THE VERB TO GET TO GET can be used in a number of patterns and has a number of meanings. TO GET + DIRECT OBJECT = TO OBTAIN, TO RECEIVE, TO BUY – obtener, conseguir, recibir, comprar I got my passport last week. (to obtain) Conseguí mi pasaporte la semana pasada. I got a letter from my friend in Nigeria. (to receive) Me llegó una carta de Nigeria. We got a new television for the sitting room. (to buy) Compramos una televisión nueva para el salón. TO GET + PLACE EXPRESSION = REACH, ARRIVE AT A PLACE -ir, llegar a un lugar How are you getting home tonight? ¿Cómo vas a casa esta noche? We got to London around 6 p.m. Llegamos a Londres a las 6. TO GET + ADJECTIVE = BECOME, SHOW A CHANGE OF STATE -hacerse, volverse, cambio de estado I am getting old. Me estoy haciendo mayor. It gets dark very early in the winter. Oscurece temprano en invierno. TO GET + PREPOSITION/ADVERB = PHRASAL VERBS WITH VARIOUS MEANINGS TO GET + MEANING AT try to express querer llegar, querer decir I think I see what you're getting at. I agree. Creo que entiendo lo que quieres decir. Estoy de acuerdo. AWAY WITH escape punishment for a crime or bad action salirse con la suya, escapar, librarse I can't believe you got away with cheating on that test! No me puedo creer que te escaparas copiando en aquel examen. BY manage (financially) arreglarse, apañarse (económicamente) Sam doesn't earn much, but we get by. Sam no gana mucho, pero nos arreglamos. DOWN depress, descend desanimar This rain is really getting me down. Esta lluvia me está desanimando mucho. OFF leave a form of transport bajarse, apearse We got off the train just before the bomb exploded. Nos bajamos del tren justo antes de que la bomba explotase. ON enter/sit on a form of transport embarcar, subirse, montarse He got on his bicycle and rode down the street. Se montó en la biblioteca y fue calle abajo. ON WITH informal (be friends) llevarse (bien) con If you can't get on with your boss, it might be better to quit. Si no puedes llevarte con tu jefe, tal vez sea mejor renunciar. do without delay seguir con, ponerse con Don't watch TV. Just get on with your homework! No veas televisión, ¡sigue con tu tarea! OUT OF avoid doing something, especially a duty eludir algo, librase de I need to get out of my meeting this afternoon because I have a doctor's appointment. Tengo que eludir la reunión de esta tarde porque tengo cita con el doctor. OVER recover (from an illness, a surprise) recuperarse, mejorarse I hope you get over your flu really quickly. Espero que te recuperes pronto de tu gripe. THROUGH informal survive superar, seguir adelante The global recession has been tough on everyone, but we will get through it. La recesión global ha sido difícil para todos, pero la superaremos. UP leave your bed levantarse de la cama I had to get up early today for a meeting at 7:00 AM. Tuve que levantarme temprano hoy para una reunión a las 7:00 AM. UP TO do - usually something bad hacer travesuras The children are very quiet. I wonder what they're getting up to. Los niños están muy tranquilos. Me pregunto qué están tramando.