ISAGEN registers the Amoyá Hydroelectric Project as a Clean

ISAGEN registers the Amoyá Hydroelectric Project as a Clean Development
Mechanism with the United Nations
Colombia has the fourth most UN CDM projects of any Latin
American country and the eleventh most in the world.
The Amoyá River Hydroelectric Project, which will produce 80MW, is
the largest CDM project in the energy sector at both the national and
international levels.
The Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) registered the Amoyá River Hydroelectric Project being built by
ISAGEN as a new project that meets the requirements of a Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM).
The announcement was made by ISAGEN's Chief Executive Office, Mr. Luis
Fernando Rico Pinzón, who indicated that with this recognition, both the
Colombian Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (the national
designated authority) and the United Nations have acknowledged the
contribution that this Project makes to sustainable development in Colombia and
to mitigating global climate change.
The Amoyá River Hydroelectric Project is
located in southern Tolima within the
jurisdiction of the municipality of Chaparral,
some 150 km from Ibagué. The plant will
have an installed capacity of 80
megawatts, producing clean energy from a
renewable resource (water) and reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by 176,600
tons of CO2/year.
ISAGEN's CEO explained that projects developed as CDMs are beneficial for
receiving countries and populations in the local areas of influence from an
environmental, social and economic point of view. As such, the very purpose of
the Mechanism- helping reduce emissions in industrialized countries and
contributing to the sustainable development of developing countries- makes
these types of projects desirable and necessary.
Emissions reduction certificates
for the Amoyá Project have been
committed to the Netherlands
through 2014.
Part of the
resources to be received from the
sale of these certificates will be
used by the Company to
contribute to the sustainability of
the Las Hermosas Canyon
through social and environmental investment programs that will help ISAGEN
collaborate with the communities in the region.
"By measuring the Company's carbon footprint since 2008, ISAGEN is
maintaining our installed capacity with a major contribution from competitive
renewable energies: hydroelectricity, geothermal sources, wind farms, and more.
This important step is just another indication of ISAGEN's commitment to
sustainable development that is driving us to become a carbon zero company in
the future," stated Luis Fernando Rico Pinzón.
Medellín, October 10, 2011.
Inés Elvira Vélez
Tel: (4) 3165435
Alma Agudelo
Tel: (1) 6352400
Carlos Andrés Roncancio
Tel: (1) 6352400