Inter-American Magnet School with Hispanic Alliance for Career

Inter-American Magnet School with
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement present
June 4, 2011
National Museum of Mexican Art
Magnet School
Cover Photo © Evan Thomas |
Sincere thanks to our sponsors for your generous
support of Inter-American Magnet School and its
Technology Initiative – one of our big dreams for
Advertising Products, Inc.
Inter-American Magnet School
Queridas Familias y Amigos de Inter-Americana,
Les quiero agradecer personalmente por su asistencia al Evento de Beneficencia y
Subasta iAMS 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología. Yo sé que escogieron apoyar el evento de esta
noche porque comparten una conexión con nuestra maravillosa comunidad escolar.
Valoramos su participación en nuestra escuela, donde los niños crecen con un profundo
aprecio por ser bilingües y por su fuerte vínculo a nuestra familia, comunidad y cultura.
Con su ayuda, podremos crear aún más avenidas para que los estudiantes estén
activamente involucrados en ésta comunidad tan rica en aprendizaje, a través de
tecnología. Imagine un salón de quinto grado participando en una conferencia por
internet con estudiantes en Honduras que experimentan el “tire y afloje” de cuestiones
inmigratorias en su vida diaria, o un estudiante de octavo grado que utiliza Skype
para entrevistar a un estudiante en Bolivia sobre el impacto que el imperialismo de los
tiempos modernos tiene sobre el precio de agua para su familia en Cochabamba.
Nuestra escuela tiene la voluntad. Nuestros docentes tienen la imaginación. Nuestros
estudiantes son la promesa. Unidos en Tecnología.
Paz y Justicia,
Dr. Vernita M. Vallez
Dear Inter-American Families and Friends,
I would like to personally thank you for coming to the IAMS 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Benefit and Auction. I know that you chose to support this event tonight because you
share a connection to our wonderful school community. We value your involvement in
our school where children grow up with a profound value for being bilingual and firmly
connected to our family, community and culture.
With your help, we can create even more pathways for students to be actively engaged
in this rich learning community through technology. Imagine a fifth grade classroom
engaging in a web conference with students in Honduras who experience “push and
pull” factors of immigration in their daily lives or an eighth grade student who uses
Skype to interview a student in Bolivia about the impact that modern day imperialism
has on the price of water in Cochabamba for her family.
Our school has the will. Our teachers have the imagination. Our children hold the
promise. Unidos en Tecnología.
Paz y Justicia,
Dr. Vernita M. Vallez
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Welcome/ Bienvenida
Evening’s Program / Programa de la Velada
7:00 p.m.
Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres / Cocteles y Aperitivos
Silent Auction & Raffle Open / Abren Subasta Silenciosa y Rifa
Entertainment / Entretenimiento – Richard Cantu, Guitarist / Guitarrista
8:00 p.m.
Dancing and Live Music / Baile y Música en Vivo – Mambo 7
8:45 p.m.
Remarks / Introducción
Welcome from iAMS 3.5 Co-Chairs / Bienvenida de las Presidentes de iAMS 3.5
Ileana Cervantes - Jennifer Goolsby
Dr. Vernita M. Vallez
Principal of Inter-American Magnet School / Directora Escuela Inter-Americana
Luis Gutierrez
Representative / Representante Luis Gutierrez
9:30 p.m.
Silent Auction Closes / Cierra Subasta Silenciosa
10:30 p.m.
Raffle Drawing / Rifa
Silent Auction Check-Out Open / Abre Caja Pago Subasta Silenciosa
11:00 p.m.
Evening Concludes / Concluye la Velada
Evening’s Program / Programa de la Velada
Inter-American Magnet School
¡Saludos y Bienvenidos!
Bienvenidos amigos al evento de la Escuela Inter-Americana, iAMS 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología.
Estamos encantados de poder celebrar el trigésimo quinto aniversario del programa bilingüe
de la escuela. Al apoyar la alfabetización en dos idiomas, IAMS celebra la diversidad y el modelo
multicultural tan valioso en nuestro mundo cada vez más integrado; una filosofía que hoy
reconocemos estaba adelantada para la época.
Mientras disfruta de esta velada, por favor también únase en apoyar la educación de nuestros
estudiantes. Las ganancias de este evento servirán de apoyo a la causa de modernizar nuestra
tecnología para enriquecer el aprendizaje y las habilidades esenciales mientras nuestros niños/as
enfrentan un mundo cada vez más computarizado.
También queremos expresar nuestra gratitud a aquellos que hicieron posible este evento.
Queremos agradecer a los maestros y maestras, organizaciones y negocios que han hecho
donaciones y han patrocinado este evento. Todos los regalos de tiempo, talento y servicio se ven
reflejados aquí esta noche y resaltan lo afortunados que somos como escuela y comunidad.
Finalmente, queremos agradecer a las Directoras del pasado y presente. A Adela Coronado-Greeley
y Janet Nolan, les agradecemos por su visión y compromiso a formar y desarrollar esta educación
bilingüe tan especial. A la Dra. Vernita M. Vallez, le agradecemos su compromiso con la educación
de nuestros niños y su liderazgo y su visión hacia el futuro.
Jennifer H. Goolsby Co-Presidente iAMS 3.5
Ileana Cervantes
Co-Presidente iAMS 3.5
Saludos y Bienvenidos!
Welcome friends to Inter-American Magnet School’s iAMS 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología event. We are
delighted to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the school’s dual language program. In supporting
academic bi-literacy, IAMS’ celebrates the diversity and multi-cultural model valued in our
increasingly integrated world; a philosophy that we now recognize as being ahead of its time.
As you enjoy the evening, please also join us in supporting our students’ education. Proceeds from
this event will support our efforts in modernizing our technology to enhance learning and skills
needed as our children face an increasingly digital world.
We also want to express our most heartfelt gratitude to the people who have made this event
possible. We thank the teachers, families, organizations and businesses who have donated and
partnered with us for this event. The many gifts of time, talent and service are reflected here
tonight and highlight how fortunate we are as a school and a community.
Finally, we want to thank the principals both past and present. To Adela Coronado-Greeley and
Janet Nolan, we thank you for your foresight and commitment to forming and developing this very
special dual-language education. To Dr. Vernita M. Vallez, we thank you for your commitment to
our children’s education and leadership as we look to the future.
Jennifer H. Goolsby iAMS 3.5 Co-Chair
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Ileana Cervantes
iAMS 3.5 Co-Chair
Welcome/ Bienvenida
Tonight’s Delights / Las Delicias de esta Noche
Fresh and chunky, with just-made
tortilla chips
Ceviche Fronterizo
Lime-marinated Hawaiian albacore
with tomatoes, olives, cilantro,
green chile; on crispy tostaditas
Albacora Hawaiiana marinada
en limón con tomates, aceitunas,
cilantro, chile verde; servido con
Spicy Nut Mix/ Mezcla de Nueces
Jicama Skewers/Pinchos de jícama
with fresh lime and chile
con lima y chile
Camarones en mojo de ajo
Grilled shrimp with garlic on a
jicama chip
Camarones a la plancha con ajo
sobre una tortilla de jícama
Pollo Ahumado y Crema
Hickory-smoked chicken, roasted
potatoes, cream and fresh tortillas
Pollo ahumado, papas rostizadas,
crema y tortillas frescas
Empanadas Argentinas de Carne
Argentinian style empanadas
stuffed with ground beef
Signature Cocktails/Cocteles de la Casa
3.5 Paloma
A delicious blend of tequila, grapefruit Jarritos, salt and lime
Deliciosa mezcla de tequila, Jarritos de toronja, sal y lima
Jack and Coke
A Rock Star drink of Jack Daniels and Coke
Una bebida para roqueros de Jack Daniels y Coca-Cola
Zing -A-Zing
Cucumber infused vodka with ginger ale, lime and mint
Vodka de cocombro con ginger ale, lima y menta
A delicious combo of tequila, ginger ale and lime, with a
hint of bitters and a slice of jalapeño
Una deliciosa mezcla de ginger ale y lima, con una pizca
de amarguras y una tajada de jalapeño
Bean-To-Cup Chocolate:
Chocolate ”De la semilla a la taza”
Authentic: fresh-ground chocolate + water
Auténtico chocolate molido fresco + agua
Custom designed cookies from Lindy Wordlaw
Galletas de diseño exclusivo de Lindy Wordlaw
Mexican Chocolate Hazelnut Cookie
Galleta Mexicana de Chocolate y Avellana
Sweet Assortment from Sensational Bites
Bandeja de postres de Sensational Bites
Mexican-style cookie rolled in cinnamon sugar
Tonight’s Delights / Las Delicias de esta Noche
Inter-American Magnet School
Raffle Rules
Payment may be made by cash, personal check, AMEX, Discover, MasterCard or Visa.
Checks should be made payable to FELE (Familias En La Escuela), Inter-American Magnet School’s parent fundraising organization.
Winners will be chosen by random drawings on Saturday, June 4, 2011.
Winners need not be present. Winners will be notified by phone on what they have
won and how to claim their prize.
Prizes must be claimed by winners by June 30, 2011.
Raffle / Rifa
$10 per ticket; 3 tickets for $25 / $10 cada boleto; 3 boletos por $25
1st prize / 1er premio: $600
2nd prize/ 2o premio: $400
3rd prize/ 3er premio: $250
4th prize/ 4o premio: $150
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Raffle / Rifa
Silent Auction
The Silent Auction opens for bidding at 7:00 p.m. and closes for bidding at 9:30 p.m.
Auction check-out for all items begins at 10:30 p.m. at the check-out table in the lobby.
Payment may be made by cash, check, Discover, MasterCard, Visa or AMEX. Checks
should be made payable to FELE (Familias En La Escuela), Inter-American Magnet
School’s parent fundraising organization.
Silent Auction – Rules and Regulations
A bid constitutes a contract to purchase an item.
All sales are final. Please read the displays and bid sheets carefully for detailed
descriptions, restrictions, limitations and expiration dates. There are no refunds
or exchanges.
Item values are a good faith estimate of the value of the item that the donor has
If the winning bid is considered higher than the fair market value, the
difference in amounts may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Consult
your tax advisor for specific information.
If the high bidder defaults within 10 days, the item goes to the second highest bidder.
Winning bidders may claim their item(s) after 10:30 p.m. on June 4, 2011 or from the
iAMS 3.5 Auction Committee. Please contact Megan Petrulis at (773) 539-1679.
Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Special Opportunities / Oportunidades Especiales
Breakfast with Congressman Luis Gutierrez/ Desayuno con Congresista Luis
Enjoy a private breakfast with Congressman Gutierrez for winner and one guest. Date will be
mutually determined and breakfast to take place by August 31, 2011. Location – Northwest
side of Chicago. Certificate gives details on how to arrange this special breakfast.
Value / Valor:
Travel / Viaje
Vacation in Sunny Scottsdale, AZ / Vacaciones en Soleado Scottsdale, AZ
Spend a week (7 nights) in Scottsdale, not far from the Cubs training camp and minutes away
from Old Scottsdale. The condo package can house 4 adults comfortably. Prior to departure
of your trip, a security deposit of $300 is required to cover long distance calls or unusual
damage. From this deposit, a $50 cleaning fee will be assessed. However, the full $250 is
refunded about 10 days after your stay. This condo package is valid until April 30, 2012.
Donated by / Donación de: Greg Chroback and the Castrejon/Flores Family
Value / Valor: 102
Summer Vacation in Beautiful Vail, Colorado / Vacaciones de Verano en la
Bella Ciudad de Vail, Colorado
Take a week (7 nights) to explore Vail, Colorado. Relax after your outdoor adventure in this 3
bedroom, 3 bath condo (sleeps up to 8). Dates of availability: June 18 - September 4, 2011.
Winning bidder must contact donor to set mutually agreed upon dates and for detailed
Donated by / Donación de: Randi Bauer
Value / Valor: 103
Chicago Guest House - For Out-of-Town Family and Friends / Casa de
Huéspedes - Para Familia y Amigos de Visita
Short on space? Have family and friends stay in a lovely garden apartment, conveniently
located near Montrose and Clark. With lots of light, this 1 bedroom with private bath can
also accommodate another couple or children with a fold-out futon. Enjoy one week in this
Chicago guest house - your family and friends can enjoy stocked breakfast foods and are able
to come and go as they please due to a separate entrance. Additionally, try New Mexican
cuisine at Abiquiu Café with a $50 gift certificate.
Donated by / Donación de: Abiquiu Cafe, Sara Wohlleb, Salvador Vergara
Value / Valor: 104
Always lost? Travel Navigation at your fingertips / ¿Siempre está perdido?
Navegación de Viaje al alcance de su mano
GPS Device: TomTom XL 340-S. Complete navigation in a widescreen device. Switch on and
go right out of the box. Spoken turn-by-turn instructions, including street names, will guide
you to any address in the United States, Canada, and Mexico--including more than 7 million
preloaded points of interest.
Donated by / Donación de: Clay-Barbour Family
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
American Airlines Ticket / Pasaje de American Airlines
Save on a domestic airline ticket. Good for continental US (including Alaska) and Canada. Will
need to arrange with donor who will use airline miles to book ticket for winner.
Donated by / Donación de: COR Properties, Inc.
Value / Valor: $400
Health & Beauty / Salud y Belleza
Salon Gift Certificate / Certificado de Regalo Salón de Belleza
$50 Gift Certificate for your choice of salon services.
Donatedby / Donación de: Renessence Salon
Value / Valor: 202
Dental Gift Certificate / Certificado de Regalo Trabajo Dental
$170 Gift Certificate for dental services
Donated by / Donación de: City Kids Dental
Value / Valor: 203
Treat yourself to a facial / Disfrute de una Limpieza Facial
Gift Certificate for a one hour deep cleansing facial. Tip not included. Expires 10/8/2011.
Donated by / Donación de: Migdalia’s Caribbean Beauty Spa
Value / Valor: 204
Bradley Method Childbirth Class / Clase de Parto con el Método Bradley
Bradley Method Childbirth Class. The Bradley Method is the most comprehensive childbirth
class around! It is a couple-based class that meets once a week for 12 weeks. All class materials
are included. Not having a baby? This class is transferable. The focus of these classes is natural
child birth and to learn what will prepare you for labor. The participants will learn about
stages of labor, nutrition and exercise during pregnancy, non medicated comfort measures
for labor and much more.
Donatedby / Donación de: Lara Prestipino
Value / Valor: 205
Brighten Those Pearly Whites / Ilumine esas Perlas de Marfil
Zoom in office tooth whitening is a procedure designed to lighten the color of your teeth
using a combination of a hydrogen peroxide gel and a specially designed ultraviolet lamp. 1
session includes 3 applications.
Donated by / Donación de: Webster Dental Care
Value / Valor: 206
Massage / Masaje
Gift Certificate for a one hour Swedish massage.
Donatedby / Donación de: Fuga
Value / Valor: Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Entertainment & Classes / Entretenimiento y Clases
Calling News Junkies and TV Anchor Wanna-bes / Llamado a Aficionados de
las Noticias y Aspirantes a Presentadores de TV
Behind the scenes tour of ABC with Sylvia Perez.
Donated by / Donación de: WLS TV
Value / Valor: 302
Theater Fun / Diversión de Teatro
A regional theater focusing on American classics - Edgewater’s Raven Theatre offering 2
tickets - expires 7/15/12.
Donated by / Donación de: Raven Theatre
Value / Valor: 303
Piano Lessons / Clases de Piano
Always wanted to learn to play the piano or have your child give it a try? Now is your
opportunity! Win a month’s worth of lessons and see if you are the next Mozart or Beethoven.
For ages 4 and up. No expiration date.
Donated by / Donación de: Access Contemporary Music
Value / Valor: 304
Laugh Out Loud / Ríase a Carcajadas
A signature show, Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind, is now in its twenty-first year,
making it the longest-running show in Chicago today. Too Much Light..., with its everchanging “menu,” is an attempt to perform 30 plays in 60 minutes. Hilarious! 4 Sunday Tickets
to “Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind”.
Donated by / Donación de: The Neofuturists
Value / Valor: 305
Learn to Dance - Edgewater / Aprenda a Bailar - Edgewater
4 trial adult or youth dance classes.
Donated by / Donación de: Joel Hall Dance Studio
Value / Valor: 306
Learn to Dance - Bucktown / Aprenda a Bailar - Bucktown
Eight dance classes of instruction - located in Bucktown. Ages 2 and up. Gift certificate
expires 6/1/12.
Donated by / Donación de: ARCC Ballet
Value / Valor: 307
Creative Types - Host A Card Making Party / Personas Creativas - Organice
una Fiesta para hacer Tarjetas
One hour creative card making class for 4 to 6 people.
Donated by / Donación de: Paper Source
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
Whirly What? / ¿Whirly Qué?
Agility. Speed. Strength. None of these qualities will be of any use in the highly-competitive
world of WhirlyBall. Although it combines lacrosse, hockey and basketball with bumper cars,
WhirlyBall has caused great athletes of every stripe to laugh and holler their way to a crushing
defeat. $50.00 Gift Certificate good towards Whirlyball or Lasertag.
Donated by / Donación de: Whirlyball
Value / Valor: 309
View Chicago Through A Different Perspective / Observe a Chicago Desde
Otra Perspectiva
Get the scoop on Chicago’s past with your own copy of Devil in the White City and take
advantage of two Chicago Architecture walking tour passes.
Donated by / Donación de: Chicago Architecture Foundation & Randi Bauer
Value / Valor: 310
Indie Music Fan - Pitchfork Music Festival VIP Tickets - Set 1 / Fan de Música
Indie - Tiquetes VIP al Festival de Música Pitchfork - Set 1
The Pitchfork Music Festival is a three-day event showcasing over 40 of independent music’s
best bands and artists on three stages. In 2011 - July 15, 16 and 17 in Union Park, 1501 W.
Randolph in Chicago. These two VIP passes are not available for the public’s purchase and a oneday ticket for 2 people costs $90. Experience access to the festival all 3 days as well as the VIP
area (free food/beverages) that allows you and a guest to relax in the shade and get out of the
summer heat and crowds - plus mingle with other VIPs. The VIP tickets will be mailed to winner.
Donated by / Donación de: Pitchfork Music Festival founder and lead organizer - Mike Reed
Value / Valor: 311
Priceless - not available for public purchase
Indie Music Fan - Pitchfork Music Festival VIP Tickets - Set 2 / Fan de Música
Indie - Tiquetes VIP al Festival de Música Pitchfork - Set 2
The Pitchfork Music Festival is a three-day event showcasing over 40 of independent music’s
best bands and artists on three stages. In 2011 - July 15, 16 and 17 in Union Park, 1501 W.
Randolph in Chicago. These two VIP passes are not available for the public’s purchase and a oneday ticket for 2 people costs $90. Experience access to the festival all 3 days as well as the VIP
area (free food/beverages) that allows you and a guest to relax in the shade and get out of the
summer heat and crowds - plus mingle with other VIPs. The VIP tickets will be mailed to winner.
Donated by / Donación de: Pitchfork Music Festival founder and lead organizer - Mike Reed
Value / Valor: 312
Priceless - not available for public purchase
Private Spanish Lessons / Lecciones de Español Privadas
2 one-hour Spanish private lessons. The classes are to be held at an agreed date, time, and
location by both parties.
Donatedby / Donación de: Eduvijes Martinez
Value / Valor: 313
Dancing Like A Star - 2 Couples Dance Classes / Baile Como una Estrella - 2
Clases de Baile para Parejas
Salsa, Tango, La Rueda, Hustle, Quick Step, Waltz and much much more! Winner receives 2
couple classes. Studio located at 3117 N. Clybourn.
Donated by / Donación de: Dance Connection
Value / Valor: Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Make A Statement - Screen Printing Party / Hágase Notar - Fiesta de
Grab 4 friends, pick a Sunday (based on availability) and learn how to screen print a t-shirt.
Please bring your ideas and t-shirts to create. Mimosas or Bloody Marys will be provided.
Donated by / Donación de: Spudnik Press
Value / Valor: $375
Sports & Fitness / Deportes y Acondicionamiento Físico
GOOOAL! Soccer Fans! / ¡Gooooool! Para Fans de Fútbol
Take your soccer fan to a Chicago Fire game with 2 tickets and delight him or her with a
soccer ball and backpack.
Donated by / Donación de: Chicago Fire and Play Soccer
Value / Valor: 402
White Sox Collectibles / Artículos de Colección de los White Sox
Chicago White Sox Omar Vizquel signed baseball and Chicago White Sox’s Alexi Ramirez
signed photo.
Donated by / Donación de: Venezuelan Consulate and Chicago White Sox
Value / Valor: 403
Rooftop Experience - Cubs Fans / Experimente el “Rooftop” - Fans de los Cubs
4 passes to Brixen Ivy (rooftop tickets) Choose between July 17 or 24 or August 6 or September
4. Passes include all food and beverage.
Donated by / Donación de: Brixen Ivy
Value / Valor: 404
Be a Blackhawk! / ¡Se un Blackhawk!
Blackhawks Jersey.
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 405
Marifran Creed
Off to the Races In Style! / ¡Vaya a las Carreras con Estilo!
Million Dollar Package for 4, clubhouse admission, catering credit at $80, Tour of the Paddock
and a trip to the starting gate to watch the start of the race!
Donated by / Donación de: Arlington Race Track
Value / Valor: 406
Get in Shape! / ¡Póngase en Forma!
10 Gym Visits to this 123,000 square feet of fitness space. Part of DePaul University and serves
the larger community. Can also be used for classes.
Donated by / Donación de: Ray Meyer Fitness
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
Three-month gym membership / Membresía para el gimnasio de tres meses
3 month membership.
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 408
Cheetah Gym (Andersonville)
Chicago White Sox vs. Cleveland Indians / Chicago White Sox vs. Cleveland Indians
4 Chicago White Sox Tickets + parking for 8/17 game against the Cleveland Indians.
Donated by / Donación de: WLS TV
Value / Valor: 409
Chicago Bears - Autographed Photo / Foto Autografiada de los Bears de Chicago
Limited edition action shot with laser autographs. Signature of four leaders of the Bears
Team: Jay Cutler, Julius Pepper, Brian Urlacher and Devin Hester.
Donated by / Donación de: Chicago Bears
Value / Valor: 410
Signed Soriano’s Bat / Bate de Soriano Autografiado
Signed Alfonso Soriano bat.
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 411
Chicago Cubs
White Sox Tickets with Signed Ramirez Baseball / Tiquetes a los White Sox
con pelota de beisbol autografiada por Ramirez
Signed Ramirez baseball and 4 Lower Box tickets (July 7)
Chicago White Sox
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 412
Chicago Bulls - Joakim Noah Autographed Pennant / Insignia Autografiada
por Joakim Noah de los Bulls de Chicago
Joakim Noah signed pennant
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: Chicago Bulls
Children & Family / Niños y Familia
Top Kid Chef? / ¿El Mejor Chef Joven?
One session of kid’s cooking classes (4 weeks).
Donated by / Donación de: The Kids Table
Value / Valor: 502
Haircut and More / Corte de pelo y más
Two $20 Gift Certificates and shampoo, amazing haircut and blow dry.
Donated by / Donación de: Snippets
Value / Valor: Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Language Package / Paquete de Idiomas
Language Stars specializes in teaching Spanish, German, French, Italian and Mandarin
Chinese through play and FunImmersion. This package includes a kid’s t-shirt. Around the
World with Language Stars CD and a $100 gift certificate towards tuition.
Donated by / Donación de: Language Stars
Value / Valor: 504
Language Classes / Clases de Idiomas
Multilingual Chicago is a language school in the Logan Square/Avondale area that offers
group and/or private training in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, French, Italian, Russian, German,
Korean, Arabic and other languages. Our adult classes address culture at every step, and our
kids’ classes incorporate culture, music, movement and art. Gift Certificate for one month of
language class for kids ages 1-5 including Spanish, French, Mandarin, Hindi or Korean. Valid
until 6/4/12.
Donated by / Donación de: Multilingual Chicago
Value / Valor: 505
Field Museum Membership / Membresía al Field Museum
One year Field Adventurer Access level membership that includes free admission for two
adults and your children under the age of 18 in addition to six tickets to each special
Donated by / Donación de: Field Museum
Value / Valor: 506
Chicago Children’s Museum Day Outing / Paseo de un Día al Museo de
Niños de Chicago
One day family pass for 2 adults and 2 children. Bonus: 2 watches - Valid through 5/31/2012.
Donated by / Donación de: Chicago Children’s Museum
Value / Valor: 507
Top Kid Chef 2?/ ¿El Mejor Chef Joven 2?
2 Children’s Cooking Classes.
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 508
The Chopping Block
Fashionista Eyewear / Anteojos de Moda
Use two $25 gift certificates toward your next purchase.
Donated by / Donación de: Aardvark Eyewear
Value / Valor: 509
Make Math Make Sense! / Haga que las Matemáticas Tengan Sentido
At Mathnasium, we specialize in teaching kids math the way that makes sense to them.
Mathnasium West DePaul is located near Chicago’s DePaul University. Mathnasium $200
voucher which may be used to purchase any services offered. Good through 12/31/11.
Donated by / Donación de: Mathnasium West DePaul
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
Pamper Your Pet / Consienta a su Mascota
Three 30.00 Gift certificates toward pet services and/or goods.
Donated by / Donación de: Bark Bark Club
Value / Valor: 511
Lil’ Picasso / Pequeño Picasso
2 Messy admission packages includes an entire day of exploration at the Splat’tacular art
tables, making a colorful bubble masterpiece in Bubble’ology, and two lesson based activities.
Donated by / Donación de: Make a Messterpiece
Value / Valor: 512
Soccer Crazy? Your choice - class or birthday party! / ¿Locura por el fútbol?
Puede escoger entre una clase o fiesta de cumpleaños.
Good for one class session or one birthday party.
Donated by / Donación de: Lil’ Kickers
Value / Valor: 513
American Girl - Josephina / Muñeca American Girl - Josephina
Treat a girl you love to the Josephina doll and her book!
Donated by / Donación de: American Girl
Value / Valor: $100
Who Loves Shrek? / ¿Quien ama a Shrek?
Shrek DVD 4 movie pack for the Shrek lover in your life. Donated by Jennifer Goolsby
Donated by / Donación de: Jennifer Goolsby
Value / Valor: 515
Yummy Cupcakes - Put on the Finishing Touches! / Pastelitos Deliciosos ¡Añádale el Toque Personal!
Birthday to Go Set Includes: 12 cupcakes (chocolate or vanilla), 4 icing colors, assorted
sprinkles, and fondant cutouts (flowers, polka dots or stars). Have fun decorating to your
heart’s desire - bonding activity with your favorite kid?
Donated by / Donación de: Angel Food Bakery
Value / Valor: $50
516 Musical Birthday / Cumpleaños Musical
Celebrate your child’s birthday with music-making fun! Harmonious Horizons will provide
30 minutes of music at your birthday location. Birthday child can request favorite songs to
be included in the music portion of the party. Each child attending the birthday party will
receive a gift bag containing a CD and age-appropriate musical instruments (for up to 20
children). Birthday child will receive an additional “Happy Birthday” musical instrument. For
children up through age 5. Please call to arrange a mutually agreeable date. Gift certificate
expires on 6/4/12.
Donated by / Donación de: Harmonious Horizons
Value / Valor: $125
Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Fashion/Shopping / Moda/Compras
Target Gift Card / Certificado de Regalo de Target
$25 Target Gift Card.
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 602
Familia Rivera Romero
Kid Shoe Fetish? / ¿Obsesión por zapatos de niño?
$40 Gift Certificate for that must-have pair of shoes!
Donated by / Donación de: Piggy Toes
Value / Valor: 603
Andersonville Shopper / De Compras en Andersonville
Go on an Andersonville mini-shopping spree at favorites like Women & Children First
bookstore $25.00 Gift Certificate; Alamo Shoes $25.00 Gift Certificate and Toys et Cetera.
Package includes a bonus watch.
Donated by / Donación de: Women & Children First, Alamo Shoes and Toys et Cetera
Value / Valor: 604
Ray Ban Sunglasses - Select Your Style! / Gafas de Sol Ray Ban - ¡Escoja su
One free pair of Ray Ban Sunglasses up to $189 value. Expires 12/31/11.
Donated by / Donación de: Custom Eyes
Value / Valor: 605
Turquoise Jewelry 1 / Joya de Turquesas 1
Sterling silver necklace with turquoise, pearls, crystals, wood beads. Donated by Patricia Perez
Donated by / Donación de: Patricia Perez
Value / Valor: 606
Turquoise Jewelry 2 / Joya de Turquesas 2
Sterling necklace with extender chain turquoise, cateye, crystals on sterling silver.
Donatedby / Donación de: Patricia Perez
Value / Valor: 607
Get Your Groupon! / ¡Compre su Groupon! (Set 1)
Deal junkies - what will the next Groupon deal be? Get credit to your account with 2 $50.00
gift certificates and use it on your next purchase!
Donated by / Donación de: Groupon
Value / Valor: 608
Get Your Groupon! / ¡Compre su Groupon! (Set 2)
Deal junkies - what will the next Groupon deal be? Get credit to your account with a $50.00
gift certificate and use it on your next purchase!
Donated by / Donación de: Groupon
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
Handmade and Original Style Jewelry / Joyas Originales y Hechas a Mano
Beautiful handmade aqua blue and black allure peyote 8 inch bracelet, 18 inch necklace and
2 inch earring set.
Donated by / Donación de: Chicka’s Jewelry
Value / Valor: $137
Art-Handicrafts-Home / Arte-Manualidades-Hogar
Painting by Local Artist - Cranch / Pintura de Artista Local - Cranch
Bird painting by local artist.
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 702
Molly Cranch
Photography - Bauer / Fotografía - Bauer
“Bug-Eyed Cow” Framed photograph of cow in Himtermoos Autria and signed by artist, 4th of 10.
Donated by / Donación de: Randi Bauer
Value / Valor: 703
Photography - Bauer 2 / Fotografía - Bauer 2
“Maisfeld in Buch, Germany” Framed photograph of cornfield in Buch am Buchrain, Germany
signed by artist, 1st of 10.
Donated by / Donación de: Randi Bauer
Value / Valor: 704
Artwork - Bibiana Suarez / Obra de arte - Bibiana Suarez
Original artwork “Carmen Mezoamericano”. Artist proof from the series Memoria by nationally
renowned Puerto Rican artist Bibiana Suarez.
Donated by / Donación de: Bibiana Suarez
Value / Valor: 705
Santos Banner / Estandarte Santos
Santos Banner. This banner hung in conjunction with an exhibition of New Mexican Santos at
the DePaul University Museum.
Donated by / Donación de: DePaul University
Value / Valor: $50
706a Handmade Purse 1 / Cartera Hecha a Mano 1
Handmade purse from La Coqueta.
Donated by / Donación de: Sara Wohlleb
Value / Valor: $40
706b Handmade Purse 2 / Cartera Hecha a Mano 2
Handmade purse from La Coqueta.
Donated by / Donación de: Sara Wohlleb
Value / Valor: Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Memories Package / Paquete de Memorias
Insert your favorite photo into this memories package that includes a photo tray, photo snow
globe and Winnie the Pooh growth cube.
Donated by / Donación de: Anonymous
Value / Valor: 708
Custom Framing / Enmarcado Profesional
For over 50 years we have been helping Chicagoans beautifully design and frame their
works of art, mirrors, and other keepsakes, all with extremely competitive pricing. $100 Gift
Donated by / Donación de: Peterson Picture Company
Value / Valor: 709
Perfect for the Art Lover / Perfecto para el Amante del Arte
Three books on various aspects of art from Peru, Mexico and various places in between;
scholarly and popular. Diego/Frida magnet finger puppets for fun!
Donated by / Donación de: Delia Cosentino and Randi Bauer
Value / Valor: 710
Home Makeover? / ¿Redecoración de su Casa?
Start off your home makeover with a 90-minute interior design consultation with Phillip
Bernal Design. For almost 20 years, Phillip Bernal has been a part of Chicago’s interior design
community and worked on many homes including local luminaries and civic leaders. He is
known for his ability to create a design concept reflective of the homeowner’s desires and
needs. A favorite quote of Phillip’s: “Let the room grow and it tells you the what the next step
is.” Expires 6/30/12.
Donated by / Donación de: Phillip Bernal Design
Value / Valor: 711
Handmade Doll / Muñeca Hecha a Mano
Red girl handmade doll and purse
Donated by / Donación de: Green Genes
Value / Valor: 712
Drowning In Your Kid’s Art? Artimus To The Rescue! / ¿Ahogado en las Obras
de Arte de su Niño/a?
Picasso had nothing on your child. But until the Louvre calls, there’s another way to preserve
their amazing talents. . .This kind of treasure shouldn’t be buried in the basement or in
storage. Show off all that kid art in a beautiful art collection book by winning a gift certificate
for the Little Red Wagon Package.
* 1 - 24 Page Custom Art Book
* Free On-Line Art Gallery
* Custom Book Cover w / Typeset
* Gentle Image Restoration
Donated by / Donación de: Artimus
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
Puerto Rican Pride / Orgullo Puertorriqueño
Bandera de Bamba. Framed 8 1/2 x 11 print of an oil on canvas painting of the Puerto Rican
flag and Bamba drums.
Donatedvby / Donación de: Leo Negron
Value / Valor: 714
Professional Photography Session / Sesión de Fotografía Profesional
Photography session for 1-4 people. Must book by 6/30/11.
Donated by / Donación de: Doan Ho Photography
Value / Valor: $200
School Sponsored Events
Kindergarten Graduation - Front Row Seats for 2 - (Set 1) / Graduación de
Kínder - Asientos de Primera Fila para 2 (Set 1)
Watch your pride and joy graduate from kindergarten in style - 2 front row seats. Increase
your changes of getting all of those photos and film every precious moment.
Donated by / Donación de: Inter-American Magnet School
Value / Valor: 802
Kindergarten Graduation - Front Row Seats for 2 - (Set 2) / Graduación de
Kínder - Asientos de Primera Fila para 2 (Set 2)
Watch your pride and joy graduate from kindergarten in style - 2 front row seats. Increase
your changes of getting all of those photos and film every precious moment.
Donated by / Donación de: Inter-American Magnet School
Value / Valor: Priceless
803a Have lunch with your favorite Kindergarten teacher / Almuerce con su
Maestra de Kínder Favorita
Mrs. Lopez. Lunch with your Kindergarten teacher at Whole Foods. TBD - the week of June
7-10. Fun and exciting!
Awilda Lopez-Yolich
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: Priceless
803b Have lunch with your favorite Kindergarten teacher / Almuerce con su
Maestra de Kínder Favorita
Mrs. Perez. Lunch with your Kindergarten teacher at Whole Foods. TBD - the week of June
7-10. Fun and exciting!
Donated by / Donación de: Alina Perez
Value / Valor: Priceless
803c Have lunch with your favorite Kindergarten teacher / Almuerce con su
Maestra de Kínder Favorita
Ms. Mann. Lunch with your Kindergarten teacher at Whole Foods. TBD - the week of June
7-10. Fun and exciting!
Jessica Mann
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Food & Drink / Comida y Bebida
Private Dinner for Six Guests / Cena Privada para Seis Huéspedes
Love to entertain and hate to cook? Take advantage of a private chef who will prepare a
dinner for 6.
Jason Myers, Chef
Donated by / Donación de: Value / Valor: 902
BBQ Lovers / Amantes de la Parrilla
Take your favorite people out to enjoy BBQ with this restaurant gift certificate.
Donated by / Donación de: Fat Willy’s Rib Shack
Value / Valor: 903
Red or Green Sauce? / ¿Salsa Roja o Verde?
Check out Abiquiu Cafe that specializes in New Mexican inspired cuisine - they are all about
chiles and roast their own chiles to make sauce from scratch.
Donated by / Donación de: Abiquiu Café
Value / Valor: 904
Hidden Gem in Uptown / Joya Escondida en Uptown
Yelp reviewers rave about La Ciudad and its Mexican cuisine and friendly staff. Winner walks
away with a dinner for two that includes one appetizer, two entrees and one dessert.
Donated by / Donación de: La Ciudad
Value / Valor: 905
Relive Your College Days / Reviva su Epoca de Universidad
Complimentary Party: You & your friends will receive an hour of complimentary draft beers at
the Schoolyard Tavern. Taste 14 different draft beers. Parties must be pre-arranged and dates
will be mutually agreed upon. Please be prepared to tip staff. Expires 8/30/11
Donated by / Donación de: Schoolyard Tavern & Grill
Value / Valor: 906
Weekend Warriors Party / Fiesta para Guerreros de Fin de Semana
Kick off your weekend with friends by enjoying an hour of complimentary appetizers and
beverages at the Brownstone Tavern. Parties must be pre-arranged and dates mutually
agreed upon. Please be prepared to tip staff. Expires 8/30/11
Donated by / Donación de: Brownstone Tavern & Grill
Value / Valor: 907
Sex and the City - Girls Night Out / Sexo y la Ciudad - Noche de Chicas
Make it a Girls Night Out! One hour of complimentary Svedka Vodka mixed drinks (all flavors
included) and domestic drafts. Parties must be pre-arranged and mutually agreed upon.
Please be prepared to tip staff. Expires 8/30/11
Donated by / Donación de: Gaslight Bar & Grille
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
Frontera Foods Basket - Yummy Gift or Treat Yourself? / Canasta de
Productos de Frontera - Delicioso para un Regalo o para Gozar en Familia
Basket of Frontera Foods products, signed book and gift card.
Donated by / Donación de: Frontera Grill
Value / Valor: $400
Buen Provecho from Rick Bayless / Buen Provecho de Rick Bayless
Be Like Rick Bayless / Sea como Rick Bayless
Often described as “the best Mexican restaurants in America,” take the opportunity to dine
at legendary Frontera Grill or Topolobampo. Or check out Chef Rick Bayless’ XOCO with its
Mexican “street” food - but trust us, it is all scrumptious. $200 Gift Certificate - spend it anyway
you want and all at once at one restaurant or at all three.
Donated by / Donación de: Frontera/XOCO/Topolobampo
Value / Valor: $200
Always wanted to know how to make that incredible dish? Learn how from this set of seven
Rick Bayless’ autographed cook books.
Donated by / Donación de: Rick Bayless
Value / Valor: 911
A Taste of Albany Park / El Sabor de Albany Park
Enjoy Semiramis’ lebanese cuisine at the place voted “Best Falafel” by Chicago Magazine 2009
with a $30.00 gift certificate toward lunch or dinner and then have dessert with a $35.00 gift
certificate to Jaafer Sweets.
Donated by / Donación de: Semiramis and Jaafer Sweets
Value / Valor: 912
Uptown Treasure / Tesoro de Uptown
Ceres Table’s ever-changing menu takes advantage of seasonal and locally focused fare.
Ceres is the ancient Roman goddess of the harvest and was born in Sicily - like their chef.
Wonderful food. Dinner anyone? $50 Gift Certificate.
Donated by / Donación de: Ceres Table
Value / Valor: 913
Andersonville Landmark - the Hopleaf / Emblema de Andersonville - el Hopleaf
Known for its 100s of beers, the Hopleaf serves up some delicious food too! Try the steamed
mussels in white wine. $50 gift card for food & beverage at this 21 and up establishment.
Donated by / Donación de: Hopleaf
Value / Valor: 914
In the Mood for Mexican Cuisine? / ¿Que tal comida Mexicana?
Edgewater location offering dinner for 4 - value $135.
Donated by / Donación de: That Little Mexican Café
Value / Valor: Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Fan of Hot Dogs and Sausages? You haven’t experienced anything / ¿Fan de
Perros Calientes y Salchichas? Aún no ha experimentado nada...
Known as the Encased Meats Emporium and Sausage Superstore - check out the menu with
The Elvis, The Salma Hayek and Duck Fat Fries. Hot Doug’s $30.00 Gift Certificate and t-shirt.
T-shirt may be exchanged for another style, color or size.
Donated by / Donación de: Hot Doug’s
Value / Valor: 916
Party at My Place / Fiesta en mi Casa
Take advantage of these gift certificates to throw your own party. $25.00 In Fine Spirits gift
card for food & beverage. Irv and Shelly’s Fresh Picks $50.00 gift certificate for home delivery
of local and organic food.(organic delivery service) and a $20.00 Belmont Flower Market gift
Donated by / Donación de: In Fine Spirits, Irv and Shelly’s Fresh Picks and Belmont Flower Market
Value / Valor: 917
Foodie Delight / Delicia del Gastrónomo
Gourmet gift basket that includes goodies such as smoked salon pate, chocolate, and
assorted tea sampler.
Donated by / Donación de: E.G. Sales
Value / Valor: 918
Chocolate Fountain Extravaganza for 20 / Extravagancia con Fuente de
Chocolate para 20
Every chocoholics dream event! Feast on a chocolate fountain party in your home with an
assortment of homemade cookies and seasonal fruits for your dipping pleasure. Warning DO NOT WEAR WHITE! Redeem by 6/30/2012.
Donated by / Donación de: Mike and Susan Kuhn
Value / Valor: 919
Taste of Italy / El Sabor de Italia
Delicious Italian food in the Lakeview neighborhood. $50 Gift Certificate.
Donated by / Donación de: Fornello Trattoria
Value / Valor: 920
Let’s Go Out! Dinner for 4 / ¡Salgamos! Cena para 4
Eat drink and be merry. Dinner for four. Alcohol and gratuity not included. expires 5/2012
Donated by / Donación de: Club Lago
Value / Valor: 921
Drinks On Me! Restaurant Gift Certificate / ¡Yo invito a las bebidas!
Certificado de regalo
Hang out at the Tiny Lounge, near Lincoln and Montrose. $50 Gift certificate. Must be 21 and
Donated by / Donación de: Tiny Lounge
Value / Valor: 3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Silent Auction
NAHA Restaurant Gift Certificate - Foodies Rejoice! / Certificado de Regalo
para NAHA - ¡Gastrónomos deléitense!
Zagat raved about NAHA - ”innovative fine dining, consistenly among the best.” Enjoy NAHA’s
blend of Mediterranean and America’s West Coast with a liberal sprinkling from everywhere,
including their own Midwest blend. Located downtown Chicago.
Donated by / Donación de: NAHA
Value / Valor: 923
Truffles Delight / Deleite de Trufas
Inspired by the Aztecs and the birth of chocolate, the Aztec Collection includes ancho
chillies, Ceylon cinnamon, Mexican vanilla beans and Argentinean dulce de leche. A 9 piece
box of Aztec Truffles, Red Fire Bar and Aztec Elixir cocoa are tied in a tower. Consume truffles
within 10 days.
Donated by / Donación de: Vosges
Value / Valor: Silent Auction
Inter-American Magnet School
Thank you
Magnet School
for giving our church
a temporary place
to call home.
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Morgan K. Sage
“Use Sage Advice for
Buying and Selling Homes”
Inter-American Magnet School
Hoy full page ad
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Handmade and original style
by Rita Lozada
Fresh Beautiful Styles For The Everyday Woman!
Created with unique techniques and a variety of wires such
as steel, brass, copper, sterling silver (925) and gold filled
(12K), our designs will make you stand out! Choose from a
beautiful selection of earrings, necklaces and bracelets
made with semi precious stones.
Visit us 28
Inter-American Magnet School
Fornello Trattoria
is proud to support
Inter-American Magnet
Congratulations on 35 Years!
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Congratulations Inter-American School
on another successful school year!
Proud supporter of
Magnet School’s
commitment to education
and its unique dual
immersion program.
Inter-American Magnet School
SINCE 1999
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
The Avila Family
Congratulates Inter-American
on 35 years of bi-lingual education!
¡ Felicidades a la escuela Inter-Americana por
35 años de educación bilingüe!
Is proud to support
Inter-American School.
Inter-American Magnet School
Felicidades a la Escuela Inter-Americana por 35 años enseñando
justicia social y la cultura de las Américas en dos idiomas!
Congratulations to Inter-American Magnet School for 35 years of teaching
social justice and the culture of the Americas in two languages!
Andra and Maya Gomberg, Margot Gordon, Luis Vera, and Lucas and Aaron Gordon-Vera
Congratulations to Inter-American Magnet School
On 35 Great Years!!!
Tom Tunney
Alderman, 44th Ward
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Inter-American Magnet School
Free admission is just the beginning.
Membership offers you the opportunity to participate in
a unique way in the Museum’s many offerings—from
exhibitions to symposia to member events—while
ensuring the Museum’s future and supporting its mission.
Your membership helps further the mission of the
National Museum of Mexican Art. With support of our
valuable members, the Museum is able to engage
audiences in the richness and beauty of Mexican art
and culture. Please consider becoming a member today
or give the gift of membership.
www. nationalmuseumofmexicanar t .org
1852 West 19th Street
Chicago, IL 60608
3.5 Unidos en Tecnología
Our heartfelt thank you to all of the individuals and organizations who believe in
dreaming big for tomorrow! Inter-American Magnet School greatly appreciates everyone
who has given their support to iAMS 3.5 Unidos en Tecnologia, especially our volunteers
and donors.
¡Nuestro más sentido agradecimiento a todos aquellos individuos y organizaciones que
creen en grandes sueños para el futuro! La Escuela Inter-Americana quiere expresar su
gran aprecio a todos aquellos que dieron su apoyo a iAMS 3.5, especialmente nuestros
voluntarios y donantes.
Angelica Araujo
Dulca Ayala
Clay Barbour Family
Randi Bauer
Beam Global
Kate Beckering
Lauren Bergquist
John Bicknell
Jill Bishop
Tim Brent
Martina Brockway
Ana Camino
Carlos R. Cardenas
Molly Cranch
Marifran Creed
Steve Espinosa
Sergio Fernandez
Omaira Figueroa
Rosario Garcia
Elsa Garza
Rachel More Giglotti
Davis Goolsby
Mary Gustafson
Luis Gutierrez
Jodi Henson
Jaafer Sweets
Awilda Lopez-Yolich
Rita Lozada
Jessica Mann
Eduvijes Martinez
Marti Mendoza
Jason Meyers
Lucia Morales
Michelle Morales
Mateo Mulchy
Clemente Nicado
Sessy Nyman
Heather Ondersma
Alina Perez
Julian Perez
Nancy Perez
Nikki and Vince Pesch
America Pineda
Lara Prestipino
Veronique Radcliff
Familia Rivera Romero
Karla Rodriguez
Sensational Bites
Elsa Shalaveyus
Gracia Shiffrin
Carla Shortino
Elizabeth Sierra
Alejandro Solorio
Southport Blooms
Mike Timble
Cynthia Torres
Torres Omar Jewelry
Carlos Tortolero
Vernita M. Vallez
Mara Vander Muelen
Edna Vidaurre
Jaime Viteri
Sara Wohlleb
Lindy Wordlaw
Audra Young
Nancy Zwick
iAMS 3.5 Committee
Ileana Cervantes (Event and Auction
Jennifer Goolsby (Event Co-Chair)
Ana Maria Acosta
Jimena Baquero
Tiffany Chiang
Delia Cosentino
Jen Fite
Nicolas Nieto
Megan Petrulis (Auction Co-Chair)
Mark Smithivas
Rachel Scheu
Estela Velasquez
Tom Wilder
Jill Wohl
El propósito del Comité de iAMS 3.5 es reconocer a todos los voluntarios y donantes. Por favor sepa que si se quedó
alguien por fuera de la lista, no fué intencional.
The iAMS 3.5 Committee’s desire is to recognize all of our volunteers and donors. Please know that if we missed anyone,
it was unintentional.
Magnet School
851 W Waveland Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60613