August 28, 2016 — Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year C DIOCESE OF AUSTIN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN CENTRAL TEXAS St. Mary’s Catholic Church OUR MISSION STATEMENT St. Mary's is a community of believers dedicated to the living worship of God. As the only Catholic Church in Limestone County, our faith community reflects the ethnic diversity of the towns in which we live. We gather to fulfill our mission as disciples of Jesus Christ: we hear His Word, we celebrate the Sacraments and we witness His love to others. Our Christian witness consists of sharing our spiritual gifts with the grace of God and the example and prayers of our patron saint, the Immaculate Conception, among us and with others - striving to grow in Holiness. PARISH OFFICE 606 North Bonham St., Mexia, TX 76667 Phone:(254)562-3619 Fax:(254)562-6377 Web page: OFFICE HOURS: Sunday: 9:30AM - 11:30AM 4th Sunday: Closed Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM Wednesday: 2:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Summer: Wednesday 10:00 AM – 4:00PM) PARISH CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Fr. Justin Nguyen Email: Deacon Richard Johnson Email: Deacon Dwight Mahoney Phone: (254) 729-2573 Deacon Daniel Ramirez Phone: (254) 562-9196 PARISH STAFF & VOLUNTEERS Secretary: Juanita Rodriguez Email: Finance Manager: Mary Seale Email: Parish Council Chairman: Michagel Gragg Finance Council Chairman: Don Altland CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Sunday Masses: 8:00 & 10:00 AM (English); 12:00 PM (Spanish) Weekday Masses: Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM Established 1886 DEVOTION Adoration: 1st Fridays 11:00 AM 3rd Saturday 7:00PM (Spanish) Rosary: 30 minutes before Sunday Masses CELEBRACION DE LOS SACRAMENTOS CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Wednesday 5:00PM – 6:00PM Sunday AM : 7:15-7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:15-11:45 During office hours or by appointment. SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACION Miércoles 5:00PM – 6:00PM Domingo AM: 7:15-7:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:15-11:45 Durante las horas de la oficina o con cita. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is after Sunday Masses. Baptismal classes: English class: By appointment. Spanish class: 3rd Sunday of each month at 9:00AM-11:00AM SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO Bautismos: después de la Santa Misa en Domingo. Las clases pre-bautismales para Padres y Padrinos. Clases en Ingles: son con cita Clases en Español: El tercer Domingo de cada mes a las 9:00AM-11:00AM SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact the office at least 6 months in advance. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Contact the priest immediately if you or your family members are seriously ill or will have a major surgery. or are old aged or in danger of death. SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO Comunicasen al despacho parroquial con 6 meses de anticipó. SACRAMENTO DE UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Comunicasen con el padre inmediatamente si usted o un familiar esta grabe o va tener una operación seria o si es una persona de la tercer edad o peligro de muerte. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK MINISTERS OF THE WEEK Altar Servers: 8:00AM: Lewis Taylor, Chris Staton, Alberto Hernandez, Belen Hernandez & Bradley Gragg. 10:00AM: Alex Lira, Samantha Lira, Jimmy Nguyen, Johnny Nguyen & Jose Contreras. 12:00PM: Alexis Rivero, Ana Mendoza, Mariel Rodríguez. Lorena Arvizu & Misael Arvizu. Lectors: 8:00AM: Mary Seale (L) & Jo Mahoney (A) 10:00AM: Jane Schlitt (L) & Rick Schlitt (A) 12:00PM: Leticia Mora (L) & Nora García (A) Extraordinary Minister of the Cup: 8:00AM: Randy Goolsby 10:00AM: Sharon Wilson 12:00PM: Ramiro Hernández Pastoral Council members: Maria Brim, Enrique Crosby, Michael Gragg, Marie Keale, Linda Kuborn, Joanne McCain, Carlos Mendoza, Polo Mora and Yocira Ramírez. Finance Council members: Rick Schlitt, Richard Greff, Don Altland, Marcelino Ayala, Janice Davis, Helen Matthews, Polo Mora, Ray Zies, and Mary Seale. Let us pray for the sick: Connie Alvarez, Claudette Mehringer Jefferson, Nicole Collatos, April Pickard, Celina Arellano, David Sheppherd, Kristi Jackson, Crystal Lynch, Tinnie Wilson, Marie Henderson, Reymunda Medina, Cathy Hickman, Tommy Beard, Jackie Rayner, Paul Thomas Mahoney, Lisa Hill, Walter Kimmerling, Charles Little and Nelta Little. Let us pray for the deceased: Empiria Pérez Camacho, Venancio Rodríguez, Alfredo Saldaña, Eloise Frederick, Krista Roden, and Melvin Pinson. Please call the parish office to update the list. Por favor llame al despacho parroquial para actualizar la lista. Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 AM: Pro Populo 10:00 AM: +Eloise Frederick & + Pascual Contreras 12:00 PM: Connie Álvarez Health Intention Family Lambar Resendiz & Family Lambarri Lambar Tuesday: +Rosie Knapek Wednesday: +Rosie Knapek Thursday: +Rosie Knapek Friday: Larry Herman Health Intention Bishop Vásquez’ Prayer Request That we would share our goods with those who are in need and cannot repay us … Por que busquemos compartir nuestros bienes con aquellos necesitados que no pueden pagarnos ... Catholic Social Teaching Corner August 27-28, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time — Today’s readings invite us to meditate on the virtue of humility. Humility is recognizing the truth of who we are before God. It is the virtue that helps us to acknowledge ourselves as creatures that are limited, dependent and needy before our God. This virtue also helps us to identify with the poor who are intimately aware of their dependency and neediness. What can you do this week to interact with someone living in poverty to learn about humility from them? Agosto 27 y 28, Vigésimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario— Las lecturas de hoy nos invitan a meditar en la virtud de la humildad. La humildad es reconocer la verdad sobre quienes somos ante Dios. Es la virtud que nos ayuda a reconocernos a nosotros mismos como criaturas que son limitadas, dependientes y necesitadas ante nuestro Dios. La virtud también nos ayuda a identificar a los pobres que están íntimamente conscientes de su dependencia y necesidad ¿Qué puede usted hacer esta semana para interactuar con alguien viviendo en la pobreza para aprender sobre humildad de él/ella? COLLECTION REPORT Weekly average needed: $3,400.00 Offering Last Sunday 08/21/16: $ 2,569.50 Thank you for your generosity! PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EVENTS ANUNCIOS EN ESPAÑOL Study Group “Gospel of John” You can pick up your book today after Mass. Class will begin Sunday, September 18th, after 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall conference room. Clases de Catecismo Pase por la oficina a matricular a su hijo/a para la clase de Educación Religiosa (Kínder grado hasta Decimo grado de preparatoria) este año escolar 20162017. CCE NEWS Come by the office to register your child for Religious Education Class (Kinder - High School) for the next school year 20162017. New Liturgical Schedule The new liturgical schedule for September through November is in the Church foyer. Please pick one up. If you know that you are not going to be here on your assigned date, please find someone to replace you. Thank you for your ministry. First Friday You are invited for our First Friday Devotion. We have the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 11:00 a.m. followed by the Holy Eucharist at 12:00 p.m. Traditional Latin Mass Fr. Justin will offer a Latin Mass on the Five First Saturdays from June through October to honor our Blessed Mother. The fourth Mass will be this Saturday, September 3rd, at 9:00am. Please come and celebrate the Holy Mass and afterwards join us for a delicious light breakfast. St. Mary's Spirits New season begins, Friday, September 9th, and continues every second Friday of the month through May. Fellowship begins at 9:30 a.m., in the Parish Hall, with light refreshments, followed by choice of table or card games and camaraderie! Mass follows at noon. This first meeting will be planning our programs, field trips, and monthly activities. Please join us with ideas, suggestions, and lots of enthusiasm! We welcome newcomers, old-timers and any timers! Special collection September 11th The U.S Conference Catholic Bishops has asked all dioceses to take up an emergency collection to assist the victims of the 2016 Louisiana floods. As many as 60,000 homes have been damaged. Please support as much as you can. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) class 2016-2017 Registration is open! We would like to invite all adults who have never been baptized; who were baptized in another Christian tradition; who were baptized in the Catholic Church but did not received the sacrament of Eucharist or Confirmation ; or, who would like to know more about the Catholic Faith. The registration form is located in the church foyer. Classes will begin on Tuesday, September 13th, and are from 6:00 p.m.– 7:30p.m. We Thank You Margaret May, Matt Wilson, Darlene Arrington, Jeanette Estrada, Filo Contreras, Daniel Mata III and Mary Jane Mehringer for your time and talent to serve on the Pastoral Council. Thank you Mary Jane for serving as chairman in the past year. You all have done an outstanding job. We also would like to welcome new members: Maria Brim, Enrique Crosby, Marie Keale, Joanne McCain, Carlos Mendoza, Polo Mora, Yocira Ramirez and New Chairman Michael Gragg. Please help us sell 2016 BBQ Festival raffle tickets Come by the parish office to pick up tickets to sell. This year we have 3 fabulous prizes: a 2016 Ford Focus S Sedan, a $2000 vacation package, and an iPad Air. We need everyone's help to make this a successful fundraiser! BBQ Coin Jar Drop your loose coins into our coin jar placed at the Church’s entrance—support this year’s BBQ! BBQ Children’s Games We are now collecting small toys and stuffed animals (new ones please) for prizes. Donations can be dropped off at the church office. The Mehringers are also in need of adult volunteers to supervise and assist in running the snow cone stand and games or anyone interested in running their own game can reserve a spot under the tent by calling Mary Jane Mehringer at (903) 388-8116. Volunteer your family to run a game booth! Tables, prizes and tickets will be provided. BBQ Auction Item If you have an item you wish to donate for the Auction, you may drop it off during office hours. Thank you so much for generosity. BBQ Festival 2016 How can you support our Festival?!! Offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Celebrating Mass is a great gift to your loved ones, living and deceased or for any other special occasion. Stop by the office for open dates. Nuevo Calendario Litúrgico Tenemos el nuevo calendario litúrgico de Septiembre hasta Noviembre, esta ubicado en el pasillo de la Iglesia. Por favor llevasen uno. A dado caso si no pueden asistir la fecha asignada. Por favor buscan un remplazo. Gracias por su ministro. Primer Viernes Están invitados a nuestro Devoción Primer Viernes. Contamos con la Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento a las 11:00 a.m. enseguida por la Santa Eucaristía a las 12:00 p.m. Las Promesa de Nuestra Señora de Fátima Nuestro Párroco Justin ofrecerá la Santa Misa en Latín tradicional los cinco primeros sábados en honor a nuestra Madre empezando en junio hasta octubre. La cuarta Misa es este sábado 3 de Septiembre a las 9:00 de la mañana. Por favor, acompaña al Párroco Justin para celebrar la Santa Misa después habrá un desayuno ligereó en salón parroquial. Colecta especial para el 11 de Septiembre La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos ha pedido a todas las diócesis de acceder a una colecta de emergencia para a las víctimas de las inundaciones del 2016 en estado de Louisiana. Hay nada menos 60,000 viviendas que sido dañadas. Por Favor apoye los mas que pueda. ¿Tiene el Deseo de ser Católico? O sólo quiere aprender más sobre su religión o le falta uno de sus Sacramentos? Puede registrase para las clases de Rito De la Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos. Las Clases empiezan Martes 13 de Septiembre a las 6:00 p.m.—7:30 p.m. El formulario se encuentra en el pasillo de la parroquia. Por favor ayúdenos a vender boletos de la rifa del Festival de la BBQ 2016 Vaya al despacho parroquial a recoger un un paquete de boletos para vender. Este año tenemos 3 fabulosos premios: un 2016 Ford Focus S Sedan, un paquete de vacaciones valorado en $ 2,000.00 y un iPad Air (Tableta de la manzanita).Necesitamos la ayuda de todos para hacer de esto una exitosa recaudación de fondos. Está un jarrón vacío dentro de la Iglesia. Este jarrón es para que echen sus monedas extras para que se usen para nuestra Barbacoa en octubre. Si cada uno de nosotros le echamos unas poquitas monedas cada domingo, el evento será un éxito. Festival de barbacoa 2016 Piense ahora cómo puede apoyar a nuestro Festival en octubre. Puede ser voluntario; Donar un artículo para la subasta; vender boletos de rifa; y llamar a los feligreses para el apoyo y la participación. Se necesita su ayuda! Si usted y su pareja no están casados por la Iglesia Por favor hablen con el Párroco Justino para él pueda darles algún consejo. Recuerden, a veces hay cosas qué se pueden hacer para validar su matrimonio en la iglesia. The Resurrection of Our Bodies Most cultures and religions have despaired of saving the bodies and concentrate on the durability of the souls. But the Catholic Church is different. We definitely believe in the immorality of the soul. But we also affirm the resurrection of the body. Catholicism is interested in the sanctity of the deceased body. But the real bodily focus of our faith is on the transformation of our old dead bodies into new bodies resurrected in Christ on the Last Day. The Gospel tells us the Pharisees believed in the resurrection, but the Sadducees did not. Jesus clearly taught resurrection and rebuked the Sadducees for not believing in it. “Are you not mislead because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God” (Mk. 12:24). Jesus declared that he himself was the source of resurrection. “I am the resurrection and the life” (Jn. 11:25). Just as he raised Lazarus and others from the dead, so he will raise us too. “Everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day” (Jn. 6:40). The Catholic Church teaches that after death, the soul lives on and goes to meet God for judgment. The body decays. The soul awaits the end of time when God will restore it to the resurrected body which will share either eternal life in heaven or punishment in hell. All people will rise from the dead. They will have the same bodies they had in life, but changed. St. Paul uses seed-plant imagery to explain this. “With what kind of body will be dead and brought back?… What you sow is not the body that is to be, but a bare kernel of wheat. God gives it a body as he chooses … So it is with the resurrection of the dead. It is sown corruptible. It is raised incorruptible. It is sown a natural body. It is raised a spiritual body” (1 Cor. 15: 35-37; 42-44). When will this happen? On the Last Day, at the end of the world. Because of our Baptism and life of grace in the sacraments, especially in the Eucharist, we are already sharing in the risen life of Jesus. We have died to sin and risen to divine life in Jesus. We possess even now the kind the kind of life we will have in heaven. Because our whole being shares in grace, even our bodies, temples of the Spirit, have an advanced experience of eternal life, though our bodies will die and only know transformation at the end of time. Our Eucharistic life demonstrates this. Jesus says, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life [right now] and I will raise him on the last day” (Jn. 6:54). Yes, Lord, we believe you are our life today, tomorrow, and forever. Joe Rosas Realtor Belen’s Beauty Salon 208 E. Commerce Mexia, Texas Horario: Lunes – Cerrado M - V 11 A.M. – 8 P.M. Sabado 9 A.M. – 8 P.M. Domingo 9A.M. – 2 P.M. John & Ellie Engle Parishioners Lake Limestone Campground & Marina Janice Davis & Ray Zies 100 PR 5888A Jewett, Texas (800) 636-4119 (903) 626-4119 Cabins, Camping, Store, Restaurant, Fishing Pier Parishioners CECI Parishioner Fox Dental DDS Complete Funeral Services Pre-Arrangements Monuments McKinney at Glendale Streets P. O. Box 309 Mexia, Texas (254) 562 – 2131 President: Cathy Martin (254) 729-8055 Vice-President: Mary Demny (713) 992-6225 Secretary: Margaret May (254) 562-2641 Treasurer: Darlene Arrington (254) 562-5697 ALL LADIES ARE WELCOME. WE MEET EVERY 2ND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH. Please join your voices in prayer with Pope Francis to stop attacks on family life. Dr. Tom Fox, DDS 110 N. Bonham St. Mexia, Texas (254) 562-2881 Old Fashioned Homemade Yeast Rolls 312 E. Milam Mexia, Texas KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS In Service To One. In Service To All. For more information: Rick Schlitt (254) 729-2176 John Schaefer (254) 472-5037 Parishioners 838 Hwy 171 Mexia, TX 472-0400 472-0428 Parishioner Frankie’s Pasta & Pizza REICHER CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 2102 N 23RD STREET WACO, TEXAS 602 N. Hwy 14 Daily Lunch Special Call 562-2388 for Reservations & Catering Best Pizza in Town!