Famous HIspanic` Project - 10/20/10

Famous Hispanic Project Requirements: Library Resources & Works Cited Research for this project will come from a MINIMUM of THREE source types (listed below.) All sources used in the creation of the ‘Famous Hispanic Project’ need to be cited in a ‘Works Cited’ document following the MLA guidelines. REQUIRED SOURCE: ‘Biography in Context’ database •To access: http://access.gale.com/tmis •Password: park_rpa •Citation information: bottom of article (Source Citation) cut and paste Example: "Shakira." Contemporary Musicians. Vol. 59. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Gale Biography
In Context. Web. 18 Oct. 2010.
REQUIRED SOURCE: article from EBSCO -­‐ from Pioneer •To access: http://pioneer.uen.org •Password (from home): pioneer/search •Citation Information: Select ‘Print’, then drop down (Citation Format) to MLA. Cancel print, then cut and paste ‘Works Cited’. Example: Neil Francis, Milbert. "Villa, Pancho." Britannica Biographies (2010): 1. Middle
Search Plus. EBSCO. Web. 18 Oct. 2010.
REQUIRED SOURCE: website found by using nettrekker
•To access: http://school.nettrekker.com
•Password: create your own! Use school code: 4VS1S1
•Citation information: Copy url from netrekker search results. Go to
http://www.easybib.com. Select ‘Website’ and ‘MLA’ – see if
‘Autocite’ will include all necessary information by copying url and
selecting ‘cite this’.
"Shakira." Mundo Latino, Tu Idioma, Tu Gente, Tu Cultura, Tu Punto De Inicio En Internet...
Web. 18 Oct. 2010.
Optional Source: PRINT source – book - from any library (try TMIS or PCHS’s library!)
Include a proper citation in your ‘Works Cited’ and add 5% to your project score.
Works Cited
Neil Francis, Milbert. "Villa, Pancho." Britannica Biographies (2010): 1. Middle
Search Plus. EBSCO. Web. 18 Oct. 2010.
"Shakira." Contemporary Musicians. Vol. 59. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Gale Biography In
Context. Web. 18 Oct. 2010.
"Shakira." Mundo Latino, Tu Idioma, Tu Gente, Tu Cultura, Tu Punto De Inicio En
Internet... Web. 18 Oct. 2010.
Works Cited Guidelines
Use a separate piece of paper.
Center the heading ‘Works Cited’
A-Z order
Hanging indent (opposite of a paragraph indent)
Double space between citations, single space within (to separate)
Cut and paste when you can! If you need help, use online sources like
www.easybib.com or citationmachine.net