07-10-2016 Insert St. MARK.pub

July 10, 2016
In today’s Gospel the Scholar of the Law’s questions try to test Jesus --- and J ‐
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”. Jesus in fact affirms the words of Moses found in the 1st reading: "It is something very near to
you, already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out.”
Jesus tells His interrogator the same thing: "Do this and you will live." The scholar, however, wants to
know where he can draw the line. That's the motive behind his question: "Who is my neighbor?" In his
compassion, the Samaritan in Jesus' parable reveals the boundless mercy of God - who came down to us
when we were fallen in sin, close to dead, unable to pick ourselves up.
In the words of St. Paul in the 2nd reading today, Jesus is "the image of the invisible God”. In Him, the love
of God has come very near to us. By the "blood of His Cross" — by bearing His neighbors' sufferings in His
own body, being himself stripped and beaten and left for dead — He saved us from the bonds of sin, reconciling us to God and to one another.
Jesus our Savior pays the price for us, heals the wounds of our sins, pours out on us the oil and wine
through the sacraments, and entrusts us to the care of His Church until He comes back for us. We need to
humbly acknowledge that His love knows no limits. The responsibility given us as true recipients of such
great love, is to love as we have been loved, to do for others what He has done for us. Nourished by the
Body and Blood of Christ in the Mass, we are called to nourish the world with Christ’s love in service. Jesus loves us and we, therefore, “Go and do likewise."
Fr. Michael
En el Evangelio de hoy, el doctor de las preguntas de la ley trato de poner a prueba a Jesús --- y J
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% ”. Jesús, en efecto afirma las palabras de Moisés encontradas en la 1era lectura: “Es algo muy cerca de ustedes, en sus bocas y en sus corazones; solo tienen
que cumplirlo”.
Jesús dice a su interrogante lo mismo: “Haz lo mismo y vivirás”. El doctor de la ley, de cualquier manera,
quería saber dónde él podía marcar la línea. Ese es el motivo detrás de la pregunta: “¿quién es mi prójimo?” En su compasión, el Samaritano en la parábola de Jesús, revela el sin límites de la misericordia de
Dios – quien bajó hasta nosotros cuando caímos en el pecado, cerca de la muerte, incapaces de levantarnos por nosotros mismos.
En las palabras de Sn. Pablo en la 2da lectura de hoy, Jesús es “la imagen del Dios invisible”. En El, el amor
de Dios viene muy cerca de nosotros. Por la “Sangre de su Cruz” __ sufriendo los sufrimientos de su prójimo en su propio cuerpo, siendo desnudado y maltratado y dejándolo a la muerte – Él nos salvó del cautiverio del pecado, reconciliándonos con Dios y con los demás.
Jesús nuestro Salvador paga el precio por nosotros, sana las heridas de nuestros pecados, pone sobre
nosotros el aceite y el vino mediante los sacramentos, y nos confía el cuidado de su Iglesia hasta que regrese por nosotros. Necesitamos humildemente reconocer que su amor no conoce límites. La responsabilidad dada a nosotros como verdaderos recipientes de tan grande amor, es amar como hemos sido
amados, hacer por otros lo que Él ha hecho por nosotros. Nutriéndonos con el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo
en la Misa, estamos llamados a nutrir al mundo con el amor de Cristo en el servicio. Jesús nos ama, entonces nosotros, “Vayamos y hagamos lo mismo”.
Padre Miguel
EXTRA Mas s on the Blessing Day
July 17 th
In English — 5:00 pm
EUGENE CATHOLIC YOUNG ADULTS Group — Join the discussion this coming Thursday, July 14th ,
6:45pm at St. Mary in downtown Eugene. ECYA is for ages 21-39, single or married, and meet on most Thursdays …. Inquiries: eugeneyoungadults@gmail.com or 541-270-9329 or facebook.com/EugeneCYA.
AT MARIST HS — OFFICE & SUBSTITUTE COORDINATOR, ADMISSIONS MANAGER, & ADVANCEMENT EVENTS MANAGER — each is full time, Go to www.marisths.org to download the employment
application/materials. Send application, letter of interest, resume, and 2 letters of recommendation to Stacey
Baker (sbaker@marisths.org).
FOR YOUNG ADULTS — If you are between the ages of 21-39, join us for a camping retreat at
Diamond Lake, August 26-28. Focus will be: Mary, Mother of Mercy. Cost is $65 (scholarships available). Questions??
Email: eugeneyoungadults@gmail.com or Call: 541-270-9329.
CATHOLIC WOMEN REJOICE 2016 — Rejoice and Be Free — This year on August 19th & 20th, at St. Anthony in
Tigard (Oregon). For info: www.catholicwomenrejoice.com.
Did you know that couples who attend a Worldwide Marriage encounter (WWME) Weekend:
▪ Experience only a 2% divorce rate
▪ Live the true meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage
▪ Become more involved in their church
▪ Renew the Church through discipleship with other couples
Let Jesus feed your marriage by attending an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend … next dates are: August 26—28
(2016), at Our Lady of Peace Retreat Center in Beaverton. For more information call 503-853-2758, or apply on-line
at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.
1000 DAYS ~ A CULTURE OF LIFE ~ WHERE ALL ARE WELCOMED AND LOVED WITH MERCY: From conception through a child’s second birthday is a crucial time for a child’s development, our best opportunity
to shape a healthier, more prosperous future for a child.
Day 483 Neuroscience has demonstrated that the first two years of life are so profoundly
important to brain development that infants and toddlers who suffer from neglect may never fully recover.
1000 Días ~ Una Cultura de La Vida ~ Donde Todos Son Acogidos Y Amados Con Misericordia: Los
1000 días desde la concepción hasta el segundo cumpleaño de un niño son los más cruciales para el
desarrollo de un niño. Estos 1000 días son nuestra mejor oportunidad para dar forma a un futuro
más sano, más prospero para el niño.
Día 483 La neurociencia ha demostrado que los dos primeros años de vida son tan profundamente importantes para el desarrollo cerebral que aquellos niños que sufren de abandono no pueden nunca recuperarse por completo.