A Arelis Marre ero Gonzalezz P Performance-driven Admin nistrative Sup pport Professsional, offeriing versatile office mana agement skillss and p proficiency in Microsoft Offfice program ms. Strong pla anner and prooblem solver who readily adapts to ch hange, w works independently and exceeds expeectations. Ablle to juggle m multiple priorrities and meeet tight dead dlines, w without comp promising qua ality. C CORE KNOWLEEDGE AND SKILLLS AREA Office Skillls Office Management ds Management Record Database Administraation on Front--Desk Receptio Customer Service Human Resources M Event Management Executivve Support Calendarring Payroll heets/Reports Spreadsh Travel Co oordination Computer Skills MS Word (all version ns up to 2010) MS Po owerPoint (all versions v up to 2010) MS Acccess (all versio ons up to 2010) M MS Excel (all veersions up to 20 010) M MS Outlook (alll versions up to o 2010) M MS Windows (aall versions up to Win7) P PROFESSIONALL EXPERIENCE 0 03/2009 – 05/2 2012 Executive Person nal Assistant Amannda Batchelor TTrust, Miami, FFL Maintained professiional and perssonal calendarrs in Outlook, including all domestic and international travel ements and up pdated and coordinated withh other emplo oyees. Managed the daily sch hedule reservvations, engage and bo ooked meetinggs and appointments. Attend ded events/meeetings. Coordinated parties aand events Prepared detailed expense e reportts, tracked income accountss, money transsfers, etc. Man naged a budgeet and coordiinated with acccountant. Read, monitor and d respond to email, answered calls annd handled queries. Prepare correspond dence. missioned workk, coordinated with house staaff and other a ssistants. Comm Respo onsible for the follow f up on household h errands performedd by staff mem mbers; verifyingg that the tasks have been completed c pro operly. Particiipated in daily household staaff meetings, ke eeping notes aand reporting tthe information to employer. Coordinated and su upervised maintenance and d remodeling projects. Resp ponsible for o obtaining estim mates, ervising all servvice personnell and vendors. contraacting and supe Acted as a personal shopper for vaarious items such as; concert tickets, clothing, and other. 0 02/2008 – 11/2 2008 Offfice Manager AIG PPLC, Fort Myerss, FL Respo onsible for all office HR funcctions and adm ministrative duuties. Prepared d and processsed by-weekly office payrolll and maintain ned vacation records. Preparred expense reeports, managged and coordinated travel aagenda for all office staff. R to include claaims checks an nd employee reimbursement r ts. Purchased,, maintained and tracked all office AP/AR supplies, furniture and IT equipme ent. em (programm med access caards and scheeduled period dic maintenance for Coordinated office security syste ns, space utilizzation and leaase issues as w well as act as liaison security systems.) Managed facilities operation b managgement. with building 2 2003 – 2007 Offfice Manager PPro Homes of LLee County, Fo ort Myers, FL All Hu uman Resourcces tasks. Performed administrative tassks related to o customer aaccounts. Answered teleph hone, greeted visitors, v responded to custom mer inquiries aand identified and analyzed customer prob blems. Respo onsible for the daily d administrration and supervision of thee office includeed A/P & A/R. Planne ed and prepare ed daily activities, maintained the calendarr of appointmeents and reportts. A Arelis Marre ero Gonzalezz Processsed new contracts, schedule ed new home walkw thrus as well as warran nty maintenancce with contractors. Suppo orted the marketing activitiess for example; mailed literatuure to current and potential cclients. HR Rachllin Cohen & Ho 2 2000 – 2002 R Specialist / Benefits B Coordiinator oltz, Miami, FL Scheduled and cond duct new hire orientation, reviews r and eemployee exit interview. Preepared offer leetters, os, mailings an nd other general administrative documentts. Responsible for new em mployee backgrround, memo refere ence check and d new hire paperwork. Set up u new hires w with desk, com mputers, netw work access, ph hones, parkin ng cards, keys, ID, etc. Processsed all termin nation paperwork, for examp ple; payroll paaperwork, term mination of benefits and cob bra set up, ne etwork access cancellation, c ettc. Processsed all benefits and coordinate the bene efits enrollmennt period and coordinated tthe yearly emp ployee review ws. Prepared and maintain all Responsible for the planni ng and organization of semiinars, firm meeetings, recruitting fairs, stafff training, firm events, etc. Particiipated in the restructuring r of o the HR depaartment by ta king on projeccts to bring alll required emp ployee docum mentation up to o date. 1 1996 – 2000 Executive Assistaant to VP B BankBoston Int’l Private Bank, Coral Gabless, FL Provid ded transaction nal and administrative duties including buut not limited tto: Preparation n of letters, m memos, meeting minutes, mail merges, faxxes, filing, etc. ments, travel arrrangements, hotel h reservatioons, etc for VPP and the bankers. Scheduled appointm dinated, bankss events, holidaay parties and other function ns. Scheduled and coord ports, such as, the pipelines and a investmennt summaries. Prepared various rep Arrangged seminars,, department meetings, videoconferenc es, meet-me lines, off sitte conferencees and meetings. nciled pipeline reports for Sou uth Cone Team m including Inteernational Teaam (Argentina, Chile, Colomb bia and Recon Peru’ss bankers). Respo onsibilities included: Openin ng of accoun nts, completioon of KYC’s, wire transferrs, credit pro oposal, International credit checks, c etc. w internatio onal client accounts. Managged high net worth Contin nuously deliverred great custo omer service and proactivelyy looked for neew opportunitiees to cross selll other products based on the clients finan ncial needs. t of vacatiion and sick time for all em mployees undeer the South C Cone Team to include, New w York, Kept track Boston n and Miami. Greete ed Clients and Visitors. Respo onsible for main ntaining team’s office supplyy and promotioonal items inveentory. 1 1992–1997 Ad dministrative Assistant A U United Health Care of Florida a, Miami, FL All department officce functions, letters, memoss, calendar etcc. Responsiblee for schedulin ng appointmen nt and meetings. onsible Prepared payroll forr all purchasing, warehouse and courier ddepartments (aabout 20 employees). Respo ompany beepe ers and phoness. for invventory and disstribution of co Worke ed with invento ory and accoun nting compute er systems by kkeeping and up pdating invento ory in systems.. Receivved and proce essed all warehouse invento ory center ordders in system ms. Processed purchase ordeers for about 45 centers. ed Warehouse e manager witth company ve ehicle acciden t reporting an nd processed incident paperwork. Assiste Assiste ed managers with w interview wing of potenttial employeess. Assisted purrchasing manaager in dealingg with vendo ors and reviewing quotes. Coordinated and sch heduled delivery routes for co ompany courieers. Served as d dispatch for co ourier departm ment. EEDUCATION A Arelis Marre ero Gonzalezz A Associates in Sccience, Miami Dade College, Miami, FL, 200 09-Present EEstimated Grad duation: Fall 20 013