278-6166.
Si está interesado en poner su nombre en un directorio anunciando sus servicios (cuidado de niños, reparaciones
de casas, cuidado del jardín, etc) por favor mande su información a mcmouriz@aol.com o se lo da por escrito a
Cecilia o Felita antes o después de la Misa.
Por favor, antes de salir de casa para la IGLESIA preguntese, la ropa que estoy usando demuestra el
RESPETO y DEVOCION que nuestro SEÑOR merece.
¿Necesita ayuda? No hacen falta documentos
llame a Tony al: (850) 424-3740
Requests for God’s
17th Sunday in Ordinary
July 26, 2015
Loving and Divine Healing
– To soothe the hearts and souls in a positive manner
of those around the world wishing to destroy Christians.
We ask that their evil hearts be turned to the goodness of God!!!
We also pray for these CTK Family Members; their Relatives and their
Friends: Dennis Skelly, Ben Woodham, Suzi Butler Risher, Joyce Terrell,
Sheron Heraway, Melissa Ward and Family, Janet and Ken, Susan Chaney,
Chuck and Debbie Jenkins, Garland Hughes, Charles Heraway, Brennan
Comiskey, Liam O’Connell, Gloria Trainer, Judy Pritchett, Judy McClanahan,
Sally Orlosky, Morton Harris, Jackie Hinsch, Ginny Kersten, Dot
Schettino, Marilyn Riggi, Tom Corsten, Cecil Jones, Emaline Whalon,
6 year-old Giovanni Turner, 7 year-old Van Johnson, David Caggiano,
Mary Helen Kirby, Bertha Turner, a special request, Joyce Schilly,
Ann Aultman, Dan Carlton, Rhonda Trainer, Gerald Foreman, Lily Mc Coy,
Mary Maple, Dan Dowd Sr., George Dunnigan, Jim Sandoski, Dottie
Drury, Michael Fries, Patrick Smith, Nancy Stock, and Skippy Hoffman.
Shirley Tassin. Please also remember to pray for the loving and
Phillip Maple( father of Ross) passed away on July
selfless caregivers of these prayer recipients.
20th and is now resting eternally in the arms of God.
Our condolences to the entire Maple family as they
grieve the passing of Phillip…
Christ the King
15542 Business Highway 331
Freeport, FL 32439
FAX 850-267-3711
Father Kevin Johnson, Pastor
Church Ministry
June 26, 2015:
Eucharistic Ministers – Maryann Guss
Sally Orlosky, Ellie Kratt
Lector – Laureen Riggi
Ushers – Reese Orlosky, Larae Sorrell
August 2, 2015:
Eucharistic Ministers – TBA
Lector – TBA
Ushers – TBA
Use of the Social Center is for members
of CTK. Those using the Center will be
responsible for making sure that: the
AC, all lights, stove and coffee pot are
turned off; check that restrooms are
still clean; take any prepared food with
you; wipe tables, sweep and vacuum if
necessary and make sure that the door
is locked when you leave. We will be
printing a checklist to help you in this
endeavor! ;o)
CTK Social Hall...CTK Members
who wish to utilize the Social Center
are to make arrangements by calling
Bob Santos at 835-0037.
July 26, 2015
• Catholic Charities Caring Coach Program 1st Sunday in
September at CTK
• Ladies Altar Guild Yard Sale this Fall
Please remember to save your no longer needed items for our CTK LAG Yard
Sale this Fall. This is the primary Fundraiser for the Ladies Group. Items
needed include: Furniture, (Working) large and small appliances, working
electronics, linens, clothing for all ages including babies and children’s clothing,
shoes, sports equipment, tools, building supplies, household goods, school supplies,
toys, books, games, bikes, etc. These items will be given a new home and will help
provide the LAG with the funds needed to continue their mission…
CTK Catholic Charities Caring Coach Information was emailed to you this
past week…if you did not receive it, please email Sally at hsdrolo@embarqmail.com
Mass Intentions are available by calling the church office at (850) 267-2558.
2015 is the YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Please pray for vocations!
Sacrament of Reconciliation by appointment.
Building Fund
$ 546
Thank you!
Information for “In Christ’s Corner” or to be added to the CTK Information Master
email list – Send it to Sally at hsdrolo@embarqmail.com
by SUNDAY EVENING in order to go into the following week’s Bulletin.
If you are out of town and would like internet access to the information
in our bulletin, you may go to the SaintRitaParish.org website.