Spain in the EU and the State of Latin American Integration

The Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence,
a partnership with Florida International University,
and the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Miami ,
with the sponsorship of the Program of Cultural Cooperation of Spain
cordially invite you to a seminar:
Spain in the EU and
the State of Latin American Integration
Acosta Diego (King’s College, London)
Anna Ayuso (CIDOB, Barcelona)
Dominguez, Roberto (Suffolk U.)
Fernández-Sola, Natividad (Zaragoza)
Galinsoga, Albert (Lleida)
Hakansson, Carlos (Piura, Peru)
Laiseca, Fernando (Santiago Chile)
Levi-Coral, Michel (S. Bolivar, Quito)
María Lorca (U. Miami)
Ruano, Lorena (CIDE, Mexico)
Ambler H. Moss (U. Miami)
Rueda-Junquera, Fernando (Burgos)
Tremolada, Eric (Externado, Bogotá)
When: Friday, February 5, 2010, 8am-5pm
Where: University of Miami
This is a central activity to commemorate
the 25 years (1985-2010) of
Spain’s membership in the EU, and to celebrate
the Spanish presidency of the EU Council (January-June 2010)
For information on the program:
Joaquín Roy, Director
For information on the EU Center
and Spanish presidency programs
María Lorca