representative of suclf GohsTllC6fe\ieral, Consul, or

representative of suclf GohsTllC6fe\ieral, Consul, or funto, 6 en su auseneia el -rcpi'es'entante de dicho
gnerftl, Consul, 6 VicetfCSngiify se encarVice-Cons,nl, j^hall, so fof as- th^ J^rs *
WJftntP le permitieifenr J»? ieye.s de-jcada
country will per^tj tap fjharm of tyie
de Ja prijpieclatl que el idefuqto haya. dejado,
which th,e .d^easeij, may Jiave, le|t, for, ^.^...j
" ) d& sus legjtjimos Uereder^ y acrqedprea,
of, his, hwtfu]. hqirs ani^ qreditorsyintit an exegutor
or a^mjnXfJxator be^ named Jby T)he sa,^ ([yo^sulf- hasfa) que ^9 nojiibi'ei un aJba*ea. « Iwlminietrador
GeneraJ, RppsuJ, pjr yice-yijm.sujg prlys, je^pre.s^pta- por dicho C6nsntlGieneiaI^ Consul, ft yic,e-Cqpsul,
Los oiudiidarios 'dd Ik Repfiblica! del Paraguay
The subjects pf Her BritanniQ Majesty
in the Republic of Paraguay, and the citizens of the nesidentes «n los dominios de Su Magdstad BnRepublic of Paraguay residing in -the, Dominions of tanioa, jf los sutditos de- Sfl Magestad BritaHer Britilnnio Majesty, shall be exempted from all nica residentes en la Republica del Paraguay,
compulsory military service whatsoever, whether by estaran exentos de todo servicio militar forzoso
sea or land, and from all forced loans or military de cualquier clase de mar 6 tierra, y de todo
exactions or requisitions ; and they shall not be pr6dtaino forzoso, 6 exacciones, & requisiciones
qoinj>ejh?d to pay any charges? re,quisiti9na, or taxes, ujjlitaiQa j jf hp OSP l$& Jfor?ara oa pagar ci<alesorjhighe,r ]th.a-fli thoje j%,^ are jor may be
quierai tsirgas, ,requjeio'n>jiea, & icupu«at<>s^ otros
6 ma4 altqs que .Jos.que se pagan « de pagaa-en por
jes oiwdadaaosjti sibditos natives,
Ii shall Jbafraafos ^a,dk of ether rtwo/ i
de Us Mda 'Partes CantratkriffiAehdra
Parties to appoint Qousulsj fojt :tbfi!> protection, of la liberitad fie nbW'bra'r Ctfnsiiles 'pa'ra fe"prdteccion
trade, to reside in the dominion&tgind; territories flf del comercio, lo^ Wale's 're'Mdir&n' W los^ ter1the other Party j but before any Consul shall act ritorios y dominios de la otra Parte; por antes
as such, he shallyin- the «8,uaLform, be approved de fiincionar un "^Siisiil jk^SiS/tal, sera aprobado
and admitted by flie G6verririien"t to which he is y admitido- en la fprmfl, .acostumbrada. por el
/feat-; "febfl. dither of ihe Coiitractiugi Pjaities may Gptnerno a que esti enviado : y, cuklquiera m las
^xcbpf frJm th«t residence' o^ Coisnls^tcauoh -pat> W>s,JPi.irti@s Coniratantes puede execptuar deTa
ticttlar places "as either of them may judge fit to be 'r^siqencia ae Cdnsules, pjuellos lugares es,pecialeB
j,..- x.._i^.,.J— je ejjaa juzgue iionve'nieiltA bufe
''Thei Ciplemktic) Agentsd andi iCqnalils o£
BTitannicL" Majesty'in the RepuMicubf JParaguayi
shall enjoy whatever privileges, exemptkms^ aad
immunities, are or may be there granted to the
Diplomatic Agents, ^ud Cjrnsujs of any other Nation whatever; and in like inaSmer, the Diplomatic Agents and Consuls of the Republic of
Paraguay in .the dominions o$f. HQ$ <J§
Majesty^: shalLJenjoy wifttey^j griviileges,
tionsj Bud immunities, are ertjmay be tii£
to sigents of anryiiother £Jotienqwha^Y^&
os ^4-Sen^es Wfplom^ibok J fos Cfi^n
12, Republica (del Paraguay en .loa donipi.103
de Su Magestad "Britamca, gOzarM 3e cUalesquiera privilegios, exgnciones, 6 inmunidades
que se conceded (f $a ^Bflcerdieren alii 4 los
Agentes Diplomatics y ,C6nsules de cualquiera
6tra. Nacioni yt r ,del mlstao niodo. fo1? Afeentes
VmioiaMtibfa tfiSule^ & ^.MagesM V&Afiica. W, la Repribtfcaflel,PAfifffy,W^ fle
tinHMA* Urivifegm, fefoc'Snes. 'lfMi3iWes qtfe f -
m% Qejifer sg^urliy o 0 -c
the subjects of H^r.iBiatjanmc
citizens of. the ^lepublic of Paraguay, v, ii agreed
that if ai anj flial anyHSife^rflptitin bf> frienldl
intercourse, tor iny1 rbpture? shotfld linf
lake place teWedti -M WS-nBonttadtin
the subjects or citizens of either of the
trading Parties who may be established in the
dominions or teraitMies of jthepjother, in the exercise of any trade or special employment, shall have
'ffivHeg^ olP TrenaafDin^naiidl' continuing
^rJfimployfllentbthereidj iwifliout aniy
Sernlp'Gori, %& tfulbknioyinenJb
pr6BeM;y| >ai6 liSnge A& ihey; bfihajfflj peacgr
nli <j9mmitMi<}
offencet againsb the jfewsj i p-n^
arf* 6ffe<5t4 ofl whatejtfer description
fee, s^tether in Ihein jftv« ^usto% .qr
entrusted to individuals^ or[ta> the State/ shalj, jagf
"be JiabW <toas&Izttne $j jeqiues^ra^nj,, 0% to -any
%tU«r chargeeairi,demand4 J^hji^^o^e^hicli may b§
made upon the like effects or property ^longin
, K however, fte
heffiBallbe aljpwe
^egajg 4ieh$ <ffafi?ftjli (flfijupftcien em 6^98, ^in BJnj
heir proper
heni to embark at
sel.v'es' delect. Uonseto of a rupture, the
public tunas of 9ie Confiicting Bfiireff shall never
be confiscated, sequestrated, or detained.
onducto para qua se embarquen!
puertos^qire eHtfs^ffiismoi eli^i«re^. Consiguientemente, en el caso indicado de una desinteligencia,
lod^iifoiidos cplQilffliDci) tfLvi.3^o6 ^s^^dl^ Contratantes
nunca seran confiscados, secuestrados, 6 detenidos.
I J*
mayo? ^egufidftd
subditos de Su Magestad Britanio% se
Ju^ar -Talguna/ ^n-tejprupjcjpn qdp t&&\ ^?^*^PA9fl^? P-?
jitinistad 6, ahTiuxrrpmprini6|ntp entrjB 13& AQ^k Pp'rtep
Conti-atantes, los cjy.dji^anp^ q^ubdjjtos, d^ cna];
quiera de las mismas Partes Contratantes, que
esten establecidos gn los territorios 6 dominios de
la otra, en el ejerclcM) de~-MgmAtr&fico u ocupa-
4ft sn h'bertal ^ $ropi^da4j _ ffiienliraf^se port^a
las j^yea j[ y syis •rJtoe^ 7 grfeQto§l dg