GARANTÍA GUARANTEE Los componentes auxiliares para iluminación de ELT se " # |' &|( nica Internacional) vigentes y son fabricados bajo los más % $ normas de gestión ISO-9001 e ISO-14001. Ello permite asegurar una gran durabilidad y garantía en todos los productos de nuestra fabricación. The ELT auxiliary components for lighting are designed in accordance with the current IEC (International Electro technical Commission) regulations and are manufactured under the strictest quality criteria which are based, amongst others, on the management regulations ISO-9001 and ISO-14001. This allows us to guarantee all the products that we manufacture and ensure their long life. 3 años de garantía para los productos ELT } + % # $ &Z " siguientes componentes: % J ( ~ Transformadores magnéticos para lámparas halógenas. ~ Transformadores electrónicos para lámparas halógenas. ¥] % ~ Equipos de doble nivel de potencia. ~ Arrancadores. ~ Condensadores integrados en los equipos. 3 year guarantee for ELT's products Amanufacturer's general guarantee for three (3) years for the following components: [" [ ~ Transformers for halogen lamps. ~ Electronic transformers for halogen lamps. ~ Assemblies for H.P. Sodium, Mercury vapour and Metal Halide lamps. ~ Bi-power system. ~ Ignitors. ~ Capacitors integrated within our assemblies. Este es el periodo normal que ofrecemos a partir del 1 de enero de 2005 y que va más allá del que legalmente esta$ " + nuestros clientes que pueden trasladar a su vez a sus pro $ ELT ofrece además una garantía extendida de 5 años ( ( forman parte está compuesta totalmente por componentes ² (das por ELT. La garantía también será válida si se emplean ( ven una marca de homologación internacional de acuerdo con las normas CEI. ? # % + ( de iluminación deberá estar registrada en ELT en el plazo máximo de 30 días a partir de la fecha de puesta en marcha de la instalación. Para formalizar el registro debe utilizarse el formulario que aparece en nuestra página web This is the normal period of guarantee that we offer as X¯Y}}<Q?XX\ XY established by the Spanish and European regulations. This X Q clients and installations. ELT also offers an extended guarantee of 5 years For its products provided that the lighting installation in which they form a part is made up totally of components Y $Q X ?Y X installation that we give. The guarantee will also be valid if other components are used in the installation, when said ^ ?X X proval in accordance with the IEC regulations. In order for this extended guarantee to take effect, the lighting installation must be registered at ELT within a maximum period of 30 days from the moment when the installation is switched on. Fill in the form that can be obtained at our web page to get the installation duly registered. Estas garantías están sujetas a las siguientes condiciones: These guarantees are subject to the following conditions: El inicio del periodo de garantía de ELT lo marca la fecha # $ ( #¡ en el componente. The start of the guarantee is marked by the manufacturing date, this is supported by the batch number that is marked on the component. ( ( % $ da comprobar que han fallado debido a un defecto en los materiales o a un fallo de fabricación siempre y cuando el ejercicio del derecho de garantía se produzca dentro de su %¡ ELT will carry out the repair, exchange, or payment of those components which fail to operate correctly due to defective material or a manufacturing fault when said components are still within their period of guarantee, following its own criteria. La garantía cubre exclusivamente defectos en los materiales o fallos de fabricación en los componentes fabricados y suministrados por ELT. Quedan excluidas las reclamaciones de garantía en las que ELT no es responsable de los de## % casos: Y $ # $$ no cumplimiento de las condiciones de instalación y uso % %jas de producto y documentación técnica divulgativa. ~ Condiciones anómalas de funcionamiento. * ¥ >#% % similares. ~ Fallos de cualquier accesorio u otros componentes (incluso caso que fueran fabricados o suministrados por ELT) que no sean parte de los componentes cubiertos por esta garantía. ~ Intento de cambio o mantenimiento del componente por * Æ % ¡ " cambiado o borrado. Los derechos de garantía legales que sean de aplicación a nuestros productos no varían con motivo de esta garantía y continúan siendo validos de forma independiente. El derecho a esta garantía debe ser ejecutado por nuestro ? # $ mación al departamento Comercial de ELT. Si se trata de un componente cubierto por la garantía extendida de cinco (5) " ( $ " del formulario debidamente cumplimentado y sellado que evidencie su registro en ELT. The guarantee only covers defective material or manufacturing faults in components manufactured or supplied by $X ?XX$ responsible for the defects or faults or in any of the following cases: ~ Incorrect or abusive use. Any fault that can be attributed to the client or a third party, especially when the conditions of use and installation given by ELT in its catalogues, product information sheets and technical documentation are not respected. [XY ~ Abnormal functioning conditions. [ " Q X Q Q ?Q lence or vandalism or similar situations. ~ Faults in any accessory or other component (even in the case that they were manufactured by ELT) not covered by this guarantee. ~ Maintenance or replacement of the component carried out by any person not authorized by ELT. ~ Damage, change or elimination of the component's batch number. The legal guarantee rights that are applicable to our products do not vary due to this guarantee and continue to be independently valid. Any claim on the guarantee must be made by the ELT direct client. In order to make a claim the client must communicate their problem to the ELT's commercial department. If the YXYX YYXY stamped form as evidence that it has been registered in ELT. The period of guarantee is not extended due to any maintenance carried out under this guarantee. $XX^X Y guarantee claim and promises to quickly deal with any claim in a complete, reliable and honest way. ELT reserves the right to change these terms and conditions for future guarantees without previous notice. El periodo de garantía no se amplia por la ejecución de cualquier mantenimiento cubierto por esta garantía. ( cualquier reclamación de garantía y se compromete a ges # $ cualquier reclamación. Notice: This is an accurate translation of the Spanish text version. The spanish text version remains the sole legally binding text. # % + 199 Installation Registration Form Registration Nº Please, use this form to register the installation of ELT's components and extend their guarantee to five years (according to specifications). Client Information: Name* ............................................................................................................................................. Postcode* ........................................ Street* ............................................................................................................................................. Town/City* ......................................... Person of Contact* .......................................................................................................................... Telephone* ........................................ Installation data: Name* ............................................................................................................................................. Postcode* ........................................ Street* ............................................................................................................................................. Town/City* ........................................ Person of Contact* .......................................................................................................................... Telephone* ........................................ Give a brief description of the installation and its surroundings. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Date that the installation was switched on* ....................................................................... Mains voltage between phases Max .........................V Min .........................V Mains Voltage between phase and neutral Max .........................V Min .........................V Room temperature (only interior installations) .................................ºC Luminaire Lamp Exposure to the elements Public road Tunnel Factory / Industrial Warehouse Office Domestic Use ............................... Operation Days per year* ................................... Hours per day* ................................... Nº switches on per day* .................... Component (ELT)* Batch* Quantity* (F)*............................................ (M)*........................................... (F)*............................................. (M).............................................. ............................................................................ .................. ................. (F).............................................. (M)............................................. (F)............................................... (M).............................................. ............................................................................ .................. ................. (F).............................................. (M)............................................. (F)............................................... (M).............................................. ............................................................................ .................. ................. (F).............................................. (M)............................................. (F)............................................... (M).............................................. ............................................................................ .................. ................. (F).............................................. (M)............................................. (F)............................................... (M).............................................. ............................................................................ .................. ................. (F) Manufacturer (M) Model This form must be filled in and signed by the client. Signature or stamp: Name*: .................................................................. .................................................................. Date*:............................ *Mandatory Information Confirmation that the installation has been registered and of the 5 year guarantees Signature or stamp: ELT Zaragoza Commercial Department: .................................................................. .................................................................. Date:........................... Notes: The valid batch number for the 2P (bi-power),ARCE and those similar, is the one marked on the ballast In the case that the assembly is carried out by the client each of the component's batch numbers must be registered. To make any claim this form, correctly filled in and stamped by ELT, must be presented. If necessary any other observation, plan, diagram, detail etc., can be sent together with this form. Please send us back this form duly filled by: - e-mail to: - Post to: ELT Pol. Malpica, c/E, nº11 50016 Zaragoza (Spain) - Fax to: + 34 976 574 960