USB Thumb Drive (512 mg min

USB Thumb Drive (512 mg min.)
Inexpensive headphones with either a 3.5 mm or USB plug
Binder and Dividers*
Pens & Pencils
Glue sticks
Colored Pencils
Note cards
*All freshmen should have a three ring binder with tabs for many of their core subjects. (Science, English,
etc) Start the year with one binder and if it becomes too full, you can add the second one later.
**It is highly recommended that your student have their own graphing calculator for their math class. We
use Texas instruments TI-83 or TI-84 in all classes (and on into college), and although some are available
to be checked out, your student will greatly benefit from purchasing their own to help with their homework.
Please remember to keep calculators with you at all times and not leave them in your locker or unattended.
Stayton High School will not be responsible if they are lost or stolen. All other math students are advised to
purchase their own inexpensive calculators to use in class.
USB Thumb Drive/Memoria portátil para computadora (512 mg min.)
Audífonos, no muy caros con conexión de 3.5 mm o USB
Recopilador y Separadores de Materias*
Lapiceras y Lápices
Tubos de Resistol
Lápices de Colores
Tarjetas para notas
*Se requiere que todos los estudiantes freshmen tengan un recopilador con divisores para muchas de sus
materias. (Ciencia, Ingles, etc) Inicien el año con un recopilador y si se llena mucho, pueden añadir otro
** Cualquier estudiante freshmen que tome clases de matemáticas universitarias, se les recomienda
firmemente comprar una calculadora gráfica TI-83 o TI-83+. Recuerden por favor de mantener las
calculadoras consigo mismo todo el tiempo y no dejarlas desatendidas, o en sus casilleros escolares. La
Escuela Preparatoria de Stayton no se hará responsable si se pierden o se las roban. A los demás
estudiantes se les recomienda comprar su propia calculadora económica para usarla en la clase.