Proposal: Item three on the Agenda Proposal of approval of the management and actions of the Board of Directors regarding item three of the agenda of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2015, prepared by the Board of Directors of “GAMESA CORPORACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA, S.A.” PROPOSAL THREE AGREEMENT THREE Item Three on the Agenda: “Examination and approval, if applicable, of the management and actions of the Board of Directors during the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2014.” To approve the management and actions of the Board of Directors during the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2014. NOTICE. The present document is a translation of a duly approved document in Spanish- language, and it is only provided for informational purposes. Shall a discrepancy between the present translation and the original document in Spanish-language appear, the text of the original Spanish-language document shall always prevail. Antes de imprimir el presente documento, por favor asegúrate de que es absolutamente necesario. La protección del medioambiente es una responsabilidad de todos. Tenemos el derecho a disfrutar del medioambiente, pero también tenemos la obligación de preservarlo.