Mass Intentions The Supreme Gift EI Regalo Supremo

Most holy Body and Blood of Christ
Mass Intentions
5:00 P.M.
9:30 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
June 1, 2013
Jeannette Ward – Health
June 2, 2013
Intentions of the Parishioners
June 3, 2013
Milagros Eusebio Yedra – RIP
Rommel Ortega –RIP
June 4, 2013
8:00 A.M.
For Our Holy Father
Wednesday June 5, 2013
8:00 A.M.
The Cano Family – In Thanksgiving
June 6, 2013
8:00 A.M.
For an end of Abortion
June 7, 2013
8:00 P.M.
Keith Allan – RIP
The Supreme Gift
Jesus is gathered with his disciples on the evening before his
Passion. The intense intimacy of the moment is marked by
his apostles’ rapt attention. He begins to speak to them of
what is about to happen. He knows that he is going to suffer,
die, rise, and ascend into heaven. His earthly mission is
coming to a close, and he is preparing them for the next
stage, the epoch of the Church, which he will guide through
the work of the Holy Spirit, the “Advocate.”
To us, this is normal. We know the full story, so we know
what Christ is referring to. But put yourself in the position of
the apostles. Jesus is predicting the future with an uncanny
specificity and confidence. His mastery over other men, over
nature, over sickness and demons, all this was familiar to the
Twelve. If with our imagination we try to enter into this
scene, placing ourselves at the apostles’ side and listening to
these words as if for the first time, perhaps we will hear once
again the untamed grandeur, tender love, and mysterious
truth that radiated from Christ the Lord on the first Holy
During the Last Supper discourse, Christ’s constant refrain is:
if you love me, you will keep my commandment. That
commandment is to “love one another as I have loved you”
(John 13:34), the commandment of charity. In a sense, the
Last Supper is Jesus’ last earthly encounter with his beloved
companions (the later Resurrection appearances already
have an otherworldly feel). These are his parting words, then,
the last flow of love from his Sacred Heart before it is broken
and pierced. They are special words. We need to hear them;
we need to let them sink in.
He knows that these twelve men, so normal and yet so
privileged, love him. He earnestly desires to teach them how
to live out that love; it is in obedience to the wishes of his
heart; it is in imitating his love for them. Love made into
action, into serving, just like Christ’s love from Calvary’s
cross. It is the only mark of a follower of Christ. Jesus never
June 2, 2013
tires of repeating this. He wants to convince us that
everything else is in a distant second place. If, having
discovered his love for us, we courageously and trustingly
leave behind our self-absorption. In the end, we will be
judged on our love – our love for God lived out in love for our
EI Regalo Supremo
Jesús se reunió con sus discípulos en la noche antes de su
Pasión. La intensa intimidad del momento es
marcada por la atención en éxtasis de los apóstoles. EI
empieza a hablarles de lo que estaba por suceder. EI sabe
que va a sufrir, a morir, a resucitar, y a ascender al cielo. Su
misión terrena llega a su fin, y Ellos está preparando para la
siguiente etapa, la época de la Iglesia, la cual el guiara a
través del trabajo del Espíritu Santo, el “Defensor."
Para nosotros esto es normal. Conocemos la historia
completa, así es que sabemos a lo que Cristo se
está refiriendo. Pero pónganse ustedes en el lugar de los
con confianza. Su dominio sobre otros hombres, sobre la
naturaleza, sobre las enfermedades y los demonios, todo
esto era muy familiar para los doce. Si con nuestra
imaginación tratamos de entrar en esa escena, tal vez
escucharemos nuevamente la grandeza, el amor tierno, V la
misteriosa verdad que resplandecía de Cristo el Señor en el
primer Jueves Santo.
Durante el discurso de la Ultima Cena, el dicho constante de
mandamientos. EI mandamiento es el de “amarse los unos a
los otros como yo los he amado" (Juan 13:34), el
mandamiento de la caridad. En cierto sentido, la Ultima Cena
es el último encuentro de Jesús en la tierra con sus amados
compañeros (las apariciones después de la Resurrección va
tenían un cierto sentido del otro mundo). Esas son sus
palabras de despedida, y por lo tanto también, el ultimo flujo
de amor manando de su Sagrado Corazón antes de ser
quebrantado y traspasado.
Esas son palabras especiales. Nosotros necesitamos
escucharlas: necesitamos que se penetren en nosotros. EI
sabe que estos doce hombres, tan normales y sin embargo
tan privilegiados, lo aman. EI ardientemente desea
ensenarles como vivir ese amor; en servicio, así como el
amor de Cristo se demostró desde la cruz del Calvario. Es la
única marca de un seguidor de Cristo. Jesús nuca se cansa de
repetir eso. EI quiere convencernos de que todo lo demás
está en Segundo lugar. Si después de haber descubierto su
amor por nosotros, nosotros valerosa y confiadamente
dejamos atrás nuestra propia absorción. AI final, seremos
juzgados sobre nuestro amor - nuestro amor por Dios vivido
en el amor de nuestro prójimo.
What does it profit you to give God one thing if He asks of you another? Consider what it is God wants, and then do it.
-John of the Cross
Most holy Body and Blood of Christ
Elizabeth Crisostomo, Catherine Jnaice
Pingkian, Teodolfo Estrella, Jr., Felicity
Pingkian, Jessa Monique Estrella, Dave
Michael Estrella, Val lLouie Arellano, Staci
Neral, Jude Jarrett Tervino, Jeanette Trevino,
Jim Neral, Shane Connor O’Connell, Jim Whisnand,
Roxanne Holmes, Garrett Baumann, Francisco Torres,
Michael Mathews, Virgil Patterson, Javier Gonzales, Joe
Melfi, Marcela Mason, Veronica Schmidt, Baby Mikel J.
Sullivan, Jr Heather Janikowski, Pat Campbell, Pat Lallou,
Kelissa DeVencenzi, Barbara Bryant, Nora Scott, Jim
Whisnand, John David Admire, Emily Mazzetti, Marianne
MacNitt, Sharla Sullivan, Sheryll Calderone, Sandra Belsky
and Family, Brittney Poulson, John and Kathleen Admire
Also, please remember those who have died: Barbara
Banda, Bobbe Wilder, Rich Miller, Michael Martinez,
Elizabeth Torres, William Bryant, Ann Duron, and Editha
Do you know anyone who would like to be listed for prayer? Please
Call the Office at 760-742-3317 or Mike Kerrigan at 951-805-3872
Around the Mission
Baptisms: Wendy Magaña, Pablo Ángel Trejo,
Daisy Honey Trejo, Antonio Ángel Trejo,
Emma Marie Matteson, Akatzin Nimemi Gonzalez-Oros,
Eva Hernandez, Eva Flores
First Anniversary RIP:
Quinceanera: Mireya Solis, Briana Barajas
Monica Orozco
Wedding: Sonia Velez and Juan Manuel
Diana Tran and Andrew Zwers
Sarah Nichols and Scott Bey
Wedding Anniversary:
Saturday, June 1 – VCHS Dance /Concert, 5:30 PM
Sunday, June 2 – Corpus Christi Fiesta, 11:00AM
Friday, June 7 – Adult Team Meeting
Friday, June 14 Graduation Party, 6:30 PM
Monday, June 17 – Disneyland –, 6:30 AM
Thursday, June 20 – Sports Practice, 10:00AM
Friday, June 21 – Youth Night
Monday, June 24 – Altar Society/Youth Leadership
Thursday, June 27 – Sports Practice, 10:30AM
Friday, June 28 – Confirmation Interviews
Saturday, June 29 – Beach Party
For more information about these activities, please contact
Jazmin Hernandez at, 760-807-9615, or
760-742-3317, ext 104.
June 2, 2013
It is my privilege and great honor to welcome you to
celebrate with us our 197th year
of Corpus Christi Fiesta at Mission
San Antonio de Pala. This is my
fifth year since becoming Pastor
of this wonderful mission. In my
few years here I have gained a
great appreciation for how our
together every year to create this special event and
carry on our many traditions.
Our Corpus Christi celebration originated in 1816 to
celebrate the opening of our Mission here as an
Assistancia to Mission San Luis Rey. Our Mass and
Procession are today, much as they have through the
decades. The Fiesta itself has grown into a wonderful
family affair, put on for locals and visitors alike, to
celebrate the colorful history of this Reservation and
those near, including St. James, Pauma, Our Lady of
Refuge, La Jolla and St. Bartholomew in Rincon. Our
dedicated sponsors and devoted volunteers allow the
continuation of these community-building traditions.
I invite you, your families and friends to come and
celebrate Corpus Christi with us at our Mass, our
Procession through the Pala village and the Fiesta with
the beautiful backdrop of our serene mission.
May God bless you today and always!
Father Rey Manahan
Congratulations to our Confirmandi
The Sacrament of Confirmation sanctifying grace,
the life of God intensified and increased within us,
but also sacramental graces and the supernatural
strength and courage to profess and live our faith
with constancy. You also receive the indwelling
presence of the Holy Spirit, who brings to the soul
the abundance of His divine fruits and gifts. Please
keep these young adults in prayer as they go out
into the world:
Mechelle Zuniga, Alexis Villegas,
Francisco Santana, Edwin Sanchez,
Fabio Jesus Rizo, Brianna Paz,
David Ortega, Maritza Morales,
Daniela Martinez, Maria Magana,
Angela Maria Luna, Alicia Lizarraga,
Clarita Guzman, Kevin Gonzalez,
Yesenia Garcia, Simon Garcia,
Luis Garcia, Jasmin Garcia, Betsy Garcia,
Elizabeth Cortez, Alicia Cardona,
Adriana Cordona, and Gemma Aguilar
For me prayer is an upward leap of the heart, an untroubled glance toward heaven, a cry of gratitude and love which I
utter from the depths of sorrow as well as from the heights of joy. -St. Thérèse of Lisieux