Política de Protección de Datos y Privacidad - Knorr

Parque Empresarial "La Carpetania" · C/ Miguel Faraday, 1 · 28906 Getafe (Madrid)
Sociedad Española de Frenos,
Calefacción y Señales, S.A.
The information gathered from users of this web-site can be received by the following means:
Information provided by the user themselves using contact addresses (e-mail)
Registration processes for certain services offered on the web-site
The personal ID information will be exclusively used to reply to your requests and offer you information on
the Sociedad Española de Frenos, Calefacción y Señales, S.A., except in those cases where other ends
exist and your express and specific consent is obtained for this.
Some of the services we provide might be based on registration, in which personal information will be
requested. The data that you provide will be used exclusively to offer you information services within the
ambit they were requested for, it being possible to update the registration data should you not wish to
receive further information or wish to change its content.
Sociedad Española de Frenos, Calefacción y Señales, S.A. processes the personal information in strict
compliance with personal data-related legislation, in particular Organic Law 15/1999 regarding Personal
Data Protection and later regulatory developments.
In this regard all personal data collated will be added to files registered in the General Data Protection
Record in the name of Sociedad Española de Frenos, Calefacción y Señales, S.A. in compliance with all
established obligations, especially those relating to adhering to the principles of dissemination and consent.
In keeping with the Security Measure Regulations, Sociedad Española de Frenos, Calefacción y Señales,
S.A. also has established technological and operational security policies and procedures to protect your
personal information against loss, misuse, modification or unintentional destruction and at all times
safeguards its confidentiality.
This is all without detriment to the exercise of your rights to access, rectify, cancel and contest under the
terms laid down under prevailing legislation by writing to:
Referenc e: Derechos LOPD
By post to:
Sociedad Española de Frenos, Calefacción y Señales, S.A.
Human Resources Dept.
Parque Empresarial “La Carpetania”
C/ Miguel Faraday, 1
28906 Getafe (Madrid)
By e-mail to::
Sociedad Española de Frenos, Calefacción y Señales, S.A. · Parque Empresarial “La Carpetania” · C/ Miguel Faraday 1 · 28906 Getafe (Madrid)
Tfno.: +34 91 145 94 00 · Fax: +34 91 145 94 44· E-Mail: sefrenos@knorr-bremse.com · Página web: www.knorr-bremse.es
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid, Tomo 5942, Libro 0, Folio 97, Sección 8ª - Hoja nº M-97201 · C.I.F. A28013423
Knorr-Bremse Group