Holy Cross Church
Saturday – March 29, 2008
9:00 Easter Novena
5:30 † Harry Nestler
† Margaret Wessner
† Oscar Wessner
(L) Helen Selker (Happy Birthday)
Sunday – March 30, 2008
7:30 Easter Novena
9:00 † Mary Shevlin
† Ana Maria Rivera
† Jorge Sanchez
† Marcella Cotto
(L) Grace Trac
(L) Evelyn Seifert (Happy Birthday)
(L) Teodorina Hoke (Happy Birthday)
10:30 † Fidela Garcia
† Cruz Amezquita
† Daniel Velez
† Patria Brignoni
† Ismael Brignoni
† Jorge Matos
† Julia Colon
12:30 For the People of the Parish
Monday – March 31, 2008
8:00 Easter Novena
9:00 † Raul Thomas
Tuesday – April 1, 2008
8:00 † George Rodriguez
† Carrie Pignataro
9:00 Easter Novena
Wednesday –April 2, 2008
8:00 † Harry Nestler
† Barbara L. Harper
9:00 † Natasha Gordon
Thursday – April 3, 2008
8:00 † Anna Gondolfo
9:00 (L) Mr. & Mrs. Miroslaw Nowak
Friday – April 4, 2008
8:00 † Natasha Gordon
9:00 † Amador Manzanares
Saturday – April 5, 2008
9:00 † Aida I. Carrasquillo
5:30 † William Albino
Sunday – April 6, 2008
7:30 For the people of the parish
9:00 (L) Confirmation Students
10:30 † Deacon Juan J. Rodríguez
† Santos Rodriguez
† Carmen Ramirez
† Concepcion Rosario
† Jorge Matos
† Agripina Rodriguez
† Thamara Moreno
† Bernanda Rodriguez
12:30 Holy Cross Confirmation Students
† Belen Martinez
† Carlos Arce
† Gudelia Vigo
† Anna Gondolfo
† Blanche Barnes
(L) Elba Barnes
Tithing News
Thank you for your financial support of the
parish. We must receive $6,500 in our First
Collection to meet our operating costs and would
ask that our parishioners consider tithing 5% of
your income to your church or donating a
minimum of $5.00 per week for the first
Noticias de apoyo Financiar
Gracias por su apoyo financiero de nuestra
parroquia. Para cubrir nuestros gastos
financieros semanales necesitamos colectar
$6,500.00 en la primera colecta. Pedimos que
cada feligrés considere contribuir por medio
de un 5% de su ingreso si le permite o lo
mínimo de $5.00 semanalmente
Collection Totals/Total de la Colecta
1. $9289.53
2. $3842.46
Mass Comportment
As a courtesy, when you come to mass
please refrain from chewing gum, eating or
drinking in the Church. While the fellowship
we share in the Church is important, before
the masses please try to be as quiet as
possible as many prepare for the mass in
prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Families with infants or toddlers are asked to
please make use of our “Cry Room” in
particular when your children may get a little
antsy. This room was created to meet your
specific needs and when properly used can
help avoid distractions to the Celebrant and
the worshiping community. This room was
configured in a manner to all you and your
family to fully participate in the mass and not
as a means of exclusion. If you have any
questions, concerns or suggestions, please
feel free to visit our parish office or speak to
the Pastor directly. We want to make Holy
Cross a place of welcome and a special place
for all of our parishioners.
While the mass is going on, please be active
participants by responding to the prayers and
joining in song. We are called to be active
participants in the mass.
Comportamiento durante la Misa
Como una cortesía, cuando vienen a celebrar
la misa, favor de no masticar chicle, comer o
beber en la Iglesia. Sabemos que la
convivencia es importante, pero antes de la
misa favor de mantenerse en silencio lo más
posibles para darle la oportunidad a aquellos
que desean un lugar donde pueden orar.
Pedimos que familias con hijos recién nacidos
o pequeños usen el cuarto de niños. Este
cuarto fue construida para crear un lugar
especialmente para familias con hijos para
que pueden participar en la misa y no ser
excluida pero a la misa vez para evitar que el
celebrante o otros feligreses sean distraídos
durante la misa por medio de un niño ser
SI tienen preocupaciones, preguntas o
sugerencias, favor de comunicarse con
nuestro párroco o visitar nuestra oficina
parroquial. Deseamos que nuestra parroquia
sea un lugar de bienvenida y un lugar
especial para todos nuestros feligreses.
Durante la misa favor de participar
activamente de manera de responder a las
oraciones y en canción. Estamos llamados a
ser participantes activos en la misa.
Please remember to pray
for the sick of our parish
Betty Carrasquillo
Jessica Benito
Betsy Feliciano
Iris Rivera
And all of our beloved dead
Favor de Orar por los
enfermos y difuntos
de nuestra parroquia
Parish Groups - Grupos Parroquiales
Black Culture 4th
Hijas de Maria 1st
Holy Name Society 2nd
Sagrado Corazón 2n
Secular Franciscans 3rd
Family Fellowship Group 1st
11:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
Church Hall
Parish Council Room
Parish Council Room
School Annex
Church Hall
School Annex
Church Hall
English Prayer Group
Parish Council 1st Monday
7:30 PM
7:00 PM
Parish Council Room
Parish Council Room
Legion de Maria
Knights of Columbus 1st & 3rd
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
9:30 AM
7:30 PM
7:30 PM
Parish Council Room
Youth Group
Legion de Maria
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
6:00 PM
Church Hall
Parish Council Room
School Cafeteria
Circulo De Oración
7:30 PM
Church Hall
7:30 PM
Parish Council Room
Divine Mercy 2nd Saturday
Lady of Fatima Rosary Society 1st
6:00 PM
6:45 PM
School Cafeteria
Parish Council Room
Parish Council Room
Parish Council Leadership/ Liderazco del Consejo Parroquial 2007-2008
Chairperson: Lissette Arevalo
Vice-Chairperson: Elsie Albino
Secretary: Joan Rocco
Altar Servers (Monaguillos),
Lectors (Lectores);
Special Ministers of Communion (Ministros Especial de comunión);
Ministers of Hospitality (Ministros de Hospitalidad);
Music (Música)
Please see Deacon Bello if interested in any of these ministries.
Favor de comunicarse con el Diacono Bello si están interesados en estos ministerios
Is 7:10-14; 8-10; Ps. 40; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Jn 3:7b-15
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36
Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16; 1 Pt 1:17-21; Lk 24:13-35
If you believe God may be calling you to be a Franciscan Friar, please call the
Franciscan Vocation Ministry at 800-677-7788 or check us out on the web at
Holy Cross Parish is staffed by the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province. Visit
us on the web at
Saturday/Sábado Apriil 12, 2008
Spiritual Concert – Concierto Espiritual
Pablo Castro
Bronx, New York
Second Sunday of Easter
Ever since I was a child I have marveled at photos of the Grand Canyon in geography and travel books. The sheer size of
this natural wonder, with its many strata of brilliant colors, always made me want to see this great place in person. A few
years ago, while vacationing in Arizona, a day trip to the Grand Canyon became part of the itinerary. I will never forget
that very early morning as we drove into the area. My heart was racing as we turned each corner, wondering if the glimpse
around the next corner would reveal the wonder I had so long dreamed to see. As with most visitors to the Grand Canyon,
my hopes were more than fulfilled. The images of the canyon, seen in real life, are branded on my memory and
imagination forever. No matter how many times I describe my experience to people who have never visited this awesome
place, I know that my words will never substitute for their actually seeing it for themselves.
Today we hear the story of “doubting Thomas,” who announces that he will not believe that Jesus has risen until he sees it
all for himself. Over the years, on this particular Sunday, we have probably heard that we are very much like Thomas, not
truly believing until we see things for ourselves. Each week when we gather around the altar, we are given a chance to see
and taste the very presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Do our hearts race as we turn the corner of the liturgy when we
prepare to pray the Eucharistic Prayer? We are called to come to church each and every week to expect a miracle. And
that miracle far surpasses any natural wonder we will ever see. For here we are given a glimpse, not of a grand canyon or
any other natural wonder, but of the very kingdom of God. Let any doubts melt away and be replaced by hopeful
anticipation of encountering the Lord each and every week.
Segundo Domingo de Pascua
Desde niño siempre me han fascinado las fotos del Gran Cañón en los libros de geografía y de viajes. El solo tamaño de
esta maravilla natural y sus múltiples estratos de colores brillantes, siempre hicieron que quisiera visitar este magnífico
lugar. Hace algunos años, mientras estaba de vacaciones en Arizona, una excursión de un día al Gran Cañón se convirtió
en parte del itinerario. Nunca olvidaré esa mañana temprano en que condujimos hasta el lugar. Mi corazón se aceleraba en
cada curva, curioso por saber si en la próxima podría vislumbrar la maravilla que durante tanto tiempo había soñado
conocer. Como sucede con la mayoría de los turistas que visitan el Gran Cañón, mis expectativas fueron ampliamente
satisfechas. Las imágenes del cañón en vivo quedarán por siempre grabadas en mi memoria y en mi imaginación. No
importa cuántas veces describa mi experiencia a la gente que nunca ha visitado este asombroso lugar, sé que mis palabras
nunca podrán sustituir la experiencia de ver ese lugar con sus propios ojos.
Hoy oiremos la historia de santo Tomás, quien dijo que no creería que Jesús había resucitado hasta no verlo con sus
propios ojos. A lo largo de los años, en este domingo en particular, probablemente hayamos oído que somos muy
parecidos a Tomás, ya que no creemos en algo hasta que realmente no lo vemos con nuestros propios ojos. Cada semana
cuando nos congregamos alrededor del altar, tenemos la oportunidad de ver y saborear la presencia de Cristo en la
eucaristía. ¿Se acelera nuestro corazón en ese momento de la liturgia cuando nos disponemos a rezar la Plegaria
Eucarística? Todas las semanas se nos invita a la iglesia para esperar un milagro. Y el milagro supera inmensamente
cualquier maravilla natural que podamos ver alguna vez, ya que aquí tenemos la oportunidad de vislumbrar, no un gran
cañón ni cualquier otra maravilla natural, sino el mismísimo reino de Dios. Que cualquier duda se disipe y sea
reemplazada por una espera optimista de encontrarnos con el Señor todas y cada una de las semanas.
From the Parish School
De Nuestra Escuela Parroquial
Please feel free to visit the school to see the wonderful
programs we offer and please consider registering your child in
our parish school.
Favor de visitar a nuestra escuela para ver las programas que
ofrecemos y considere registrar a su hijo(a) en nuestra
escuela parroquial.
From the Religious Education Centre
Del Centro de Educación Religiosa
Confirmation Practice Schedule
Monday – March 31, 2008 7:00pm in the Church Candidates only
Tuesday – April 1, 2008 7:00pm in the Church Candidates only
Thursday – April 3, 2008 7:00pm Candidates and Sponsors
From the Parish Youth Group
Our Parish Youth Group will be having their annual retreat on
the weekend of April 11, 12 and 13th at the Marist Retreat
Center. The cost of the retreat is $100.00 and unfortunately
many of our young people cannot afford to pay this cost,
therefore we are asking for the parish’s assistance in helping
to offset the cost by sponsoring a young person either in full or
partially. Donations are tax deductible and can be given to
Deacon Bello on behalf of one of the young people. We also
ask for your prayers for a successful retreat. The $100.00
covers transportation, food and lodging. We thank you for all of
your support.
From the Holy Name Society
Holy Cross Men’s Retreat 2008
Gentlemen of Holy Cross If you have never experienced the warmth
and the spirit of a retreat I invite you to come see our display at the
rear of the church and to ask us about it. We will be there to
hopefully move you to share a weekend in the Love that is Jesus
Christ. Join us April 18th -20th. Contact: Carlos Cruz (646)919-2161
email or Joe Aubain (917)297-2845 email
Divine Mercy
Sunday, March 30th is Divine Mercy Sunday and we will celebrate by
offering Confessions at 2:30pm followed by the recitation of the
Divine Mercy Chaplet then Mass at 3:00pm. All are invited and
please invite your family and friends. For more information, please
contact Elba Barnes.
Practica para la Confirmación
Lunes – 31 de3 marzo 7:00pm Candidatos solamente
Martes – 1 de abril 7:00pm Candidatos solamente
Jueves – 3 de abril 7:00pm Candidatos y padrinos
Del Grupo de Jóvenes
Nuestro grupo de jóvenes tendrán su retiro anual el fin de
semana de 11, 12 y 13 de abril. El costo del retiro es $100.00
y desafortunadamente muchos de nuestros jóvenes no
pueden pagar el costo del retiro y estamos buscando la
asistencia de los feligreses para pagar en total o en parte el
costo del retiro. Su donación es elegible para un decible de
impuestos y pueden entregar su donación al Diacono Bello.
Pedimos también por sus oraciones para un retiro exitoso. Lo
$100.00 pagan para la transportación, comida y cuarto. Les
damos gracias por su apoyo.
De La Sociedad del Sagrado Corazon de Nombre
Holy Cross Retiro de Hombres 2008
Caballeros de Holy Cross Cruz si es que nunca han
compartido el calor y el espiritu de un retiro les invito a
ver nuestra muestra situada al fondo de la iglesia.
¿Hagan preguntas? Estaremos disponibles para
conmoverles a compartir un fin de semana en el amor
que es Jesus Cristo. Se llevara acabo del 18 al 20 de
Abril. Por favor de llamar a: Carlos Cruz al (646) 9192161 email o Joe Aubain (917) 2972845
Misericordia Divina
El domingo 30 de marzo se celebra el domingo de la Misericordia
Divina. Celebraremos este día por medio de ofrecer la oportunidad
para confesión empezando a las 2:30, seguido por la oración de la
Misericordia Divina y después una Misa bilingüe a las 3:00pm.
Todos están invitados y favor de invitar a otros. Para más
información favor de comunicarse con Elba Barnes.
Upcoming Parish Activities
March 31
April 1
April 3
April 6
April 12
May 10
Actividades prontas en nuestra Parroquia
Confirmation Practice 7:00pm in the Church (Candidates Only)
Confirmation Practice 7:00pm in the Church (Candidates Only)
Confirmation Practice 7:00pm in the Church (Candidates and Sponsors)
Confirmation 3:00pm
Concierto Espiritual con Pablo Castro
First Holy Communion 11:00am
Blood Drive to be rescheduled
Liturgical Ministers Schedule-Horario para los Ministros Litúrgicos
March 30, 2008
5:30 PM
Barbara Adams
Enilda Lozada
Sr. Lambert
Louis Sanchez
Easter 2
7:30 AM
Dell Pinckney
April 6, 2008
5:30 PM
Cynthia Douglas
Easter 3
7:30 AM
Valentin Acabeo
Sr. Catherine
Enilda Lozada
Cynthia Douglas
Valentin Acabeo
9:00 AM
Cheryl Watt
Winston Rowe
Richard Torres
Myriam Reyes
Zemea Molfese
Mary Clavell
Robert Clavell
Benjamin Chaves
Karissa Clavell
Raphael Cartagena
Gabriela Cartagena
Alicia Garcia
Danny Royal
Danny Royal
White Vestments
10:30 AM
Eddy Ortiz
Wilfredo Ramirez
Wilson Mendez
Lucy Mendez
Betsy Feliciano
Juby Rosado
Aurea Rodriguez
Amada Santini
Toni Figueroa
White Vestments
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
Cheryl Johnson
Jorge Benitez
De Maria
Daria Martir
Blanca Alejandro
Myriam Reyes
Maria Ferrer
Bill McDonagh
Angel Ferrer
Rose Perez
Florencia Thomas
Edith Bragg
Rosa Mantilla
Inertha Freeman
Juanita Guevarez
Danny Royal
Toni Figueroa
Raphael Cartagena
Gabriela Cartagena
12:30 PM
Maria Aviles
Colette Joseph
Francis Badillo
Shirley McIntosh
Dennis Riordan
Tony Aviles
Maria Aviles
Joe Aubain
Pawel Nycz-Wasilec
Jorge Lopez
12:30 PM
Religious Education
Dana Nieves
Felicia Nieves
Lourdes Torres
Lilouti Perez
Dionisia Chaves
Benjamin Chaves
Joseph Aubain
Members and Habitat for Humanity
My high school, Fordham Prep has selected me to participate in a service project in Tennessee this summer. I along with several other students will travel to Robbins
Tennessee. We will work with Appalachia Habitat for Humanity assisting in the construction of two new homes. Appalachia Habitat for Humanity in Robins is the second oldest Habitat
affiliation and has been serving the people of Eastern Tennessee since 1978. They provide affordable housing for those whose income would otherwise not allow them to afford a
descent house.
I applied to become involved with this project because I see it as an opportunity to give back and make a difference in the life of someone else. As a child in a middle
class family, I often unknowingly look at things that others look at as luxury as a normal part of life. I think it’s normal of kids my age to take things for granted - it’s almost by default
that this happens. You generally surround yourself with friends that share similar lifestyles, and before you know it you are trying to keep up with your friends and lose the focus of
what really matters, the friendship itself. I think that going to Tennessee will be a good opportunity for me to take a step back and look at the world from a different perspective. It will
also give me the chance to help share a luxury that I am privileged to have with another, the gift of a house.
In preparing for what is sure to be a life changing experience. I am asking for the support of my friends, family and parish in two ways. First, I ask that you pray for the
group and me as we prepare for our time in Tennessee. I also ask that you consider financially supporting this project. As a school we are hoping to raise $100,000 to fully fund the
building of two homes in Tennessee this summer. Our donation of labor will of course reduce the cost, but Habitat still has to pay for building supplies and contract additional labor to
build these homes. We hope to involve as many people as possible in this fundraising effort. Each student that is participating in this project – including myself -- has made a
commitment to help raise the needed funds. I am hoping to be able to raise at least $2,000 and hope that you will help me reach this goal. Your donation will go directly toward the
building of the two homes. Please help to bring the gift of a home to two families in need. I will be grateful for your donation – in whatever amount you can afford, and I know that the
families will too. And, don’t forget to pray for us and for the families that we will be helping.
If you have any questions about this project please contact Mr. Brain Carney, the faculty organizer of the project at Fordham Prep (718-367-7500). Thanks for your support!!
Eric Benito Jr. 10’
P.S Checks should be made payable to Fordham Prep and you can give the checks to Deacon Bello on my behalf or leave them at the parish office. We will pool all donations and
then send one check directly from Fordham Prep to Habitat. All donations are tax deductible.