Juan R. Castillo Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the

VII Workshop NyNA 2015
Salamanca (España), 6-8 de julio de 2015
Juan R. Castillo
Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza.
UAN R CASTILLO has the responsability to head the
Environmental Sciences Institute and the GEAS research
team of the University of Zaragoza.
He got the BSC (1970) and the PhD (1974) degree
chemistry with doctorate award.
He was Assistant (1972-74), Associated (1974-82), and full professor
since 1982 in the University of Zaragoza. He is involved in Analytical Chemistry
teaching from 1972.
Prof Castillo was visiting professor in Southampton University (UK) 1979, Cincinnati
University (USA) 2001-02, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) 2004-05.
He is author or coauthor of more than 300 papers indexed in the ISI WOK, 4 books,
and 5 chapters.
Prof Castillo has been coordinator of 24 national projects, 2 european projects, as well
as 24 contracts with private companies. He was supervisor of 40 PhD and has
presented more than 500 contributions and lectures in domestic and international
His main research topics are listed in this web site, and they are mainly new Analytical
Techniques and Methods in Environmental Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
(Nanometrology) and Electrochemical Biosensors.
Prof. JR Castillo is an experienced sailor and skier, and he is an unconditional supporter
of the Real Madrid football team. http://nyna2015.usal.es • e-mail: nyna2015@usal.es