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Cental Insurance Company
1622 White Avenue
Oakland, Colorado 80220
June 21, 2019
Miss Grace Dowell
Commercial School
7 Austin Street
Albany, New York 14226
Dear Miss Dowell:
I will appreciate if you can send us your opinion on Miss Joyce Smith. She is
applying for the position as my secretary, and she told me you were her typing
Your infomation cocernig Miss Smith´s abilities and personality will be very
helpful for me.
A stamped envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you very much
for your kind attention.
Sincerely yours,
L.W. Stevens
L. W. Stevens
Enclusure/One Reply Envelope.
125 Maple Street,
Fayeteville, Arkansas 85630
June 11, 2019
Waverly Office Equipment,
425 Pennsylvania Ave.
Waverly, New York 14032
I am plannig to open a store to sell all kinds of office equipment like typerwriters,
adding machines, calculators, office furniture, and so forth.
Knowing that you offer a great variety of ítems in this field, I would like to
receive information about prices, credit plans, discounts, systems of payment and
any additional information that you can supply me to enter into business with your
I hope to receive your answer either by mail or you can send me an electronic
mail at
Yours truly,
Margaret Taylor
Margaret Taylor
15 S.W. Street
Denver, Colorado 80220
August 10, 2010
Wedocore Company
141 South Keystone Avenue
Sayre, Pennsylvania 18840
I would like to obtain full information about your plan “Buy and Save Money” as
advertised in last Monday´s T.V. program.
Congratulations for this type of program that your sponsor every Monday; it is very
interesting and educational. Children enjoy it as well as adults and the topics
presented are very important.
I will appreciate your reply very much.
Very truly yours
Diana Webb
Diana Webb (Miss).
Charle’s S. A.
Street 10, Avenue A Texas
June 12, 2019
Moder Office Equipment,
674 Rizal Avenue.
New York, New York 10158
I am planning to open store to sell all kinds of office equipment like photocopier,
printer, typewriter, and so forth.
Knowing that you offer a great variety of items in this field, I would like to receive
information about prices, credit plans, discounts, systems of payment, financing
facilities, time of shipment and any additional information that you can supply me to
enter into business with your firm.
I hope to receive your answer either by mail or you can send me an electronic mail
Yours truly,
Leonel Castillo
Leonel Castillo
Kay Commercial School
123456 Black Avenue
New York, New York 1205
June 12, 2019
Great Typewriter Company,
6 Charle´s Street.
New York, New York 14236
I would like to obtain full information how to use the new typewriters, the
maintenance, the colors, the size, the model, and so forth.
Knowing that you offer a great variety of items in this field, I would like to give a
demonstration to the students of my school.
I hope to receive tour answer and set the date and hour for the demonstration your
Yours truly,
Anne Kay
Anne Kay
7 Austin Street
Albany New York 14226
July 30, 2010
Central Insurance Company
1622 white Avenue
Oakland, Colorado 80220
Attention of: L.W. Stevens, Manager
It is a pleasure to give you my opinion on Miss Joyce Smith, who is applying for
the position as your secretary.
She was an excellent student, her typing is very neat and accurate and I am
sure she will do good work because of her secretarial abilities and for her nice
I do not hesitate to recommend her.
Cordially yours,
Grace Dowell
Miss Grace Dowell
Typing teacher
Wedocare Company
141 South Keystone Avenue,
Sayre, Pennsylvania 18840.
September 12, 2010
Miss Diana Webb,
15 S.W. Street,
Denver, Colorado 80220
Dear Miss Webb:
We are pleased to know that you are interested in our plan “Buy and Save Money”;
it is very satisfying to receive comments as yours.
We are enclosing a brochure containing all information on our plan. Besides you
can also look for our most recent offers in our web site at
If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask for it.
We hope to make business with you and help you buy the best.
Respectfully Yours,
The Wedocare Company.
Robert Young
Robert Young
Enclosure: 1 brochure
Waverly Office Equipment
425 Pennsylvania Ave.
Waverly, New York 14032
September 4, 2011
Miss Margaret Taylor
125 Maple Street
Fayetteville, Ark. 85630
Dear Miss Taylor:
In answer to your letter dated August 28, we are pleased to send you the
information requested.
We are enclosing a catalog for you to see all the different sizes, styles, quality,
makes and prices for office equipment.
Our credit system is the following: the customer must anticipate 25 per cent of the
total amount in the moment of the purchase. The balance is paid in monthly
installments. We will grant you a 30% discount in purchases made cash.
We hope our information is complete and we will be looking forward to your prompt
Very truly yours,
John Kelley
John Kelley
Modern Office Equipment
674 Rizal Avenue
New York, New York
June 10, 2018
Sr. Leonel Castillo
125 Maple Street
New York, New York, 10158
Dear Sr. Castillo:
In answer to your letter date June 03, we are pleased to send you’re the
information requested.
We are enclosing a catalog for you to see all the different prices, colors, systems of
payment of our products.
Our credit system in the following: The customer must anticipate percent of the
total amount in the moment of the purchase. The balance is paid in monthly
installments. We will grant you a 25% discounts in purchases made cash.
We hope our information is complete and we will be looking forward to your prompt
Very truly yours,
Katy Steven
Katy Steven
Great Typewriter Company
6 Charles’s Street
New York, New York
June 20, 2019
Dear Miss Kay:
7 Charles’s Street,
New York, New York, 14736.
Dear Miss Kay:
We are pleased to know that you are interested in the information of our new
We are enclosing a catalog for your students to see all the colors, models,
maintenance, of our new typewriters, and so forth.
Besides you can also look and demonstration the of our new typewrites in our web
site at http: // If you need any additional information,
please do not hesitate to ask for it.
We hope our information is complete for your students.
Very truly yours
Alexander Castillo
Alexander Castillo