COLEGIO LA SALLE Bucaramanga ¡Lasallista! "Lo mejor entre lo mejor" PLAN DE TRABAJO PARA ARS ASIGNATURA: INGLÉS DOCENTE: Angélica Maria Márquez Palomino ESTUDIANTE: PERÍODO: II FECHA: CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN COGNITIVOS - PRAXIOLÓGICOS Muestra un buen dominio conceptual. Comprende información implícita y explicita de conversaciones y diálogos evidenciando competencias lingüísticas. Lee y comprende textos identificando ideas principales, información relevante y personajes principales. CURSO: 2º CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN AXIOLÓGICOS Y/O ACTITUDINALES. Seguimiento de indicaciones. Desarrolla la prueba con honestidad Mantiene un adecuado comportamiento durante la prueba y llega puntual a la misma. ESTANDAR 2 READING: Extrae información de los textos leídos y Utiliza la información extraída para el desarrollo de actividades basadas en el texto. 1. Read the story. Then answer the questions below. Rebecca likes to make cookies. She makes chocolate cookies. She makes nut cookies. Rebecca makes chocolate and nut cookies. Rebecca likes to make cakes. She makes yellow cakes. She makes white cakes. Rebecca makes yellow and white cakes. Rebecca likes to make pies. She makes apple pies. She makes lemon pies. Rebecca makes apple and lemon pies QUESTIONS: 1. What kinds of cookies does Rebecca make? A. chocolate and nut B. fudge and nut C. chocolate and oatmeal 2. What color are Rebecca’s cakes? A. white and brown B. yellow and blue C. yellow and white 3. What kind of pie does Rebecca make? A. lemon pies. B. orange pies. C. kiwi pies. 4. Rebecca does not make A. cakes B. bread C. pies 5. Rebecca makes A. muffins B. cakes C. soup 6. Rebecca makes A. nut pies and apple cakes B. chocolate pies and lemon cookies C. yellow cakes and chocolate Cookies 7. Rebecca is a A. waiter B. baker C. chef 8. Rebecca probably also makes A. bread B. eggs C. candy Pág. 1 de 4 ESTANDAR 3: WRITING-GRAMMAR: Elabora textos cortos acerca de alimentos y animales. 2. Type this o these in the boxes below. 1 Pencil is no good. 2 Is Michelle’s pen. 3 Computer is expensive. 4 Girls are from my college. 5 Bikes are mountain bikes. 6 Is my newspaper. 7 Shoes are too big. 8 Book is very interesting. 9 House is the biggest in the street. 10 Potatoes aren’t cooked. 3. Correct the sentences. Lion can’t run Penguin can fly _________________ _________________ _________________ Parrot can swim Fish can’t swim Dog can’t jump _________________ _________________ _________________ Cat can’t run Hippo can’t swim Bird can’t fly ________________ _________________ _________________ Snake can jump Pág. 2 de 4 4. Describe the food below CARROTS: ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________. HAMBURGUER: __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________. PEPPER: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________. HOT DOG: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________. SANDWICH: ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________. TOMATOES: ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________. Pág. 3 de 4 ESTANDAR 4: LISTENING: Utiliza las estructuras gramaticales vistas reconociendo diferentes animales, alimentos y sus características (lizard, jaguar, octopus, giraffe, elephant, shark, monkey, tiger, owl, fish, broccoli, steak, spinach, cake, pineapple, cherries, grapefruit, strawberries). Pág. 4 de 4